Bones Of - Limbs-trunk-ruan-2015.ppt

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  • Words: 1,068
  • Pages: 51
Ribs (Costae) and rib cage • The long curved bones which form the rib cage which consists of 12 pair of ribs, the sternum, costal cartilages, and the 12 thoracic vertebrae. • Rib cage surrounds the thoracic (chest) cavity • enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity. • Protect the lungs, heart, and other internal organs of the thorax.

Thoracic Cage Sternum True Ribs (1-7)

Costal cartilages

False Ribs (8-10)

Floating Ribs (11-12) 12 thoracic vertebrae

Sternum Manubrium

Jugular/suprasternal notch Clavicular notch for clavicle Articular site for rib 1 Manubriosternal angle • Important landmark • Rib 2 attaches here


Costal notches for ribs 2-7 • Attachment of costal cartilages of rib 2-7 Xiphisternal joint

Xiphoid Process

Sternum • • • • •

Manubrium Body Xiphoid process Jugular notch Sternal angle

Structures of ribs

Posterior view



Anterior view

Skeleton of The Upper Limb Components: • Bones of the shoulder girdle • Bones of upper limbs – Humerus – Ulna – Radius – Carpals – Metacarpals – Phalanges

•Bones of the Shoulder Girdle • Clavicle • Scapula


Two surfaces : • anterior surface - subscapular fossa • dorsal surface - spine of scapula, acromion, supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa


Three borders • Superior - coracoid process, suprascapular notch • Lateral • medial


Three angles: • Superior • Inferior- the 7th rib • lateral - glenoid cavity


Lateral view

Bones of upper limb 1.Arm • Humerus 2.Forearm • Radius - the lateral bone • Ulna - the medial bone 3.Hand • Carpal bones - 8 • Metacarpal bones – 5 • Phalanges -14

The humerus The upper (proximal) end: – Head of humerus – Greater tubercle(lateral) – Lesser tubercle (medial) – Surgical neck Body: – Deltoid tuberosity – Sulcus for radial nerve The lower end: – Capitulum(lateral ) – Trochlea(medial) – Coronoid fossa(ant) – Olecranon fossa(post) – Lateral and medial epicondyles – Sulcus for ulnar nerve

The humerus

The radius The proximal end: – – – –

Head Neck Radial tuberosity Radial notch for ulna

The shaft: – Interosseous border

The distal end: – Styloid process

The ulna The proximal end: – – – –

Olecranon Coronoid process Trochlear notch Ulnar tuberosity

The shaft: – Interosseous border

The distal end: – Head – Styloid process

Bones of the hand 1. Carpal bones( bones of the wrist , 8) • The proximal row:(L →M) – scaphoid, lunate, triquetral and pisiform bones

• The distal row : – trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate

2. Metacarpal bones (5) 3. Phalanges (14)

Bones of the Lower Limb • Components: 1. Pelvic girdle (2) 2. Bones of lower limb – Thigh • Femur(1) – Knee • Patella(1) – Leg • Tibia (medial)(1) • Fibula (lateral)(1) – Foot • Tarsals (7) • Metatarsals (5) • Phalanges (14)

I. Pelvis girdle • Formed by a pair of “hip” bones, connected in front at the pubic symphysis and behind by the sacrum • Attaches the lower limbs to the axial skeleton • Transmits the weight of the upper body to the lower limbs • Supports the visceral organs of the pelvis

Hip Bone Components: • Ilium-the large upper portion Ilium • Ischium-the posterior/inferior bone • Pubis-the anterior/inferior bone Acetabulum • Acetabulum: point of Ischium Pubis fusion of all three

lateral view

Obturator foramen

Medial view

Hip Bone • 3 parts – united by the triradiate cartilage which begins to fuse at

15-17 years and completes fusion at

20-25 years.

1.Ilium Bone marks: • iliac crest; • iliac tubercle • anterior superior iliac spine

• anterior inferior iliac spine • posterior superior iliac spine • posterior inferior iliac spine • acetabulum; • iliac fossa • arcuate line

2. Pubis •



pecten pubis;

pubic tubercle

pubic crest

pubic symphysis

3. ischium • body • ramus • ischial tubercle (tuberosity) • ischial spine • great sciatic notch;

• lesser sciatic notch Obturator foramen - formed by ischium and pubis Acetabulum- formed by ilium, ischium and pubis

Bones of lower limb 1. Femur • the largest, longest, and strongest bone in the body. • Receives a lot of stress • Articulates with acetabulum proximally

• Articulates with tibia and patella distally

Bone Marks: Upper end: • Head-fovea capitis • Neck- often a site for fracture • Greater and lesser trochanter: attachment site for muscles • Intertrochanteric line (anterior) • Intertrochanteric crest (posterior)


Bone Marks: shaft: • gluteal tuberosity

• linea aspera

lower end: • • • • • • • •

lateral condyle medial condyle lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle patellar surface popliteal surface adductor tubercle intercondylar fossa


– Triangular sesamoid bone – Protects knee joint – Improves leverage of thigh muscles acting across the knee – Contained within patellar ligament


3. Tibia • Tibia – Receives the weight of body from femur and transmits to foot – Second to femur in size and weight – Articulates with fibula proximally and distally – Interosseous membrane joins tibia & fibula – Forms the medial malleolus


3. Tibia

• Tibial tuberosity - protuberance on the anterior surface just below the condyles. Is the attachment site of the patellar ligament. •Anterior crest •Medial malleolus - Large bony prominence on the medial side of the ankle

•Fibular notch - Distal end of tibia, where it articulates with the distal end of the fibula

4. Fibula • Fibula – Located posterior –lateral

to the tibia – Serves as a site for muscle attachment – Forms the lateral malleolus – Does NOT bear weight

– Not part of knee joint – Stabilize ankle joint

5. Foot • Function: – Supports the weight

of the body – Act as a lever to propel the body forward

• Tarsal bones (in the ankle,7) • Metatarsal bones (In between the tarsals and phanges,5). • Phalanges bones (toes,14).

Bones of the Foot phalangies Metatarsals



metatarsals phelangies

(1) Tarsals (7)

• Talus = ankle – Between tibia and fibula – Articulates with both • Calcaneus = heel – Attachment for Calcaneal tendon – Carries talus

• Navicular • Cuboid • Cuneiforms (Medial, lateral and intermediate) (2) Metatarsals (5) (3) Phalanges (14)

5. Foot

5. Foot

Arches of Foot • 3 arches – Medial Longitudinal – Lateral – Transverse • Has tendons that run inferior to foot bones – Help support arches of foot • Function – Recoil after stepping

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