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  • Words: 13,948
  • Pages: 21
Season 1 This story happened with two super smart guys and their no less brilliant friends. Heroes are very funny, funny and often fall into curious situations. Leonard is the protagonist of the series. This guy, he's a brilliant physicist and a fan of experiments. In addition to all, he has a huge collection of comics, lactose intolerance. He is the only one of the company that at least as it is located to the opposite sex. Throughout the series, he is hopelessly in love with their neighbor Penelope. His best friend Sheldon, he is also incredibly clever and even considers himself a new round in the evolution of mankind. This, and still narcissism, really hinders the hero in communicating with other people. Their new neighbor, a beautiful and young girl that dreams of becoming a singer, although with her vocal data is very difficult to implement. All of them live in the neighborhood.

Season 2 In this television series, the love line and comic situations that stir up the mood perfectly intertwine. The focus is on the best friends that are different from most guys. Most of all heroes are interested in physics. They practically devoted all their time to this science. Friends can be called real geniuses. They are really very knowledgeable in physics and, most likely, will make a significant contribution to its development. Despite the fact that in this science they are real winners, heroes, professionals, in real life friends are real losers. The main characters never had a serious relationship. Yes there is a relationship ... They are even afraid to have a conversation with a representative of the fair sex. There is such an opinion that physicists are simply afraid of girls. But one day their lives change dramatically. It becomes bright, saturated and unpredictable. And it all started after friends get acquainted with an attractive girl. She immediately liked the heroes. Their jaws dropped at the sight of this beauty. After the appearance of this heroine, the life of the guys changes. Now every day they are waiting for new adventures and trials. They will have to cross their principles and meet their fears. All this in order to win the heart of the girl. What of all this will happen? Watch the series "The Big Bang Theory" and find out for yourself!

Season 3 The new story of the series unfolds after three long months. Friends come back from the frosty expedition, where they conducted interesting studies, about which they want to trumpet to the whole planet. To look like heroes, the youth decides to take a desperate step, provides not true information about the results of the research conducted by Sheldon.The comedy will tell you what kind of love adventures await the heroes of the series The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Torrent. Various comic situations that arise through the fault of shy and not very determined guys will please fans of the series. The events of the season are developing in Texas, where Sheldon left, offended by his friends, after they recognized the injustice of the research. To return the former friendship, colleagues follow him. New heroes, new acquaintances and comic situations will see the viewer in the new season.Next watch online series on this colorful site for those who are worried about the fate of the couple in love with Penny and Leonardo. Whether friends will please their new adventures, or will leave in different directions, everything can be found on the portal. This funny comedy will provide you with an upbeat mood and in the company of the same merry fellows.

Season 4 Howard demonstrates a robotic arm, which he "borrowed" from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, by unpacking dinner. Back at home, using the arm as a massager, he thinks he could use it to masturbate, but things go wrong and he calls Leonard and Raj for help. They take him to the hospital, along with the arm and Howard's laptop that controls it, where the nurse immediately turns off the laptop, solving the problem. Later, Leonard gets another call from Howard, saying it "happened again". Meanwhile, Penny comes to know of Sheldon's new friend Amy and is shocked when Sheldon announces his plan to conceive a child with Amy via in-vitro fertilization. Penny suggests that he should first go out on a date with Amy, but, since Sheldon cannot drive, Penny ends up giving him a ride and eating with them. Penny tries to get Sheldon and Amy having a proper conversation, but this becomes all about Penny's dating history and sexual partners. After Sheldon and Penny return home, Penny, who is still upset, threatens to tell his mother about his procreation plans, causing him to drop them. Sheldon's estimate for his life expectancy leads him to the conclusion that he will miss by only a few years "the singularity, when man will be able to transfer his consciousness into machines and achieve immortality". He therefore changes his diet by eating cruciferous vegetables instead of pizza on Thursdays and decides to go jogging with Penny in the mornings in hopes of extending his life expectancy. Due to the diet of cruciferous vegetables he has a bad case of flatulence and he tumbles down the stairs while going down for his jog, Sheldon builds a robotic replication of himself which he calls a "Mobile Virtual Presence Device" (the telepresence robot by Willow Garage[3]) that would go through all the hazards of life that Sheldon would otherwise have to endure, while he stays behind in a "secure, undisclosed location" (his bedroom). The guys dismiss the MVPD as a stunt (Penny calls it Shel-Bot). Leonard then goes over to Sheldon's room to convince him to drop the idea, but Sheldon refuses to listen to him and proceeds to cite Section 74C of the Roommate Agreement requiring Leonard to assist him (by providing him transportation) "in the event one of the roommates becomes a robot". Leonard reluctantly takes the MVPD to work, completely regretting it after the MVPD continuously irritates him during the drive. Later Leonard takes the MVPD to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Sheldon, from his bedroom, spots Steve Wozniak having dinner there and sends the MVPD over to his table, telling him that he has a

1977 Apple II. Wozniak says that if Sheldon had the Apple II there he would sign it. Sheldon then takes the Apple II and rushes out of his apartment, but trips and falls down the stairs, breaking the Apple II and his ankle. The episode ends with a now bedridden Sheldon using the MVPD to force Penny to sing "Soft Kitty" to him. Sheldon and Amy are very compatible with each other, as evidenced by how well they can play "counterfactuals", a game they invented requiring them to know what the other is thinking when answering a question about "an alternate world that differs from ours in one key aspect". Leonard fails miserably when he attempts to play the game. However, Amy's presence does not go down well with the other guys, who already find it difficult to handle Sheldon himself, and they start hanging out at Penny's apartment to escape "ShAmy" (the name the guys and Penny gave for the couple). But one day at lunch, Amy belittles Sheldon's occupation as a theoretical physicist relative to, in her opinion, her superior occupation of neurobiology, prompting Sheldon to terminate their friendship. Following the breakup (or according to Sheldon, "our friendship outlived its utility"), Sheldon adopts 25 cats as a substitute for Amy. A worried Leonard calls Sheldon's mother, who rushes over to the apartment. She calls over Amy and, using reverse psychology, she makes Sheldon offer to reconcile with Amy, which she agrees to after a negotiation on the amount of responsibility Sheldon has to accept for the breakup. The episode ends with Sheldon and Amy giving away $20 to anybody willing to adopt a cat. The guys run into Howard's ex-girlfriend Bernadette while having dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Though Howard hides under the table when he sees Bernadette, the incident nonetheless reignites his feelings for her. He seeks help from Penny, who agrees on the condition that he reveal the reason behind his breakup. He confesses that Bernadette caught him engaging in cybersex with a fellow World of Warcraft player, who is later revealed to be one of Howard's male colleagues at Caltech. Howard and Bernadette later meet at the Cheesecake Factory and after Howard reveals the reason he indulged in cybersex (he thought that Bernadette was not interested in having sex with him), they make amends and decide to give their relationship another try. They go out on a date, following which they make out in Bernadette's car. Meanwhile, Sheldon and Raj argue over the latter wanting a desk in their office, with Sheldon citing budgetary reasons (saving money for a drawer full of Red Vines, a marshmallow shooting rifle, and a super executive ant farm with glow-in-the-dark sand) for not providing a desk. Raj offers to buy his own desk, to which he reluctantly agrees. When he enters his office later, he sees Raj sitting on a huge and ornate desk which takes up half the office space. After Raj refuses to obey Sheldon's subsequent order that he remove the desk, a series of annoying confrontations (Sheldon calls it "tit-fortat" exchanges) ensues between the two. Eventually, Sheldon makes a stink bomb in order to drive Raj out of their office, which Raj tries to counter by lighting his cinnamon-apple-scented aromatherapy candles. However, this makes the stink bomb vapors ignite, causing an explosion. When Amy decides to introduce Sheldon to her mother, he becomes worried as being introduced to Amy's mother would indicate that Amy wants to be his girlfriend. So he begins to avoid Amy, removing all possible contact with her and even disguising himself so that she would not recognize him. However Amy catches Sheldon outside the apartment building and then tells him that she only wants to introduce him to her mother so that she would be convinced that Amy is in a relationship and leave her alone. Later when talking to Amy's mother on webcam, a now relieved Sheldon and Amy lie to Amy's mother that they are in a "sexual relationship", which does not go too well with her. Meanwhile, as Howard now has a girlfriend, Leonard decides to invoke the "Girlfriend Pact" (from the Season 3 episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary) with Howard. Howard and Bernadette set up a double date with Leonard and one of Bernadette's friends, Joy. Joy behaves in an obnoxious and inappropriate manner during the date, which disgusts Leonard. However he later accepts another date with Joy due to understanding that sex is a strong possibility. Raj's younger sister Priya, a lawyer by profession, visits Pasadena en route to Toronto. Though unknown to the others including Raj, Priya had been involved in a sexual encounter with Leonard five years earlier,

