
  • November 2019
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Business letter is a letter written in formal language (English), usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. Letter Style • Modified Block Style: With this business letter format, the body of the letter is left justified and single-spaced. The date and closing, however, are in alignment in the center of the page.

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Block Style: when using this business letter format, the entire letter is left justified and single-spaced except for a double space between paragraphs. Semiblock Style: similar to the modified block business letter style except that each paragraph is indented instead of left justified.

Attention line-a line usually placed above the salutation in a business letter directing the letter to one specified.


Subject Line-the field at the top of an e-mail template in which the title or subject of the e-mail can be typed. The subject line is the only part of the e-mail—apart from the name of the sender—which can be read immediately by the recipient. It is important to have a strong subject line, particularly if using email for advertising or promotional purposes, or the recipient may simply delete the e-mail.


Copy Notation-Otherwise known as Carbon Copy (Cc) is a quick way to send a e-mail to many people without having to write several e-mails. There are two forms of Copy Notation, Carbon Copy (Cc), and Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc). The Difference between the two is that with Carbon Copy, it shows all of the addresses of everyone you are sending the message to. The Bad thing about that is if you are sending it to many different people, it can take up most of the screen. Blind Carbon copy hides the addresses of all the recipients (besides the address in the To: field). This does not clog up the screen, and it keeps people's addresses p


Enclosure notation-There are perhaps nine normal corner enclosures in go. The number of unorthodox ones that are sometimes seen is large (as many as 50), depending on quite what one allows.


Blind copy-abbreviated BCC, refers to the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that what they receive does not contain the complete list of recipients.


Post Script-(from post scriptum, a Latin expression meaning "after writing" and abbreviated P.S.) is a sentence, paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added, often hastily and incidentally, after the signature of a letter or (sometimes) the main body of an essay or book.


Curriculum vitae-A curriculum vitae is a written description of your work experience, educational background, and skills. Also called a CV, or simply a vitae, it is more detailed than a resume

10. Letterhead is the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper, usually consisting of a name and an address, and for corporate use, their Corporate design. It can also refer to a piece of letter paper imprinted with this heading.

11. Heading is a communication tunnel which is being extended in a given direction. 12. The Inside Address-This is the address you are sending your letter to. Make it as complete as possible. Include titles, names, and routing information if you know them. This is always on the left margin.

13. Salutation (greeting), a form of greeting 14. Body Text-This subsection deals with how you present what you have to say -

what to say first, text

size, fonts to use, paragraph format, avoid abbreviations and amount of text.

15. Complementary Close-"Sincerely," or "Sincerely Yours," are proper.

More formal closing include "Very truly yours," and "Respectfully yours,"

16. Enclosure (or Enc.)-Below the last line of the signature block, indicate what, if any, documents accompany the letter.

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