Beyond Genes - The Intelligent Design

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Beyond Genes – The Intelligent Design Physics of Self-Organizing Life, Information and Cosmos

The Death and Destruction Facing Humanity and the Path to Order and Life By John Paily Grace New Age Research


Index Read A PPT Presentation – Platform for Change 1] Abstract 2] Introduction 3] The Logics of New Realm 4] Exploring the Fundamental Design, principle, law, structure and functioning of building blocks and whole. 5] The Secret of Quantum Creation - Many World formation in Time and its Dissolution in time to Create New World by the Creator Force 6] Fundamental interaction between Nature and Life and arguments for Intelligent Design 7] Creativity, Complexity and Life 8] The Nature and its functioning and its comparison with life 9] Beyond Genes the Wave that Sustains -Taking leaves from biology to understand the Truth of Nature 10] Conclusion and Discussion



Abstract Under overwhelming influence of physicists, biologists have come to visualize life as information, its evolution and its expression in predictable manner. However observation of life from a point of freedom tells us that life is more than information. Information is a developed aspect in the process of survival. Something beyond information, possibly a particle or a system and its wave seem to exist, that is capable of perceiving even minute changes, making decisions and functioning relentlessly to self-organize and perpetuate in nature. It is capable of making qualitative changes in addition to quantum changes. This particle or system seems to control the initiation of winding and unwinding phase of the DNA multiplication and every other process of life. The complexity of living system seems to emerge from this particle as a result of its interaction with random and directed changes in energy in nature. In other words the whole information, its development, its enfolding and unfolding expression from time to time, is held up in a particle as quantum waves of energy. It is subjected to constant qualitative and quantum changes in relations to energy changes in nature in which it survives. This conclusion is not only perceived from nature but also is arrived at, after in depth review and study of quantum world and fundamental process of action and reaction and energy flow in it. It is presented based on discovery of simple Fundamental Design, Principle and process of interaction between life and matter, which at length answers many fundamental questions of physical science and gives science a new platform to understand the unity and oneness of nature. The knowledge that a particle exists behind life and the wave associated with it is responsible for the whole process of life has great significance to influence every field of human interest. The fundamental nature of quantum action and reaction and energy flow discovered here adds new dimensions to our knowledge of nature. It unites the ancient spiritual knowledge with modern scientific knowledge. It takes physical, chemical, medical, agricultural and social knowledge to a new realm. It has the potentials to answer the secret of Cosmos and brings out the Living Universe Theory.


Preface and Introduction Science has explored life, falling line with physicist. Biologists have always played a second fiddle to physicist when it came to explaining life and its processes. Newtonian world-view seems to be the one that is still influencing biologist. Biologist kills a system and seeks its secret by dissecting it. The approach has led to discovery of DNA and gene as the building blocks and exposed them to immense complexity of structure and process in biological system. They are confused and lost in this complexity. Modern biological science and biotechnology is surviving by creating more and more questions than it has solved. They set out spending billions dollar to unearth the human genome as means to cure for all diseases, and ended in finding that human genome has nearly same number of genes as the mouse. It left them to answer why such a complex diverse system such as human has the same number of genes as mice? If you look back, biologist has no answers to the fundamental questions such as, why gene is triplet code? Why DNA is double-helical? Why dominant and recessive gene? Why a mitotic and meiotic division, and so on. These questions have been increasingly sidelined under the commercial thinking. As a farmer residing in a interior villager, with a hobby of observing living system in nature, as a researcher trying to clone many plant systems, thus observing thousands of living cells transforming in test tubes, I felt that the fundamentals of biology is wrong. I felt serious flaws not only in our understanding of the functioning of the information in biological system but also began to feel that life is more than just information. Information seems to be built up one to facilitate the survival of some thing more than information with in life. Information and the whole body are supportive of some thing else that is surviving. Life seems to be built and functioning on some universal principle of space and time in which it exist and there exist some simple thing inside life that is perceiving and evolving in relation nature and change in it. As I freed my self from “Plato’s science Chair” and became freelance researcher, nature began to reveal her pages. I began to perceive certain “Fundamental Design and Principle” that accounts for nature and the process going in it. I have lived with it for more than two decades as I write this article.