despite Leonard's assurance to Howard that he would never hit on Priya in deference to Raj. That night, Priya sneaks into Leonard and Sheldon's apartment unknown to Sheldon and has sex with Leonard. Sheldon finds out the following morning that Leonard and Priya had "coitus" and frames an elaborate, flawless lie to cover it up, which involves Leonard having had sex with an imaginary Irish bartender named Maggie McGeary. But Leonard decides not to hide the truth and confesses to Raj that he slept with Priya. Raj is initially upset, but reconciles with Leonard after he says that Priya broke his heart. The guys then unleash confessions of all of the deceptions they have perpetrated on each other, including Howard dropping Raj's iPhone into a urinal, Sheldon's experiment feeding moth parts to Leonard mixed in his food and Raj using Sheldon's toothbrush. Sheldon becomes upset at Raj for using his toothbrush and terminates his friendship with him, but immediately forgives him after Raj reveals that he gave him a talking Thomas the Tank Engine with real puffing smoke for Thanksgiving. Howard needs top-level security clearance to work on a government surveillance satellite, so the FBI sends Agent Angela Paige (Eliza Dushku) to interview Leonard, Sheldon and Raj in order to do a background check on him. The interviews do not go well, especially when Sheldon unwittingly reveals that Howard crashed the Mars Rover (from the Season 2 episode The Lizard Spock Expansion). As a result, Howard is denied clearance. Sheldon feels guilty that he caused Howard's career to be set back and sets out to put things right. He apologizes to Howard, but Howard refuses to accept it. Later, Penny inspires Sheldon to use neurolinguistic programming to modify Howard's thoughts so that he will accept his apology. When that does not work, Sheldon offers Howard his spot on the couch, and Howard is so touched by this gesture he forgives Sheldon. But, that evening, Sheldon takes back his spot after only 94 seconds, and Penny wins her bet with Leonard. The guys decide to go to a special midnight screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark which has 21 seconds of unseen footage. However when they arrive at the theater, they are made to wait in a long queue, making Sheldon whine about how Leonard, Howard and Raj wasted time by having dinner. Later Wil Wheaton arrives and is immediately allowed entry without having to stand in a queue due to his celebrity status, which angers an already-impatient Sheldon. Eventually the guys are barred from watching the movie as the theatre is fully occupied. Just as the four are about to leave, Sheldon discovers a side door and enters it. Leonard, Howard and Raj follow Sheldon and find him holding some film cans, having stolen the reels of the movie in retribution for being denied from watching the movie. Wheaton too finds Sheldon holding the movie reels, leading to a mob of angry Raiders (and Wheaton) chasing the four from the theater, mimicking the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Meanwhile, Amy decides to spend the evening with Penny and Bernadette, who are planning a "girls' night", despite her initially planning to go with the guys to Raiders of the Lost Ark. As Amy had never been to a girls' night before, she grosses out Penny and Bernadette with descriptions about her female parts as she thinks that is what girls talk about and looks up Wikipedia to determine sleepover customs, which Penny and Bernadette reluctantly go along with. During Truth or Dare, Amy and Bernadette get on Penny's case about Leonard. Annoyed, Penny storms off to her bedroom. Later Amy finds out that girls engage in lesbianism during sleepovers and enters Penny's bedroom. The episode ends with a horrified reaction from Penny, indicating that Amy may possibly be trying to indulge in lesbian sex with her. Penny informs Leonard that her father Wyatt has come on a visit and asks him to pretend that they are back together as he is the only boyfriend she had that her father ever approved of. He is initially wary of the idea, but gleefully plays along to get her to confess (he also calls her out on her hypocrisy at being mad at him for going along with her stupid, flawed plan), which she does when he is Wii fishing with her father. Penny's father confronts her about the hoax and admonishes her for always being dishonest to him. After Penny goes to her room, her father pleads with Leonard to get back together with her because he does not want her to go back to dating boyfriends whose personalities he does not approve of and wants grandchildren who do not grow up in a mobile home. Leonard then plays along as Wyatt pretends to angrily throw him out of Penny's apartment. Meanwhile, Howard and Raj decide to spend the night in a control room while Raj uses a ground-based telescope located in Hawaii in an attempt to find an exoplanet orbiting Epsilon Eridani. Raj becomes angry when Howard invites Bernadette until he discovers

that Bernadette brought wine. A drunk Raj complains that no girl wants to kiss him, to which Bernadette shows sympathy for him. At this, Raj attempts to kiss her, but ends up kissing Howard when he attempts to stop Raj from kissing his girlfriend. The next day, Howard and Raj act awkward around each other and lash out at Leonard and Sheldon when they enquire about what they had seen on the telescope. Elsewhere, Sheldon thinks that Leonard and Penny have got back together (he is unaware they are faking it). So he modifies the Roommate Agreement to include a Penny-specific section which addresses some of Penny's annoying habits, which if she does while at their apartment, would cause Leonard to pay a fine to Sheldon. When Leonard tells him later that he and Penny "broke up" again, a frustrated Sheldon throws the agreement papers into the air and yells whether Leonard even thinks of other people.

While on a girls' night out with Penny and Bernadette, Amy meets Penny's ex-boyfriend Zack and immediately becomes attracted to him. She later discusses her symptoms with Sheldon (elevated heart rate, moist palms, dry mouth, vascular throbbing in the ears and genitalia and saying an involuntary "hoo" in Zack's presence) and comes to the reluctant conclusion that she is sexually aroused by Zack. It is also pointed out that Sheldon might be jealous. Sheldon prefers to assume that Amy has contracted an alien parasite. Later when Sheldon discusses about Amy and Zack with Penny, Penny tells him that there is "something" he could do about Amy's "urges", but as usual he misunderstands what Penny is trying to say to him (Penny meant that Sheldon should show romantic feelings to Amy) and instead tries to bring Amy and Zack together. He manages to contact the right Zack Johnson and sets him up on a date with Amy at a bar. This proves to be a failure, as Amy finds out that Zack is extremely stupid. Later while walking home with Sheldon, Amy does something she never did before- she holds Sheldon's hand. When Sheldon asks why Amy is holding his hand, Amy says it is just an experiment, but then lets go and says, "Nope. Nothing. Never mind.", indicating that she is not attracted by Sheldon's appearance, yet chose Sheldon's intellect over Zack's looks. Meanwhile, after one of the scientists at the biology lab is bitten by a radioactive rat, Howard and Raj argue about who would be the better superhero (with Raj expressing his desire to be "Rat-Man"). Knowing that Raj is afraid of spiders, Howard proposes a contest where the first person who dares to put his hand into a jar with a huge spider in it and keeps it there for the longest

