Before Twilight [chapter One, Two And Three]

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  • Words: 7,081
  • Pages: 26
Before Twilight. Written By; She_Is_Sky

I’ve been alive for 100 years. The thought wasn’t the kind that takes you by surprise. I’d seen this day coming, of course, it came every year, and now that I was a century old it wasn’t all that different from turning twentyone. Not that I would know what it was like to turn twenty-one. I’d been seventeen for eighty-three years. Now that was a morose thought. I turned my mind away from dour facts and back on the conversation my younger sister Alice was trying to have with me. The same conversation that had turned my mind to the marking of this day and the annoyed feelings I was exhibiting right now. “So, I know we haven’t celebrated your birthday in a while, but I think the century mark is something to celebrate.” Her pixie face and smile were beaming up at me from her short height. I didn’t see anything celebration worthy but I had long since learned to not cross Alice when she wanted to do something she considered fun. Even right now, under that cheerful “I think the century mark is something to celebrate” she was thinking more pointed thoughts. You’d better not try to ruin this for me. I already bought something for you. Oh great, I thought to myself. She took my silence to mean I wasn’t being cooperative. She glowered at me, “Please, Edward. Pleeeese.” She was gazing up at me with her big topaz eyes. Alice rarely whined and it irritated me beyond belief. I couldn’t stand whining. She knew it too. “Fine.” I nodded once curtly and turned on my heel to stride across the porch to the garage. I couldn’t help but smile, just a little, as Alice danced around on her toes and hooted her victory. She was – if nothing else – intense.

My older sister, all adopted siblings of course, Roselie was underneath her grandiose BMW. I could hear the twist of a wrench as she tightened something on the engine. She was always tuning something up about her car, making it run smoother, more fleet. I pressed the button on my remote control keys and the silver Volvo on the other side of the five-car bay blinked lights and horn in one quick response. So you let her win. Coward. Roselie thought at me jokingly as I passed her. “You try fighting with Alice.” I shot back. Roselie chuckled, won’t catch me fighting with the pixie stick. I grunted some response, whether I actually spoke or not, I don’t recall. I slipped into the Volvo and twisted the key in the ignition. It purred to life. Why don’t you just run? I heard another familiar train of thought. The voice was deep and southern. It belonged to my birthday tormentor’s lover. Who was also supposedly my big brother. Realizing Jasper was thinking at me I jerked my head around to find him. He was perched up on the high massive oak beams of the old garage. I shrugged. Where are you going? Did Alice run you off again? He could tell I was annoyed with something. He had a – gift – to feel the emotions around him. He could even calm or provoke through emotion, but he’d promised to not use his gifts on his family – at least not often. Right now my expression made this one of those times he kept his distance. “No. And I’m just going down to the lake.” I responded laconically, throwing the Volvo into reverse against grinding protesting at my harsh treatment. “Hey!” Roselie reverted to using her voice to yell at me this time, “You be nice to that car, it’s treated you well.” She scowled at me. I ignored her and left the garage amidst spinning tires.

“What’s his problem?” Roselie’s voice followed me out as I made a neat circle in the driveway. “Beyond me. I think he’s tired of Esme’s pushing.” Jasper replied in a drawling voice. It might sound like he was bored of the subject, but he was simply being a southerner again. “What’s she pushing?” Roselie’s curiosity was peaked. I ground my teeth and willed Jasper to not answer her. I could still hear them talking as I made the turn off our driveway. “Ask her.” Jasper said, I heard the muffled thud of feet hitting the ground as he jumped from the high beam and went to the house. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and revved the engine into high gear. The lake in town was the best swimming around and that’s where I was headed now. No, kidding, Jazz. I thought to myself. Esme was the most wonderful woman I could ever ask for as a mother figure, but sometimes her gentle thoughts were more then I could take. As I had approached a century in age she had begun to worry more and more about me. More specifically, me finding someone to spend the next century with. So it was no secret that I wasn’t romantically involved with anyone. Why did that have to be a point of worry for my adopted mother? Today, it had been all she could think about though she’d tried to mask her thoughts some when I was around. More often then not I found myself wishing for something now. Wishing that I couldn’t get into people’s heads. That I didn’t read minds. That I wasn’t able to pick someone’s brain with my own. But ever since the day I had woken up to this new life style with my adopted father figure, Dr. Carlisle Cullen at my side and began answering the questions in his head before he asked them, I’d been a mind reader and it got in the way far too much.