During this time I reviewed science and found biological visions of the modern world is closely related to physical visions of nature which the physicists have advocated. A journey into conceptual evolution in physical science revealed that they have long past evolved through uncertainty to vision of nature chaos and order. But biologists have failed to grasp it and are still hanging on to the old mechanical world view and predictability. Here we explore a new dimension of thinking that is based on simple observations that exist next to our skin. We have failed to perceive it because our mind set. Our mind in the modern world is preset and imprisoned by its culture and education. Thus it has failed to see the simple truth and engaged it self in creating complexity and seeking answers within the complexity. I in contrast take you back from complexity to simplicity to show certain fundamental design, principle, structure and law that governs the existence of life and nature.


Chapter -1

The Arguments and Logics for New Realm of Thinking It is beyond this small book to take you along all the tracks my mind traveled. Let me however lead you through some major arguments, facts and logics that are very much sensible and give you a back bone to visualize Life Force and the Living Universe Theory 1] Life exists in an environment [Space/time or energy flow] that is changing. It constantly and dynamically self-organizes to survive in this environment. It exchanges and mixes the information on the left and right constantly through three principle processes - breathing, mitotic division and growth and meiotic division and reproduction there by recreating the whole new body. This facilitates the system to survive and conquer time and its force [death]. 2] It exists in an environment which by itself is constantly and dynamically self organizing in respect to change inflicted on it. Just as life, it mixes information between its left and right, grows against time and tries to survive time and its stress. In this sense environment seems to be living as much as life and is working by information enfolding and unfolding. 3] The life we note continuously takes input [energy], exchanges and produces an out put [energy]. The process is assisted by elaborate information developed by the system. In other words life has two phases - an input and out put. This seems to alternate with environment. The out put of life seems to act as input to environment and vice-versa. In the middle there is a third phase of exchange, which we often overlook. This is reflected in all living system and in all living processes, for example, inhaling – exchange- exhaling, food intake -digestion /absorption - excretion. This means life needs to be understood in terms of energy flow and its assimilation and destruction. The sustenance of life exists in proper assimilation and proper destruction. Nature also needs to be understood by the same yard stick – This line of thinking led me to visualize a Living Universe Theory. 3] The central to this energy flow in life is something that perceives and acts to take input, assimilate and create out put. The information and body is what this


perceiving entity has developed over a period of time. Information [DNA and gene] here seem to assist the process, but it is not life or the Living Entity. Living Entity is something else that exists Beyond Genes and it is responsible for perception and control and Self-Organization. 4] If you observe a living system from a point of freedom, one notes that all living systems by instinct are anti-gravitational. When energy flow in the environment is gravitational or centripetal and pointed towards compression of space/time, life is opposite to it. It struggles to grow out in to space/time causing an unwinding of the system. Thus life is opposite to gravitational force and gives the sustenance to the environment. In short it is the breath of the living universe. There appear only two forces in nature gravity and anti-gravity. Note – Einstein struggled to introduce anti-gravity, he once introduced it, but retreated, maybe for want of simple observational support for this force.

5] This opposition of life and matter is well proven by science in the context of second law of thermodynamics applied to living and material system. 6] When you review the development in science one notes that gravitational concept and its law are built on the assumption of non-equilibrium. Non-equilibrium is a necessity and is the fundamental design. Non-eqilibrium should exist in the fundamental particle as well as nature as a whole to account for the fundamental characteristic of nature - the flow. Without out non-equilibrium no flow can occur in nature. If non-equilibrium is at the basis of gravity, logically at the foundation of life there should exist equilibrium. It means there should exist a particle or system, which has some form of equilibrium in space and this particle, or system is constantly struggling to survive against gravity, building information, perpetuating the information and self-organizing it self. 7] Closer observation of nature shows that all life has two phases, it accepts gravity [input phase] and produces anti-gravity [out put phase]. This means all biological system exists in two phases, gravity and anti-gravity together they form one. These phases should exist as ratio, one of them being dominant at any moment the other being recessive. If we imagine a living system and an environment, we note the environment also should exist in two phases that are alternating with the life. In other words when life is producing the output or exhaling then the environment


