Behlool Dana

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ehlool was born in Kufa and his real name is Wahab bin Amr, a student of sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) but also lived in the reign of seventh Imam, Imam Musa Kadhim (as), as his companion. Bahlool was a well known judge and scholar who came from a wealthy background. The Abbasid Caliph during the time of Bahlool was Harun Al-Rashid. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid had begun a crackdown against the followers of seventh Imam, Imam Musa Kadhim (as), who was at the time in prison. Wahab bin Amr and a few others met seventh Imam, Imam Musa Kadhim (as) and sought advice. Seventh Imam, Imam Musa Kadhim (as) replied with the simple Arabic letter 'Jeem'. Each of these companions took their own interpretation of the letter: Jala-ul-watan (exile), Jabl (refuge in the mountains), and for Wahab bin Amr Junoon (insanity). The next day Wahab bin Amr left his wealthy life, wearing rags and came into the streets. He was soon given the name Bahlool Al Majnoon by the people of Baghdad. By doing this, he was saved from Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid's punishment. Now, without any fear of danger, and in amusing ways, Behlool protected himself from tyrannies. Behlool insulted the notorious Caliph and his courtiers just by talking. Nevertheless, people acknowledged his superior wisdom and excellence. Even today many of his stories are narrated in assemblies and teach the listeners valuable lessons.

Behlool Dana (wisdom) proves the three facts to a Non-Muslim Scholar, Belief in Allah (Tawhid) A Non-Muslim Scholar was once teaching Religious beliefs to his students. He was arguing and challenging the validity of some of the statements which had been proclaimed by sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as). Bahlool Dana happened to be present as well. Scholar proclaimed that he could not agree with the three understated statements as made by sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as). The first one was that "Allah (SWT) can never be seen." According to him it was impossible for a thing to exist and yet be invisible! The second thing that sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) had stated was that "Shaitan (Satan) will be thrown in the inferno of Hell which will scorch him bitterly." He argued: "How it was possible for fire to hurt 'fire', the fact that Shaitan (Satan) was created from fire itself!" The third statement of sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) was that "Man alone is responsible for his actions and Allah (SWT) - the most powerful - has nothing to do with

his actions." "How is it possible, when Allah (SWT) alone guides the destiny of man without Whose will nothing can happen?" This was his third challenge. As soon as the Non-Muslim Scholar, had made these three criticisms against sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as), Bahlool Dana got up, took a piece of brick and aiming at Scholar, let it go and cracked the Scholar head. Bahlool Dana was caught and taken before the Judge for punishment. In his defense, he pleaded that he had done nothing else except reply to the three criticisms which this Scholar had made against sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as). The Judge asked him to explain as to how and why he chose to reply by hitting and injuring a Non Muslim. Bahlool said, "This man claims that if Allah (SWT) is there, then he must be seen. He is now complaining of pain in his head due to the brick having hurt him. If the pain is definitely there, can he show me where it is? Well! Just as pain can be there without being seen Allah (SWT) also exists without being seen." "Secondly, He says that fire cannot burn fire. It is a fact that man is made out of clay and this brick with which I hit his head is also made out of clay, if clay can inflict pain and hurt clay, why can't fire do the same to fire?" "The third thing He says is that man is not responsible for his own actions but Allah (SWT) does all things. If this is so, then why does he want justice from you and why does he want me to be punished for hurting him? He might as well transfer the punishment to Allah (SWT) Who, according to him - is responsible for all the actions of man!" Everyone in the court was stunned at this and Scholar was dumb founded - having nothing to say. So Bahlool Dana was released without any punishment.

Behlool and the Khalifa's Food, Behlool Jokes, Behlool and Humor, Islamic Jokes It is said that Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid sent some food to Behlool, in the hope of drawing him towards himself with this benevolent act. His servant brought the food to Behlool, put it in front of him, and said, "This is the Khalifa's special food, he has sent it to you to eat." Behlool placed the food in front of the dog that was sitting in the ruins of the place. The servant screamed, "Why did you give the Khalifa's food to the dog!" Behlool said, "Be quiet! If the dog hears that the Khalifa sent this food, it won't eat it either."

