Bimm 110 Section 3 Slides

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BIMM 110 Section 3 George Chen [email protected] OH: Tu 12:30-1:30p Sierra Summit

G. Chen 2009. Slide 1

Questions from last section ●

How does a male's X chromosome know not to inactivate?

In Kleinfelter's and Triple-X syndrome, are the extra X chromosomes inactivated?

G. Chen 2009. Slide 2

Nondisjunction related genetic diseases ●

Autosomal ●

Monosomy ● ●

None viable Several partial deletions

Trisomy ● ● ●

21 Down's Syndrome 13 Patau Syndrome 18 Edwards Syndrome

G. Chen 2009. Slide 3

Nondisjunction and maternal age ●

Possible theory explaining increased risk of nondisjunction related to maternal age is that constant hormone exposure somehow negatively affects premature eggs.

G. Chen 2009. Slide 4

Down Syndrome and AD ●

Alzheimer's Disease is caused by amyloid precursor protein (APP) accumulated in amyloid-beta deposits and tau proteins accumulated in neurofibrillary tangles

Downs patients have excessive amounts of APP, leading to early onset AD

APP gene is on chromosome 21

G. Chen 2009. Slide 5

Patau Syndrome ●

Severe mental retardation

Small eyes, split in iris

Cleft palate

Weak muscle tone

Increased risk of heart defects

G. Chen 2009. Slide 6

Edwards Syndrome ●

Heart defects

Kidney problem

Developmental delays

G. Chen 2009. Slide 7

Sex Related ●

Monosomy ●

XO Turner's

YO ??

Disomy ●

XY Female, XX Male

Trisomy ●

XXY Kleinfelter's


XXX Triple X G. Chen 2009. Slide 8

Turners ●

No mental retardation

Congenital heart disease

Kidney problems


Treated with growth hormone

G. Chen 2009. Slide 9

PARs ●

Pseudoautosomal regions found at tips of X and Y chromosomes

Mutant SHOX have shorter stature

2 copies of SHOX required for proper height development

G. Chen 2009. Slide 10

XX Male, XY Female ●

Treated with hormone replacement

Caused by deletions, crossing over

G. Chen 2009. Slide 11

Kleinfelter's (XXY) ●

IQ from well below to well above average

Behavioral problems

Hypogonadism, hypogenitalism

Treated with testosterone replacement

G. Chen 2009. Slide 12


Fertile, will give birth to normal offspring

Normal IQ

Behavioral problems – once thought linked to delinquency

G. Chen 2009. Slide 13


Fertile, will give birth to normal offspring


Delayed development

G. Chen 2009. Slide 14

Sex differentiation ●

Mesonephric duct = Wolffian duct

Paramesonephric duct = Mullerian duct

Requires Y chromosome for differentiation

G. Chen 2009. Slide 15

Sex Differentiation ●

SRY (Sex determining region Y) encodes for a protein TDF (Testes determining factor)

Production of testosterone leads to development of male genitalia

Production of Mullerian Inhibiting Substance from Sertoli cells inhibits Mullerian ducts from developing into female genitalia

Default pathway is female G. Chen 2009. Slide 16

Gamete formation ●



G. Chen 2009. Slide 17

Fertilization ●

Sperm acrosome releases Hyleuronidase, an enzyme to break down the 'glue' holding the corona radiata together

Sperm wedges into zona pellucida, binds to ZP3 receptor

Acrosome contents exocytosed, zona pellucida locally broken down

Fusion of acrosome and egg causes fusion of cortical granules to membrane preventing polyspermy G. Chen 2009. Slide 18

Infertility In MALES ● Low sperm count ●

Poor sperm health


Structural problems ●


Absence of structures

Functional problems ●

Non functional ovaries


Shared problem ●

Woman has antibodies against partner’s sperm

G. Chen 2009. Slide 19

Artificial Reproductive Techniques ●

In Vitro Fertilization

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

G. Chen 2009. Slide 20

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