should feel the winding pressure, which after some critical point gives way to unwinding pressure and vice-versa. Here the first act should exist with life. This means life and the environment exist in certain ratio one dominant the other recessive at any moment and the flow occurs between the two. Thus energy flow occurs inside life, inside the environment and between the two. This takes us to a conclusion that motion and energy flow in nature or the truth of nature cannot be understood in isolation of life from matter. This brings us one circle back to the foundation of science and forces us to move into higher level of knowledge that brings the unity of life and matter. [Note- science began its search to understand nature by isolating mind from matter and went about searching the secret of nature in matter. But the evolution of science to quantum science has led to conclusion that some how mind and consciousness of human being influence motion]. Our arguments calls to us to visualize and develop Fundamental Design and principle and laws on which all the system of nature and the whole functions


Chapter -2

Exploring the Fundamental Design, Principle, Law, Structure and Functioning of Building Blocks and Whole The Fundamental process of nature is flow and motion. This necessitates that all particle however small or big, including the whole universal system should be designed with a left and right and non-equilibrium between the two. The flow manifest to seek equilibrium and the design should be such that this flow leads to Quantum Dance and perpetual flow. So the Fundamental Design should be non equilibrium and Fundamental Principle or Instinct is an attempt to seek the equilibrium. However the design forbids it. The above reality can be understood from number 8. To understand this take a perfect sphere and twitch it using a 4:3 external force [Equal and opposite forces cancels out hence a ratio]. Now in one quantum twitch, we end in a 4:3 nonequilibrium state. [See fig – Quantum Dance] This is an unstable state. However second quantum twitch will lead you to an externally stable state. The Creating Principle or Force now becomes internal and wishes to stay in that state. See Fig – 4. It exists as witness and as the balancing element of the system which intervenes only in critical state. The system is capable of winding and unwinding by a unit. The apparent external symmetry is only misleading. The external symmetry is maintained by the internal force which creates a Law forbidding the centripetal force. The Creating Force not only exists at the center but pervades the whole system and binds the left and right in to one. There can be no point in the whole system where its force is not pervaded. Creator Force that binds the left and right now exists as Conscious and Intelligent factor, capable of sensing any small changes in the left and right of the system. The system is capable winding and unwinding by a unit, but a unilateral winding can lead it to a collapse. This necessitates the Creator Force to keep a law, which forbids the left and right to seek the center. Any attempt to seek the center stresses the Spirit that binds the system. We are seeing a form of Quantum Creation that is well inline with Biblical Creation.


The collapse of the system happens because the created right and left breaks the law. It leads to turning inside out to cause contraction and expansion, which leads to a Quantum Dance with Change in the direction of the Flow. [See Figure Quantum Dance above and Anatomy of quantum Dance below]


Here we are visualizing the coexistence of two systems that mutually switch places creating a sustained motion. The cause for collapse comes from the body or the environment. Because of the Non Equilibrium Design, this collapse manifests as spinning and curved displacement of the particle in space. The internal spirit here goes out and then makes quantum recreation with a change in twist. See figure Quantum Dance. We are visualizing the perpetual motion system. This could be visualized as electromagnetic particle and its dance within limit. Suppose this is twisted in space in favor of left or right, then the system manifest as electromagnetic particle that is moving. See Fig below. This particle moves spirally and accounts for wave particle duality and characteristics of light