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket and I debated not answering it. Sighing I pulled it out and looked at the ID screen. It was Emmett. “What?” I answered. “Hey bro, what did I do?” His booming voice carried easily to my ear. I rolled my eyes, “Nothing. What do you want?” Emmett laughed, “Jazz said you were going swimming. Do you mind company?” He quarried. “Do you usually ask?” Emmett wasn’t known for his courtesy of others privacy. “No, but I figured if you’re pissed at Alice, I don’t want to hang around you.” I narrowed my eyes, “Why is that?” “Awe, C’mon.” Emmett chuckled as if I should know, “You rarely let her get on your bad side but when you do – Geez, you really aren’t fun to be around.” He summed it up, apparently lacking words to describe it fully. I cracked a smile. Emmett was the best big brother I could have ever asked for. He knew how to lighten anything up. “Alright, alright. I’m not angry with Alice. Just life in general. You’re welcome to come swim with me.” I said and snapped my phone shut. He would probably just charge out of the house and come running. I should have, but I’d always felt a responsibility to the greater good – to appear more human. It wasn’t easy. Not when you were a mind reader. Or when you were a vampire.

CHAPTER 2 Reaching the lake I observed that there were only a few swimmers and sunbathers on the pebbly shore. Good. I parked my Volvo on the far side of the lake where it was deeper and few people ventured. Striding to the edge of the rocks I stripped my shirt off and, leaving it on a jagged rock, I dove headfirst into the rippling water. There was no accompanying splash to give my presence away. I dove and swam silently and stealthily. Much like a predator animal. A dangerous killer. It wasn’t mutually exclusive. I was under water, swimming along the bottom of the rocky lake when I felt a surrounding tremble of earth and land. Something like a miniature earthquake. Emmett was here. I backtracked and turned my head in the water, watching Emmett practically running on the bottom of the lake towards me. He grinned when I noticed him. Hey, water’s warm. He was joking.

The water was probably chilly, since it was only May in Oregon, but neither of us would have noticed. Icy snow and rain was warm. The cold, pale skin of our vampirettic bodies made most things feel warm. I swum away, streaking through the water, feline and lithe. Emmett yelled after me mentally, wait up! I didn’t slow. He would catch up if he wanted to. And he did. He raced me, burly and aggressive towards the other shore. I threw myself into the game with abandon. I reached the shore a full length ahead of him but when we surfaced we were laughing. His booming chuckles were resounding as we splashed through the low waves. “Race you on land now!” Emmett challenged, speeding away with a head start. We raced full tilt along the far side of the lake away from the prying eyes of other swimmers. With his head start he almost tied with me, but I still outran him. The race over almost four miles only lasted less then two minutes. “I won!” I hooted at him, fully enjoying the head rush. “Fine! But I’m gonna get you one of these days, kid.” He grinned, clapping me on the back. I pulled my shirt on, my jeans were dry from the run and so was my icy skin. “Mind if I ride back with you, kiddo?” Emmett asked shaking his damp hair around. “Are your clothes dry?” I asked absently, listening to a couple’s thoughts as they strolled close to us. Automatically I always searched human’s minds for any sign of danger, a warning that people were starting to suspect us. It had been a habit I formed as a protection to my family’s secret identity. Wow. Those boys are fast runners. Wish I’d been that athletic. The man mused, no thought to the inhuman speed. He must have seen as we slowed down nearing the Volvo. No danger there, just more adoring humans.

