Bloody Death

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 7,744
  • Pages: 36
chapter1: nothing was predicted that night. while i was sitting in my dark room, i heard someone was screaming in pain. i jumped out of my bed, asking myself what this noise could be. "is anybody there?" i asked loudly, looking at the hollow corridor but i did not find anything. i locked the door again to give myself a fake feeling of safety. i laid down again, trying to get my thoughts back. suddenly, i saw a face hanging on the wall. i jumped out of my bed screaming out in horror hiding my face in my hands. when i looked again it was gone. i told myself it was probably just my imagination running wild after all the horror movies i had watched lately, and my interest in staying in the dark all the time. i was trying to give myself useless excuses. i looked at the same place, but nothing was there then. "oh my god" i cried. i saw the face again. it was a dark face; its eyes were bleeding like hell. it was crying in great pain. suddenly, it looked at me showing its yellow rotten canines. i tried to move but my legs were more terrified than i was. i kept crying, but just could not scream for the fear. my tears were hot, falling on my cheeks in pain......the face came closer and closer and it finally became obvious. its body was ripped and torn like a rotten dead animal; somebody ripped its skin off its body... blood was everywhere, spreading all over the room. its filthy claws were red colored probably because of ripping bodies apart. it was dragging its legs underneath. i could not move,

but eventually i managed moving my legs, trying not to look at its axe. blood was all over it. i was trying to run to the door as fast as possible before it could get me. but my legs did not help this time. not looking back i managed to get to the door trying hopelessly to unlock it. my shaking hands did not really help me, i looked back to found out where it was. everything went black. i felt something in my stomach. my sweater was torn; it was full of blood. now and i could smell my own blood, i was gasping and screaming in pain. when i looked in front of my eyes, i noticed some two red things staring at me; its eyes were dropping blood on that dark face it had. i fell down screaming in the greatest pain that i had never ever felt in my whole life. i was trying to get my breath as that creature was holding my neck tightly. i felt its freezing hand aiming to squeeze my neck. i felt like my soul was leaving my body once and for all. i started to sense the axe and its metal edge in my body, hoping that i could get it out and suffer my last moments in pain. blood was dropping from my mouth. it was the first time i tasted my own blood. everything went hazy, and i could not feel anything then. ***********************

chapter2: finally i woke up. i looked around, i was in a room; its walls were full of blood, pieces of human bodies and real horrible human heads whose eyes were pointed right at me. blood took place everywhere even on the ceiling and in corners. i was crying my eyes out, so afraid that i could not comprehend the situation. my stomach was covered with medical lawn; pain is not as much as before. suddenly, i heard foot steps coming closer; i was panicked to death. i thought about the next scene i will observe. what is coming next? is it another dark horrible creature? a woman came out from nowhere. she was tall with long black hair, black hard eye shadow and dark gloss, with a smile full of irony. "oh my god" i said with a weak voice. it turned out that i knew her……… she was the landlady of my apartment. words cannot get out from my mouth for the surprise. finally i managed to speak out. "where the devil am i?” i asked her, crying and staring at that horrible scene in front of my eyes. she was holding a human head which was brutally burnt; it was dropping its ashes where ever she goes. she did not answer as always, just looked at me with those cold eyes of hers, and that smile still on her face. she closed the door, went straight to the

wall and hanged the head carefully. "would you answer my question?” i yelled at her with that last energy i had got. she looked at me firmly and that smile is gone. "i hope you are pleased with my humble home". she said in a sarcastic tone. "you will know everything now. put yourself together, i am not waiting for you”. so i stood up and ran as quick as possible to catch her, she had already left the room. finally i managed to get to her. i did not ever think that she could be that kind of monstrous horrible monger. i watched her walking so confident. i was wondering what she was doing in a place like this? and what was that place anyway? i started to look around where we were walking. it was a dark tunnel; looks exactly like the room i was locked up in. it was full of that red liquid which i was very used to in movies, but i had never experienced it except for these days. horrible creatures were locked up in cages made of steal. cages are on both sides, monsters with tortured bodies and deformed faces. they were fighting with each others, killing each others. some of them are not so wild, weak, sitting in corners alone. most of them are looking at me in a strange stare, in a thirsty look agog for fresh blood. “we are going to talk in my office”. she told me in a cold voice. i was wondering how that office looked like. probably bloody and smelly like everything around here.