The above figure is the simplest representation of Quantum Dance, but is not the Reality of Nature and its force interaction. In nature force interaction is dynamic in space. Space consist of 8 components with three left and right frame. To understand this take an apple cut it vertically twice at right angles to one another through the center and once horizontally through the center at right angles to the vertical. Another important point is that our vision introduces force as curvature or spiral in space and three curvatures together form one Quantum Force or energy quanta. Only this can account for qualitative changes, the stress forces that precede the observed action in a system, and all the diversity of nature. It also explains why the ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3. Now an intellectual reader should have noted that I have attempted give answers and leads to solve many a questions that have remained unanswered, both in modern science and the ancient spiritual science. It could turn out be an elaborate exercise, if I turn my attention to it. I prefer to save my energy to bring out the Living Universe Theory and hope to come back to them, if time energy and His Grace permits.



Fundamental Interaction between Nature and Life and Arguments for Intelligent Design An important aspect that arises when we look at life and material environment as one, is that the material environment acts as gravity. The life takes this gravity and turn into anti-gravity, thus supporting the universal system against gravitational collapse. For example when sunlight emerges and the material matter gains energy and expands, the plants absorb this energy and matter. When the darkness sets and the material nature begin to wind and collapse, the plant system assimilates the energy and matter and grows against winding force of gravity. Thus it sustains the system. This gets proven when we apply the second law of thermodynamics to material system and living system. The material system tends to greater and grater disorder but living system tends to greater and greater order. No two opposing force can be equal for any action to take place. This means, one of the forces here is dominant. Suppose we assume that material force is superior, and apply the second law of thermodynamics, our vision ends in a nonsensical end situation, where everything collapses to a point without any reason for origin [Big Bang Origin]. This is as good as saying evil and death wins the race. Suppose we turn the table and visualize life as the dominant force then we see an Intelligent Design. Life fight and conquers time and death by three essential processes - the breathing, mitotic division and growth and meiotic division and reproduction. This simple thinking gave rise to seed of Living Universe Theory. It led me to conclusion that the Big Bang Theory cannot happen even if one living cell exists. All three basic process of life – breathing, mitotic division and meiotic division and reproduction, basically appears to manifest as wave starting form a point in the living system and returning back to it in time to start again. By all possibility the perception and control of the whole process should exist at this point from where the wave of breath, the wave of mitotic and meiotic information renewal originates. The particle science tells that wave is always associated with a particle. This means there exist a particle of life and an associated wave beyond information that


perceives and controls and self-organizes life. The wave in this particle should generate from the quantum dance we visualized. The particle science tells us that, when particle is split it gives a pair. This means that the waves we witness actually are paired. Because of the non equilibrium design one of them is dominant the other is recessive. We only see the dominant the recessive lies hidden. We can visualize the origin of these pairs of wave from the Quantum Dance of the particle that we discussed. Earlier we visualized a Quantum Creation and Quantum Dance leading to perpetual flow and existence. The law resists the collapse and the dance, but becomes inevitable. Let us now see how this quantum creation and collapse occurs. However this vision has limited potential to explain the nature in which we live unless it is extended to explain the formation of many worlds and the complexity.



Creativity, Complexity and Life Since there is some form of equilibrium in the living particle and it instinctively works to oppose the non-equilibrium, we can visualize information build up and formation of body by simple means of balance balancing itself by addition and deletion of matter. This is the foundation of creativity, information build up and the process behind the development of diversity in nature and life. Information I sbuilt near non equilibrium state But before we go into creativity we should speak of space and matter. The quantum particle we visualized is a light or electromagnetic particle. It is not stable in space that has 8 components with three left and right frames. A stable system is formed, when one such Quantum Particle with right twist pairs with a particle with left twist. The new system formed now has a higher level of stability. The law of Non-Equilibrium Design becomes applicable here too. The two particles should exist in a ratio of 4:3. This is a requirement for energy intake and expulsion or quantum dance. We now have a system that is spread in four components of space and has higher level stability. Let us understand the two particle as A/B and C/D here the C=B. We can understand this as Hydrogen atom. They are possibly created in pairs one with right twist and the other with left twist. Thus to H2 molecule A still higher level of stability in space is formed when two atoms of Hydrogen fuse or four particle combine is specific manner. Here the ABCB/EFGH should have ratio of 4:3 because of law as above. They also exist in pairs, one right wound and the other left wound. This we know is the first inert element of the atomic table or periodic table – Helium. The inert elements we know is not reactive but responds only to heat induced winding and unwinding. Her we can visualize the formation of matters of periodic table by the collision of electromagnetic or light particle. We must now recall Einstein’s equation E=mc2, which gives the energy content of atoms. C here is the velocity of light. The inert elements have spatial symmetry and structural design that makes it capable with standing external stress by creativity and development of information.


