Biografi Michael Faraday Penemu Listrik.docx

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Biografi Michael Faraday Penemu Listrik Michael Faraday adalah ilmuwan Inggris yang mendapat julukan “Bapak Listrik”, karena berkat usahanya listrik menjadi teknologi yang banyak gunanya. Faraday lahir 22 September 1791 di Newington, Inggris. Ia mempelajari berbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan, termasuk elektromagnetisme dan elektrokimia. Dia juga menemukan alat yang nantinya menjadi pembakar Bunsen, yang digunakan hampir di seluruh laboratorium sains sebagai sumber panas yang praktis.

Biografi Michael Faraday Penemu Listrik Efek magnetisme menuntunnya menemukan ide-ide yang menjadi dasar teori medan magnet. Ia banyak memberi ceramah untuk memopulerkan ilmu pengetahuan ilmu pengetahuan pada masyarakat umum. Pendekatan rasionalnya dalam mengembangkan teori dan menganalisis hasilnya amat mengagumkan.

Banyak tokoh penyumbang dalam hal kelistrikan: Charles Augustine de Coulomb, Count Alessandro Volta, Hans Christian Oersted dan Andre Marie Ampere. Mereka-mereka ini diantara jago-jago terbaik di bidang listrik. Namun, puncak bin puncak dari semuanya adalah ilmuwan Inggris Michael Faraday dan James Clerk Maxwell. Walaupun kerja kedua orang itu berkaitan satu sama lain dan saling lengkap-melengkapi, tetapi mereka bukan berada dalam satu tim, masing-masing mencipta secara pribadi, karena itu kedua-duanya dapat tempat terhormat di dalam daftar urutan buku ini. Michael Faraday berasal dari keluarga tak berpunya dan umumnya belajar sendiri. Di usia empat belas tahun dia magang jadi tukang jilid dan jual buku, dan kesempatan inilah yang digunakannya banyak baca buku seperti orang kesetanan. Tatkala umurnya menginjak dua puluh tahun, dia mengunjungi ceramah-ceramah yang diberikan oleh ilmuwan Inggris kenamaan Sir Humphry Davy. Faraday terpesona dan ternganga-nganga. Ditulisnya surat kepada Davy dan pendek ceritera untung baik diterima sebagai asistennya. Hanya dalam tempo beberapa tahun, Faraday sudah bisa membikin penemuan-penemuan baru atas hasil kreasinya sendiri. Meski dia tidak punya latar belakang yang memadai di bidang matematika, selaku ahli ilmu alam dia tak terlawankan.

Penemuan Faraday pertama yang penting di bidang listrik terjadi tahun 1821. Dua tahun sebelumnya Oersted telah menemukan bahwa jarum magnit kompas biasa dapat beringsut jika arus listrik dialirkan dalam kawat yang tidak berjauhan. Ini membikin Faraday berkesimpulan, jika magnit diketatkan, yang bergerak justru kawatnya. Bekerja atas dasar dugaan ini, dia berhasil membuat suatu skema yang jelas dimana kawat akan terus-menerus berputar berdekatan dengan magnit sepanjang arus listrik dialirkan ke kawat. Sesungguhnya dalam hal ini Faraday sudah menemukan motor listrik pertama, suatu skema pertama penggunaan arus listrik untuk membuat sesuatu benda bergerak. Betapapun primitifnya,