I changed my attention over to the woman’s mind. Oh gracious! Tell my why I married so young. Oh my! These boys are hot. Are they even boys? They look like men, but oh, my! Oh, listen to my heart beating! No kidding. I rolled my eyes. I could hear her heart beat profoundly, I glanced at Emmett, and he smirked. She taking your shirt back off in her head? I glowered at him with my most intense evil expression but he only laughed. Emmett strode towards my car. “I asked if you were dry.” I called after him. “As you are.” He was still grinning; I could hear it in his voice. I followed him to the car, controlling my urge to streak to the car door, I kept my steps measured, faking a certain amount of tiredness – after all, I had just been swimming and then run a four mile race. I should appear fatigued. Emmett was fixing his still damp hair in the visor mirror over his seat. Leaving the lake I turned towards the small town of Glenburn, Oregon, where we presently resided. We’d been here four years, I was beginning to wonder when we’d have to move on. “Why don’t we hit the laser tag alley in Portland?” Emmett suggested, “For your birthday.” He grinned. “You just lost out.” I shook my head when he added the last part. Laser Tag wasn’t even one of my more enjoyable things to do, even though we had our own set of complicated rules that made it actually worth playing for vampires. Emmett though, had an obsession with the game that I could figure out. “Oh, that’s right. Alright, for my birthday then.” “It’s not your birthday till fall, Em.” I glanced at him. He threw back his head and that deep booming laughter of his filled my car. I chuckled. “We’ll celebrate early.” Was his alibi. I rolled my eyes and accelerated past the turn off to our drive, speeding through Glenburn to the interstate.

“Yes!” Emmett pumped his arm, “Laser Tag here we come. Not that it’s as fun as wrestling.” He suggested wickedly. “No way.” I shook my head. He shrugged, “Can’t barely feel the high powered tags even. But it’s better then bowling.” Bowling was Jasper’s favorite. “I heard that!” We were only two miles from our home and Jasper’s yell floated to us. Emmett burst into loud guffaws and then I heard Roselie’s anxious voice in my head, Wait, wait! I want to come! Laser Tag?! And you weren’t going to stop and pick me up?? I grumbled under my breath but hit the break. The Volvo quickly braked from 110 MPH leaving town down to crawling at about 50 MPH. “Hey! What –?” Emmett began. But Roselie was already running towards us through the back forest area, behind the house and she was yelling at Emmett. “You big jerk! At least my little brother waits up for me.” I smirked at him. Emmett groaned under his breath. When Roselie streaked out from behind one of the boarded up houses a half mile ahead of us I sped up to reach her. She slid into the back seat and leaned forward. She jabbed Emmett in the rib, he winced, “Laser Tag without me?” She demanded annoyed. “Sorry, sweetie, I wasn’t thinking.” He kept a straight face by some miracle. Roselie put her arms around me from the backseat, embracing the seat back along with my chest, “At least Edward is good to me.” She stuck her tongue out at Emmett. Emmett rolled his eyes and I felt like echoing him. We both knew her run down. Rose would be friends with anyone to get back at anyone else. And I was just a prop in her annoyance with Emmett right now. Roselie wasn’t exactly my closest sister. We had more differences between us then any two beings alive, or dead, or whatever it was we were.

But she was right about one thing. I was good to her. For my own health’s sake. She leaned back and brushed her cool fingertips across her hair, making sure every strand was in perfect place. “So, Carlisle slipped up today at the hospital.” She began. I twisted in my seat, my eyes darting to her smug face, “What?” I demanded, “What on earth do you mean?” “He gave a diagnose before the results came back – in an attempt to save a patients life. He thinks he’s gotten a few of the doctors very suspicious. He needs you to come with him this evening for his third watch shift.” She explained. He would need me to be with him to find out if the doctors were indeed pointing fingers at him behind his back in their mind. We’d been through this, people wondering what went on within the walls of our own home, suspecting weird things about us. It was simple, we moved on. But Carlisle? He never screwed up! “For the love of all that’s holy –“ I muttered under my breath. Emmett sighed, “This has been a pretty fun place to live, too bad we’re gonna have to move – again.” He muttered. Roselie snorted from the back seat, everyone in the Cullen home knew she did not like Oregon. “Esme says we should go visit the Denali’s.” She did like that prospect. Roselie loved Alaska for some bizarre reason. I was inside her head half the time and I even didn’t get why she liked Alaska. “No!” I growled, “You can go, but I’m not.” I said stubbornly. Emmett glanced at me, questions written all over his face. Roselie laughed out loud, “Oh, come on, Edward. Tanya can’t still be in love with you.” She teased. I said nothing, only tightening my grip on the steering wheel. Realization dawned on Emmett’s face and he guffawed, “Ah! You’re still running from little Tanya?” He clearly thought that was funny.

