Beijing Olympics And Information Technology

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  • Pages: 17


Beijing 2008 Olympic Games have been the most information intensive Olympic Games ever, With 80% more competition data processed for media and news agencies worldwide.

Top class athletes from around the world have broken 43 world records and 132 Olympic records during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, while behind the scenes the IT team led by Atos Origin has smashed records of its own.

ATOS ORIGIN Atos Origin is an international information technology (IT) services company. Its business is turning client vision into results through the application of consulting, systems integration and managed operations. The company's annual revenues are EUR 5, 4 billion and it employs over 50,000 people in 40 countries. Atos Origin is the Worldwide Information. It is a France based company. Atos Origin is listed on the Paris Euro list Market and trades as Atos Origin, Atos World line and Atos Consulting. Philippe Germond is the CEO and Chairman of Atos Origin.


The contract Atos Origin has with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the largest IT contract in sport and Beijing will be the fourth games where the company has run the IT infrastructure—the first being the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

The Olympics is a hugely high profile event with 3.9 billion people estimated to have watched at least 15 minutes of the last Olympic Games in Athens

The IT infrastructure has to support three broad areas. The first is the system through which the organisers and IOC run the games. This includes accreditation, arrivals, protocol and staffing.

IT has to support the transmitting of real-time results as well as timing and scoring technology—such as the pressure pads at the end of swimming lanes and the television graphics they produce.

Security is a major factor in helping the event and technology run smoothly and Atos Origin tests its systems extensively during the preparation period.

During the event, the infrastructure—which consists of around 1,000 servers and 10,000 PCs—is centrally managed and monitored from the technical operation centre.

Once the games are over, the team has to take away the infrastructure and repeat the process again for the next games

Atos Origin has successfully delivered the IT infrastructure that makes the Olympic Games happen and transmits the results worldwide in less than 0.3 seconds. The IT team and the scale of the IT infrastructure has been similar to that in Athens, yet in comparison to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, the IT team has: 

Provided the IT systems and software that processed and activated 70 percent more accreditations – more than 340,000 in total Securely processed more than 80 percent more competition data for media and news agencies worldwide – totaling 1.5 million message

Enabled almost 50 percent more stories to be published each day in English by the Olympic News Service – totaling an average of 500 stories a day. Around half of these have been translated into French or Chinese

Added 40 percent more sports disciplines, eight in total, to the Commentator Information System to provide broadcasters with more detailed, realtime information about more sports.

Supported approximately around 30 percent more hits on the intranet for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games – INFO2008 – averaging around 1.2 million hits each day

Collected and filtered more than 12 million IT security events each day to detect any potential security risk for the Olympic Games IT systems. From these, less than 100 were identified as real issues. All were resolved, so there was no impact at all on the Olympic Games.

Project Phases The Road to Beijing actually began in 2003 with the development of a Master Plan. Key officials and technicians from China were then present during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and the Design phase then began, including the defining of business requirements and the designing of the Systems and Test Infrastructure. In 2005, we began the Build phase for the systems and test facilities and in mid 2006 the Test phase began in detail covering test events and technical rehearsals. In fact this continues right up until the moment the games begin on 8th August, 2008!  

What is an Olympic IT Project like? Imagine a company with almost 200,000 employees: 

with 4 billion customers

printing 25 million pages per week

in an 24x7 environment

The company manages the essential feed to the press worldwide and not only that but some 21,600 journalists are also in town to capture the scoop!  

 

We roll out the entire IT infrastructure of the “company” We manage an integrated team of more than 4,000 IT experts from the world’s leading companies, including Atos Origin Olympics experts and the best Chinese IT professionals We help issue passport-grade badges to all 200,000 accredited “employees” Then manage the IT operations for 3 weeks

Increasing access to real-time Olympic competition results worldwide 

To increase and improve the competition information available to audiences around the globe, Atos Origin introduced a new service for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games –the Remote Commentator Information System.

It enables commentators to access competition results from the studios in their home countries in a fraction of a second via touch screen PCs. It also provides background information on the athletes and sports to help them add colour to their commentaries

Ensuring accurate results are delivered worldwide 

Critical to the success of the Olympic Games is protecting and securing the IT infrastructure behind it and this is the area where Atos Origin innovates and invests the most. For the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Atos Origin implemented the latest security monitoring solution to filter and prioritize potential IT security risks to the services, so the team is immediately notified and can react quickly to any unusual or unexpected activity. Atos Origin’s IT Security methodology and solutions ensured that there was not a single incident that impacted the Olympic Games.


Faced with 12 million alerts per day, the team at the Games' worldwide IT partner, Atos Origin, used in-house risk-management technology to reduce the alerts to just 90 critical alarms, focusing on the most serious risks.

Honey traps were also used to trap several hackers, using results terminals with security holes to lure criminals into attempting to install applications

The Atos Origin system used multiple servers to correlate unexpected incidents on the system to spot both fast and staggered attempts to hack the network.

Remaining alarms were then prioritized, based on risk for example, if the alarm was on a system at a venue where an event was taking place or on a key system.

Automated, real-time security audits also allowed Atos Origin to examine every new or reconfigured device connected to the Games' system to check the device had the proper security settings and antivirus software installed.


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