When stressed by external winding force in space, they can counter it by unwinding on the opposite plane. When stressed to near critical limit, they can add on matter to counter the force acting on it. We have to visualize here 8 panned balances. This is the starting point of information build up or double helicals or the DNA formation in life. Since nature is connected and one, wherever a stress develops on the right wound system, a similar and opposite stress develops in left wound system. This gives male and female identity. This led me to propose that Gene is not paired as we think, but four paired and is dynamic. They mix the information regularly in order to survive. The complexity of life, its functioning and its process from conception to death can be reorganized in a sensible manner from this foundation. Any further discussion here will go beyond the limits of this small book.



The Secret of Quantum Creation Many World formation in Time and its Dissolution in time to Create New World by the Creator Force Earlier we did see a hypothetical imaginary Creation of a quantum particle [electromagnetic particle] by the Creator Force. But the question rises where the second particle comes for it to manifest into observable matter. The answer here again comes from life and its perpetuation. Whole existed and will exist. Nothing is created nor destroyed everything is only transformed in time cycles. Life originates from a single cell. This cell comes to Life when the “Fathers Essence” enters it. The Essence of the Father should be understood as Quantum Particle or Light Particle. This particle can create two waves through a quantum dance one dominant the other recessive as we saw earlier. Now this wave also mixes up with a pair of wave that is contributed by the feminine or the recessive Light particle. The two particles when they make a quantum dance inside the cell, the four waves become templates for new creation. Recall here DNA replication. The wave and particle for its duplication is taken from body or cell. No wonder God said I Created humans in His own images from dust. What dominates the proceedings is the Light particle of Father which is dominant. The first step of creation is the union which leads to union of 2 pairs of wave,s one of the Father and the other of the mother. The second step now is the actual creation of the manifested state of the life. Here the waves led by the dominant [Fathers] broods over the cells and creates its own image using matter and energy taken from the cell. Now we end up with 4 particles and 8 waves. This is the first step of quantum creation. But the manifested state of quantum creation happens only when a second wave of creation occurs which multiplies the 4 particles 8 pairs of wave into 8 particles and


16 waves. This leads to division of one cell into two. I have tried to explain them figuratively in the following figure

This system that result is a dynamic system. The Creator force now simply becomes a judge and observer and the resistance force binding the world into one. The power of the Creator manifests on to the created world as a law – Not to eat from the tree at the center. The created world is given the dominion to create as He created. The law needs to be understood from the fact that, the life is anti-gravitational and directed to away from the center against gravity. But in the process of creation of tow new worlds out of one, matter was taken from body. So the created has tendency to align with matter force and direct to the center and collapse. When the souls created to the left and right aligns with matter and its force the Creator is stressed to create more worlds. This disperses the center point by creating complexity. The law was a resistive to death, but time and flow is inevitable. The Creator works relentlessly and pays the price to sustain the system Creator Force thus is integral part of the system. It forms the force that exists next to the skin both internally and externally. It acts whenever the law is broken. The action of the Creator force is simply a repetition process discussed above. Now the two celled system goes to form the four celled state. The process repeats to form many world and complexity. But the underlying principle and function remains the same. The quantum creation and time can be understood from life cycle or time cycle which reflects qualitative changes. [See Figure – Quantum Qualitative Dance Next page]. The figure speaks of the life cycle of a living system, where the Creator dances to sustain the system. This is simply the superimposed figure of quantum creation. The


First phase here is the child hood, where the creation and Creator exists as one, with least friction. Here growth prevails. In Vedic time cycle it represent the Golden age, where justice and truth prevails. In Bible, it is a period immediately after creation, when God has given the dominion to the created and rested. It is the period when mind of humanity is illuminated with the Mind of God. Human kind is conscious of the Creator. The second phase is early adult hood, where the mind of humanity begins to take shape and the created exist in uncertainty, yet is he is conscious of Creator and life force.