“You both have no idea.” I said through gritted teeth. When our “cousin” (for all intents and purposes) got something in her head about a man, it was her drive and purpose to make him succumb, no thought for anything else till she won her game. Somehow, by fate’s ill chance, I had become at the direction of her desire. It wasn’t like she wasn’t that she wasn’t stunning and gorgeous, even for a vampire, but I wasn’t – ah – how to say it? Sexual active. And I planned to stay that way. I’d seen by way of example what happened to vampires that didn’t have a mate – a partner through thick and thin, someone who altered their existence completely – and splurged on their desires. They became succubus, much like our “cousins” were – or had been – or perhaps still were. And clearly, going by how completely and fully my brothers and sisters around had given themselves to the other, I knew I could never feel that for Tanya. It was an impasse and she hadn’t been willing to accept that. When she wanted something cessation wasn’t in her vocabulary. I’d barely escaped last time; I wasn’t going to push the limits of my control again. Roselie wisely dropped it and began arguing with Emmett over the pro’s and con’s of water skiing. Sometimes it still startled me how normal and average my family could be even under their circumstances. My mind went back to Carlisle. Why, oh, why? Saving lives was what he did, but it had never pushed him to revealing our secret to any extent. I sighed. Mentally I prepared myself for going to the hospital that evening. Being around so much human blood was always a test of the self-control. **** ******************* ********************** ****

“Let’s vote.” “Alaska.” “Alaska.” “Me three.” “Yes, Alaska. I would like to see Kate again.” Carlisle’s eyes pinned me from the head of the dining room table, “Edward?” I’d gone with him to the hospital and quickly picked out the wary imputations and censure of his fellow doctors. He’d given his resignation papers and we’d left in a hurry. Too much trouble to stay around and try to sort out the implications the doctors were wondering about Dr. Cullen. “Paraguay.” I mumbled. Anywhere far from Alaska. Esme sighed. “Esme?” Carlisle turned to her next. She shrugged, “I can’t force Edward to go where he doesn’t want to go. We can go to Paraguay for him.” She offered, always so selfless. I groaned. I was trying to not read her thoughts, but they were all wistful to seeing the “dear young daughters” of her late friend. “Alright. Alaska. But for how long?” I gripped the edge of the table. “Just for a visit.” Esme responded hopefully. “We can decided where to move after that.” “What about you Carlisle?” I asked, wasn’t he going to vote? I’m the reason for this re-locating; I don’t have say in the matter. I will simply follow my family. I’m truly sorry about this, Edward. He was watching my face, telling me this without privy to the family.

I sighed and let my hands drop from the table, “No, Carlisle, you do have a say. How many times have we all messed up?” I gestured around the table. He shrugged but didn’t change his thoughts. “We’re going to Alaska then?” Alice piped up hopefully, her lilting voice startling me. Maybe Tanya will win Edward over this time. They’d be so cute together. Her thoughts were singing. I glared at her as Carlisle nodded, “Alaska it is. We’ll leave in the morning.” “Let’s pack!” Emmett jumped up from the table. Alice flitted up the stairs, pulling Jasper with her. I wandered to my room. All I cared to take with me was my music and books, the stereo system and my mother’s jewelry case. I never grew attached to any certain pieces of furniture since we never used more then the cars we owned to move from place to place. Which meant there was no room for sentimental pieces. We rarely grew attached to anything anyway as we were always relocating after five or so years. Except of course Esme’s dining room table. That always had a place in Emmett’s massive Jeep wherever we went. She would never part ways with that table. Perhaps something like my mother’s jewelry case was to me, that table was to her. I slowly opened the box, lying on the top was Mrs. Mason’s wedding and engagement rings. I reverently stroked the cold bands of gold. Admiring the stone settings. Carlisle had brought them to me after I’d been changed from human to this monster, since both my parents had died in the wave of Spanish Influenza that went through Chicago back in 1907. His thoughts were that someday I might want them to give to someone. Someone close to my heart. Someone I would want to marry. He’d never voiced the thoughts out loud but he’d – what? Hoped? – that some how perhaps it would be Roselie. But she’d found Emmett. And I’d never been attracted in the first place.

