Board Minutes: September 16, 2008

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Board of Supervisors

BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP County of Rice, State of Minnesota September 16, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm by chair Kathleen Doran-Norton. Present were supervisors Glen Castore and Leif Knecht, Treasurer Brad Pfahning, and clerk, Pam Petersen. Guest was Dennis Luebbe from the Rice County Highway Engineer. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present. The agenda was approved by a motion by G Castore, second by L Knecht, motion passed. Claims against the township were approved for payment on a motion made by L Knecht, second by G Castore, motion carried. Treasurer’s Report, Brad Pfahning. Closed and transferred on CD to checking account to pay for the new truck. Balance on hand, $44,689.41. See Attached. Motion to approve made by L Knecht, second by G Castore, motion carried. Planning & Zoning, Jim Braun. AgapeCrossing is asking for a 120 days extension to hold an informal informational meeting. K Doran-Norton asked if there was a motion to approve this extension. G Castore made a motion, second by L Knecht, motion carried. J Braun will mail out copies of the minutes detailing the AgapeCrossing from the P & Z commission.

Highway Access Ordinance: Hold neighborhood meetings on what is happening or concerning HWY 19. Wind Energy, Resolutions and Ordinance: L Knecht made a motion to approve Resolution 2008-06 on Wind Energy, second was made by G Castore, motion carried unanimously. L Knecht made a motion to pass Ordinance 2008-04, to publish the ordinance, second made by G Castore, the motion passed unanimously.


Update concerning the lawsuit involving the Host fee for the Rice County Landfill. Judge Neuville passed judgment in favor of the township on Friday, September 12, 2008.

Peter Tiede received a letter from Rice County concerning the permit it holds to run the landfill. Yes, it has a permit to run the landfill. The County must still have a building permit to construct or remodel buildings on the site. L Knecht made a motion to authorize P. Tiede to make contact with Rice County to bring the landfill into compliance with the permit process. Second made by G Castore. Motion carried. K Doran-Norton suggested sending a copy of the letter to all County Commissioners also, to keep them apprised of the situation. Also, this meeting will be kept open until September 30, 2008.

Dennis Luebbe spoke of possible gravel mining at the landfill site. Update on the County Rd 8 Bridge and its repair, which will not happen until spring 2009. The County is still working on the County Rd 1 improvements. Little’s will have their farm pieced back together, the curve will be softened by Eric Schrader’s and also softened by Werner Seeds and that curve will also be modified. Most township road accesses to County Rd 1 will remain the same. He will bring back more information at the November meeting. The grant timeline for new signage has been extended to June, 2009. WE need to develop and inventory and maintain it, showing what we are doing to meet minimum standards of new reflective signage. Dennis also spoke of transfer of Decker to the County in exchange for the township taking Cty Rd 83 & Cty Rd 77. Gravel road upkeep comes from the General Budget; bituminous is assessed back to the homeowners. Hwy 246 and CSAH 1 could see a round-a-bout in the near future. L Knecht made a motion to approve Resolution 2008-07, Proposed Bridgewater CSAH 1 Trail Resolution, second was made by G Castore. The motion carried unanimously. This also will be kept open until September 30, 2008.


K Doran-Norton updated the board on the Dundas Planning Commission. They have Rejoice! Church on the agenda for the next meeting, but has no agenda for the Ordinances. Motion to continue on September 30, 2008 made by L Knecht, second by G Castore, motion carried. This meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Pam Petersen, Clerk


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