chapter3: we stepped in the so-called office. it was not so similar to what i had already seen. it was a huge room, victorian furnished with an enormous library and a unique desk in front of it. it had real skulls all over it. pictures of werewolves and vampires and a sign called "mti" took place on the wall. “do not mind those odd pictures. i do not believe in any of those, i just believe in what you saw earlier". she closed the door and sat on her fancy big seat. "please, take a seat, and call me kristen”. she said checking those pictures with her blue glassy eyes. ”could i know what am i doing her?” i asked her. i frankly did not know what to expect. i was shaking, looking at her in a frightened stare. “you see, miss riddle. in this place we manage some specific affairs, monstrous ones. i understand you had experienced those wild, pure evil creatures in person". said kristen in a serious voice, but nervous as well. and i started to feel calm in the meantime. "yes, actually i did notice that. could you cut to the chase and tell me the point, please?” i said firmly seizing her nervous voice.

“i need your help, miss riddle”. i was surprised by the tune of that phrase. she was like begging me to do her a favor that her life was depending on it. “you are now in the mti (monsters training institution)". my mouth was wide open; i could not believe myself. “ are training those horrible monsters?” i asked, horrified. “we are the first in this domain; no one knows about it except the co-founders". “so you are creating weird beings. what is my relation to all that?" “training monsters, miss riddle. we are not creating them. monsters exist in this world in the first place. but we take those minds to train them to do such missions……” “what kind of missions?” “that is the thing i wanted to talk to you about, miss riddle. and i apologize for the way i brought you here. i just had a feeling that you will not agree coming here by yourself and with your own decision”. she said. "you see, miss riddle. as i said before; those creatures existed in this world even before we did. human beings suffered from them through ages. those monsters are just beings which are leaded by their natural instincts. those instincts are such a great power for the human being to handle; that is why some groups of human beings tried and succeeded in being in charge of those creatures”. she said in a serious voice. “how would they be in charge of them exactly?” i asked her,

agog to know the answer. “they try to make sure those creatures make there job done. i.e., they make sure those monsters are driven after their evil nature.” “what? t....they make sure of what? that is unbelievable! and why?" i asked her in a firm tone mixed with some excitement. “that is not the point, miss riddle. actually through these ages that work i just told you about is dying away now. this training has become inefficient these days. some of those monsters do not serve their natural destiny as needed; they became weak and closer to the regular human being's nature everyday. some of them are kind of a loner, not fighting for survival." she said.

“the thing i did not say yet is that those groups i told you about are my ancestors and i’m glad to be to be their successor…….” “that is why you……” “we need your help, miss riddle”. she said waiting for me to show any response. i should have got it when she told me about (monsters training institution). “you must be mad just to think that i could help in that massacre. i am going out of here”. i yelled at her not believing what i had just heard. i knew it was the right decision to leave.


chapter4: “do not tire yourself, miss riddle. there is no way to get out of here except with my permission. so, calm down and let me explain”. she said and this smile is back on her face. "this place is built underground. do not even think i will let you go unless you do what i say literary”. i was standing there, staring at her, did not know what to do. "you gave me no choice. what do you want me to do?" "not a lot. just help us to get those monsters back to their nature". “and how exactly am i going to do that?" “are you interested in books, miss riddle?” “excuse me; did you bring me here just to ask me this question?” “actually yes, as far as i heard about you; i can say that you are a professional in the ural-altaic”.