time gets to be the superhero. This however backfires, as the spider crawls onto Howard's arm, freaking him out. The duo decide to settle their argument once and for all by having a wrestling match, but this too fails as instead of wrestling each other, they only end up circling and insulting each other. Penny gets back together with Zack. The guys insult Zack's low intelligence which upsets him; however he reconciles with the four after Sheldon offers him Milk Duds and he accompanies them to the comic book store, where Stuart announces the New Year's Eve costume party. The guys decide to come as the Justice League of America and also decide to include Penny as Wonder Woman (who initially refuses, but later agrees) and Zack as Superman (because according to Howard, "he is the only person we know with actual muscles"). Leonard dresses up as Green Lantern, Sheldon as The Flash, Howard as Batman and a reluctant Raj as Aquaman. Sheldon forces Penny to wear a black wig, as Wonder Woman has black hair, but Penny refuses to wear the wig and decides not to come to the costume party. Sheldon, Howard and even Zack are unable to convince Penny to change her mind. Later when Leonard talks to her in an attempt to convince her to come to the party, Penny reveals that she got back together with Zack only because she did not want to spend New Year's Eve alone. Leonard questions why not with him, prompting Penny to suddenly remember the fun times she used to have with him, convincing her to change her mind and put on the wig. At the comic book store, the group win the award for the Best Group Costume, although it is hinted that they only won because they showed up with a girl. The episode concludes with the six witnessing an ongoing car theft and then scurrying off despite wearing Justice League costumes. Leonard gets an idea to develop a smartphone app that will allow users to solve differential equations just by taking a picture of them. However, Sheldon catches the heat from Leonard when he tries to put himself in charge despite the app being Leonard's idea (Sheldon had named himself as the chief executive, financial, and operating officers among other high-rank positions while listing Leonard as only the founder). Despite eventually acknowledging Leonard as the leader of the project, Sheldon continually criticizes Leonard's leadership in the development of the app. After Sheldon suggests names for the app that have his name in it (the "Surprisingly Helpful Equation-Linked Differential Optimized Numerator", which has "Sheldon" as its acronym, and "Project NodlehS", which has "Sheldon" spelled backwards), Leonard tells him to stop. Sheldon abruptly calls for a vote to change the team's leadership, resulting in Leonard kicking Sheldon off the team. After unsuccessfully trying to bribe Howard and Raj to dump Leonard and join his "rival company", Sheldon resorts to sabotaging Leonard's project by playing a theremin while they work, and Leonard kicks him out of the apartment in retaliation. When Penny sees Sheldon moping on the stairs, she sympathetically invites him to her apartment for a cup of cocoa, but quickly regrets her decision. She asks the guys to take Sheldon back, promising that he will apologize. Sheldon initially refuses to apologize, so Penny tells him to use sarcasm to disguise his lack of sincerity, an idea to which Sheldon immediately takes a liking. The guys agree to put him back on the team, but Sheldon quickly goes back to criticizing their work, demanding that they completely start over. The episode ends with Sheldon, having been kicked off the team again, reluctantly working with Penny on an app she mentioned to him while sitting on the stairs- the app identifies shoes and finds out where to buy them.

Amy asks Penny to join her, Bernadette and the other guys on a trip to a science conference in Big Sur, California, as she believes them to be her best friends. At first she rejects the offer, but then accepts after learning about the free spa treatment. Before they leave, Sheldon ("travel supervisor") explains the timetable and seating arrangements. Amy convinces Sheldon to let Penny ride in the lead car with themselves and Leonard because her "Nebraska backwoods skills" could help them if their car breaks down. During the trip, Penny gets sent to the second car with Howard, Raj and Bernadette after she attempts to stand up to Sheldon. At the hotel, Bernadette spots Glenn, her professor at college and exboyfriend, a tall handsome guy who intimidates Howard. When Howard confronts Bernadette over Glenn, she gets mad at him and decides to stay with Amy and Penny. Since there are only two beds and Penny cannot sleep because of Amy's nightmares (which cause her to bite), Penny moves out of her room and

asks Leonard if she can stay with him and Sheldon. Leonard accepts, but after Penny tells him that they aren't going to have sex, Sheldon wakes up, asking them if they are not going to have "coitus". As he receives different answers (Penny says "yes", Leonard says "no"), Sheldon leaves and seeks shelter in Raj's room, where Raj is about to watch Bridget Jones's Diary. Sheldon eventually kicks out Raj, who then goes to Leonard and Penny's room, just when they are about to have sex. He crawls into the bed vacated by Sheldon, stopping Leonard and Penny from having sex. The next morning as Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Bernadette and Amy sit on a panel, with Penny in the audience, they all exchange (initially thinly veiled) criticisms at one another stemming from the previous night's events. An irritated Penny then accepts a ride back to Pasadena with Glenn, much to Leonard's horror. Later while returning home, Leonard gets pursued by the police for speeding as he is distracted by the thought of Penny being with Glenn.

Sheldon guest lectures at a university, but his teaching style is considered boring and intolerable, and results in negative online feedback from his students. On Amy's advice, he decides to take acting lessons from Penny for $40 to learn how to more easily communicate with his students, though his attitude during the lessons frustrates Penny. Finally, they act out a Star Trek fanfiction script which Sheldon wrote in his childhood, in which Mr. Spock takes a young Sheldon to the 23rd century to bring hope and peace to the galaxy. Penny plays the role of Spock as she feels that Sheldon needs to come out of his comfort zone, while Sheldon plays the dual role of himself and his mother. However while acting out the script, Sheldon immerses himself so deeply in the part that he is brought to tears, because he does not want to be taken away from his mother by Spock. Penny then calls his mother and gives the phone to Sheldon so that his mother can console him. Meanwhile, Raj develops a crush on Bernadette after she comforts him over not having female company. He starts daydreaming various scenarios involving him and Bernadette; the first one is Howard asking him to satisfy Bernadette's sexual needs while he is away on a fellowship in Israel; the second one is a dying Howard, who has met with a fatal accident, asking him to take care of Bernadette and satisfy her sexually after his death; the third and final one has him and Bernadette dancing Bollywood-style.

President Siebert invites the guys to a fundraiser for Caltech that Saturday. While Leonard, Howard and Raj are willing to attend, Sheldon refuses to go and stays back in the apartment; however, he changes his mind after a video chat with Amy, who tells him that if he is not at the fundraiser, the task of raising funds for the physics department would fall to Leonard and Raj, whom, according to her, would probably fail in raising funds, as a result of which the funds would go to departments like geology and liberal arts; but during the fundraiser, he insults many donors by refusing to shake hands with them due to his mysophobia as a result of which the physics department loses potential donors. At the fundraiser, the guys are introduced to Mrs. Latham, an elderly philanthropist whose condescending attitude terrifies them, but she later tells Leonard that she likes making smart people nervous. She then invites Leonard to dinner the following night to talk more about his research, despite none of the guys (including Leonard) feeling like they did anything right at the fundraiser. During dinner, she reveals that she is willing to donate money to the physics department on one condition- Leonard must have sex with her. Leonard is not comfortable with this and is unwilling to prostitute himself, despite Sheldon's plea that he do it for the physics department. The next night, Leonard again has dinner with Mrs. Latham, during which she tells Leonard that whether he has sex with her or not, she will donate to the physics department. After this, she flirts with him, eventually causing him to give in and have sex with her. The next morning, Penny and Sheldon catch him as he arrives home after his "walk of shame" and tease him slightly. Later at work, he is applauded by everyone at Caltech, including Howard, Raj and President Siebert for his "gigolo work" which brought funds to the physics department. Bernadette is upset because Howard always goes home after sex so that he can help his mother in the morning. She insists that Howard moves in with her, which Howard is not interested in until he has a big fight with his mother after reaching home regarding his sexual activity with Bernadette. After spending the rest of the night in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, Howard moves out of his house to Bernadette's apartment. Both are happy initially, but later Bernadette realises that Howard is too dependent on his mother and insists that he should not expect the same treatment from her. As a result, Howard returns home, where his mother (who did not know that Howard had moved out) grounds him for "running away". Meanwhile, after Howard offhandedly mentions that Raj's younger sister Priya has come to Pasadena and is staying at Raj's apartment, Leonard rushes over there to talk to her. Leonard and Priya then decide to pursue a long-term relationship much to Raj's indignance, who even quotes from the Manusmriti to dissaude Priya from dating Leonard, only for Priya to remind him that he eats beef which is also forbidden in the Manusmriti. Amy, who considers Penny her BFF, rushes over to Penny's apartment to console her when she hears the news, but Penny insists that she is not upset that Leonard and Priya are dating. Later while having dinner, Penny finds out that Priya, being a lawyer, is much more successful than her and also sees that Leonard (and even Amy) is crazy about Priya's achievements. After returning to her apartment following dinner, Penny breaks down crying, which confirms that she still has feelings for Leonard. Amy, who is also in Penny's apartment, comforts her before using electrodes to determine which brain regions are active during crying, as she plans to make a rhesus monkey cry by stimulating the analogous areas of its brain. During the weekend, with Leonard and Priya having gone to Santa Catalina Island, Howard grounded by his mother and Raj at home in strong disapproval of Leonard and Priya dating, Penny spends her time with Sheldon and Amy (via webcam), who tells her that thanks to her contribution, she was successfully able to make a rhesus monkey cry. Now Leonard and Priya are dating and since she lives with Raj, Leonard and Howard decide to have dinner there instead of the normal venue which disturbs Sheldon who prefers their place. Sheldon leaves and stops by the Cheesecake Factory where Penny tells him he has to accept that the gang will be hanging out at Raj's place more often. Amy tells him that Leonard is the nucleus of their social group and not Sheldon. As a result, he sets up a new group consisting of Kripke, Stuart, Zack and LeVar Burton (whom he tweeted) with him as the nucleus. Sheldon's plans are dismissed by the others in favor of Zack's dating stories and getting drunk and singing karaoke. Naturally, Sheldon does not like that very much, so he decides to go back to his old friends, who, in the meantime, realized that they actually missed Sheldon. In the end, LeVar Burton finally does show up at Sheldon's place, but when he sees Kripke, Stuart and Zack singing karaoke together, he leaves immediately, stating "I am so done with