The third phase is where human mind takes shape and its self begins to express. This is the period when Adam and Eve or humanity is thrown from kingdom of God. The Creator force now works against humanity. This is the period when uncertainty and disorder prevails. This is the longest period in the life cycle. The time direction exists in this disorder and eventually it reaches a third critical point where deterioration and collapse becomes inevitable. Here the essence of the Father, or the Creator leaves it body and gets deposited in the opposite world to create new world out of the old and to start a New Time cycle



The Nature and its Functioning and its Comparison with Life The most important aspect of nature is the time cycles or energy cycles. Every life lives in this energy cycle. Most evident time cycle or energy cycle of nature is the 12 hour day and night cycle. The design of earth is such that, when west awakes to sunlight, expands and goes into disorder. The east sleeps to darkness, winds and creates order. When the sunlight peaks, the seed of darkness emerges in it simultaneously the east peaks in darkness and the seed of light emerges in it. This means two worlds coexist and dances to sustain the world. This energy flow in nature resembles the working of a double pump or heart. This conclusion gives impetus to Living Universe Theory This day and night cycle is overlapped by 12 month climatic cycles, with its own peak that gives way to the opposite. This is figuratively shown in the following figure. And this could be compared to mitotic division and information exchange

Day and night Cycle or Breathing

Climatic cycle or meiotic division and information exchange

History shows that the 12 month climatic cycle is enclosed in 12 year cycles and such bigger cycle to form whole universal cycle. This gives the notion of origin and end to the universe. I have tried to express it in the following figure. We will discus it in depth as we go on.


The time direction to nature is evident from increase in heat content of the system unilaterally and human’s intervention into natural mechanism by which nature sustains the order. Earlier we discussed the quantum creation and life cycle. The law to the created was not to eat from the tree at the center. This law meant many things It was resistive law against time and death force. It was call of the Creator to the created to be conscious and intelligent and to be connected to Him – the Life Force. It was call to love the opposite and work with least friction and self. It was a call to uphold truth and justice, it was call not to hoard and corrupt and thus stress the Creator system to act to give justice. It was call not to align with material force. When humanity breaks the law, the Creator pays a price to sustain the system. This means the second law of thermodynamics is applicable to Creator and Creation. Human kind created in his image becomes captive to material or centripetal force directed to a center and collapse – Gravitational collapse. Beyond a point the Creator is forced to give in and go into Recreation mode. When this happens human get totally aligns with material force. He grows braking down the creation and its existence. He interferes into natures time cycle and its inherent design and capacity to repair herself. The fast paced modern world is breaking all the barriers of time. This intervention of human without understanding the truth of nature and its function, I conclude is the