It seemed obvious to no one but myself that I was destined to make the most of this life in solitude. My thoughts were slowly but surely turning morose again and I put a mental halt to it. I was stuffing the mountains of CD’s into a suitcase when Alice tiptoed into my room. She plopped down on the leather couch against a far wall without being invited and sighed. “I’m sorry we’ve been so preoccupied this evening that you’re birthday party didn’t work out.” She bewailed. “I’m not.” I snorted; my back still turned to her. I was concentrating on arranging the CD’s so that they all fit that I almost didn’t catch her thoughts. Ok! Everyone! “Now!” She squealed. I spun around as my family burst through the bedroom door. “Happy 100th Edward!” They chorused together, grinning and holding out presents. I couldn’t help but smile. Their faces and thoughts were so eager to be pleasing it would physically hurt to deny them the illusion that they were making me happy. Jasper was watching me. With his enhanced ability’s I was sure he could feel the stress rolling off me in waves. The depression. It must taste bitter to him as it did to me. **** *************** ****************** **** I arranged the last of the CD’s into the suitcase and zipped it shut. I moved towards the stereo player. The three pieces needed to be unwired to travel compactly. I bent down. Alice was suddenly stone still, turned to statue, in the middle of my bedroom. She’d been dancing around on her tiptoes with grace that would make any ballet dancer envious after the rest of the family had slowly trickled off to finish packing after deluging me in gifts and well wishes for my next century. Jasper was still sitting on the

arm of the couch watching me. I knew he was wondering what had brought on my mood. My mind had been going over the pros and cons of letting Tanya get her way. Finally deciding it wasn’t worth it. I wasn’t going to budge an inch. Her eyes focused on something far away. “Alice?” I jerked to an upright position from where I’d been disassembling the wires from the back of the stereo. The vision flashing through her mind was stunning. I was there – in the vision – and someone – a girl – we were standing apart in a dazzling sunlit meadow. Clearly my face reprised some inter turmoil going through my soul as I stared at this girl. I couldn’t see the girl’s face. Then it was gone, faster then it had come. I gasped as Alice became mobile again. “Alice, what on earth was that?” “What?” Jasper was immediately wary. “I’ve seen something like this before. And last year…” Alice murmured. “What are you talking about? Was that me?” I demanded. “You saw it yourself, Edward. Of course it was you. Or some look a like.” She jeered. “Where was I? That girl looked human.” There was one thing in the vision that had left me reeling. “She – she had a heart beat – And we were in the sunlight!” I exclaimed in astonishment. Jasper looked between us in confusion. “Calm down, Edward.” Alice smiled softly and pushed me down to sit on the leather couch. “Let me tell you about the first vision.” I was speechless. I waited while she crossed her legs and sat on the floor in front of me. “Five years ago I had a vision. It was the year 2000. At first I thought it was a vision telling me what to expect with the Y2K.” She laughed cheerfully, “But it changed quickly. There was a

human girl and you. Sitting side by side in some school. Then in a flash of quick pictures I saw you and her – eating lunch together – well, she was eating – and in some strange town at night – also, she was with our family. I saw her and I together too.” She was shaking her head, closing her eyes to remind herself of the clarity of the vision from five years ago. I watched the memories dart through her head. The girl’s face was never shown, only her image projected in the visions and her ever-present heartbeat. “And you never told me about this?” Alice shrugged, “I wasn’t sure about it. So strange…” Jasper was staring at his lover, “A human? Edward and a human?…” His eyes were serious then they turned joking, “Does he eat her?” He smirked slowly. Alice and I turned to glare at him at the same time. He held his hands out in a pacifying gesture, “Sorry, sorry.” He drawled. “What were you saying about last year?” I demanded remembering. Alice acted as if she didn’t hear me, she held her hand up, “Wait. Five years ago was the last time we visited the Denali’s, wasn’t it?” She was putting things together in her head, “And now we are again. Is that somehow connected?” She looked up at me. I saw Tanya in her mind. “Tanya isn’t human.” I growled through my teeth. Alice shook her head, “No, but I think somehow that she’s connected…” She stopped suddenly, “What were you thinking right before the vision?” I shrugged uncomfortably, “Nothing.” I denied. Alice glared at me, “Edward, tell me.” I shook my head inexorably. “Did you make some sort of decision?” She continued, ignoring my resisting. I eyed her warily. “Well? Edward, help me here! I’m trying to figure out pieces of your life’s puzzle. You could be more cooperative!”