“yes, i am a professional in the old ural-altaic languages. what is the point here?” “miss riddle, can you tell what is this language and what was it used in?” she asked. i did not have any idea about the reason she is asking about this specific language. “hmmm……they are hypothetical languages, constituting the uralic and the altaic languages, extend from scandinavia, hungary and the balkans in the west, to the easternmost reaches of the amur and the island of sakhalin”. “precisely, i want you to see this, miss riddle”. she went straight to the huge library and picked up a book. “what is that?” “check it, please”. she handed me the book. i opened it and…… “that is the old ural-altaic. it is pretty rare. these old languages were used thousands of years ago by some nations to advertise their culture. they had such an outstanding…. hang on, how did you get that and why?” “thank you, i'm proud of my ancestors too who created those masterpieces”. “look, kristen. i have been studying the history of these nations for ages. you are not going to convince me that they had such a pathetic evil intentions”. “miss riddle, my ancestors were extremely proud of what you call evil intentions, proud of forcing those creatures to be

leaded by their natural instincts …….” “what were they proud of? of…………” “do not interrupt me, miss riddle”. she took a long breath, and paused for a second. she was looking at me with her devil eyes. then continued…. “they wrote books about it; how to control a strange creature, how to lead it. then after centuries, this view was changed. they decided that those plans were capable of destroying the whole world. they started to build anther culture, a clean one as they call it. writers, scientists and philosophers showed up to appear in a fake shell, hiding their real history from the world. they succeeded eventually. “why do you need me here?” i asked, still not believing what i had just heard. “after constructing this culture, they made it forbidden for us to learn our own language. that way we will not be able to read the books which our ancestors wrote about the means to control those creatures”. **************************

chapter5: “could not they just burn it?” i asked her ironically. she looked at me with a warning look. “no, they could not do that, because they did not want to erase a history belonged to them thousands of years ago. that is why nobody now knows how to read the old ural-altaic except the foreigners through the cultural books”. now i nearly got what she had meant by all of that. “we need you to read those books, miss riddle. you will be able to help us with that huge changing in the monstrous instincts”. “so, all of these books no one can read it around here except me". "and we chose you because you are a professional, plus we could not tell anybody about this work. it is confidential". i was disgusted by the plan. i could not ever think that i

would help someone to destroy the world. “i will let one of my assistants take you around the place”. there was a man with fair hair and dark green eyes and an ugly mug was hanged on his face. he was waiting for me to get out of my chair. he was looking at me with this angry stare. we walked out of the office through a corridor. i was relieved that we did not use the one i used earlier. as we walked through the long and dark corridor, the smell of blood was unpleasant. corpses were everywhere; blood was flooding from every inch of their ripped bodies. mice were feeding on their grey rotten flesh. dead bodies were hanging from the ceiling with those panic-stricken eyes pointed at me. a pool of blood and ripped arms and slaughtered heads were underneath us. i could not breathe, could not look at those massacres around me. so, i stared at that guy i was walking with. he was so silent that i barely noticed his existence. “where are we going?” i asked him, but i had no answer. i asked him several questions trying to get a word out of him, but probably kristen chose that exact man because she did not want me to know any inappropriate information. finally a door came out of nowhere. it was a steal huge door. he opened the door, and i was astonished when i set my eyes on that strange room. it was extremely clean, not at all similar to the previous place i sighed. there were several computers and other machines i could not define. there was a guy standing in front of us, wearing a white coat. he was holding a tube contained a sample of blood; he was studying it

with his black wide eyes. "dr. oldman, this is miss riddle". he finally spoke out. he had such a rasp voice; he looked at dr. oldman with the same strange angry stare. apparently he does not like any one around here. "oh, miss riddle, i have_" suddenly, a scream interrupted the beginning of that fine conversation.

chapter6: it was another weird creature, one eye of his was missing, and its socket was black and bloody. its head was cracked and bleeding, part of the head’s skin was cut, which made his brain visible. its mouth was bleeding and the neck was slain. the skin was ripped off its body, but there was no blood probably, because its dark rotten old flesh was done bleeding for a long time ago. it was screaming, trying to release itself from the grips which were holding him so tight. dr. oldman stepped toward it and took a blood sample. everything was fast that i thought the needle would break in the monster’s malformed hand. the monster was taken away out of the room.

