Big Five Model

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 956
  • Pages: 4
Factor 1: Agreeableness (A) How do you react to others’ opinions? When you agree to them easily, you are considered agreeable. However, your strong reactions qualify you as challenger in the words of Howard and Howard (2001). There are some other correlated traits for agreeableness. A Higher Degree in ‘A’ The five factor model of personality considers you as good natured, sympathetic and forgiving. You are considered as tolerant, agreeable and courteous. You prove an excellent team member. You strive to bring harmony amongst your mates. You are friendlier, approachable and appeasing. You can ignore your own needs for others’. However, you are not a good leader. You prefer to work in background. You keep your opinions to yourself to avoid conflict. You are easily influenced. But you are a born social reformer. You can prove an excellent teacher. The psychology is one of the best fields for you. A Lower Degree in ‘A’ Five factor model of personality considers you as critical, analytical and tough. You are expressive in your opinions. You don’t hide your reactions. You want your efforts and achievements to be acknowledged. You can challenge. You are a born leader. However, you may not prove a good team leader. Extreme degrees qualify you as a rude, callous and self-centered person. You are viewed as hostile. You are not considered cooperative. Your love for power can lead you to be an autocrat. You are considered suitable for those careers where you are given freedom to exercise your will. Military leadership, public administration and management are the best career dimensions for you.

Factor 2: Openness to Change (O) Five facto model of personality considers you open for change when you accept new thoughts, ideas and changes. However, you are considered close to change when you avoid new experiments and follow rules and regulations very strictly. The other

correlated personality traits with different degrees are mentioned below. A Higher Degree in ‘O’ You qualify to be counted as original, creative and curious. You believe that change is more than essential for social evolution. You love revolutions. You enjoy complexities of things and strive to find out their solutions. You can handle new systems, technologies and tools with great ease. You always build a big picture but tend to ignore vital details. You are considered suitable for the careers where a lot of creativity, novelty and originality is involved. A Lower Degree in ‘O’ The five factor model of personality qualifies you as a resistant to change. You are traditional. You love peaceful environment, secure jobs and serene family life. You spend a lot of time on details. You can execute plans very well. However, you are not a good planner. Your focus on details may cause you to ignore big picture. You accept change only when there is no way out. The careers where rules and regulations are to be followed very strictly are considered suitable for you. You can prove a good judge, accountant and auditor. No one can be better financial manager than you.

Factor 3: Extraversion (E) Do you love gatherings? Or you prefer solitude? Five factor model of personality considers your preferred way to handle your environment very important. Different criteria are adopted when you apply for a job of cricket commentator and for a position of a script writer. You can identify what level of degree you require to go for your dream job. A Higher Degree in ‘E’ The five factor model considers you social, friendlier and talkative. You are often assertive and energetic. You can do many tasks successfully at a time. You prefer to lead others. You are charismatic. However, you rely upon others without knowing them very well. You are considered fit for

politics, sales and public related careers. A Lower Degree in ‘E’ You are considered private, serious and skeptic. You don’t rely on others easily. You keep your secrets to your self. You are often quiet. You prefer environment where you can work alone. Production management, natural sciences and art related careers are considered suitable for you.

Factor 4: Conscientiousness (C ) How do you take your work? A Higher Degree in ‘C’ The five factor model of personality considers you an organized, focused and timely achiever of your goals. You plan things and follow that route strictly. You are not easy to be distracted. However, you tend to be workaholic. You are self-disciplined. You are considered confident, dutiful and reliable. You often prove a strong executive in any organization. A Lower Degree in ‘C’ The five factor model of personality considers you careless, relaxed and unorganized. You don’t plan things and pursue your goals with a flexible approach. Some day you work a lot and other day you go on vacations. You are spontaneous. However, you are not considered good for projects where deadlines are to be followed.

Factor 5: Neuroticism (N) How do you handle depression? A Higher Degree in ‘N’ The five factor model considers you nervous, unstable and vulnerable to negative emotionality. You are never satisfied with your life. You are inflamed easily. You are reactive and often fail to recover from depression shock easily. You always feel a need for stability. In extreme cases, you may be advised clinical treatment. You have optimistic approach to life. A Lower Degree in ‘N’

The five factor model of personality considers you emotionally stable, strong nerved and composed person. You are often calm and optimist. You recover from depression periods very easily. You can find out the best out of the worst. You love peace and security. You are often satisfied with your life. You are a valuable candidate for careers in air traffic, controllers and airline pilots, finance management and engineering

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