Diseases Of Bones

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 5,063
  • Pages: 94



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¢ ,  hematogenous        metaphyses of long bones          j , non non--hematogenous       any bony site     


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                          3               j ,                                subperiosteal abscess abscess  '                                            

       '        6sequestrum 6sequestrum6 6



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V  !                 upper tibial metaphysis metaphysis ,  



 „ „ „  '  always secondary        hematogenous dissemination                    '           bone destruction with only little or NO new bone formation formation V                  




'          lower dorsal (thoracic) and upper lumbar vertebrae vertebrae ,           M

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  , develops most commonly        

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„M M  M M V                         ,   commonest primary malignant bone tumor tumor ,           10 and 25 years years       <  after the age of 40 years are usually preceded by Paget's disease of bone or bone irradiation.

`    '         metaphysis of long bones,    around the knee joint joint         , M M     

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                    '                             "sun ray appearance"  = =    V       = =     "Codman's triangle"                                  

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„ ! M   V  developmental tumortumor-like lesion             , arises most commonly   metaphysis of long bones near the epiphyseal plate    grossly 

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! M V              , occurs most commonly   short tubular bones of the hands and feet. ,            - 7   ,              ! M M M       

! M M V        ,       adults between the ages of 30 and 60 years       years ,                         

`    '        pelvic bones, ribs, shoulder girdle and proximal femur or humerus humerus , M M    M              


           ›ocal calcification           radiological sign sign '                 '

          central central or intramedullary chondrosarcoma         chondrosarcoma peripheral or juxtacortical chondosarcoma chondosarcoma

    <      malignant cartilage    a cartilaginous matrix matrix "  M! ! M M                      ,    clinical and radiological features may be more important for differentiation          M! ! M M M        %                  8                    Ymmunohistochemistry may help in such cases.

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  ! MM V  tumor tumor--like lesion  unknown etiology                   ,  most commonly in children        


       thin, branching or curved    woven bone   lack osteoblastic rimming ,          rimming     

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"  M M V highly malignant    neuroectodermal  "                     ¢¢  jj >¢¢ > ¢¢jj? jj? ,           10 and 25 years        diaphyses of long bones bones

`    V    


              "onion skin"     = =   


     glycogen glycogen

R     #                      $    may resemble osteomyelitis osteomyelitis

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 j 3           other bones

„ MM M  

 V       !                ,          arises from the fibroblast or monocyte           ,        20 20--40 years  

`    '       epipyhses of long bones bones                                      , M M       


                egg egg--shell crackling    

•    V      ×soap bubble                        

    <    ¢ *  osteoclasts           j &  oval or spindly cells

à  ¢ )       ,    j          8           ,,  $     %       !     '  nuclear pleomorphism  frequent mitosis    ;     decreased number of osteoclasts   ,,,

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  5 ¢ <            %            j "    <         A 66        A 66    <      

?  ¢ #      bone pains and tenderness tenderness pathological fracture  hypercalcemia j $      5 '  rare       metastatic carcinoma of the prostate  V         

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