i was staring at the steal door, cannot comprehend what had just happened. finally a word broke this long silence. “well……. that was hard”. dr. oldman said. he was studying the blood sample with his telescope. “what was that all about?” i asked. "we are taking their blood samples to study their condition". he said looking at me with his charming black eyes. "what condition?" "i do not know if miss kristen jones told you that, but those monsters condition drops down every day. we are in a serious crisis". he said in a nervous voice. "i have heard about you and your professionalism in the ua languages. it is such a rare thing to hear". "well, yes i was so proud of my studies". i said, watching him wondering around the place. "was?" he looked at me surprised and disappointed as well. "yes, but not any more. i am not so proud that i had studied a false history for some monsters trainers". "oh. well, it is not false. i mean they created that history, did not they?" he said, looking at the man who was standing right beside me. “wait for miss riddle outside". then he looked at me. "that beckinsale is always angry, isn't he? so, what do you want to know here exactly?" "i want to know what this institution’s intention is". he looked at me as he knew i was going to ask that question. "do not delay the answer because i will not take it this time".

i said, yelling at him with an angry tone. i was agog to know the answer. "calm down, miss riddle. i am going to tell you everything, at least things i know". he paused a second. “well, miss riddle. in this fine institution we train monsters”. “yes, i have heard that a lot actually”. i looked at him angry. obviously he did not want to tell me anything. “ but how? how do you do that?” “hmmm…… that is my job, i will explain everything”. he was wondering in the room, thinking about something. “those monsters are such little minds we train, or in anther word, we control them. you see, miss riddle. i am a chemist; i invented a chemical formula which has a full powerful effect on those creatures. it hypnotizes them, and then my job would be done and other steps take place after that. that would be all”. **************************

chapter7: “so, it is all about hypnosis and nothing more. when i heard about “training” i thought it was like training them as soldiers”. “whatever was the meaning, it will never change the consequences. for centuries this process is known as “monsters training”. i do not think we have the right to change that honorable name”. “ok, whatever...... so you said “other steps take place”. what other steps and who are plotting them?” “oh. miss riddle, this is no plot. it is just our job, simply a job. why cannot you be convinced? plus, i cannot tell you that.

the one who is responsible about those other missions is the one who is going to tell you about it”. then he looked at me with a hazy, tired smile. "i do not mean to be rude but i have to be alone now to study this blood samples". "ok". i said, thinking about what else i am going to know next. "it is nice to meet you, miss riddle". "yes, it is nice to meet you too indeed". now i am standing outside in that corridor, again with that silent guy. beckinsale moved, he did not care if i was following him or not. i wanted to ask where we were going, but i was sure i was not going to get any word out of that guy. finally we made it to anther lab. this lab was a little bit different from the previous one i saw. it did not contain any strange machines; nothing was there at all except for a computer. there was a mid-thirties lady, blonde, sitting in front of that screen. she was staring at it with an astonished expression on her face. beckinsale hammed to declare our visit, she jumped out of her seat, gazing at the both of us. “cannot you just knock before you come in?” she yelled at beckinsale as he stared at her with his steal eyes. then he turned around slowly and got out of the lab. we were now alone. i was looking around the lab, surprised that the lab was empty from any blood droplet. “do not be surprised. i am not a blood addict like the others in this place”.

i was surprised confused as well, looking at her in frozen eyes. i thought she might be reading my mind; it would not be so strange after what i had seen so far. “do not worry, miss riddle. i do not read your mind; nobody can as far as i know of. a lot of people are surprised with my extremely clean lab although there is no shame in keeping a couple of corpses to cheer you up in this place”. she looked at me. she was waiting for some response, but i did not give her any, except for a disgust glance. “i do not support this vicious project. actually i am disgusted by their horrible intentions”. i stared at her, surprised that there is someone in this place was not proud of this job. “why did not you quit then or just did not join in the first place?” “miss riddle, i did not quit because we are more as a family here. it is shameful for a member to step out. plus, they will not let you go with those much confidential information. there is just one way to step out and it is to be killed”. she paused, walking around with a disappointed look on her face. ***********************

chapter8: “i am a successor for those monstrous nations; all successors were forced to join this institution. that is before they decided it was a bad intention to use for building a respectable culture as miss jones told you. but after that, training monsters became such a huge dream for a lot of successors. they were forced again to serve their honorable past”. i felt sorry for her, she was exactly like me or probably worse. she was locked up in this place. i will walk out after i do what they want, but she was stuck here forever.