Finally I nodded, “Yes, I simply was – reinforcing the fact I’m not going to let Tanya have her way.” I hated spilling my guts to them, even though they were my siblings. “Ah ha!” Alice deduced. Now I was nervous. “Ok, now I’ll tell you about last year.” She nodded to herself. I waited. “We were planning a visit to the Denali’s. Last year, remember? Around Christmas time. Kate was asking us to come but at the last minute Carlisle needed to stay and work overtime at the hospital. So only Jazz, Rose, me and Emmett went to spend Christmas with them.” Of course I remembered. Last year’s Christmas had been the best in a long time. Carlisle, Esme and I alone – like it had been before Roselie came along. “Anyway, when you were thinking about going with us your future was really tangled up in my head. I kept seeing flash backs of this mystery girl you just saw in the meadow and I was seeing Tanya. Wearing your mother’s ring.” Alice was frowning. I choked. “But then you decided to stay and it changed. I heard the girl’s heartbeat and you had your arms around her. You were in a bedroom that I didn’t recognize.” She finished slowly. I was silent, and so was Jasper. The mood he was detecting off me now couldn’t possibly be very encouraging. Conflicting emotions were rolling through me till I couldn’t think straight. Was there someone in my future after all? Someone I could hold and love and belong to? But she was human. I stopped myself. Until this moment I had never realized that some small part of me was actually aching for that life altering instant that would change who I was for the rest of my existence.


I let Alice drive my car – which was not exactly ordinary – on the way to Alaska. I lay across the backseat with my long legs propped on the wind sill brooding in my head. Jasper was in the front seat, casting annoyed glances at me off and on over his shoulder. “Could you temper the emotion a little bit back there?” He grumbled. Alice grinned over at him, “What’s he feel?” She wiggled her eyebrows. Jasper opened his mouth – “So help me, Jasper, but if you say a word I’ll kill you.” I warned him, my mood should have warned him in the first place, but if he needed a verbal reminder then so be it. He closed his mouth again. “Awe, C’mon!” Alice pleaded, “Just a hint.” She was good at this coaxing thing. Jasper shook his head. I was smugly pleased.

“Does it have anything to do with my visions?” She continued. “Ask him. I’m not a mind reader.” Jasper drawled. She twisted around to face me, keeping an eye on the road in her head she looked at my face, “Were you?” I shrugged. “Is he happy, Jazz?” She turned to her lover. “Something like that.” Jasper admitted. I hissed. “Actually, more morose. He won’t let himself get happy. Probably because you keep seeing a human.” Jasper was growing bold. I started to sit up. “Easy there, brother.” He held out a hand, “I’m just saying.” I leaned back, “Then quit saying.” Jasper nodded. Alice giggled, she had enough information to feed her thoughts. I tuned her out and went back to brooding. Roselie and Emmett in the Jeep behind us were having an argument about how to appear to the public wherever we moved first. Emmett wanted to be married already and not have to repeat high school, but Roselie wanted to start out as young as possible and stay as long as possible. She didn’t like moving around much. Esme was humming to herself in the passenger’s seat of Carlisle’s Royce. I picked out Carlisle’s thoughts as he followed us all. Edward shouldn’t have to go to Alaska. If only I hadn’t messed up… that’s poor woman’s son – all I could think was – “Carlisle. I was getting tired of Oregon anyway. Stop blaming yourself.” I spoke mutely but I knew he would hear me. Alice glanced at me in the rearview mirror, “Carlisle?” “Yes.” I said curtly. “He’s still disappointed with himself?” “Yes.” Sighing.

“Awe, Daaaaad.” Alice rarely ever called him that. It was a family joke. “Cheer up, Alaska will be fun.” I chuckled as his thoughts turned smiling again. Esme patted his arm and he turned to look at her face – I made a quick exit of his mind; some things were better not read.