Twitter". Meanwhile, Bernadette and Amy want to take Penny out dancing to get her mind off of Leonard and Priya. As she changes clothes, she tells the girls that it is the first time in her life she is satisfied with being single and does not want to have sex with a random guy to make up for it, however when Amy finds the snowflake that Leonard gave to her after his expedition to the North Pole (see The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation), she changes her mind as her feelings for Leonard come back to the surface again. Priya has begun to dominate in her relationship with Leonard, buying him new clothes and forcing him to wear contact lenses (which Leonard is not comfortable with). She also feels threatened by Leonard continuing to hang out with Penny, even though they have broken up, so during sex, she tells him to break all contact with Penny. Leonard initially hesitates, but still tries to tell Penny to stay away from him, albeit indirectly, with an obscure anecdote about Charles Darwin's finches. Penny does not get the right message, but Leonard takes comfort in the fact that he tried. Later Penny interrupts Leonard's date with Priya and is completely oblivious to what is going on. Leonard once again indirectly tries to tell Penny to stay away from him, but this time Penny gets the message and realizing that Priya was behind this, decides to break all contact with Leonard. Leonard immediately attempts to go after his ex-girlfriend, only to crash into the doorframe due to his uncomfortable new contact lenses. Meanwhile, Howard shows Sheldon, Raj and Penny a card trick in which a volunteer picks a card and after shuffling the deck, Howard tells the volunteer his/her card. Raj and Penny both try out the trick and are amazed by it. Though at first his attitude is dismissive, Sheldon eventually becomes obsessed with discovering the trick's secret, as even Penny could figure it out. He goes to the extent of using a barcode reader and even hacking the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Cray supercomputer, attempting to procure Uranium 235 on Craigslist in order to recreate the trick. It is then revealed (to the audience) that the card trick is just a prank played by Howard, Raj and Penny on Sheldon. Raj and Penny willingly pretended that Howard was successful, knowing fully well that Sheldon would go nuts trying to figure out the trick's secret. When Sheldon wants Howard to perform the trick on him in the end, Raj manages to get a peek on Sheldon's card and uses hand signals to tell Howard the right answer. Sheldon is puzzled once more, still not knowing that he had been pranked all along, while Howard and Raj both laugh gleefully. Sheldon's World of Warcraft account has been hacked and all of his WoW stuff have been stolen. He enlists the help of the other guys in finding the hacker. Howard manages to trace the hacker and reveals that his name is Todd Zarnecki and lives in Carlsbad. The guys then drive to Carlsbad to get back Sheldon's WoW stuff. At Todd's home however, not only does Todd refuse to return Sheldon's stuff, but he also takes away Sheldon's Klingon Bat'leth. Defeated, the guys decide to return home, but their car breaks down midway, prompting Leonard to call Penny to fetch them. When Penny hears their story, she drives them back to Todd's house where she delivers a kick to Todd's groin and forces him to return Sheldon's stuff. Meanwhile, Amy, Bernadette and Penny criticise Priya and her arrogant, dominating behavior, with Amy going to the extent of asking Bernadette and Penny to "throw their waste" at Priya. Penny takes Amy's comments lightly, but after an encounter with Priya in the apartment lobby, she agrees with Amy. Penny spreads a rumor that Bernadette is thinking of breaking up with Howard. Amy tells Sheldon, who tells Leonard, who tells Priya, who later tells Raj. Priya informs Leonard that Raj has a crush on Bernadette and even writes poems about her. When Raj hears the rumor from Priya, he gets excited, as he could finally have his own shot with Bernadette. Howard is completely unaware of the rumor and plans to ask Bernadette to marry him. The others try to stop him from asking, as they believe that Bernadette will reject him and he will become blindsided, except Raj, who selfishly encourages Howard to go through with his plan in the hope that Bernadette will reject him. When having dinner one night, Howard pulls out the proposal ring, as he cannot imagine a better time to ask her than with all of his friends around. Despite the protest of the others, he gets on his knees and starts to talk. At that moment, Bernadette cuts him off in what appears to be a rejection, however she actually accepts his marriage proposal, devastating Raj. The rumor about Bernadette breaking up with Howard motivates Amy and Sheldon to conduct an experiment in which they concurrently spread two false rumors: a "tantalizing" one (Sheldon and Amy had sex) and a "non-tantalizing" one (Amy decided to start a herb garden) to see

which rumor gets back to them first. Amy starts both rumors by informing Penny and, as expected, the rumor about the two having sex reaches the entire group in under 24 hours while the other one is not mentioned again. When Howard's proposal distracts the group from the rumor, they decide to start over with their experiment. Amy visits Penny (who just got a text from Bernadette informing her about the proposal) again and tells her that she is getting orthotics and that she is pregnant with Sheldon's baby. Moments later Leonard meets Amy in the hall after he receives a text message from Penny, informing him about the false pregnancy. He confronts Amy, who, in return, just wonders "is there anything on there about orthotics?".

When Leonard takes a shower with Priya while Sheldon experiences an event of force majeure, he gets charged with two violations of the roommate agreement (Leonard denied access to the bathroom when Sheldon had to urinate and Leonard was not the only person in the shower). However, before he can get too far, Priya uses her skills as a lawyer to nullify the charges, due to the agreement's vague wording, much to Sheldon's dismay. When the guys take advantage of Priya's skills in order to eat Greek food (which Sheldon does not like at all) on pizza night, Sheldon seeks shelter at Penny's, who invites him to join her on a girls' night out with Amy and Bernadette. After the girls have some cocktails and Sheldon mentions he had learned to dance at cotillion balls as a child, they decide to take Sheldon dancing. After dancing, Sheldon takes an intoxicated Amy back to her apartment. Amy tells Sheldon not to give in to Priya's law skills, just like a monkey would defend his territory. She then proceeds to kiss him and then rushes to her bathroom to vomit. The next day, Sheldon presents an overhauled version of the roommate agreement to Leonard and asks him to sign it. When Leonard shows his reluctance, Sheldon activates a "self-destruct sequence" on his laptop; If Leonard does not sign the agreement within a minute, an email will be sent to Priya's parents informing them of their relationship. Leonard accuses Sheldon of bluffing and blackmailing and does not see any harm in Priya's parents knowing. Priya, however, knowing that her parents do not approve her dating an American, tells Leonard their relationship is over if he does not sign the new agreement. After a failed attempt to cut the power supply from Sheldon's laptop, Leonard gives in and Sheldon aborts the program. Later that day, Sheldon speaks with a hungover Amy