“what do you do here?” “i am evana frexpar, a biologist. i am in charge of studying the biological development of those monsters”. she said with that smile back on her face. “you are treating those weird creatures as human beings”. “well, these creatures are absolutely like any other species on earth. they are naturally developed every century or every several years. they become similar to the human being’s nature. that is a disaster to this institution; it takes advantage of those creatures vicious nature“. “what kind are those monsters specifically? are there many species of them?” i asked her. for some reason i wanted to know everything about that job. “there are two species. the first is bockrands. they are feeding on old flesh or in another word –rotten bodiesbecause it does not contain any blood. blood causes a disorder in their genes which leads to death. they can be nourished on fresh dead bodies under one condition, it is supposed to be small quantities of blood, because it decays in seconds”. “what is their need?” “you can say they are used to clean our own miss”. “what miss?” “that would be the job of the second specie. infra human it is". “the infra human is close to the human external. they……” “oh. so those are the species which made that crisis in the institution for being closer to the human being everyday?”

“no, miss riddle. the infra human were similar to the human external since they were found in this world. the crisis occurred because; they are being similar to the human internal now”. “what do those infra human look like? are they exactly like human beings?” i asked her. i was intimidated by the whole idea of those monsters till now. “they look like humans, but not quiet. the exact general external but deformed. exactly like the one which appeared in your room”. when she mentioned that strange creature, i shivered. i remembered its bloody eyes, cold axe and filthy claws. but i managed to get the idea out of my head. **********************

chapter9: “what are they feeding on?” “they are feeding on human blood. they are like any wild animal, but they are the wildest. those infra human species are used in the main missions. there savagery is taken as an advantage in this place”. “could you…….”

“you will know about the missions as soon as possible, miss riddle”. i looked at her disappointed. i was hoping that she could tell me anything about those missions as long as she hates this place; i thought that could be a motive for her to tell me. “i am truly sorry, miss riddle. i am not allowed to tell you anything more than my authorities”. “what about that changing in their nature? how did it affect them?” “that development made them smarter and mentally stronger”. “how is that?” “their brains gradually stop responding to the chemical formula that dr oldman has invented. we are having a problem in hypnotizing them. that is how after a while their brains will absolutely refuse that formula”. i was gazing at her, it was amazing. it was a horrible culture, but amazing. those people were trying to control such vicious beings. they were using every means to get to their aim. the same aim which remained alive since thousand of centuries ago. again my thoughts were interrupted. “now, miss riddle i suppose i have told you everything you need to know……” “ok then. i will go now”. i started to walk slowly. i was thinking about what i had faced till now. “miss riddle”. i turned around, looked at her delightful smile. “here is my lab and home phone number. call me whenever you

need any more information”. “your home? do those people let you out of this building?” “of course they do not. each one of us has an apartment in this place. i find it cozy to call it home. you know, to get rid of the tense. please, miss riddle, do not ask awkward questions about the institution on the phone. they are all supervised”. “ok. i will not”. i said, walking away from the lab. i found beckinsale standing outside the door. as soon as i closed the door i found him moving away. i was following him, wondering about the next person i will visit. a sound broke that silence. i noticed beckinsale getting a cell phone out of his fancy suit. he handed me the phone. i gazed at the phone, took it eventually. “hello. who is this?” it was a familiar voice. i did not wonder a lot. it was kristen. the cold dark lady i hate the most. ***************************


“hello, miss riddle. i hope you liked your tour. you will continue tomorrow. beckinsale will lead you to your room”. “when i will get to meet you again?” but she hanged up before she could hear the question. i handed beckinsale the phone.

