Brainstorming: Facilitating Critical Thinking By John Martin

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  • Words: 1,121
  • Pages: 18
Brainstorming Facilitating Critical Thinking

1 © 2009 John Martin.R, All rights reserved

The Human Creative Minds

Objectives 

Learn how to raise the bar for ALL learners through effective questioning.

Examine the relationship between the level of teacher questions and the ability of students to analyze, interpret, and evaluate information.

Review the research on the role of teacher questions in teaching and learning.

Explore questioning strategies that not only lead to a greater understanding of the content, but also impact students’ critical thinking skills.


Questioning 

“The important thing is not to stop questioning.” -A.Einstein


“Students should feel proud that they have a question rather than pleased that they have the answer.” -Janice Szabos

“Problem-finding will have equal importance with problem-solving. Student questioning is the tool that opens the “window” for effective, meaningful learning.” -Garnet Miller

Johnson, N. Active Questioning, 1995.



Inquisitiveness and the ability to think are essential for functioning in the present and fast-developing information society.

In the upcoming decades human intelligences, imagination, and intuition will be far more important than the machine.

Educators should create within educational arenas smart environments that enable students to work on their intelligence through reflecting on their mental capacities, their questions.

Thinking and effective inquiry are paramount skills.

Hunkins, Teaching Thinking Through Effective Questioning, 1995.

Teacher Questioning Why do teachers ask questions? – Assess student performance – Maintain student engagement – Lead students to learning moments? – Keep the Teacher’s focus – Enable the teacher to build on student answers and provide immediate feedback Research Says … i)

On the average, during classroom “recitation”, approximately 60 percent of the questions asked are lower cognitive questions, 20 percent are higher cognitive questions, and 20 percent are procedural.


Students whom teachers perceive as slow or poor learners are asked fewer higher cognitive questions than students perceived as more capable learners. 5

“I am not who I think I am. I am not who you think I am. I am who I think you think I am.” “Do not focus on perceived inadequacy, but instead focus on strengths and people will ascend.” “Learn your strengths from what people say to you.” “When praising others, be specific in the praise, be sincere in how the praise is delivered, and state it with a tone of high expectations”. “I’ll try to give you what you expect from me … Praise my strengths, expect it from me and watch me grow.” - Mike Kneale, October 2002

Cotton, K. Classroom Questioning. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 6 2001.

Research Says … 

Teaching students to draw inferences and giving them practice in doing so result in higher cognitive responses and greater learning gains.

For older students, increases in the use of higher cognitive questions are positively related to increases in:

On-task behavior

Length of student responses

The number of relevant contributions volunteered by students

The number of student-to-student interactions

Student use of complete sentences

Speculative thinking on the part of students

Relevant questions posed by students

Wait Time –

The average wait-time teachers allow after posing a question is one second or less.

Students whom teachers perceive as slow or poor learners are given less wait-time than those teachers view as more capable.

Increase in wait-time over three seconds has a positive effect on the number of higher cognitive questions asked by teachers. Cotton, K. Classroom Questioning. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 7 2001.

Seven Principles 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.


Students do not have the right not to learn. Underachieving students are mostly undertrained, not underbrained; they are dormant, not dead! Questioning must be intensive not just occasional. The attempt should be to follow a Question-Response-Question (Q-R-Q) pattern when questioning students. Questioning must be kept positive overall. Random guess-making or trial and error behavior during questioning should be discouraged. The goal is to reduce “I don’t know” responses and attitudes.

Hannel, G.I., and Hannel, L. (2005). Highly Effective Questioning: How and 8 Why To Ask Ques

Asking Questions 


Engaging Students

Framing Questions

Fat and Skinny Questions


What is Critical Thinking? Take a moment to record your definition. Share it with someone.

10 © 2009 John Martin.R, All rights reserved

The Human Creative Minds

Thinking is ... Connecting Arguing Convincing Sorting Imagining Comparing Hazarding Modifying Including Clarifying Reflecting Judging

Generating Analyzing Capitulating Intuiting Predicting Contrasting Inventing Extending Accommodating Disrupting Cooperating Synchronizing

Relating Composing Retracting Projecting Questioning Reconciling Proving Hypothesizing Refining Harmonizing Speculating Contradicting

Associating Sequencing Suggesting Suspending Wondering Rejecting Improving Rehearsing Testing Assimilating Empathizing Compromising


Bloom’s Taxonomy 

“Each of Bloom’s cognitive categories includes a list of a variety of thinking skills and indicates the kind of behavior students are to perform as the objectives or goals of specific learning tasks.” –

Knowledge: Define, recognize, recall, identify, label, understand, examine, show, collect.

Comprehension: Translate, interpret, explain, describe, summarize, extrapolate.

Application: Apply, solve, experiment, show, predict.

Analysis: Connect, relate, differentiate, classify, arrange, check, group, distinguish, organize, categorize, detect, compare, infer

Synthesis: Produce, propose, design, plan, combine, formulate, compose, hypothesize, construct.

Evaluation: Appraise, judge, criticize, decide

At what level do I assess my students?


Low Level Thinking Questions








Johnson, N. Active Questioning, 1995.


High Level Thinking Questions 

What are all the ways?

What if ?

How is ________ different from _______?

What is your point of view about______?

How come _______________?

How do you feel about ________?


Active Questioning Formats 

Question Journal

The Answer is …

Question Web

Questioning Notebook or Journal

Mind branching

A Question to Tickle Your Funny Bone

Learning Log Using Questions

Before and After

A Grab of Questions WHAT IF?

Pictures! Pictures!

A Wheel of Questions

Dear Kid Question

Spinning Questions

Question Board

Question Calendar

Lesson: “Hurricanes From a Social Studies Perspective” Reflections: How will I use questioning to enhance the teaching of _________? 15

Effective Brainstorming

“The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas.” — Linus Pauling

16 © 2009 John Martin.R, All rights reserved

The Human Creative Minds

Tips for better Brainstorming

• Sharpen the Focus • Playful Rules • Number Your Ideas • Build and Jump • “The Space Remembers” • Stretch your Mental Muscles • Get Physical


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18 © 2009 John Martin.R, All rights reserved

The Human Creative Minds

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