via webcam and thanks her for the advice that she gave him the night before. They agree to treat their relationship like a "crashed computer" and "restore" it to the last point it worked for both, thus deciding to forget about the entire evening's events. Meanwhile, Leonard, not knowing how strict Priya's parents are, argues with her about whether or not she is ashamed of him. While shoe-shopping with Penny and Amy, Bernadette reveals that Howard and her have been invited to a double date by Priya. Amy suspects that Priya is trying to win over the weakest member of their social group, just as a cheetah attacks the weakest specimen in a herd of wildebeests. Therefore, she proposes to use Bernadette to spy on Priya and spread disinformation about Penny and Leonard. Bernadette is uncomfortable with lying, as she went to a catholic school, but nonetheless goes along with the plan. When the four meet for dinner, Priya makes a snide remark about Penny's acting career. Penny and Amy order Bernadette to tell Priya and the others that Penny is on her way to Prague for a movie part and that she is dating an architect (although this is AutoCorrected to astronaut). Priya, Leonard and Howard begin to ask questions about this news (being very interested in details about where Penny met the astronaut), to which Bernadette has to improvise answers, increasingly unnerving and frustrating her. Bernadette excuses herself to the bathroom and calls Amy to tell her that the lie (as well as her calm) is unraveling. She also reveals that Priya and Leonard are planning a trip to India to meet the Koothrapallis. Consequently, Penny wants her to find out if the two are getting engaged. Bernadette finally snaps and storms out, leaving Priya and Leonard befuddled. Meanwhile, Raj, who is still very lonely and does not want to be the "fifth wheel" during the double date, visits Sheldon in his apartment. He tries to get advice about whether or not he should try to cure his social anxiety using an experimental drug, however Sheldon is preoccupied with his "three-player chess" project, as he does not only adapt the popular game for 3 players with a new board design, but also adds new chess pieces. Sheldon finally advises Raj to do so and accompanies him to a coffee shop to observe the drug's effectiveness. It ends up working very well, as Raj starts to talk to a woman named Angela, who also seems to like him. However, an adverse effect begins to manifest itself, causing Raj to lose all his inhibitions and strip completely naked, thus scaring off Angela. In the end, Sheldon, Leonard and Howard play a test game of Sheldon's chess version, to which he added a multitude of new chess pieces and rules while a still-nude Raj is watching them. While dining at the Cheesecake Factory, Bernadette and Howard reveal that their parents have not been informed about their engagement yet. Howard arranges a lunch for his fiancé and his mother and they end up getting along well. After Howard hears the good news while talking to his mother, who is in the bathroom, he decides to make the move and tell her about the engagement. To his horror, she collapses from an apparent heart attack. Howard takes her to the hospital as fast as he can. When the others hear about this, they rush to the hospital. Sheldon, being extremely mysophobic, is initially reluctant to visit the hospital and only agrees to come after Penny pressures him to go. When Bernadette finds out that Howard was telling his mother about his engagement before she collapsed, she is very upset, as she believes that she is the reason all this happened. When Mrs. Wolowitz finally wakes up, the doctor informs them that it had not been a heart attack and that she wants to see Bernadette before anyone else. It is revealed that she actually had food poisoning from the restaurant she and Bernadette ate at and was worried about Bernadette's well-being, whom she actually likes a lot. Bernadette ends up being very mad at Howard, as he led her to believe that it was all her fault. While in the hospital, Priya and Penny start searching for the cafeteria and bond in the process. They mainly discuss Leonard's skills in the bedroom. Sheldon has other things to worry about, as he tries to avoid contact with anything in the hospital and, when he has to go to the restroom, is trapped in there, waiting for someone to open the door for him. When he tries to avoid a coughing patient on the way back, he seeks shelter in a random room. Much to his horror, it turns out to be a bio-hazard room, where he is exposed to a deadly disease. Sheldon is eventually forced to stay in the hospital under a 2-week quarantine after the exposure, with his friends keeping him company in hazmat suits. Bernadette announces that her dissertation has been accepted, earning her a Ph.D. and a well-paid job. Later Bernadette decides to buy Howard an expensive watch as a present and tells him to "let her worry

about the money", a comment that disturbs Howard. Meanwhile, Leonard's and Priya's noisy sexual encounters sends Raj to spend the night at Sheldon's apartment. When Leonard finds him in his bed, he proposes that Raj moves in with Sheldon until Priya finds her own place. Raj likes the idea, signs Sheldon's roommate paperwork and moves in with him. He then prepares a fancy dinner for them which delights Sheldon who decides Raj is a much better roommate than Leonard. Penny stops by, stays for dinner and the both of them get drunk from the wine Raj served. Penny confesses to Raj that she "screwed up", as she should not have broken up with Leonard, and that she would be "on" him (Raj) if they were not friends. Priya receives a video call, Leonard overhears that she is moving back to India and storms out revealing their relationship to her parents. At the end of the episode, Sheldon discovers Leonard sleeping on their couch, just before Howard shows up and announces that he had a fight with Bernadette over the watch. Penny wakes up and is horrified when she notices Raj in Leonard's bed beside her. She tells him that last night never happened and tries to sneak out of the apartment; however, they are busted by the others. Penny just states that "it's not what it looks like" and leaves. Sheldon then asks "What does it look like?"

Season 5 Raj finds himself in hot water with Leonard after his night with Penny and also with Howard after he discovers Raj's fantasies about Bernadette (who is also angry at Raj because of his fantasies, and now has to contend with Howard's feeling of distrust of her as a result). Raj (who now has feelings for Penny) and Penny later talk about the recent events and it turns out they did not have sex because Raj ejaculated prematurely when Penny tried to help him put on a condom. When Raj tries to arrange a date, Penny tells him that she has no romantic feelings for him and likes him only as a friend, bringing an end to his nascent crush on Penny. Nonetheless, Penny feels that this has damaged her relationship with the guys permanently and decides to move back to Nebraska, as she has not had any worthwhile acting jobs since moving to Pasadena. When she goes over to Leonard and Sheldon's apartment to apologize and announce her intention to move, she gets a call from her agent, informing her that she got a part in a hemorrhoids commercial, causing her to scrap her moving plans. Meanwhile, after trying to figure out what Penny meant by "It's not what it looks like" (from the Season 4 finale), Sheldon appoints himself as the captain of the guys' paintball team. But when they are at one of Caltech's tournaments where they fight against other departments, their team falls apart because of Leonard, Howard and Raj's lack of enthusiasm due to the recent events. Sheldon, blaming himself, puts down his paintball gun and walks outside, mocking the rival team from the geology department. Following that, he is promptly shot several times by the geology team. Leonard, Howard and Raj immediately rush out to avenge Sheldon's "sacrifice" and even manage to claim the victory for the physics team. Penny gets a new chair, which Sheldon enjoys until he finds out that she picked it up from the street. He becomes paranoid about the chair due to his mysophobia and constantly pesters Penny to dispose of it, to no avail. He then asks Amy to persuade Penny to get rid of the chair as she and Penny are good friends; however when she tells Penny to dispose of the chair, Penny becomes angry at Amy for allowing Sheldon to use her. Fearing that her friendship with Penny may be over, Amy sits on the chair and praises it to show her loyalty to Penny, but is then bitten by something moving in the chair, causing her and Penny to run out of the apartment screaming. Later, Raj and Howard find the chair at the curb, who decide to take it up to Leonard and Sheldon's apartment so that Raj does not end up having to sit on the floor. As they pick it up something can be seen by the camera crawling around inside. Meanwhile, Leonard begins a long distance relationship with his girlfriend Priya, who has returned to India, via Skype. On Howard's advice, he decides to engage in cybersex with her. However he does not know how to do cybersex, prompting Priya to guide him, but his laptop screen freezes when Priya begins to take off her shirt. With his first attempt at cybersex having failed, Leonard again seeks advice from Howard, who asks