again we were walking in that dark corridor, heading to my so-called room. how did it look like? was it filthy and smelly and full of rotten dead bodies? that i will know after minutes from now anyway. we entered another path. it was clean and beige colored. nothing was filthy or bloody. i glanced at a door. it was probably my room. i could not wait to enter and get some nice rest after that long day. the first thing i set my eyes on was that silver bed, with pink silk sheets and white curtains. the room was furnished like an old royal mansion. a golden tall chair was placed next to the big pink closet with those white flowers. it was too much to comprehend. i could not ever imagine that there is such a nice room in such a horrible place. i headed to that closet and opened it. it was full of black leather pants and black tops and some black coats. i was disappointed. so no one believes in colorful clothes or fashion around here, i thought. i lied on the bed, thinking about those missions. what could they be? what am i supposed to do here? is there anyhow i can get out of here? how did they forbid their successors to learn their own language? i stared at that phone which was placed beside the bed. i picked it up and dialed miss frexpar’s number. i waited for her to pick up. “frexpar is talking” “hello evana. it is…” “oh. hello miss riddle. i did not expect a very soon call” she

was surprised that i called so soon, but i had to ask a question. “sorry miss frexpar. there is something i was wondering about”. she was waiting for me to get the question out of my mouth. “you said it was forbidden on the successors to learn their own languages, but how? how did they actually forbid it? it cannot be just an order, because they could have just disobeyed them” “they lived as tribes, leaded by their chiefs. any orders were supposed to be obeyed honestly and literary. any individual disobeyed would be kicked out of the tribe”. i was staring at the ceiling, thinking about what she was saying. i started to comprehend their history. what i had just heard meant one thing, i thought. ***************************

chapter11: “you mean a chief is the one who revived that horrid rite?” “that is enough, miss riddle”. she said impatiently. “you said i can ask anything i wonder about and i am not…….”

“tomorrow miss riddle. tomorrow we will meet again to continue your tour”. i hanged up the phone, biting my lips. i was trying to think about a way to know more information. i wondered what could happen if i headed to the door and stepped out. maybe, i will take a tour by my own. maybe, i could find out something interesting. i went straight to the door slowly. i was not so sure i could do it. i was so excited that i even thought about sneaking out. i was staring at the door. yes, i will open it, i thought. my hand was moving toward the handle. it was an unexpected encounter. it was beckinsale staring at me with those cold angry eyes. i was standing there confused, thinking about an excuse. i thought he was waiting for an explanation for my hopeless attempt. “i was just…..” but i was wrong. the next thing i know was beckinsale dragging me along the path. i could not feel anything except his strong firm grip on my arm. he was dragging me along the bloody corridor. blood was not the problem then, but old rotten corpses that i was feeling with my bare hand. i could not resist his grip because i knew i would not have the strength to take them off. i did not have the time to wonder about where he was taking me, but it was one of two. whether he was planning to kill me or he was going to let someone else to do it. i could not close my eyes despite those scenes before me on the ceiling with those hanged corpses. rats were jumping on

my body, but i did not have the hand to take them off. i was so busy with wiping skulls, cut tongues and gouged eyes with my weak legs. at last he stopped and threw me somewhere. it was familiar. it was kristen jones’s office. i noticed her jumping out from her chair. she gave me a surprised gaze then looked at beckinsale wondering about that mess of blood and eye balls stuck on my pants. “she was trying to run away”. he said. his voice was a mixture of depth and strength. he was waiting, for an order to kill. i noticed kristen’s eyes close to mine with her cold hands strangling me. it was not an alarm. she actually wanted me dead. “i knew it. i knew you will try to run away, you filthy scumbag”. she took her grip off. i was trying to breathe, but it was not easy. “i was not_” i tried to explain anything, but she did not have the strength anymore to let me say it. she kicked my stomach as hard as i twisted on the cold floor trying to take my breath. i was coughing blood from my dry mouth. i felt her shoe trying to crush my nick. “beckinsale”. she looked at him. “leave”. he moved out slowly. he was smiling. maybe he was thinking about her killing me. ************************** chapter12:

she was nervous and angry, smoking a cigarette. she was staring at me with that thinking gaze. probably thinking how she would kill me. “what were you trying to do? i told you cannot get out of here even if you wanted to”. finally i managed to sit up. “answer me” she yelled at me impatiently. “i was not trying to run away”. i said in a shaking voice. “do not lie” i felt her voice’s echoes in my heart. “i am not lying. i am not an idiot to try getting away from here”. i paused, trying to take a breath. “i know i cannot”. “so you were not trying to run away. what were you trying to do?” she asked, waiting for an answer. i avoided looking at her glassy eyes. “i was trying to wander in the place. i was trying to find out anything interesting”. i looked at her and found her staring at me. she did not believe what i am saying. “are you trying to convince me that you were so excited about this place that you thought, why the hell not face some danger”. “not literary what you said, but yes, kind of that”. she laughed, rolling her eyes. “ok, i will assume you are telling the truth. how could you think that i would leave you unsecured?” “i was_” “i do not care what your intentions were. do not let the fact that you are working here give you a false impression that you

are trusted”. she moved toward the huge library behind her disk. she stared at those books like she was clearing her mind by looking at her ancestors masterpieces. “the next time you will attempt doing something behind my back, you will find yourself in your own grave with such things you will not love”. i smiled. i thought she was joking. but when i looked at her face, the same cold serious mug was on her face. her stony eyes were staring at me. “and believe me we have done that before. only god knows if they still alive”. my mouth was open for the astonishment and my eyes were wide for the fear. what kind of history could pass down such violence and vicious thoughts to its successors? what kind of a civilization could recruit its children to be themselves opponents? but my thoughts were interrupted. “beckinsale is waiting outside. he will get you back to your room. you will continue you exciting tour tomorrow”. “but_” “out, miss riddle” i walked out as quickly as possible; i was dismayed by her tune. i went to my room, could not take those thoughts out of my head. i lied on the pink sheets. that room was like my special safe place in this weird institution. there i could get away from that horror and death. finally i went to sleep; it was some hard work to get this pleasure. that pleasure of sleeping was not relieving like i thought. when i am awake, i

am scared. when i am asleep, i am panicked. chapter 13: my brain was fighting to be awake again, but with no use. i was shaking, sweating. blood was everywhere it was flowing from my dark eyes. whatever it was, it was not a nightmare. i felt each and every pain; every droplet of blood came out of my weak body. such a lot of pain, i felt like a corpse dumped in an old dark alley. i felt like a body its flesh was being fed on by wild animals, getting their hunger satisfied with their cold hard claws. i tried to scream out asking for help to escape that destiny, that end i will face sooner or later. at last i managed to get my voice out from my shaking dry lips. i opened my eyes, but that scream was not mine. i was gazing at the ceiling, frozen. i do not know what took me so long, but at last i moved. i headed to the scream. a door, i tried to unlock it, but did not get any response except for a serial of screaming. i hurried to the room’s door. i knew it would be locked, so i knocked as hard as my fist would bear. “what the hell is that scream? it is in my room”. i said, looking at beckinsale. i was trying to yell at him, but his warning look was enough for me to avoid doing that. he gave me his back and walked slowly through the corridor. it was few minutes till i found beckinsale with my lovely new friend, kristen. in a bored stare, she asked “what is all that noise about, miss

riddle?” i took a deep breath. “there was a scream minutes ago. what did you place in my room? is it another freak_?” it was another scream. i stepped back quickly, trying to avoid something i do not know. “oh. i thought it was urgent”. she said, smiling to beckinsale. “do not mind it, miss riddle. now, you will continue your exciting tour with doc. frexpar”. i moved to wards the door with beckinsale in front of me. dr. frexpar was standing in the end of the corridor. she was waiting for me with her usual smile on her face. “apparently i am not going to get some rest in this place”. i said ironically. i was sure enough that this place is not for rest anyway. “do not try to get some. trust me” “what was the cause of that serial screams in my room?” i asked her. i was trying to change the subject, because i knew there were going to be some warnings in her little phrase. “they placed an infra human in your room, after your little useless attempt”. “what? i just spent barely a night after that so-called attempt. when did they place it there?” “it was placed when you were in miss jones’s office. it was all set by the time you came back to your room. she was sure you will try to get out for any reason what so ever. nevertheless, she admired the idea that you were excited about the institution”. “how do you know all of this information? i mean there is no

