Branding The Hr Way

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  • Words: 658
  • Pages: 22



Ø Preeti Ø Ritika


BRAND Brand has been define as “name, term, sign, or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods & services of one seller or group of seller & to differentiate them from those of the competitors.


The package of functional, economical and psychological benefits provided by the employment and identified with the employing company.

Evolution of HR Brand 


STAGE 1 Branding as a logo for part icular product

STAGE 2 dividual product /service brand st rat egy wit h HR support ing product

STAGE 3 rporat e brand act as value for st rat egic w it h HR support ing product

STAGE 4 rat e brand seen as a cent erpiece of st rat egy wit h HR pivot al driving role

Brand as a system: 

Brand can be consider as a system. The brand system has four components: ØOffer ØIdentity ØExperience ØImage

Offer 

It is the service or group of services that the brand rendered to its customer. In the content of HR offer could be visualized as – Compensation package, tanning programs, good working environment, etc. 

Identity Brand identity implies how a customer actually perceives a brand or a company. Names, logos, slogans, advertising, packaging, vision and mission strategy of HR department make up the brand identity. 

Image 

Brand image is what the people think of the brand. The internal customers are the people who carry the brand image forward. This is based on the interactions with HR department.

Experience 

Brand experience is the aggregate of all the perception that result from the interaction with a brand. Employees assign different level of importance to different facts of their experience.

4 Ps of HR ØPeople Øpackage/Pay ØPerformance ØProspects

People 

The challenge faced while structuring the brand is to establish a sustainable strong partnerships with both internal and external customers.

internal customer

Int eract ion of HR depart m ent  

external customer

Package/Pay 

That is pay for performance. It refers to a wide range of compensation options, including merit based pay, bonuses, salary, and group incentives.

Performance 

This factor can be viewed in two dimensions:-

qActual performance 

qPerformance management

Prospects 

This component of HR discusses the need for career development and advancement within the organization. Most of organization prepare interesting & attractive brochures to describe career path.

High Performances HR practices 

HRM practices which help in building a consistent HR brand:v Highly selective hiring and focus on attitudes & cultural fit. v Extensive training & skill development. v Self managed teams & decentralization of DM. v Equal importance to both techinical & conceptual skills.

Cont… vReduction of status & wage inequality vEmployment security vBetter compensation package vOrganizational performance & employee ownership vTransparency in financial & performance of organization

Benefits of building a brand for HR department: qCredibility qAct as catalyst for pushing change qShorthand communication for getting message out qHelps in recruitment & retention of best employee qIT enhances performance & commitment of employees qMaintaining brand identity qAligns individual goal

Benefits of building a brand for HR department qCredibility qAct as catalyst for pushing change qShorthand communication for getting message out qHelps in recruitment & retention of best employee qIT enhances performance & commitment of employees qMaintaining brand identity qAligns individual goal 

Limitations: 1.Employees perception at all times is not same. 2.There is no appropriate method for prioritizing 3.People may not have proper knowledge towards branding. 4.Marketing and branding always overlap and create confusion

Conclusion: 

We go for brand because of reliability. It’s the popular brand which provide reliability. The practices and policies of HR department and its outlook create a certain brand for HR. The popular the brand, the better are the chances that an organization can attract the best talent.


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