him to kiss Priya through the laptop screen. He prepares to perform this when he attempts cybersex with Priya again, but this attempt also fails as Priya's parents are sitting beside her. Sheldon goes to the model train store to hear a lecture on HO gauge model trains, and is convinced into buying an HO gauge model train set. However he later starts to enjoy playing with it and eventually buys a N gauge model train set which is much smaller than an HO gauge model train set. Amy decides to take Leonard instead of Sheldon as her date to a wedding for two scientists from the primatology department as Sheldon behaves like a child during weddings. At the wedding, Leonard is feeling upset about the state of his relationship with Priya, to which Amy retorts that she is trying to have a good time even though Sheldon is at home playing with model trains. She then gets Leonard to dance with her. When Amy drops Leonard home later that night, it is revealed that Leonard had pulled his groin while dancing, which was eased by ice given to him by Amy. Nevertheless, he feels that he enjoyed the evening and kisses Amy on the cheek, prompting her to think that he has fallen in love with her. She sends an e-mail to him the following morning to clarify that she does not have feelings for him. When Leonard tells Sheldon that he had a great time with Amy, even though his groin hurts as a result, Sheldon, who incorrectly thinks that they had sex, hits him on the shoulder and angrily retorts "She is not for you. Not for you!" indicating that he has feelings for Amy. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette's relationship hits a snag when Bernadette tells Howard that she would not move in with him and his mother after they get married. Howard asks her to stay with him and his mother for the weekend as a "trial", to which she agrees. However during her stay, she is horrified at certain aspects of Mrs. Wolowitz's behavior and her relationship with Howard. The next morning, she reveals to Howard that she is trying to get along with his mother, despite being entirely different people. While giving Howard breakfast in bed, she launches into a back-and-forth series of exchanges with Mrs. Wolowitz in which Bernadette imitates her voice and accent perfectly. Penny sets up Raj on a date with her deaf friend Emily, for whom his selective mutism is no longer an issue. Both take a liking to each other immediately after they meet, though Raj needs Howard as a translator at first as he does not know sign language. It soon turns out that Emily is exploiting Raj for his wealth (according to Sheldon, Raj is "Richie Rich rich", a fact which none of the gang knew about), prompting Penny and Howard to talk to her, but when Howard indicates that she is a gold digger, she becomes very offended. Later Penny tries to talk Raj out of the relationship, but he refuses to listen to her, making her contact his parents, who threaten to cut him off unless he breaks up with Emily. He refuses to listen to them too, but when he later tells Emily that he chose love over his parents' money and decides to return all the expensive gifts he bought her, she breaks up with him. After commiserating with his friends at The Cheesecake Factory, they make Raj foot the bill as they all now know that he is extremely wealthy. Meanwhile, Sheldon decides to use the Dungeons & Dragons dice to help him make trivial decisions so that his mind is free for more important things. Although this allows him to get some important work done more efficiently, it also results in him eating things he would not normally eat, and making odd decisions such as growing a mustache. Howard is ecstatic to learn that he will be traveling to the International Space Station as a payload specialist to assist in the implementation of a deep space telescope designed by his engineering team. However the news does not go down well with Bernadette, who is upset that he did not consult her first and fears for his safety. She tattles on him to Howard's mother (Howard had not told his mother yet that he is going to space), who forbids him from going to space. Howard becomes upset and begins to reconsider his relationship with Bernadette. After talking to Penny and Amy, Bernadette feels guilty for what she had done and decides to apologize to Howard. He forgives her, but reiterates that he will go to space, which she accepts. Meanwhile, while Sheldon and Leonard are at the comic book store, Wil Wheaton shows up and invites them to a party at his house that Friday. Sheldon takes offence when Leonard decides to go to the party and begins to consider their friendship as "Schrödinger's friendship", in the sense that Leonard is simultaneously his friend and mortal enemy, the final outcome to be determined when Leonard does or does not go to the party. Eventually he gives in and decides to attend the party after Leonard mentions that Brent Spiner will be there. At the party, Wheaton gives him the

very thing, the denial of which years ago started their enmity- a signed, mint-condition, limited-edition Wesley Crusher action figure. Sheldon immediately forgives him, gives him a rare hug and claims that he is his friend. However Brent Spiner soon becomes Sheldon's enemy when he opens the figure's mint condition packaging. Sheldon's mother comes to Pasadena for a weekend visit while waiting to board a Christian cruise called the "Born Again Boat Ride". However she decides to spend her time eating out and going sightseeing around Los Angeles with Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj instead of cooking and watching Sheldon embarrass a Nobel laureate. This upsets him, creating a standoff between himself and his mother. When he talks about his mother's behavior to Amy, she counsels him that while he is a genius, his emotional reactions to his mother ignoring him are no different from that of any other human being, and that the less intelligent might be able to handle their emotions better by not over thinking them. While returning home that evening, he gets caught in the rain and comes down with a fever, prompting his mother to nurse him back to health.

Leonard meets an attractive female comic book enthusiast named Alice at the comic book store and immediately gets attracted to her. However he is still in a committed relationship with Priya and as a result is torn between cheating on her with Alice or staying loyal to her. He goes to Penny for advice, but he does not find her advice useful, so he goes to Sheldon, who quotes Friedrich Nietzsche's views on morality (Morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men). Leonard surprisingly takes Sheldon's advice and goes to Alice's apartment. But just when they are about to have sex, Leonard's conscience gets the better of him. He tells Alice that he already has a girlfriend, prompting her to throw him out of her apartment. Later he tells Priya via Skype about how he tried to cheat on her. To his surprise, Priya accepts his actions, but then reveals that she cheated on him by sleeping with her ex-boyfriend. Leonard becomes very upset at this and closes his laptop on Priya, indicating their breakup. Meanwhile, Sheldon becomes the victim of a successful Halloween prank by the guys and decides to take revenge by pranking them back. But due to his lack of guile, none of his pranks

are successful; Leonard reverses his airbag prank on him; Raj does not get scared of the snake which Sheldon hid in his drawer in their office; Howard and Bernadette pretend that Howard had suffered a heart attack after Sheldon gives him an electric handshake, which actually scares him more. However he manages to finally scare Leonard by leaping out from under the couch cushions in zombie face paint after Leonard speaks with Priya. Amy becomes extremely upset when Penny and Bernadette go shopping for bridesmaid dresses without her and cuts all contact with everyone, including Sheldon. A worried Sheldon goes over to her apartment, where he ends up cuddling her after rejecting her suggestion to have sex. This step further into their relationship makes him uncomfortable, so the following morning, he demands Leonard and Howard to force Penny and Bernadette to apologize to Amy, as he is not her 'snuggle bunny'. When they confront Penny and Bernadette over Amy, they reveal that they did not take Amy because she was very overenthusiastic about being a bridesmaid and would have been a hindrance to their dress shopping, but feel guilty when they find out that she became really upset over the snub. They go to her neurobiology laboratory to apologize, but she brushes off their apologies, telling that she is used to being shunned by people whom she considers as friends. Later that evening, Amy calls Sheldon and tells him that she is drunk in a liquor store parking lot, prompting him and Leonard to immediately rush there and take her home. The next morning, Penny and Bernadette again try to apologize to Amy. After a few unsuccessful attempts, Bernadette decides to end their standoff once and for all by asking Amy to be her maid of honor at her wedding. She immediately becomes excited at this and forgives them. The episode ends with Amy filming a dress shopping trip with Penny and Bernadette. Leonard and Penny decide to go to the movies as friends. However Leonard refuses to exhibit the familiar deference to her that he formerly displayed to her as her boyfriend to make her amenable to sex, insisting that they see a documentary on dams instead of a Jennifer Aniston movie and making her pay for her ticket and food. Irritated by Leonard's behavior, Penny begins to flirt with Kevin, a geeky screenwriter. Leonard retaliates by flirting with a woman named Laura. Penny then sabotages Leonard's meeting with Laura, leading to a fight between Leonard and Penny before they decide to return home. Outside the apartment, they apologise to each other and Penny tells Leonard that she actually liked his new-found confidence, but he misses the opportunity to get back together with her by defaulting to his usual deference. Meanwhile, Sheldon, who suffers from ornithophobia, is afraid and upset when he sees that a large Black-throated magpie-jay (incorrectly identified as a blue jay) has made a nest in his apartment windowsill. He tries all means to get rid of the bird, including mimicking a cat's meow and making Howard design an ultrasonic machine to scare away the bird, all of which fail. Eventually he decides to shoo the bird away using a broom, but when he opens the window, the bird enters the apartment and lands on his spot on the couch. A terrified Sheldon then asks Amy and Bernadette to get rid of the bird, but instead they help him overcome his fear by encouraging him to touch the bird. Sheldon soon grows fond of it, calling it "Lovey-Dovey" and decides to keep it as a pet. However, when Sheldon opens the window to shift the bird's nest to his apartment, the bird flies away, to his dismay. The episode ends with Sheldon revealing to Leonard that he found an egg in the nest and expressing his intention to become "a mommy" by incubating the egg. When Amy visits the comic book store with the guys, she meets Stuart, who takes an immediate liking to her and asks her out, which she accepts. When Sheldon hears about this, he becomes jealous, though he denies it as usual. To make Amy jealous, he asks Penny out, who refuses and instead tells him to reveal his feelings to Amy. Later he interrupts Amy's date with Stuart and finally admits his feelings for her. He then proposes a 31-page Relationship Agreement, which Amy finds romantic and accepts, though she regrets it later when she finds out that she has to take care of her boyfriend's injuries as per Section 4 of the agreement. Meanwhile, Leonard, Howard and Raj discover that a new expansion pack for Mystic Warlords of Ka'a called Wild West and Witches has come out. Leonard tries to return his expansion pack but Stuart's assistant Dale (who is filling in for Stuart) refuses to take it back. Later Raj buys the Deluxe Limited Edition of the same pack in a collector's tin which annoys Leonard, but he too ends up buying it anyway.

