Brandenburg 14-04-07

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 5

The Great Elector: Fredrik Wilhelm

Brandenburg Army 1655-1660 Characters: Great Elector, General, Army Standard Bearer, Protestant Minister, Oberst and Master Gunner. Core Units: Prussian Reiters, Prussian Gallopers, Prussian Foot Regiments and light artillery. Special Units: Cuirassiers, Dragoons, City Foot Regiments and medium artillery. Rare Units: Prussian Guard Cavalry (1 unit only in army), and heavy artillery. Mercenaries: may spend 25% on the following Mercenaries; German Mercenary Harquebusiers and German Mercenary foot and Scottish Mercenary foot. Allies: Can spend up to 25% of points cost on allies from one only of the following lists; Reliable Allies: Sweden 1655-56– Colonel, 1-2 Swedish horse, 0-1 Finnish horse, 0-1 Dragoons, 0-1 Swedish foot regiments and 0-2 light cannon. Poland 1657-60– Rotmistrz, 0-1 Hussar unit, 1-3 Pancerni units, 0-2 Polish Rajtar units and 0-1 Lithuanian Tartar unit. Austria 1657-60 – Colonel, 1-2 Cuirassiers, 0-2 Trotters and 0-2 Austrian infantry regiments. Reluctant Allies: Lithuanian Rebels 1655-56 – Lithuanian General, 0-1 Lithuanian Hussars units, 1-2 Pancerni units, 1-2 Noble Levy cavalry, 0-1 Lithuanian Tartars and 0-1 Polish Dragoons. *Allied units are listed under respective national lists.

Special rules: Units and Leaders: All units can have only one character as well as a leader.

Salvo Fire: Veteran and Elite units may use salvo fire (+2pt). Gallopers: All veteran and elite galloper units gain a +1 rank bonus in close combat. Skirmish fire: When in skirmish formation mounted and foot figures with carbine\musket can fire only every second man except for Dragoons who can fire every man.

Characters: 0-1 Great Elector Fredrik Wilhelm of Brandenburg and Prussia Morale M WS BS S T W I A Elite 8 5 3 4 4 3 4 2

Ld 9

Sv 6+

Points 122

Equipment: Sword and pistols. Mounted. Options: May wear heavy armour (+2 pt), cuirassier armour (+3 pt). Special rules: Army commander, if wearing cuirassier armour must be a galloper (in this case move 6”). The Great Elector is stubborn if leading a unit of Prussian Guard. The army must take a King or General as army commander but not both in armies under 3000pts, but armies over 3000pts may take the Elector and General. In games over 3000 pts the general gives the same benefits as the King but only out to 6’’. 0-1 General Morale M Elite 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 9

Sv 6+

Points 112

Equipment: Sword and pistol, mounted. Options: May wear light armour (+1 pt), heavy armour (+2 pt) or cuirassier armour (+3 pt). Special rules: Army commander, if wearing cuirassier armour must be a Trotter (in this case move 6”) otherwise he is a Galloper. 0-1 Army Standard-Bearer Morale M WS BS Elite 8 4 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 102

Equipment: Sword and pistols. Mounted. Options: May wear heavy armour (+2 pt) or cuirassier armour (+3 pt). Special rules: Army standard-bearer, all relevant units within 12 inches may re-roll any failed leadership tests. If wearing cuirassier armour then must be a trotter (in this case move 6”), but must be attached to a cuirassier unit. 0-1 Protestant Minister Morale M WS Veteran 8 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 52

Equipment: Sword and pistols. Options: May wear light armour (+1 pt), may be mounted (free). Special rules: Must be attached to a Prussian cavalry or foot unit. The Minister and any unit he is with can reroll failed rally attempts. 0-3 Oberst Morale Veteran

M 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 8

Sv 6+

Points 52

Equipment: Sword and pistol, mounted. Options: May wear light armour (+1 pt), heavy armour (+2 pt) or cuirassier armour (+3 pt). Special rules: If wearing cuirassier armour must be a Trotter (in this case move 6”) otherwise he is a Galloper.

