Before Twilight, Chapter Four

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  • Words: 1,505
  • Pages: 6
CHAPTER 4 “Come on, Edward.” Emmett was glaring. I continued playing, my fingers skimming over the keys of the Grand piano set up in the Denali clan’s living room. “I didn’t say I wanted to come.” “I didn’t know I asked.” He leaned back on the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. Clearly saying he wasn’t leaving without me. “The others are going to go without you, Em.” I pointed out; Carlisle was waiting out front with the rest of my family and the Denali coven to go on the proposed hunting trip. The music was washing over me; I closed my eyes swaying slightly. “I’ll drag you, Edward.” He was warning me. “No you won’t.” I warned back. “Yes he will, Edward.” Alice trilled from out front, she laughed her musical tinkle and I cocked my head watching her vision. I glared at Emmett. “Alright. Fine.” I stood up and darted for the door in the same motion. Emmett was right on my heels, a pleased grin stretching hugely across his face. Kate came to my side and took my arm, pointing towards the car that was idling out front. The setting sun glinted with flashing brightness off a fully restored white ‘52 Camaro. It was “It’s Carmen’s newest boutade.” She winked. The vehicle was clearly aureate in the extreme. “I thought you tried to fit in around here.” I murmured. Kate stood back, her facial expression going shocked, “To fit in? Who ever heard of trying to fit in! Everyone is suppose to have their own personality.” She was playing around and I knew it, “Vampires included.” She poked my chest with a long, white finger as if I had truly insulted her.

I slid into the back seat with her. “Grandiose does not help with fitting in.” I suggested. Kate laughed softly. Carmen was driving with Eleazar in the passenger’s seat. Kate, Alice and Irene were squeezed in on either side of me. Tanya had decided, or been cohered by an older sister, into riding in Emmett’s Jeep with the boys and Esme. I watched the cold, darkened countryside flash by outside our tinted back windows. Carmen wasn’t using speed limits as we drew past Denali. ************ **************** *************** “Let him off the leash, Esme. I won’t hurt him.” Tanya was grinning, joking with her “aunt” about me. I pretended to continue ignoring them. Esme frowned at me, I saw myself in her mind. Bent slightly over the piano, playing a rousing tune, blocking out – unsuccessfully – their conversation. What have I gotten Edward into? Oh my poor boy. Edward I’m so sorry! We’ll leave very soon. I’ll talk to Carlisle. He already has work lined up back in the states. She told me mentally. I nodded slightly to let her know I heard and continued playing, pounding out my frustration on the ivory keys. Tanya stood with her back to me, strawberry tinted locks of hair spilling down her back. It was rather amusing actually. If it wasn’t so annoying. My thoughts darkened as I listened to what Tanya was trying to convince Esme of. When Emmett chuckled I suddenly was very aware of his mental laughter. Inside Emmett was bursting with laughter at the discomfort Tanya was causing me.

Roselie was watching me, her thoughts on a more tidies track. One of wondering why Tanya wasn’t pretty. Say, as beautiful as she was herself. Alice was bouncing on her toes waiting for my answer. To the question I was pretending to ignore and the question that Esme had chided Tanya for. She was hopeful, begging me in her head to say yes. I ignored that too. Jasper was at her side, long and blonde and very quiet. “It’s only one night and I heard Carlisle say you were leaving soon. Kate has a date, your kids all have dates, except Edward.” She pointed out; giving her curls a bit of a smug toss when Esme looked miserable and very much without a rebuttal. “Besides, Edward’s a big boy, I think he can answer for himself, dear Aunt.” She turned to using persuasion so as not to get on Esme’s bad side, she could afford this since she tasted victory in the air. Esme tucked her arm around Carlisle and frowned at me. I could see myself in her head, bent slightly over the piano, very much looking oblivious to the whole conversation. The music beneath my fingers reverberated in her head. Please Edward! I’ll watch your back, make sure she doesn’t get too ‘heavy’. Alice. Don’t be a pig head. It’s just a date. What could it hurt? Rose. Ah, my sister is so pushy. Kate. You’re too moral for your own good. Emmett was chuckling. Don’t listen to them, I’m sure their trying to convince you to do what they want you to. If you don’t feel comfortable with this, it’s all right. That was Carlisle. My lifesaver. “Edward?” Tanya spoke out loud for the benefit of the rest of the vampires. She was waiting. She knew I’d heard her question. “What?” I asked, looking up innocently. I saw my face mirrored in her thoughts. I almost laughed. She wasn’t buying it. Tanya rolled her eyes. “The party?” She decided to play along.

“Party? We’re having a party?” I asked brightly. Glancing around the room at everyone’s faces. They mostly were amused but Alice was glaring. Tanya narrowed her eyes on me. I sighed and slumped my shoulders, “All right, all right. I’ll go.” The Lingerie Party at the local club was a demon sent from hell, used by Tanya and created by something that hated me. I was sure. Alice danced across the room, and hugged me, Thanks. She thought. I didn’t answer. I rubbed a white hand across my face, groaning. She laughed. Then turned on Tanya, “Let’s go shopping.” She was bouncing again, her voice lilting up and down as she planned the malls that they would hit in Denali. “Come Jazz, you shall drive us.” She was articulate, excited as if she’d just handed him the golden key to the city. Tanya held out her hand, “Come with me?” She coaxed. I stared at her in astonishment. “You don’t mean that.” “Oh, but I do.” She promised, grinning wickedly. I was speechless for about one thirty seventh of a second. “No.” “Oh, please, Edward. It’ll be fun. You shop with Alice all the time.” I raised an eyebrow, that was stretching the truth out of proportion. I shook my head. Tanya pouted. “Besides, your date isn’t suppose to see the – er, stuff – till the party.” I cleared my throat. Glaring at nothing in general. Tanya giggled childishly; my discomfort lifted her spirits, “Ok. Suit yourself. Be ready at nine.” She pointed a long finger at me. Then darted across the room, faster then any human eye would have been able to follow and brushed the softest of a kiss on my

cheek. She took Alice’s hand and together they left. Roselie sighed, she was bored with them too. Emmett chuckled again, shaking his head. Live a little, brother. He suggested. That was always his suggestion. ********* ************** ***********

I waited till the last possible moment, till all the thoughts downstairs were annoyed with having to wait and then I left my room. I was dressed casually. Jeans and a mock neck chambray pull over. Well, as casual as brand new clothes allow. I wondered if I’d ever been sanctioned by Alice to wear an item more then a few times. When I reached the bottom of the stairs Tanya darted forward and took my arm, I almost thought you’d bailed on me. She complained. “I didn’t.” I replied, my voice muted. Good. “I suppose.” Wanna see? She slid a hand to the belt at her waist that held the wrap around dress in place. “No.” I spoke sharply, everyone looked at us. “Not now, I mean.” I choked. Not ever. I wanted to add. “I hate it when you do that, Edward.” Emmett reminded me. “Tell her that. She’s the one keeping you out of the conversation.” I passed the blame. He glared at Tanya. Rose poked Emmett in the side, “She just offered him a sneak preview. Can’t you tell by Edward’s face?” She laughed smugly.

Emmett’s eyes flew to my face and then he burst out in guffaws, “No kidding!” Now the whole situation was funny instead of annoying to him. For being so self centered Roselie noticed the most inapt things. I nodded to Esme and Carlisle who were staying at the house with Carmen and Eleazar. They’re sympathetic thoughts went with me. Out at the car Kate introduced me to her date, a tall fellow that was passing through town. He was waiting in his Porsche. The pulse below his skin, and the beat of his heart told me he was very much human. How would Kate pull this one off? I didn’t even care to know.

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