Leonard receives a Facebook message from a high school bully Jimmy Speckerman which says that he is in Pasadena and wants to have a drink with him. When Leonard meets Speckerman at a bar, the latter reveals that he needs Leonard's help for implementing his potentially money-making idea- a pair of glasses that can convert any movie into 3D- to which Leonard replies that it is impossible to make such a pair of glasses. Sheldon then stands up for Leonard and tells Speckerman that he should apologize to Leonard for all the heinous acts he committed against him while in high school. Later that night, Speckerman comes over to Leonard and Sheldon's apartment drunk and apologizes to Leonard for all the atrocities he committed on him. Leonard forgives him and then lets him stay for the night as he is too drunk to drive, despite Sheldon's opposition. The next morning however, Speckerman once again bullies Leonard, forcing Leonard to finally stand up to his high school bully. This fails; Leonard and Sheldon end up being chased by Speckerman down the stairs instead. Meanwhile, the girls discuss Leonard meeting his high school bully and their own encounters with bullies. Penny tells that she had played a prank on a smart girl in high school by tying her up and leaving her in a cornfield, revealing that she was actually a bully in her teens. She feels bad for her behavior at school and tries to make amends by calling the people she had bullied to apologize, but they refuse to forgive her. Amy and Bernadette then tell her that she could make up for her past behavior by doing charity. Penny decides to give away her old clothes that she no longer wants, but when the girls go to the clothing bin, they instead steal other old clothes already in the bin. The next night, they return to the bin to steal more clothes, but then Penny realizes that what they are doing is wrong and puts back the clothes they had collected in the bin. However, Bernadette decides to take some boots Amy showed her earlier, and runs away saying "It's okay, I serve soup to poor people!" Amy and Sheldon's relationship hits a snag when Sheldon refuses to appreciate the news that Amy's paper is being published in the reputed scientific journal Neuron, causing her to leave their date midway in a huff. When Penny confronts Sheldon over his behavior to his girlfriend, he replies that he is not interested in biology. Later when he discusses the issue with Leonard, Leonard tells him to buy something for Amy to make up for his behavior. He then goes with Penny to the jewelry store. Amy feels

insulted initially when Penny tells her that Sheldon bought her jewelry, thinking that he is trying to buy her forgiveness, but changes her mind when she sees it is a tiara. She becomes ecstatic and kisses and hugs him, leaving him confused. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette's relationship also hits a snag when Bernadette reveals to Howard that she hates children and does not want to have them after they get married. This upsets Howard, who wants children of his own, and whose mother continuously nags him to give her grandchildren. He begins to reconsider his relationship with Bernadette and mulls calling off the wedding. Later Bernadette comes over to his house and tells him that they can have children of their own after they get married in respect for his feelings. However she adds that he should stay at home and take care of them while she works, to which he reluctantly agrees. Howard then suggests they use a condom before they have sex. When Leonard and Sheldon arrive home Leonard sees Penny through her open door and asks her out, who after initial hesitation, accepts. Their date progresses smoothly until he asks her whether they will get back together. They get into a big argument, following which Leonard returns home in a huff. Later that night, Penny calls Leonard and asks him to come out of his apartment. As he does this, Penny kisses him full on the mouth and they end up having sex in her apartment. After this, they decide to pursue their relationship once again, but also decide to take things slow and pretend they are still single. Leonard finds it difficult to keep the relationship secret; when he returns to his apartment at 3 am, he is forced to lie to Sheldon (who saw him entering the apartment); the next night at the Cheesecake factory, he overplays his fake annoyance over Penny, following which the duo again engage in a heated argument. But later that night, they again have sex. After this, he asks her what they are doing, since every scenario that he plays out about them ends badly, to which she responds that it is because he over-thinks things. It is then revealed that Leonard daydreamed the entire episode. He is still outside his apartment with Sheldon. Realizing he does over-think things, he goes over to Penny's apartment and asks her out. After initial hesitation, she accepts. The episode ends with Penny preparing for her date. She imagines a scene where she marries Leonard, but is heavily pregnant, prompting her to decide to go to the drug store before the date. Leonard and Penny have started dating again. With Penny wanting to take things slow and Leonard determined to ensure that their relationship works out this time, they agree to an alpha test relationship instead of them arguing with each other, they highlight each other's faults and work on them. However this goes poorly as Leonard gives Penny a huge list of her faults, while Penny retaliates by giving Leonard a huge list of his faults. When he tries to patch things up by taking her target shooting, he accidentally shoots himself in the shoe, barely missing his toe. Later Penny assures him that their relationship is progressing smoothly. Meanwhile, Raj buys a new iPhone 4S and falls in love with its Siri as it is a female voice he can speak to without being drunk. He starts making decisions only after consulting Siri and even defends it after Kripke criticizes it for giving erroneous answers on his iPhone 4S (due to his rhotacism). Later Raj has a nightmare in which he finally meets Siri, who is a beautiful woman, but cannot talk to her due to his selective mutism. Elsewhere, Sheldon and Amy start a podcast about flags titled "Fun With Flags". Amy provides some suggestions during the podcast, which Sheldon unexpectedly accepts, indicating a deep bond between the two. Sheldon keeps Leonard awake all night with a quarterly disaster preparedness drill. The next day, a tired Leonard refuses to take Sheldon to the dentist as he wants to sleep. Leonard then invokes Section 209 in the Roommate Agreement, which reduces his friendship with Sheldon to an acquaintance, freeing him from his obligations to Sheldon. It soon turns out that Sheldon is stranded without Leonard, as none of his other friends are willing to help him. One night, when the power goes off, Sheldon tries to win back Leonard by showing him an extensive emergency kit, but the latter prefers to go over to Penny's apartment for wine. Sheldon comes over and offers Leonard s'mores and water (distilled from urine) if he accepts him as a friend again. Leonard refuses, but Penny feels sorry for Sheldon and advises Leonard to reconcile with him. Leonard then tells Sheldon that he would accept him as a friend again if he appreciates what he does for him once in a while. Sheldon provides a counter-proposal, offering to celebrate "Leonard's Day" once a year, where Leonard's achievements would be acknowledged. Leonard

agrees and reconciles with Sheldon, who then indirectly reveals that he is responsible for cutting the power to the entire apartment so that he could win back Leonard's friendship. Meanwhile, Howard is anxious as to what nickname the other astronauts in his space mission are going to give him. Raj attempts to get them to choose the nickname "Rocket Man" (an Elton John song) by having Howard change his ringtone to that song and then calling him during a conference call with Mike Massimino. This backfires as during the call, Howard's mother yells that his Froot Loops are getting soggy, and he ends up with "Froot Loops" as his new moniker. After being forced to take a vacation by President Siebert, Sheldon decides to spend it working with Amy in her neurobiology lab. However he refuses to do even basic work for Amy properly, such as cleaning beakers or counting bacterial spores, and instead forces her to allow him to do brain dissection. When Amy eventually allows Sheldon to perform brain dissection, he cuts his thumb accidentally and faints after seeing it bleed. Meanwhile, Bernadette's father wants Howard to sign a prenuptial agreement. Howard, unwilling to sign any prenup, is upset that Bernadette did not tell him directly about the prenup. Later Penny confronts both Sheldon and Howard at the Cheesecake Factory bar for their behavior towards their girlfriends. The next day, Sheldon goes over to Amy's lab again to apologize for his behavior the previous day. She then invites him to work with her again, but gives him the same basic work of cleaning beakers. Meanwhile, Bernadette tells Howard that her father is insistent on him signing the prenup, at which Howard says that he would talk it out with her father. But when Bernadette reveals that her father is a far right ideologue who hates Jews, Howard decides to put off the talk until he is in the space. The deranged Professor Rothman is forced to retire, leaving his office vacant. Both Sheldon and Kripke fight for the office and bring it to the attention of President Siebert, who is not interested in listening to their argument. Sheldon and Kripke decide to settle their argument once and for all by playing a game of basketball, as both are bad at sports. However it soon becomes evident that both do not know how to play it, and the challenge is reduced to who bounces the ball highest. Sheldon wins the challenge and gets the office. He enjoys his new office until he finds out that the thermostat for the air conditioner is in another room where its occupant is experiencing hot flashes, the upstairs geology department is too noisy and the mockingbirds are "completely out-of-tune" with the wind chimes. Meanwhile, Amy gifts Penny an enormous painting depicting the two of them, which Penny absolutely hates. When Bernadette sees the painting, she comments that Penny looks like a man in it, prompting Penny to remove it from her wall and deciding to hang it only when Amy comes to her apartment. Unfortunately, Amy finds out that Penny removed the painting and becomes upset, thinking that her friendship with Penny is onesided. Penny consoles Amy by lying that she removed the painting from the wall because Bernadette was jealous that she was not in the painting. Later Penny hangs the painting on the fourth wall. Sheldon's regular barber Mr. D'Onofrio has been hospitalized in a coma and he refuses to get his hair cut from his nephew Angelo. Penny offers to cut Sheldon's hair as she used to cut her brother's hair, but he refuses. A week later, Sheldon has still not got his haircut and on Penny's advice, decides to relax his regimented lifestyle and "embrace the chaos". He begins to do things he never used to do before, like wearing his Tuesday pajamas on Thursday night and playing bongos at 3 am. This wakes Leonard and Penny, who plead with Sheldon to stop playing the bongos, to no avail, and he leaves the apartment still playing them. The next morning, they find him asleep on Amy's couch. With Amy's vote of confidence, Sheldon agrees to let Penny cut his hair. Sheldon is impressed with the way Penny had cut his hair, but when she is trimming his neck, she shaves off the back of his head accidentally. Meanwhile, Howard goes for astronaut training in Houston to prepare for his space mission. He confides to Bernadette via webcam his experiences in training, which involved vomiting during Zero-G training and having a horrible survival test. Bernadette feels pity for Howard and rushes to Houston, where she quickly finds out that his mother is already there to take care of him.

