High Holiday Signup Form 2009

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  • Words: 1,247
  • Pages: 7
July 2009

Shalom Chaverim! We are very excited to soon be welcoming the High Holidays 5770. Last year we celebrated our first High Holiday services in our new Synagogue. And what a wonderful experience it was. This year we are just as excited as we celebrate the High Holidays with our new Rabbi, Daniel Schweber. Again, we look forward to worshipping together with family and friends. Once again, we will continue our "open seating" policy. We have received very positive feedback on this policy, which makes more efficient use of our space, as well as members experiencing a different "feel" at each service. In fact, we encourage you to sit in different sections, and with different people. It will make your High Holidays experience more rewarding. Your paid-up dues entitle you to two (2) seats for a household membership, and one (1) seat for a single household membership. There is no additional charge for children up to age 21, or up to age 23 if attending school on a fulltime basis. Members will still be able to purchase additional tickets for extended family members at the cost of $125 per seat. Nonmembers are invited to worship with us and may purchase seats at a cost of $400 per seat. This cost can be applied to new membership. Please note that tickets will not be mailed to members if their dues or other charges are past due as of September 1, 2009. This policy will be strictly enforced. This mailing contains the High Holiday forms which will enable to us to properly plan for the holidays. Please complete each of these sections as accurately and completely as possible. We must receive your responses by August 24, 2009. Wishing you a Shanah Tovah, The High Holiday Services Committee

HIGH HOLIDAY DATES & TIMES – 2009 / 5770 (Please note that these are tentative times of services. Actual times will be sent with your tickets)

Friday, September 18, 2009 – EREV ROSH HASHANAH 6:15 PM - Rosh Hashanah Evening Services Saturday, September 19, 2009 – ROSH HASHANAH First Day 8:30 AM – Services 10:45 AM – Junior Congregation & Tikvah Tots 11:30 AM - Learner’s Service 1:15 PM - Tashlikh Services – Bronx River at Scarsdale Train Station

Sunday, September 20, 2009 – ROSH HASHANAH Second Day 8:30 AM – Services 10:45 AM – Junior Congregation & Tikvah Tots

Sunday, September 27, 2009 – KOL NIDRE 6:00 PM – Services

Monday, September 28, 2009 – YOM KIPPUR 8:30 AM – Services 10:45 AM – Junior Congregation & Tikvah Tots YIZKOR (immediately following Rabbi’s sermon) 11:30 AM - Learner’s Service 5:00 PM - Mincha Services Neilah Ends with Blowing of Shofar

HIGH HOLIDAY SIGNUP FORM – 2009 / 5770 Section I:

Family Information

Name: Address: City: Phone #s: Home ( Children: 1 2 3 4


State: Work (


Zip: Cell (


Age Age Age Age

Section II:


Your paid-up dues entitle you to 2 seats for a household membership, and 1 seat for a single household membership. There is no additional charge for children up to age 21, or up to age 23 if attending school on a fulltime basis. Additional tickets for extended family members are $125 per seat, for any (or for all) services. Nonmembers tickets are $400 per seat, for any (or for all) services, which can be applied to new membership. Please indicate the number of seats you require for each of the major services: Member Seats

Children Extended <21* >21Family






Total $125


Rosh Hashanah – Day 1 Rosh Hashanah – Day 2 Yom Kippur (*or 23 if attending school on a fulltime basis)

We will not be using our seats this year (please check if applicable) ___


If you require special-assistance seating (i.e. wheelchair, sight, hearing, etc.) please indicate this below. We will try to accommodate these seating requests as best as possible

I/We require special seating (please check if applicable)__ ___ Please indicate the special seating required:

Section III:

Children’s Services

Children are a big part of our Holiday services. We have planned age-appropriate programs for our children, and hope that they participate in these services. There is a $20 per family fee to cover the costs of child-sitting. Kosher, peanut-free snacks will be provided. So that we can properly allocate our resources (rooms, leaders, etc.) please complete the following for each of your child(ren) who will be participating in our Children’s services. Tikvah


Congregation Child Sitting Child’s Name: 1 2 3 4

Section IV:


Ages Ages (under 5) 5 - 9 9+

Age Age Age Age

Yizkor Remembrance

The Yizkor service is printed in a separate booklet for use in the High Holiday service and may be used during Yizkor services throughout the year. The booklet includes a Book of Remembrance 2009-5770. We invite you to honor the memory of those whose lives you treasure by inscribing their names in this book. The donation is $18 per name.

Please check this box of you would like to repeat the same listing as it appeared last year (Note: if you select this box there is NO need to list the names in the listing below) __ ___ Names of Loved Ones Remembered: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

6: 7: 8:

Section V:

High Holiday Parking

Parking will be available both in the Synagogue parking lots, and on the streets surrounding the Synagogue (details to be provided). We need to provide Synagogue lot parking spaces first to our elderly members and those requiring additional assistance. Once these have been allocated, the remaining parking lot spaces will be available to others on a first come basis, one spot per family.

I require parking in the Synagogue parking lot. Please send me a parking permit for Lot A. No thanks, I will park on the surrounding streets.

Section VI:

New Year Greetings

Wish your friends and fellow members a Shanah Tovah! The October 2009 issue of the Gateway will contain a special listing of all contributing members. The cost of the listing is $15 per contributing family

Please check below to indicate whether you would like to include a greeting in the October 2009 issue of the Gateway Yes, I would like to send New Year Greetings No thanks, do not include me

Section VII:

Volunteer to be an Usher

High Holiday ushering is an important part of our services. Ushering is easy, fun, gratifying and....."community". Please indicate your preference of time and date that you would be available. Jerry Vogl, Head of Ushering, will contact you. Todah Rabah!

Please indicate what dates you would be available. Jerry Vogl will contact you to confirm. Available Erev Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah – Day 1 Rosh Hashanah – Day 2 Kol Nidre Yom Kippur – Day

__ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___

Yom Kippur – Afternoon Services

Section VII:

__ ___



Member Seats Member Additional Seats Nonmember Seats Child-Sitting Yizkor Remembrance** New Year Greetings

Total N/A $125 $400 $20

_$ 0__

$18 $15

TOTAL ** If you do not remember how many names for the Yizkor Remembrance, please check here _ _, and complete the rest of the Pricing Summary, including the Total (without the Yizkor). The Synagogue Office will research the number of names, and bill you accordingly.

Please indicate method of payment __ ___ Check Enclosed (or being mailed) __ ___ Please bill me

Todah Rabah……L’Shanah Tovah!!

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