**** **************** ****************** **** “ROSE! Em!” Kate came running from the house full tilt as the Jeep rolled to a stop in their driveway. I parked the Volvo behind them and shut the engine off. Carlisle’s black S55 AMG. Carmen was following the pale vampire Kate with her own mate shadowing her. Eleazar took Carmen’s hand. I went forward to greet Irina as she descended more slowly from the large house they occupied in Denali. “Cousin Edward.” She nodded, smiling faintly. I gave her a quick hug, ignoring her thoughts about Tanya and a brother – in – law. Even considering, she had always been the easiest to get along with of this coven; she was aloof and more silent then her two ‘sisters’ Kate and Tanya. I braced myself as Tanya came flying out the door on her tiptoes, dancing, much like Alice did, in a circle as she trilled a greeting to all of us. “So glad you’re finally here! It’s been forever, Uncle Carlisle!” She lilted, running to throw her arms around Carlisle. Carlisle chuckled, “Well, five years doesn’t seem like forever when I’ve been alive for centuries, but I did miss you – all of you.” He smiled fondly around the coven gathering around us. Alice came to stand next to me and poked me in the side. She grinned knowingly and wiggled her eyebrows. She was

thinking about Tanya. I scowled at her. Then she let her mind’s eye flash to her most recent vision from last night. Dazzling sunlight and a girl in a mystery meadow. My lips tightened and I felt a rush of something run through my lifeless veins. Adrenaline? Warmth? Something I definitely didn’t understand. Alice poked me again and I hissed, “You’re going to give me a bruise.” I mumbled. Not that that was really possible. She chuckled and skipped over to Kate, hugging the gorgeous blonde. Tanya’s strawberry, curly head came gracefully bobbing in my directions. Oh great. Here we go. I braced for impact. Ah, darling cousin Edward. Still so stunning. Did you grow up some more? Her thoughts cooed at me, stressing the relationship title in mockery. “You know I haven’t.” I answered stiffly. Tanya chuckled low in her throat, almost a purring feline sound. But it’s been five years, I didn’t realize I could forget even somewhat how handsome you are. I balled my hands into fists, tension running through me. “You exaggerate.” My voice was chilled enough to freeze water. My thoughts were about as polite as hers right now, but in a different sort of way. If she could hear me thinking I would be telling her how annoying she is. “It’s very good to see you, cousin.” She said modestly when she noticed our appearingly one side conversation had attracted attention. “Likewise.” I lied through my teeth. Oh, lighten up, Eddie. I’ll only try to seduce you a time or two while you’re here. I won’t be an evil witch. Her thoughts were laughing at me. I didn’t find it funny so there was nothing to laugh along with. It was everything my face could muster to keep from glaring at her. I turned away to concentrate on my family members.

I’m sorry, sorry, Edward! Carlisle moaned with me. I flicked him a glance and tried to insert some kind of casual warmth, but my flinty stare was too hard and under too much strain to exude forgiveness. Esme’s thoughts were guilty. She felt she’d forced me into coming here. I tuned everyone out. “Shall I unload our things?” I asked quietly. Irina stepped forward quickly, “Yes, I’ll help. Bring them right up to the second story bedrooms.” Four rooms were reserved for us year round for any time we needed or wished to visit. Emmett came over to the back of the Jeep and unloaded most of the things, besides Esme’s table, onto his person and followed my up the stairs. He dumped them in his and Rose’s room and surveyed the room, “Looks the same.” He clapped me on the back on his way back down the hall. “It always does.” I murmured. Emmett stuck his head into my bedroom at the very top of the stairs. “Hey! Look, Tanya changed the bed for a king size. Maybe she figures you two will need the extra room.” He hooted. I turned my back on him, convincing myself I would not kill my brother. The joke was very, very old. He told it just about every time – no, at least every time, if not twice during a visit – when we came here. The bed had been kind size since the first visit we’d visited here back in the early 1920’s. I heard Tanya laughing in her head from downstairs at Emmett’s worn out lines. That’s it! I’m out of here, at least for a while. I glided down the stairs on silent feet and struck out past the covens gathered still on the snowy lawn, catching up on the news between themselves. Carlisle glanced up at me, leaving? I nodded, “I need to take a walk.” I told him, “Please excuse me if I don’t return till tomorrow.” I glanced politely to Kate and Carmen.

