Beit Issie Shapiro Milestones Newsletter Issue #3 June 2009

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Milestones Newsletter Issue # 3 - June 2009

Having A Global Impact On The World of Special Needs

Temple Emeth Early Childhood Center (Teaneck, NJ) The first school in New Jersey to Cycle For Smiles! Held their 2009 annual Purim walk around the dance floor which raised over $1700 for Linoi, their buddy at Beit Issie Shapiro! Sharon Floch, ECE Director is pleased and proud to be part of the cycle! And Religious School Director Dora Geld-Friedman gave her teachers their “Mishloach Manoat” gifts that keep on giving! She made a donation to The Special Children of Beit Issie Shapiro in honor of their hard work and dedication! “Imagine what we could do for The Special Children of Beit Issie Shapiro if every Religious School director did the same!”

Children and teachers participating in the Purim Walk-a-thon to benefit Linoi

Purim wizard Rabbi Gavriel Bellino

All dressed and ready for Purim

Congregation Beth Sholom (Elkins Park, PA)

Westside JCC (Los Angeles, CA) The children had a great time learning about Oren and now understand the challenges he faces as well as the great opportunities he experiences at Beit Issie Shapiro. The children rode their trikes proudly and learned the mitzvah of helping others.

Held its first Cycles for Smiles on Lag B’ Omer for Neta of Beit Issie Shapiro. They raised over $700 and are already looking forward to cycling again!

They raised over $2300 for Oren!

Pressman Academy (Los Angeles, CA)

Jewish Community Center of Harrison (NY)

Held their annual CFS on April 30 Joshua, a child at Pressman brought in a jar of money he was saving for baseball cards, but wanted to donate to Tamar, “his buddy,” instead. Thank you to Joshua and all the children at Pressman!

Will be cycling for their special buddy, Tamar in the fall! You are invited to a very special breakfast for very special educators for very Special Children…hosted by Director Nancy Isaacs and Beit Issie Shapiro th Wednesday, June 24 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Come eat a scrumptious breakfast, be a raffle winner and learn about *Cycles for Smiles and how to work with your children! th Please RSVP by June 20 to Nancy Isaacs [email protected] or 914.835.2850



Kehillat Israel (Pacific Palisades, CA) Ohr Chadash (Flushing, NY) Held their Lag B’omer Cycles For Smiles th, celebration on May 17 for their special friend Neta. Their Tzedakah meter was a huge success!

Naomi Stuchiner, CEO of Beit Issie Shapiro International, attends th. Cycles For Smiles on May 12 Since becoming part of the BIS family last year, KI has not only raised thousands of dollars for Oren, they have visited, told others & created bonds that will continue to grow.

Stephen S Wise Temple Early Childhood Center, Los Angeles (CA)

Kesselman Early Childhood Center of Temple Sinai (Hollywood, FL)

Held their third amazing Bake Sale of the year on Yom Ha Atzmaut for Oriyan.

Has already begun raising awareness and tzedakah for their special buddy, Neta, and are looking forward to their st 1 ever Cycles For Smiles during Sukkot!

They just keep on Cycling!

Lauren Hochhauser Of Temple B'Nai Sholom in Rockville Centre, NY twinned with Shani of Beit Issie Shapiro for her Bat Mitzvah on June 13th!

Josh Goldenberg Of Temple Beth Sholom Roslyn Heights, NY shared his Bar Mitzvah on th June 6 , with his new special friend, Dudi at Beit Issie Shapiro.

Jacobson Sinai Academy (Miami, FL) Has had an ongoing relationship with Beit Issie lasting for many years. Each year, their student council has tried to find innovative ways to raise money for such a worthy cause. In the past, the students of JSA have also written cards and letters to the children at the school in Israel, and have worked to connect Beit Issie with other Jewish day schools and organizations. This year, they sold tickets to a Miami Heat game and also held a bake sale to help their friend Rani.

Temple Israel (Manhattan, NY)

Were welcomed to Beit Issie Shapiro on April 30th. They brought with them, their $400 donation for the children and left with their hearts filled!

In addition to raising $500 during their first annual Mitzvah Day for Oren on April 5th, the children of Temple Israel created this wonderful ‘wall-hanging’ for Beit Issie Shapiro.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, CYCLES FOR SMILES Margie Ipp, Founder Lucienne Adams Audrey Freedman Habush Paula Hoffman Sigalit Nechemia Carole Perl Mina Rush Bonnie Vorspan AMERICAN FRIENDS OF BEIT ISSIE SHAPIRO BOARD OF DIRECTORS METRO NEW YORK CO-CHAIRS Gerald & Eileen Lieberman NATIONAL DIRECTOR Ed Ward WEST COAST CO-CHAIRS Errol Fine Marty Spiegel

Milken High School (Los Angeles, CA) Lady Davis High School (Tel Aviv)

Temple Beth David (Commack, NY) Really got things cooking during their first ever, amazing Bake Sale! They raised $400 for their special buddy Binyamin!


Fun Day at Park Chaverim

On May 22 , students from Jess Schwartz College Prep in Phoenix, Arizona and students from Donna Klein Jewish Academy in Boca Raton, Florida visited Beit Issie Shapiro, bringing Shani gifts from her Bat Mitzvah twin, Sydney of Phoenix. They spent much of the day at Park Chaverim (Israel’s first accessible playground), working with special needs children. CFS Handbook Thank you to Lucienne & Lee Adams for their generous donation of printing & collating the books! Learn to Create your own BIS Tzedakah Boxes. Sigalit Nechemia, creator and expert can give you all the details Call/Email for information! AFOBIS 323.938.9851 or [email protected]


American Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro is Proud to Present our First Annual Community Wide Cycles For Smiles! BESTSELLING AUTHOR CAROL LEIFER—LIVE AND IN PERSON! Reading and Book Signing for Parents, Fun-Filled Activities for Children and Breakfast for All DATE: June 28, 2009 TIME: 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. LOCATION: Stephen S. Wise Temple, 15500 Stephen S. Wise Dr. Los Angeles, 90077 More Info & To Register: Paula Nazar at (310) 801-8558 Online:

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