penemuan Faraday ini merupakan “nenek moyang” dari semua motor listrik yang digunakan dunia sekarang ini. Ini merupakan pembuka jalan yang luar biasa. Tetapi, faedah kegunaan praktisnya terbatas, sepanjang tidak ada metode untuk menggerakkan arus listrik selain dari baterei kimiawi sederhana pada saat itu. Faraday yakin, mesti ada suatu cara penggunaan magnit untuk menggerakkan listrik, dan dia terus-menerus mencari jalan bagaimana menemukan metode itu. Kini, magnit yang tak berpindah-pindah tidak mempengaruhi arus listrik yang berdekatan dengan kawat. Tetapi di tahun 1831, Faraday menemukan bahwa bilamana magnit dilalui lewat sepotong kawat, arus akan mengalir di kawat sedangkan magnit bergerak. Keadaan ini disebut “pengaruh elektro magnetik,” dan penemuan ini disebut “Hukum Faraday” dan pada umumnya dianggap penemuan Faraday yang terpenting dan terbesar. Ini merupakan penemuan yang monumental, dengan dua alasan. Pertama, “Hukum Faraday” mempunyai arti penting yang mendasar dalam hubungan dengan pengertian teoritis kita tentang elektro magnetik. Kedua, elektro magnetik dapat digunakan untuk menggerakkan secara terus-menerus arus aliran listrik seperti diperagakan sendiri oleh Faraday lewat pembuatan dinamo listrik pertama. Meski generator tenaga pembangkit listrik kita untuk mensuplai kota dan pabrik dewasa ini jauh lebih sempurna ketimbang apa yang diperbuat Faraday, tetapi kesemuanya berdasar pada prinsip serupa dengan pengaruh elektro magnetik. Faraday juga memberi sumbangan di bidang kimia. Dia membuat rencana mengubah gas jadi cairan, dia menemukan pelbagai jenis kimiawi termasuk benzene. Karya lebih penting lagi adalah usahanya di bidang elektro kimia (penyelidikan tentang akibat kimia terhadap arus listrik). Penyelidikan Faraday dengan ketelitian tinggi menghasilkan dua hukum “elektrolysis” yang penyebutannya dirangkaikan dengan namanya yang merupakan dasar dari elektro kimia. Dia juga mempopulerkan banyak sekali istilah yang digunakan dalam bidang itu seperti: anode, cathode, electrode dan ion. Dan adalah Faraday juga yang memperkenalkan ke dunia fisika gagasan penting tentang garis magnetik dan garis kekuatan listrik. Dengan penekanan bahwa bukan magnit sendiri melainkan medan diantaranya, dia menolong mempersiapkan jalan untuk berbagai macam kemajuan di bidang fisika modern, termasuk pernyataan Maxwell tentang persamaan antara dua ekspresi lewat tanda (=) seperti 2x + 5 = 10. Faraday juga menemukan, jika perpaduan dua cahaya dilewatkan melalui bidang magnit, perpaduannya akan mengalami perubahan. Penemuan ini punya makna penting khusus, karena ini merupakan petunjuk pertama bahwa ada hubungan antara cahaya dengan magnit. Faraday bukan cuma cerdas tetapi juga tampan dan punya gaya sebagai penceramah. Tetapi, dia sederhana, tak ambil peduli dalam hal kemasyhuran, duit dan sanjungan. Dia menolak diberi gelar kebangsawanan dan juga menolak jadi ketua British Royal Society. Masa perkawinannya panjang dan berbahagia, cuma tak punya anak. Michael Faraday wafat pada 25 Agustus 1867 di dekat kota London.

Biography Michael Faraday Electric Inventor Michael Faraday was a British scientist who earned the nickname "Mr. Electricity", because thanks to his efforts that electricity became the technology of much use. Faraday was born 22 September 1791 in Newington, England. He studied the various fields of science, including electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He also found a tool that will become the Bunsen burner, which is used in almost all science laboratories as a practical source of heat. Biography Michael Faraday Electric Inventor Effect of magnetism led him find the ideas that became the basis of the theory of magnetic field. He gave many lectures to popularize science knowledge in the general population. Rational approach in developing the theory and analyze the results very impressive. Many prominent contributor in the case of electricity: Charles Augustine de Coulomb, Count Alessandro Volta, Hans Christian Oersted and Andre Marie Ampere. They-they are among the best masters in the field of electricity. However, the peak bin peak of everything is the English scientist Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. While the work of the two men were related to one another and a full-complement each other, but they are not within the team, each created individually, because it can be both a place of honor in this list. Michael Faraday comes from a family dispossessed and generally learn on their own. At the age of fourteen he was an apprentice so builders volumes and selling books, and this is it uses a lot of opportunities to read books like crazy. When stepped twenty years old, he visited the lectures given by renowned British scientist Sir Humphry Davy. Faraday was fascinated and gape-gaping. Wrote to Davy and short stories fortunately well received as his assistant. Within a few years, Faraday was able to make new discoveries on his own creation. Although he did not have sufficient background in mathematics, as a natural scientist he did not terlawankan. Faraday first important invention in the field of electricity occurred in 1821. Two years earlier Oersted had discovered that the magnetic needle compass can be shifted if the ordinary electric current flowed in the wire are not far apart. This make Faraday concluded, if the magnet diketatkan, which move precisely the wire. Working on the basis of this allegation, he managed to make a clear scheme where the wire will be continuously rotating adjacent to the magnet along the electric current is applied to the wire. Indeed in this case the Faraday had discovered the first electric motor, a first schem the use of electrical currents to make an object move. No matter how primitive, Faraday's discovery of an "ancestor" of all electric motors used today's world.