Kate nodded, turning her laughing caramel eyes on me, “Take all the time you want. Tanya can be quite annoying.” She teased her sister. “I heard that!” Tanya called from the house. “You were suppose to!” Kate sung back to her. I struck off walking. Walking, walking. My mind was on so many things that I was in Anchorage before I realized it was dark. I turned north and began running. I had crossed the boarder into Canada by midnight. When I reached the mountains around Yukon I slowed. If it was up to me, with no etiquette to worry about showing I would have stayed in the mountains the entire time my family wished to stay in Denali. Perhaps visiting once or twice. But as the rays of sun tried to reach the darkened world of Alaska I roused myself from my seat on the top of one of the random mountains in the range and began the trek back. I wasn’t running though, not in this direction. **** ****************** ******************* *** It’s been a week and I’ve been a good girl, Edward. Tanya thought smugly at me. She was sitting – appearingly silent – across the other side of the frozen stream, in a snow bank. I shifted position, leaning back on my own snow bank. I didn’t feel like acknowledging her. I came out here everyday, and sat for who knows how long, I didn’t pay attention and she’d been following me, just sitting there across from me, saying nor doing anything for the most part. Have I proven yet that I can be a good cousin? She quarried taking on a hopeful mental tone. I debated my answer, if I said yes would she get over it and leave me alone? Or if I said yes would she simply take that to mean now she could be a bad cousin?

I remained silent, sorting through her thoughts. Is he gonna ignore me? Perhaps he’s not listening. I could try yelling. This is getting really boring, sitting here day after day. How much life he’s missing! Why can’t we just be friends? It’s a – I schooled my face to not show humor. “Yes, you have proved to be a good cousin.” I murmured, deciding to try it. Tanya perked up. Then you won’t mind if I tell you something? I groaned. Tanya chuckled softly. “I suppose.” That could be taken either way, it was safer then lying. I gave into my – er, carnal side last fall. I felt really bad about it. He was just so impossibly HOTT! Her thoughts were exclamation points in the extreme. I shifted uncomfortably as she ran over his face in her mind. He came onto me as I passed the bar in Anchorage. He was drunk. It was just too tempting. I lured him away. And – Her words cut off and images filled her head. I growled at her, “Stop it, Tanya. Do I look like a priest? Take your sins elsewhere.” My expression was lurid. Tanya purred her chuckling laugh. Well, you’re about as close to a priest as I can find in our world. She grinned at me. Her eyes too wide for it to be real innocents that she stared across the stream at me with. “That’s not funny. I’m not as good as you think.” I warned. Tanya’s eyes flashed. You’re gonna have to prove that to me, Mr. Cullen. She taunted. “I have nothing to prove.” I stared up at the sky, letting my mind wander to Alice’s visions for the hundredth time in the past week. The only thing I had been able to pick out of the vision about the girl was her dark head. Brown hair hanging to her shoulders, pulled back. I wasn’t through. Tanya pouted. I said nothing. I knew whether I was silent or not she would continue.

I didn’t kill him. So it’s not really a sin. She was reasoning, with her, or myself I’m not sure. My eyes flashed to her face, “You let him get away after – after – Tanya! That’s exposing our secret.” I was on my feet, as if prepared to do battle with the world. Or at very least the ruling coven of Volerti. Tanya chuckled, sit back down, Eddie. I didn’t kill him but I did change him. You know, like I said, he was hot. And I got carried away. She flashed a full frontal of him in her mind at me and I gagged. I accidentally crushed his – hips, so I bit him. Changed him. I was ready to give him a try, thought maybe he’d be my mate. But when he woke up he hated me. Loathed me, at first I thought he might kill me. Tanya sighed. But then he ran off. I’d almost forgotten about it then last month he came back to see me. He had a mate with him. He actually thanked me for changing him. Said he was really enjoying this new life. I relaxed. “I wish you hadn’t shared that, Tanya. But you knew that before you started.” I shot her a glare and then struck off for the house. A silent breeze behind me and then Tanya was matching me step for step. I didn’t increase my running stride to pull away from her, I stayed only loping. Kate and Carmen were talking about going on a hunting expedition this afternoon, Tanya informed me as we approached the house, you up for it? “Hunting what? Penguins?” She chuckled. We have plenty of winter wildlife. I shrugged my noncommittal answer.


To be continued.

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