Beit Issie Shapiro Milestones Newsletter Issue #2 April 2009

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Milestones Newsletter Issue # 2 April 2009

Happenings Hydrotherapy with Shira of BIS

Addi Weiss is a student at Yeshiva Har Torah, Little Neck, NY. For her Bat Mitzvah Chesed project, she spent a week volunteering at BIS. She is an amazing young lady who gave her heart and soul to the children. She worked with all the children including, KhalaI from Jenin and Yonatan from Ra‘anana. It was a treat and pleasure to have her and to be inspired by her loving kindness and passion to make those around her smile. “I am grateful and could not have asked for a better experience for my Bat Mitzvah.”

Khala is from Jenin and Yonatan is from Ra’anana

First Bat Mitzvah Twinning for Arizona! Sydney and her dog start collecting $$$ in their “Tzedakah Meter!”

Following in the foot steps of our California Bark Mitzvah…

Sydney Lewis of Temple Chai in Phoenix, will be holding hers in October for her new friend Shani at Beit Issie Shapiro.


Maimonides Academy (CA) Held a cupcake sale to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Adar. All three kindergarten classes baked and sold them with all their heart and soul for their buddies at Beit Issie Shapiro!

Temple Israel (NY) Temple Israel of Manhattan held its first CFS for Oren th on Mitzvah Day April 5 . “It was a successful event and we are pleased to have created an awareness of the wonderful work that you are doing at Beit Issie Shapiro.”

Temple Beth El (FL) The children of Temple Beth El, in Hollywood, FL will be holding their first CFS to celebrate Israel Independence Day!

Max fills the “Tzedakah Meter”

Bnai Shalom of Olney Religious School (MD) Hosted Mitzvah University where 335 people attended “college” on that day. There was a huge Exhibition Hall with many ongoing Tzedakah projects. Beit Issie Shapiro was proudly displayed with a beautiful poster, Tzedakah meter and information about Beit Issie Shapiro. They began their CFS as they “flew” to Israel.

It was a day filled with teachable moments about Tzedakah.

Kehillat Israel (CA) Created Tzedakah boxes for their buddy Oren at Beit Issie Shapiro and have begun there cycle to culminate at Lag B’omer.

Temple Emanuel (AZ) The children in Tempe, Arizona are excited to begin their ride in the fall for their new friend Tamar!

Temple Judea (CA) Held a month of activities including an amazing flower and bake sale and a Tzedakah Drop as well as their annual CFS! They are shooting for the stars…$23,000… for their best buddy, Avigail at BIS!

Tzedakah Box Drop in Their Wishing Well

Stephen S. Wise Temple (CA) Temple Beth David (NY) Held there first of 3 annual bake sales for Oriyan and in under one hour raised $1177.00!


The sixth graders at Temple Beth David in Commack, NY will be holding a bake sale in May and the rest of the school will soon begin their CFS for their new friend, Neta!


Kol Tikvah (CA)

Also bake sale is really not the right term as any PASTRY SHOP would have been pleased and proud to sell these goodies… Sigalit Nechemia and Cheryl Banton have begun there schools cycle toward raising $23,000 for Oriyan in 2009…

Held their annual CFS in March and raised hundreds of dollars for their special friend, Shosha!

Stay tuned for ‘Mom’s Only’ Bingo Morning!

AMERICAN FRIENDS OF BEIT ISSIE SHAPIRO WEST COAST BOARD OF DIRECTORS CO-CHAIRS Errol Fine Marty Spiegel BOARD MEMBERS Mike Diamond Roy Essakow Pat Fine Dr. Eli & Margie Ipp Lee Kapelovitz Dr. Ernie & Frieda Katz Ellen Knell Dr. Greg Lee Jack Mayer Dr. Shlomo & Ilana Melmed Dr. Seymour & Carole Perl Lee & Anne Samson Josh & Sari Schechter Eva Tashman Dr. Bruce & Roya Torkan Karen Winnick WEST COAST DIRECTOR Yael Blasberg EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Jean Judes CEO INTERNATIONAL Naomi Stuchiner NATIONAL DIRECTOR Ed Ward NATIONAL MILESTONES DIRECTOR Amy Slater-Ovadia EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, CYCLES FOR SMILES Margie Ipp, Founder Lucienne Adams Audrey Freedman Habush Paula Hoffman Sigalit Nechemia Carole Perl Mina Rush Bonnie Vorspan

Contra Costa Jewish Day School of the San Francisco Bay Area rd

The 3 graders are learning about their new friend Yinon and his diagnoses of Cerebral Palsey and Epilepsy. They created a book for him which was th th hand delivered to him by the 7 and 8 graders. They realized that everyone is different and special and you can still run even in a wheelchair and how communication can happen even if you can’t speak. They are looking forward to their first CFS during Israel’s Independence Day!

Teddy Bears and Dollars From

The Dvorak z”l Chesed Fund BIS kids received dollars and teddy bears made by Pressman Academy, Los Angeles graduating class of 2008. “Teddy bears don’t need hearts, they’re already stuffed with love.”

CFS Handbook Thank you to Lucienne & Lee Adams for their generous donation of printing & collating the books!

Learn to Create your own BIS Tzedakah Boxes Sigalit Nechemia, creator and expert can give you all the details

Call/Email for information! American Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro Tel: 323.938.9851 or [email protected]

Beit Issie Shapiro Update A Study on How Sound and light changes can ease kids' fears at dental visits By Michele Shapiro, M.S This is the first study to focus on altering the sensory environment as an alternative method of stress reduction, according to lead author Michele Shapiro, M.S., of the Issie Shapiro Educational Centre in Raanana, Israel. The study was featured in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, May 2005, Vol. 3:2 "Lighting, touch, the angle of the dental chair, deep pressure can all make an impact on a client and help him/her to feel more comfortable during anxiety-provoking procedures," Shapiro stated in an e-mail interview with "Once the dental staff recognize this need and offer this alternative, we may find that there is a reduction in pharmacological use and perhaps even reduction in general anesthesia in some cases."

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