fundamental cause all disorder and destruction humanity is facing, such as global warming, Climate Change, increased natural catastrophes, instability of human mind manifesting as unprovoked violence, war, and terrorism and so on. Our destructive role in nature becomes evident if we care to stop for moment and try to visualize, earth and its functioning with plants, with plants and animals, with plants animals and adult humans. All life is anti-gravitational and they live by their instinct in support of the whole. They do not disturb the design and energy cycle of earth. The only exception is humans who live by his mind and seeks self. He thus causes a time direction to nature, that disrupts the natures breath and it’s repairing capacity. By his ignorance he is taking the world towards death The report from NASA clearly says that earth is unstable, the sun and planet system are unstable. We are heading for huge Solar maximum in 2012. 2012 also coincides with many vital stellar configurations. The earth’s magnetic pole is expected to flip in 2012. We already witnessed an unusual solar minimum. Every dip is associated with a peak. So the next solar maximum can be expected to cause huge disasters to earth and disrupt life as never before, by breaking our communication system, the energy systems and so on. Human intervention into earth and its functioning has exceeded the limits and we are due for some backlash. The reports say major volcanic eruptions are very much due. History tells us that huge eruptions and volcanic dust is the means by which earth cools her self and protects her stability. The earth and its forces have every reason to react against our reckless intervention into her working. NASA has even reported huge explosions in cosmos that are only next to Big bang. In the interrelated world all these are expected to influence us. According to the Great Mayans who are known to be time keepers of world, the present time is due to end in 2012 December 21. We thus seem to be on the Edge of a Big Collapse - The Big Bang that can destroy everything in the wink of an eye. The nations and its rulers and most of us are very much engrossed in money and market and fail to take notice of these signs of End Time. I as a scientist did not carry have any hope for humanity, till I discovered my Lord and accepted death and came to life. The deep insight into nature I speak comes from this spiritual initiation and call.


Chapter -7

Beyond Genes the Wave that Sustains - Taking leaves from Biology to understand the Truth of Nature Our thinking and exploration has already pointed that nature is living and its needs to be understood as a Living Thing. We have already seen many logical aspects that can defend the hypothesis. The ancient spiritual scriptures give us a huge platform for defending and furthering this hypothesis. But the temples of science and modern world will not take it. So let us explore it more logically and sensibly. Life is a huge complex system that amazes our mind and inspires it too. The cumulative length of the blood vessels of an adult human being is estimated to be nearly 100.000 miles that amounts to encircling the earth twice! A pump of the size of your left fist, pumps blood and collects blood from it effortlessly 12-20 times every minute! It is wonderfully designed and is beyond our minds perception. The information processing that human mind does in a second far exceed the hundreds of super computers put together. This wonderful machine is capable of self replicating and has originated form one single cell and is controlled by a pair of wave generating from a point source. [This point contains two point one dominant and the other recessive] To understand this, let us understand the reproduction process. The reproduction process begins when the “Essence of the Father” leaves its body and enters one selected egg cell and breaks into the nucleus. Here it pairs with the recessive and begins the process of creation by dissolution. I have used deliberately the term, “essence of the father”. The modern world thinks it is information, the DNA, the genes and so on. But the DNA and genes are created entities. They are not life, when life departs them it collapse and disintegrate. Here we are bound to give way to notion of spirit/soul well written in ancient spiritual scriptures. Scientist would ask me to define spirit/soul. In the preceding chapters, I have laid before a picture of spirit/soul in the form of an inert element and a quantum particle. Just give it a thought. At death the whole system and the multiple worlds begins to unwind and collapses into this particle and


this particle unwinds and a speck of light particle escapes from the body to go to its root world. This forms a cycle. In the ordinary sense of biological thinking every thing exist in pairs. But when we visualize universe as one living system, we run into some trouble, because there is no second body into which “Essence of the Father” can go to create new world out of the old to exist and perpetuate. The other possible way to look at is to assume that the Superior Light Particle or the “Essence of the Father”, that gives life and sustains life should leave its central position and enter its own body to recreate and restore every thing before death strikes the universal system. This vision and hypothesis appeared possible reality, but comprehending this was a tough task. This comprehension and the truth of Universal Time Cycle sunk into me when I died at the Lord feet to take Rebirth. I saw the conception of Universal Time Cycle in Calvary and the sacrifice of Christ. This turned me inside out and I saw a golden beginning in the darkest end scenario - A journey to Kingdom of God, or Dharma Yuga right here on earth. I perceived a Great Attractor in Christ who emerges at the peak of disorder as Living Light that awakens human consciousness and give it New Life and illuminates human mind to defeat the death forces. In saying so I am not promoting a religion called Christianity, but the truth of the universe, well written in many spiritual scriptures in different manner. The Vedas of East considered as a great science, has very clearly and logically written that Creation occurred through self-sacrifice of the Creator and that this sacrifice was conducted by His own people. [YajurVeda Vs:30-31] This reference clearly points to Calvary. When God and Light departed the central place what begins to rule is the inferior knowledge of humans that is attached to matter. And consequently the world inches quickly to disorder and destruction and darkness increases. Spiritual scriptures very clearly write we are living in the dark-age. The cumulative knowledge that humankind acquired till 1920 to 30’s doubled in the next 50 years. Since then it has been doubling in a shorter and shorter period, because of the explosion of media communications. The present knowledge of the world is expected double by 2010.