Behlool and the Thief, Bahlool Jokes, Bahlool and Humor, Islamic Jokes, Bahlool Wisdom Whenever Bahlool happened to have money in excess of his expenses, he used to save it by concealing it in one corner of a ruined and broken down house; this continued till the amount eventually reached a figure of three hundred dinars. The next occasion when he had saved another ten dinars and had gone to the place to add it to his concealed savings, a trader who lived in the neighbourhood, found out about the hideout. As soon as Bahlool had left the hiding place, the neighbour dug up the money that was concealed beneath the ground. The next time when Bulool came to the place, he found his money missing and immediately realized that it was the work of the trader. Bahlool decided to approach the trader. "I wish to trouble you by telling you about my secret," Bahlool said to the trader. "I have placed my money in different places." Then he began enumerating the places till the entire figure reached three thousand dinars. "The place where I have placed three hundred and ten dinars is the safest of them all. I now wish to transfer all my money to this place in the ruined house." Saying this, he bid the trader goodbye and left. The trader decided to return the three hundred and ten dinars to the place from where he had stolen the money with the intention that when Bahlool placed all his money there, he would steal the increased amount. Some days later, Bahlool returned to the ruins and found the three hundred and ten dinars in its original location. Taking out the money, he defecated there and covered it with earth. Immediately after Bahlool had left, the trader rushed towards the spot and, removing the earth, sought to collect the entire money, only to find his hand dirtied by the excrement. He thus comprehended Bahlool's deception. A few days later Bahlool visited him. "I want you to compute some figures associated with my money," said Bahlool. "How much does eighty dinars added to fifty dinars added to one hundred dinars, and this sum added to the dirty odour that emanates from your hands, sum up to?" Saying this, he took to his heels. The trader rushed after him in hot pursuit, but failed to catch him.

Behlool and Donkey, Behlool Jokes, Behlool and Humor, Islamic Jokes, Behlool Wisdom One day a friend of Behlool's took some grains to grind at the mill. After grinding them, he loaded them on his donkey and started home. Near Behlool's house, his donkey began limping and fell. He called Behlool and said, "Give me your donkey so I can take my bundle home." Behlool had taken an oath that he would not give his donkey to anyone, so he said, "I don't have a donkey." But then a donkey's bray was heard. The man said to Behlool, "You have a donkey but you said you didn't." Behlool replied, "You are a strange and stupid friend. Even though we have been friends for fifty years, you don't listen to me, but you listen to a donkey".

Behlool sits on Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid's Throne, Behlool and Serious Advice One day Behlool arrived at Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid's palace and saw that the throne was empty. There was no one to stop him, so he unhesitatingly and fearlessly went and sat in Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid's place. When the court slaves saw this, they immediately started whipping him and took him off the throne. Behlool started crying. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid came and saw this; he asked those nearby why Behlool was crying. A slave told him the whole story. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid scolded them and tried to cheer Behlool up. Behlool said he was not crying at his condition, but at Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid's condition. "I sat on the seat of Caliphate wrongfully for a few seconds and received such a beating and endured such misfortune; but you have been sitting on this throne all your life! What troubles you must receive, yet you still don't fear the consequence."

Behlool, a Bundle, Barley Bread, and Vinegar: Behlool and Serious Advice It is said that Behlool mostly spent his time sitting in a graveyard. One day, as usual, he went there. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid passed by, desiring to hunt. When he arrived near Behlool he asked, "Behlool, what are you doing?"

"I have come to visit such people who don't backbite, don't expect anything from me and don't cause me pain in any way." "Will you tell me something about Qiyamah (The day of Resurrection), Sirat (Bridge), and the questions and answers about this world?" "Tell your slaves to kindle a fire and place a flat iron pan over it till it becomes red-hot. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid ordered it and it was done. "O Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid! I will stand barefoot on this pan and introduce myself. I will describe whatever I have eaten and worn. After that, you also stand barefoot like I did, introduce yourself, and describe whatever you have eaten and worn." Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid agreed. Then Behlool stood on the hot pan and quickly said, "Behlool, a bundle (of tattered clothes), barley bread and vinegar." He said this and immediately came off; his feet were not burned at all. When Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid's turn came, he couldn't introduce himself the way he wanted to, his feet got burned, and he fell off. "O Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid! Qiyamat's questions and answers are like this. Those who worship Allah (SWT), are content, and stay away from greediness of the world's rank and dignity will easily pass Sirat (Bridge), but those who are attached to worldly majesty and splendor will be arrested with troubles."

Poverty and Pomp: Behlool and Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid, Behlool and Serious Advice Behlool liked to visit the graveyards. "People here are good friends", he used to say, "They do not backbite." Once, he sat in a corner of a graveyard and with a long heavy stick started probing some of the old skulls which lay scattered about. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid passed by, and saw him said: O Behlool, what are you doing? Oh nothing very important, said Behlool. I am just trying to find out whether the skulls belong to Caliphs or paupers. They are all the same. And what is the stick for, Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid asked.

Well, I am measuring the earth, Behlool replied. Measuring the earth? What are your findings? Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid joked! It is equal and the same, O Caliph! Behlool retorted. Three arm lengths for me, in spite of my poverty and three arm lengths for you, in spite your pomp and wealth.

Behlool and a Businessman, Behlool and Serious Advice, Bahlool Wisdom One day a Baghdadi businessman met Behlool and said, "Sheikh Behlool! Give me advice as to what I should buy that would benefit me most." Behlool replied, "Iron and Cotton." The man went away and bought a lot of Iron and Cotton and stocked them. After a few months, he sold them and gained a lot of profit. Again he met Behlool and said, "O Crazy Behlool! What should I buy that would profit me?" This time Behlool told him to buy onions and watermelons. The businessman went and bought his entire savings worth of onions and watermelons. Just a few days later, they all rotted and caused a lot of harm. He immediately sought out Behlool and said, "When I first asked you for advice, you said buy Iron and Cotton. I profited a lot from this, but the second time what kind of advice did you give me! All my wealth was destroyed!" Behlool said, "The first time you addressed me as Sheikh Behlool, and since you addressed me as an intelligent person, I advised you according to my wisdom. The second time you called me Crazy Behlool, so I advised you like a crazy person." The businessman was ashamed of his behavior and understood Behlool well.