Raj suggests that he and the guys spend the entire weekend together engaging in a gaming marathon in which they would play the new Star Wars online game. However Sheldon already promised Amy that he would attend her Aunt Flora's 93rd birthday party and meet her family during the weekend and reluctantly decides not to take part in the marathon, but still tries to convince Penny to make Amy change her mind, to no avail. Sheldon eventually decides to go with Amy, but also brings his laptop so that he can play with the guys remotely. Amy gets peeved at Sheldon and tells him to return to his apartment if playing with the guys is more important than honoring his commitment to her, which he does. Later Raj gets furious at Howard when he brings Bernadette to the marathon after being forced to include her. Meanwhile, Amy, having returned from her aunt's birthday party, confides her feelings about Sheldon to Penny, who then tells her to create a scene at her boyfriend's apartment. She does this, with Penny too admonishing Sheldon for being a bad boyfriend. At this, Raj goes ballistic and yells about how different the group was before Leonard, Howard and Sheldon got girlfriends, how he is the only one in their group who does not have a girlfriend and adds that even if he gets a girlfriend, he has to face the shame of being the guy who got a girlfriend after Sheldon. The girls immediately leave the apartment and the guys get back to their marathon. The next morning, the marathon ends when Howard's mother bangs on the apartment door demanding an explanation for Howard's weekend-long absence and forcing him to return home. After Sheldon complains about Penny's constant mooching of their food, she buys him and Leonard each a mint-condition vintage Star Trek transporter from 1975. She is disappointed when both refuse to take them out of their boxes since they want to preserve the toy's value. That night, Sheldon has a dream where his Spock action figure tells him to open his transporter and play with it. When Sheldon does this, he breaks his transporter accidentally. He then exchanges his broken toy for Leonard's toy, figuring that he will never find out since he does not plan to open his. Later Sheldon has a nightmare where his Spock action figure chastises him for switching the two transporters. When Leonard decides to play with his toy since it is a gift from his girlfriend, Sheldon admits to breaking his toy and switching it with Leonard's. Meanwhile, faced with the prospect of attending Howard's wedding alone, Raj tells his parents to find a suitable girl for him. He meets the prospective bride Lakshmi in a restaurant and both hit it off immediately. It soon turns out that Lakshmi is a lesbian and accepted to meet Raj as it is difficult to come

out in Indian culture, but nevertheless decides to marry him as she thinks he is gay. Raj too contemplates marrying her, despite the fact that he is never going to have sex with her, and rebuffs Howard's advice to find some other girl. Finally, Howard and Bernadette gift Raj a Yorkie puppy to cheer him up and make him forget about Lakshmi. Howard is hired to maintain Stephen Hawking's motorized wheelchair while he is guest-lecturing at Caltech. He plans to introduce Sheldon to Hawking (Sheldon considers Hawking his idol) until Sheldon insults him yet again about his lack of a doctorate. Sheldon pleads with Howard to introduce him to Hawking, to no avail. He then asks him to give his paper on the Higgs boson to Hawking, to which he agrees, but only if he does several tasks for him. Howard then asks him to give him a compliment about his job. Sheldon replies that he never said that Howard is bad at his job, he just feels that his job is not worth doing. Howard accepts his backhanded compliment and reveals that he had already given Hawking his paper three days ago and that he wants to meet him. Hawking is very impressed with Sheldon's paper, but then mentions that he had made an arithmetic mistake as a result of which the entire paper is wrong. At this, a shocked Sheldon faints. The guys are planning Howard's bachelor party. Howard tells them that no strippers should be hired for the party, as he had promised Bernadette. Stuart, Kripke and Wil Wheaton are also invited. At the party, everyone offers a toast. A drunk Raj talks about his friendship with Howard revealing various and sundry things about Howard. Wheaton records Raj's entire speech and uploads it onto YouTube. When Bernadette, who doesn't know anything about Howard's perverted and womanizing past, sees the video, she becomes extremely upset and becomes unsure about marrying a man that she doesn't seem to know. She even becomes upset at Penny because she was the one who introduced her to Howard, despite knowing about Howard's past. She confines herself to her bedroom, not returning Howard's calls. Howard gives Penny a message to pass on to Bernadette saying that he is sorry, that he is as disgusted by his past as she is and credits her for reforming him, which reduces Penny to tears, moved by the genuineness of his apology. When Bernadette hears this, she immediately forgives him, though she is still mad at him, and adds that the wedding will still take place. The episode ends with Leonard wanting to have sex with Penny in the laundry room, which she refuses. Howard receives a call from NASA saying that his mission to the International Space Station has been cancelled due to problems with the Soyuz capsule during a pressurization test. He is ecstatic as he is actually terrified of going to space and looks forward to his wedding. However he later receives another call from NASA saying that he will be sent to space after all as they want his telescope on the International Space Station, though his launch date will be pushed up to the Friday before his wedding. He decides to talk to Bernadette's father to postpone the wedding. To his surprise, Mike strongly approves of him going to space and reveals that he did not think that he was suitable for Bernadette until he heard about the space mission. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny decide to take their "beta test" relationship to the next level by having sex. However Leonard proposes to Penny during sex as a result of which Penny becomes extremely upset. After unsuccessfully trying to pacify her, he leaves her apartment. Later when the couple meet each other in the apartment stairwell, Penny says no to Leonard's wedding proposal, though they will still date. Elsewhere, Amy tries to use transference to increase Sheldon's feelings for her by making him happy using his love for various other topics (his mother's cooking, video games etc.). Amy's actions seem to work on Sheldon who is not happy about it but makes no attempt to stop her. Howard and his two fellow astronauts Dimitri Rezinov and Mike Massimino are in the Soyuz capsule, awaiting lift-off to the International Space Station from Kazakhstan. Nervous and not looking forward to the launch, Howard begins to reflect on the last couple of days, revealing that he married Bernadette before he left. When Bernadette receives a necklace from Howard with a star pendant on it which he plans to take with him to space, she tells him that they need to get married before he goes to space. They decide to get married in City Hall that very afternoon with only their friends as guests. Amy is

devastated that her position as Maid of Honor has been reduced to nothing, but is allowed to wear the dress she bought to City Hall. Unfortunately, they do not get married that day as there are too many other couples in front of them. Raj then suggests that they get married on the roof of Leonard, Sheldon and Penny's apartment building on Sunday morning, which will coincide with the Google satellite taking new photographs of Pasadena, with himself, Leonard, Sheldon, Penny and Amy as ministers. The wedding takes place successfully. While Howard and Bernadette exchange their vows, the camera pulls back from the apartment roof - showing a glimpse of Mrs. Wolowitz - and then pulls back further to a view of the planet Earth. The episode ends with Howard being launched into space. Everyone nervously watches the space launch from Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. Bernadette takes Raj's hand, Penny takes Leonard's hand, and a very surprised Amy has her hand taken by Sheldon who wishes Howard well with the words "Boldly go, Howard Wolowitz".

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