Joints Of Limbs -2015-ruan-lab.ppt

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  • Words: 894
  • Pages: 28
Joints of upper limb Identified the following joints and related structures

I. Joints of shoulder girdle: 1. The acromioclavicular joint 2. The sternoclavicular joint

II. Joints of free upper limb: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) Elbow Joint Joints between ulna and radius Joints of hand (wrist joint complex)

I. Joints of shoulder girdle: 1. Sternoclavicular joints 2. Acromioclavicular joints

II. Joints of free upper limb: 1. Glenohumeral joint (shoulder Joint) • Stabilizers of the Glenohumoral joint

(1) ligaments : ①Glenohumeral ligaments (SGHL, MGHL, IGHL) ②Coracohumeral ligament (CHL) ③Transverse humeral ligament (2)Tendon

biceps tendon (long and short heads)

(3) Glenoid labrum


II. Joints of free upper limb: 1. Glenohumeral joint (shoulder Joint) • Stabilizers of the Glenohumoral joint

(2)Tendon •

biceps tendon (long and short heads)

(3) Glenoid labrum

Stabilizers of the Glenohumoral joint (4) scapulohumeral muscles of the human body ①Muscles (rotator cuff) • Supraspinatus • Infraspinatus • teres minor • Subscapularis ②Teres major ③Deltoid

(5) Ligaments above the shoulder joint ① Coracoclavicular ligament(CCL) ② Coracoacromial ligaments (CAL)



2. Elbow Joint • is formed by the humerus , radius and ulna.

• Including ①humeroulnar joint ,②humeroradial joint ③proximal radioulnar joints.


(4) Ligments of the elbow Joint 1) Ulnar Collateral Ligament(UCL) 2) Radial Collateral Ligament 3) Annular Ligament: stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius

3. Joints between ulna and radius (1) proximal radioulnar joint (pivot-joint ) (2) distal radioulnar joint (pivotjoint ) (3) interosseous membrane of forearm.

4. Joints of hand (wrist joint complex) (1) The wrist joint (radiocarpal joint) (2) Joints between carpus (3) Joints between digits

Joints of lower limbs Identified the following joints and related structures

I. Joints of pelvic girdle 1. Sacroiliac joints 2. Pubic symphysis

II. Joints of free lower limbs 1. 2. 3. 4.

The hip joint Knee joint Tibiofibular joints Joints of foot

I. Joints of pelvic girdle 1. Sacroiliac joints 2. The pubic symphysis

3. Ligaments of pelvic 1) The sacrotuberous ligament 2)The sacrospinous ligament

3) The obturator membrane

4. The greater and lesser

sciatic foramen

II. Joints of free lower limbs 1. The hip joint (1) Strengthened ligaments of the hip joint:

1) intracapsule ligment ①the round ligament of the femur ② transverse acetabular ligament 2) extracapsular ligaments: ① pubofemoral

② Iliofemoral ③ ischiofemoral

2. Knee joint • Articulations: (1) tibiofemoral joint (gliding) (2) patellofemoral joint (gliding)

• Ligaments (1) Extracapsular ligaments: ① patellar ligament ② medial (tibial) collateral ligament (MCL ) ③ lateral (fibular) collateral ligament (LCL ) ④ oblique popliteal ligament

• Capsule strengthened by extracapsular and intracapsular ligaments 1) Extracapsular ligaments: – patellar ligament – medial (tibial) collateral ligament (MCL ) – lateral (fibular) collateral ligament (LCL ) – oblique popliteal ligament

oblique popliteal ligament

(2) Intracapsular ligaments : ①Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ②Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) ③Transverse ligament

(3) cartilage of the Knee Joint ①hyaline cartilage ②fibrous cartilage • the medial meniscus

• the lateral meniscus

3. Tibiofibular joints (1) The superior (proximal) tibiofibular joint (2) The inferior (distal) tibiofibular

joint (3) Interosseous membrane

4. Joints of foot (1) The ankle joint (or talocrural joint ) • Ligaments: • Medial deltoid ligaments • Lateral deltoid ligaments

(2) The intertarsal joints

• The transverse tarsal joint (3) The tarsometatarsal joints (or Lisfrance’s joint) (4) The intermetatarsal joints (5) The metatarsophalangeal joints (6) The interphalangeal joints of foot

Joints of the head and trunk I. Craniovertebrael joints (synovial joints) 1. Atlanto-occipital joint 2. Atlanto-axial joint

Ligaments for craniovertebrael joints (1) Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane(ligament) (2) Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane (ligament)

Ligaments for craniovertebrael joints (3) Membrana tectoria (occipitoaxial ligaments) (4) Cruciform ligament of atlas (cruciate) – transverse ligament of the atlas – superior longitudinal band – inferior longitudinal band

(5) Alar ligament

3. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) • The articular disc • The upper joint compartment • The lower joint compartment

Joints of the trunk I. The vertebral column 1. Vertebral joints (1) Joints of vertebral bodies • Intervertebral disc

• Structure of Intervertebral disc • An outer annulus fibrosus • An inner nucleus pulposus

(2) Joints of vertebral arches • Zygapophysial joints

2.Ligaments (1) Ligaments associated with • vertebral bodies – Anterior longitudinal ligament – Posterior longitudinal ligament (2) Ligaments associated with • vertebral arches – Ligamenta flavum (between pedicle) – Interspinal ligament – Intertransverse ligment – Supraspinal ligament (ligamentum nuchae-neck)

II. Thoracic joints 1. Costovertebral joints 1) costovertebral joints 2) costotransverse joints

2. Joints between sternum and ribs 1) Manubriosternal joints 2) Xiphisternal joints • These two are synchondroses, with age they become ossified. 3) Sternocostal joints: • Rib I: synchondrosis • Ribs II-VII: synovial joints (Gliding joints) 4) Intercostal joints: • Ribs VI-X • synovial joints

Arrangement of lab class 1. Students are divided into two groups in each lab class. Teacher will show specimen to students in each group. 2. Students identify and discuss specimen in their own group. 3. Competition game – Students are divided into two groups. Each student will have a chance to raise one question and answer one question. If you finish two processes, you will get 3 points adding to the lab score. If you don’t, you can’t get any score. If the student can’t answer the question within 30 seconds, he/she will get another question. If he/she can’t answer the question again within 30 second, he/she fails in the game and can’t got the score.

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