Junaid Baghdadi and Behlool, Behlool and Serious Advice, Behlool Wisdom Behlool simulated madness, though he was not mad. Junaid Baghdadi a scholar and Sufi of repute, knew him very well. One day as they met, Junaid Baghdadi requested him to give him some counsel and admonition. "You do not need any advice. You are a well known scholar," Behlool said. But Junaid Baghdadi insisted. Behlool gave in and said: "Well, I shall ask you three questions. If you answer them correctly, you will be advised." And then he proceeded to ask: "Do you know how to talk?" "Do you know how to eat?" "Do you know how to sleep?"

Junaid Baghdadi found these simple. He said: "I know how to talk. I talk with a low voice, politely and to the point, so that the listeners are not at all offended. I eat after having washed my hands, say Bismillah before I commence, and chew the food properly. When I finish, I thank Allah (SWT). Before I go to sleep, I do my Wudu (Ablution) and retire to a clean bed. Then I bear witness to my faith and sleep." Behlool stood up and started walking away. He said: "I thought you were quite learned. You do not know the most elementary things of Islam." But Junaid Baghdadi would not let him go. "Please guide me," he enjoined. "Well," Behlool said, "It is no use talking softly if it is a lie, remembering Allah (SWT) before eating has no meaning if the food you eat is forbidden or usurped or that the food has been bought from the money of an orphan, a widow or a fellowman. And what is the use of sleeping with Wudu (Ablution) and all the recitations if your heart is full of malice, jealousy and enmity towards your brother in faith? He who sleeps with a clean heart sleeps a religious man. Do you understand? These are the principles. The rest are all secondary virtues."

Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid Asks Behlool for Advice, Behlool and Serious Advice One day Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid was passing by on his way somewhere when he saw Behlool riding a stick (as if it were a horse) and running with children. He called Behlool who asked, "What do you want?" Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid said, "Criticize me."

Behlool said, "Look at the palaces and graves of previous Khalifas with the mind's eye. This is a great warning. You know very well that these people pass a length of time in their palaces with pleasure and enjoyment, pride and delight. Many regret and grieve over their bad deeds, and are shameful, but know nothing can be a remedy. Know that we are also hurriedly approaching these consequences." Behlool's advice made Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid uneasy. He asked, "What should I do that would make Allah (SWT) happy with me?" "That deed by which Allah's (SWT) creations would be happy with you." "What should I do that Allah's (SWT) creations would be happy with me?"

"Become just and equitable. What you don't think proper for yourself, don't think suitable for others. Listen patiently to the pleas and requests of the oppressed. Give answers nobly, prove yourself true to favors, rule with justice, and give just decisions." "Well done Behlool! You have given very good advice. I give the order to fulfill your debts." "Debt from debt is never fulfilled. Today whatever is under your control is the public's wealth, shower it upon them and do not favor me." "Then request something else from me." "My request is that you follow my advice, but it is sad that this world's majesty and splendor has made your heart so hard that my advice will have no effect upon you." Then Behlool shook his stick and said, "Move away! My horse kicks!" He remounted his stick and ran away.

Behlool sells Paradise to Zubaydah, Behlool and Serious Advice, Behlool Wisdom One day Behlool was sitting at the corner of the river, and he was making some flower beds like the children were. Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid Rashid's wife Zubaydah happened to cross by. When she came near Behlool, she asked, "Behlool! What are you doing?" Behlool answered, "Making Paradise." "Do you sell the Paradise you have to me?" "Yes, I sell them." "For how many dinars?" "For 100 dinars." Since Zubaydah wanted to help Behlool in any way she could, she immediately ordered her servant to give Behlool 100 dinars, which he did. Behlool said, "You don't want a receipt?" "Write it and bring it." Saying this, Zubaydah went her way. Behlool distributed that money among the poor.

In a dream that night, Zubaydah saw a big Garden, the like of which she had never seen when awake. All of its houses and palaces were seven stories high and made of colored jewels and decorated with great style. The rivers were flowing and beside them flowers were blooming. Very beautiful trees were planted; servants (boys and girls) were all present and ready to be of service. Zubaydah was given the receipt, written in gold ink, and was told that this is the Garden that she had bought from Behlool. When she awoke, Zubaydah was very happy and told Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid about her dream. As soon as it was morning, Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid sent someone to bring Behlool. When Behlool came, Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid said, "I want you to take 100 dinars from me and sell me one of your Gardens, like the one you gave Zubaydah." Behlool gave a loud laugh and said, "Zubaydah bought it without seeing (the reward), but you heard and so want to buy it, but regretfully, I won't sell it to you."

Muhammad Salman Amin ID: [email protected]

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