much time to know every specific detail about what happened”. “oh, they just keep every co-founder update to any news”. she paused. chapter14: “now let’s get back to our work”. “ok. i was thinking about that question i asked you earlier on the phone-“ “oh yes. you wanted to know if it was a chief who revived the rite”. i nodded, waiting for her to answer. “yes. only chiefs were able to make such decisions”. “you said it lasted for ages till it was revived. why?” “the previous chiefs did not have the courage to do so. as bockrand was always saying; most of them were unreconstructed”. “his name was bockrand?” i repeated the name in my head, trying to get the possible connection between him and the bockrands. “i did not mention that this rite was banned, because every time after the infra human had done their job, there was such a miss. you know, blood, bodies and diseases, because of the big amounts of the dead bodies”. “what is that have to do with that bockrand person?” “well, after it was banned bockrand discovered a new species of monsters that he thought it could help him to make it a motive for reviving that rite”.

“why?” “the bockrands are feeding on flesh, rotten one as i told you before. by discovering the bockrands which feeds on human flesh, he passed the only difficulty which was preventing him from his only aim…….dead bodies”. “oh my god” i was thinking about that bockrand who dedicated his whole life to such a filthy purpose. again i glanced at those creatures inside the metal cages, thinking about what i just heard. how could anyone love death and blood to that extent? the whole matter is just horrible. “i want to talk to you about something”. i said as soon as i thought about it. “go ahead”. she was waiting for me to talk. she felt tense in my voice apparently, but i did not talk. i just gave her a sign with my eye that i do not want beckinsale to hear us. she had quickly understood. “beckinsale, leave” “no, it was a direct order from miss jones that she should be watched all the time”. he said with a voice that cannot be argued. “i know, and i will watch her while talking. come on, i am a co-founder, i am fully trusted”. does that person trust anyone? i thought. “yes miss riddle. go ahead and talk”. she said impatiently to know what that thing i wanted to tell her was. “i want you to help me”.

“help you?” **************************

chapter15: i talked slowly as to make her understand my words because i know she did not expect it. “mm… i do not want to help this institution to destroy the whole world, and i know you do not like working here either. corpses, blood and stuff i am not used to work with. i am a scholar for god’s sake........i cannot go on in this. so, i want you to help me to get out of here”. i was waiting for a yes as an answer. “have you finished? now i will answer you if you do not" “no? i thought you are_“ “please, miss riddle. wait till i finish. i know i told you before that i am not into working in such a monstrous institution. but think about it that way, if miss jones found out, we will be deleted from the world that you are not satisfied with. i know you cannot help her to achieve her ancient purpose, but try and save yourself. it is impossible to save the world. believe me, it was suggested before. why do you think everyone here is committed to this job?” “why?” “anyone suggested any idea which was similar to yours, was tortured. those are the ones kristen told you “god knows if they still alive”. trust me. forget it”

she finished her speech and took a deep breath. “beckinsale” she called him and soon he appeared again out of nowhere. i was disappointed. that was my last chance to get out of this place; i am stuck in this smelly grave forever…….. but after a bit of thought i figured out she was right; i should do it and help them. i will read the ural-altaic books about the methods of controlling those creatures and apply them. then i will be able to get out of here and get back to my normal life. i’ll do it for sure. soon, i will forget everything about my high principles and think about myself. now, the three of us were silently walking to the dark destiny of death. i will work in that piece of the black scary world just to save myself. maybe, someday i will be able to save the world and find out a way to make the world a better place. but it is not today. today is for my own survival, just for the sake of the bloody death. p.c. miss riddle will be killed, because the mti could not let her go after she helped them with that important information. they are after all a very confidential institution. ***************** the end ***************** **dear reader,

sorry if you were disappointed with the end of the story. but i was writing this story as to tell you that

it is not always a happy ending. do not trust everyone who looks respectable. maybe s/he is like miss riddle; has such fake principles and under any threat, s/he drops his/her promise. find a purpose for your life and start to live for it. do not live just to live, but live to die.

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