Bristol City Council - Executive Cabinet June 2009

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  • Words: 295
  • Pages: 1
Liberal Democrat Cabinet 2009 Cllr Barbara Janke - Leader • Council's Strategic Plans • Bristol Partnership including Economic Development and Green Capital • Budget • Corporate Communications and Marketing • Local and Multi Area Agreements Cllr Simon Cook - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Culture, Sport and Tourism Projects • Cultural services, Arts and Sport • Community Education/ Lifelong Learning, including Libraries • Tourism • Capital Projects • Capital Programme Cllr Michael Popham - Cabinet Member for Efficiency and Value for Money • Business Transformation Programme • Customer Excellence Programme • Internal Support Services • Building Schools for the Future Cllr Jon Rogers - Cabinet Member for Transport and Sustainability • Planning • Transport, Access and Congestion, including Sub-Regional and Citywide Transport Strategy • Sustainable Development • Climate Change (shared with Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety) Cllr Tim Kent - Cabinet Member for Housing and Service Improvement • Improvement • Performance Plan • Housing Services, HRA and the NHS General Fund Housing activities Cllr Clare Campion-Smith - Cabinet Member for Children and Young People • Education Services, including Educational Attainment • Integrated Children's Social Care Services • Statutory responsibilities of the Lead Member for Children's Services • Integrated Youth Services • Skills Cllr Gary Hopkins - Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety • Community Safety, including Safer Bristol Partnership and Respect agenda • Waste and Streetscene Services, including Sub-Regional and Citywide Waste Strategy • Parks and Green Spaces • Public Protection, Licensing and Environmental Services • Climate Change (shared with Cabinet Member for Transport and Sustainability) • Equalities and Community Cohesion Cllr Bev Knott - Cabinet Member for Care and Neighbourhoods • Adult Community Care • Corporate Older People's strategy • Health Promotion • Neighbourhood Management / Partnerships and Community Development

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