This is a remarkable pacer. However, the benefits are limited practical uses, as long as there is no method to drive the electric current from the battery chemistry other than simple at the

time. Faraday sure, there must be a way of using magnets to drive electric, and he was constantly looking for a way how to find a method that. Now, the magnetic sedentary does not affect the electric current which is adjacent to the wire. But in 1831, Faraday discovered that when the magnet passed through a piece of wire, current will flow in the wire while the magnet moves. This state is called "electro-magnetic influence," and this is called "Faraday's Law" and is generally considered the most important discovery of Faraday and greatest. This is a monumental discovery, for two reasons. First, the "Faraday's Law" has a fundamental importance in relation to our theoretical understanding of the electro-magnetic. Secondly, electro-magnetic can be used to drive a continuous flow of electrical flow as demonstrated by Faraday himself through the manufacture of the first electric dynamo. Although the power generator to supply power our cities and factories today is much more perfect than what is done Faraday, but all based on similar principles to the electro magnetic influence. Faraday also contributed in the field of chemistry. He made a plan to turn the gas so fluid, he found various types of chemicals, including benzene. Even more important is the work of his efforts in the field of electro-chemical (an investigation of the effects of chemical to electrical current). Faraday investigation with great precision to produce two law "elektrolysis" which penyebutannya coupled with its name which is the basis of electro-chemistry. He also popularized a lot of terms used in the fields such as: anode, cathode, electrode, and ion. And is Faraday also introduced to the world of physics is an important idea about the magnetic lines and electric power lines. With the emphasis that is not its own magnetic field instead of them, he helped prepare the way for a wide range of advances in the field of modern physics, including Maxwell statement about the similarities between the two expressions through sign (=) as 2x + 5 = 10. Faraday also found that, if a blend of the two light is passed through a magnetic field, combination of them will change. This discovery has a special significance, because this is the first clue that there is a relationship between light with magnet. Faraday not only intelligent but also good-looking and had a style as a lecturer. However, he was simple, did not take care in fame, money and adulation. He declined been knighted and also refused to be president of the British Royal Society. Masa long and happy marriage, just do not have children. Michael Faraday died on August 25, 1867 near the city of London. Faraday also contributed in the field of chemistry. He made a plan to turn the gas so fluid, he found various types of chemicals, including benzene. Even more important is the work of his efforts in the field of electro-chemical (an investigation of the effects of chemical to electrical current). Faraday investigation with great precision to produce two law "elektrolysis" which penyebutannya coupled with its name which is the basis of electro-chemistry. He also popularized a lot of terms used in the fields such as: anode, cathode, electrode, and ion. And is Faraday also introduced to the world of physics is an important idea about the magnetic lines and electric power lines. With the emphasis that is not its own magnetic field instead of them, he helped prepare the way for a wide range of advances in the field of modern physics, including Maxwell statement about the similarities between the two expressions through sign (=) as 2x + 5 = 10. Faraday also found that, if a blend of the two light is passed through a magnetic field, combination of them will change. This discovery has a special significance, because this is the first clue that there is a relationship between light with magnet.

Faraday not only intelligent but also good-looking and had a style as a lecturer. However, he was simple, did not take care in fame, money and adulation. He declined been knighted and also refused to be president of the British Royal Society. Masa long and happy marriage, just do not have children. Michael Faraday died on August 25, 1867 near the city of London.

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