Berry Press Release - Ksm

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 194
  • Pages: 1
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER 14, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL (571) 269-0870 OR VISIT WWW.BERRY2010.COM BERRY BLASTS OFFENSIVE COMMENT BY JIM MORAN ARLINGTON, VA – Matthew Berry today criticized Congressman Jim Moran’s offensive comment that those opposed to the Obama Administration’s decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks, and four co-conspirators in a civilian New York City court are “un-American”. “It is wrong,” Berry stated, “for Congressman Moran to question the patriotism of the millions of Americans who believe that terrorists such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be tried by military commissions rather than in civilian courtrooms.” “Furthermore,” Berry continued, “Congressman Moran’s comment reflects a basic ignorance of American history. Military commissions were used to try war crimes during the Revolutionary War, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, and World War II.” “Therefore,” Berry concluded, “the use of a military commission to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would have been entirely in keeping with American history and tradition.” On Tuesday, Berry announced the formation of an exploratory committee as the first step to running for the Republican nomination in Virginia’s 8th District, the seat currently held by Congressman Moran. ###

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