Cavalry: 0-1 Prussian Guard Cavalry Morale M WS BS Elite 8 4 3

S 4

T 4

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 8

Sv 4+

Points 28

Unit size: from 5-12 figures, mounted. Equipment: Heavy armour, sword and pistol. Options: May have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt) and a standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Gallopers, unit must be led by General. 0-4 Prussian Reiters Morale M WS Steady 6 3 Veteran 6 4

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 4

A 1 1

Ld 7 8

Sv 6+ 6+

Points 12 17

Unit’s size: From 5-18 figures, mounted. Equipment: Sword and pistol. Options: May wear heavy armour (+4 pt), may have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt) and a standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Trotters. There must be as many Steady figures as there are Veterans. 0-2 Prussian Gallopers Morale M WS Steady 6 3 Veteran 6 4

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 4

A 1 1

Ld 7 8

Sv 6+ 6+

Points 12 17

Unit’s size: From 5-12 figures, mounted. Equipment: Sword and pistol. Options: May wear light armour (+3 pt), may have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt) and a standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Gallopers. Must take 2 Reiter units for every Galloper unit, the Galloper unit/units must not outnumber any Reiter unit. 0-2 Prussian Cuirassiers Morale M WS Veteran 6 4

BS 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 8

Sv 4+

Points 21

Unit’s size: From 5-18 figures. Equipment: Heavy armour, sword and pistol, mounted. Options: May wear cuirassier armour (+2 pt), may have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt) and a standardbearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Trotters. 0-2 Dragoons Morale M Steady 8

WS 3

BS 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

Sv 6+

Points 12

Unit’s size: From 5-12 figures. Equipment: Sword and carbine, mounted. Options: May have an officer (+8 pt), musician (+8 pt) and a standard-bearer (+16 pt). Special rules: Dragoons.

Infantry: 0-4 Prussian Regiments Pike M WS Veteran 4 4 Elite 4 4

BS 2 2

S 3 4

T 3 4

W 1 1

I 4 4

A 1 1

Ld 7 8

Sv 6+ 6+

Points 9 12

Shot Veteran Elite

M 4 4

WS 3 4

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 4

W 1 1

I 4 4

A 1 1

Ld 7 8

Sv -

Points 9 14

Unit’s size: 15-50 figures, pike to shot ratio should be a minimum of 1/3rd to a maximum of ½ of the unit. Equipment: Sword and musket for shot, one unit may have firelock (+2); pike and sword for pike unit, may have light armour (+1). Options: May have an officer (+5), musician (+5 pt) and a standard-bearer (+10 pt). Special rules: May have salvo fire (+2pt). Shot should be organised into two sub units with a parent body of pike, all figures comprising the unit must be of the same morale.

Day 1: Battle of Warsaw 1656. 0-2 City Regiments Pike M WS Raw 4 2 Steady 4 3 Shot Raw Steady

M 4 4

WS 2 3

BS 2 2

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 2 3

A 1 1

Ld 6 7

Sv 6+ 6+

Points 3 6

BS 2 2

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 2 3

A 1 1

Ld 6 7

Sv -

Points 5 7

Unit’s size: 15-50 figures in all, Pike to shot ratio should be a minimum of 1/3rd to a maximum of ½ of the unit. Equipment: Sword and musket for shot, pike and sword for pike unit, may have light armour (+1). Options: May have an officer (+5), musician (+5 pt) and a standard-bearer (+10 pt). Special rules: Shot should be organised into two sub units with a parent body of pike, all figures comprising the unit must be of the same morale.

Artillery: 0-1 Master Gunner Morale M WS Veteran 4 3

BS 3

S 3

Equipment: Sword and pistol. Options: May wear light armour (+1 pt).

T 4

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

TA -

Points 20

Special rules: Must be attached to a medium or heavy gun. 0-2 Light guns, 3 pdr (2 crew minimum) Morale M WS S Steady 4 2 3 M S 3 pdr (cannon) 4 6


40 points plus 5 points per crew W I A Ld 3 1 2 1 6 T W Damage Range 5 1 1 30"

Equipment: Swords. Movement: Medium artillery cannot move once placed but guns can turn 45 degrees and open fire. 0- 2 Medium guns 12 pdr (3 crew minimum) Artillery morale M WS S Steady 4 2 3 M S 12 pdr (medium gun) 0 7

60 points plus 5 points per crew T W I A Ld 3 1 2 1 6 T W Damage Range 6 2 2 48"

Equipment: Battery equipment and armed with swords. Movement: Medium artillery cannot move once placed but guns can turn 45 degrees and open fire.

Day 3: Battle of Warsaw 1656 0-2 Heavy guns 24 pdr (4 crew minimum) Artillery morale M WS S Steady 4 2 3 M S 24 pdr (heavy gun) 0 8

80 points plus 5 points per crew T W I A Ld 3 1 2 1 6 T W Damage Range 7 3 3 72"

Equipment: Battery equipment and armed with swords. Movement: Heavy artillery cannot move once placed but guns can turn 45 degrees and open fire.

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