Unfortunately what is doubling is the inferior knowledge that creates disorder than order. There is some hope in the revival of spirituality. But spirituality revived within the frame work of religion is potent and ultimate tool for the evil. If humanity has to awaken and get enlightened and win over evil and death force, then truth has emerge as a simple science comprehendible to majority and beyond a religion. My struggle against odds exist towards this goal

Yes the darkness is increasing and death and destruction is dancing over our head. Yet I am full of hopes that in the midst of this disorder and darkness the Light of Life will emerge and Humanity will come out of bondage to religion and become conscious, get illuminated and Awaken to Truth. We will se the Golden period or the Kingdom God manifest here on Earth. But I am not sure how much destruction humanity has to witness before it awakens to truth.


Conclusion and Discussion The truth of a nature is simple. Nature has a simple design and principle by which it works. The complexity emerges and truth appears distant because we faced ourselves opposite to the direction of truth. Truth does not reveal to us because our questioning process to Nature and its Master is wrong. We stand before Him to seek self and material power. Truth existed before and it exists here after. It is well written in ancient spiritual scriptures. Some of these scriptures are Gold mine of real scientific information and wealth which needs to explored to bring enlightenment and sustain enlightenment and cause constructive growth. I must admit Vedas of India, I-Ching of China, the Mayans and Egyptian Scriptures reflect deep knowledge of nature. I am not a Master of any of these scriptures, but a birds eye view, showed its depth. Unfortunately the modern world under the influence of the west has gone subservient to the lesser knowledge. The west is not even aware of the potential truth of its own spiritual scriptures. They made idol worship out of the Good New that Christ spoke and turned the scripture into a tool to rule the people than liberate them. There is much wanted change and revival happening in Christianity now. This is a welcome sign The vision of Living Universe Theory gives us foundation to develop many nature compatible technologies that are simple, practicable in every field of human interest, like energy and energy utilization, food and agriculture, health and medicine and so on. It can lead to dusting and reinventing various spiritual practices, incorporated into our culture by the ancient seers. The Truth exists beyond human mind. It is beyond the comprehension of human mind. No body can seek truth, but Truth reveals as a Divine Plan of existence. It is time we receive truth and come to life and take guard of our endangered world. If you feel I have opened a meaningful pathway to understand and explore nature, then it is His Grace. It came to me as a gift from the Divine. I cannot take any credit for it. I am only a prodigal son who returned to His Fathers abode. There was nothing great in me. If there is any one reason for the Lord to reveal these simple


truths of nature to me, it could be my decision to do research with a mind based on consciousness and the price I paid to stay put with it. Though I lead a stressful taking his cross and walking, When I look back there is no regret in me, in spite of the fact the society including my family looks at me as an unfit to this society. In the scales by which they measure me, they have nothing in me to measure. I hold no chair of power, own a house, a car, or any valuables, except these bits of knowledge’s of nature and its Master, that I gained by dying. I live to communicate this to you by dissolving the little parental wealth. The only regret I have is my failure to communicate to the modern world, successfully. I have done my best from my situation as small farmer. Any one of you reading this small book, if you feel there is depth and insight, please help me spread it, such that the world debates the Living Universe and Awaken to Truth. Further reading and exploration at Awakening to Truth – Biology and Physics of Biblical Creation and links there off Your comments and question are welcome Mail - [email protected]


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