Become A Coach (2)

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Become an ICF Credentialed Coach Maximum choice, maximum flexibility

“The skills and knowledge I am gaining from doing this course is just having such an inspiring impact on me. I feel as though a light has been turned on for me and I am finally heading in a direction, on a pathway that feels fulfilling."

Results Coaching Systems GPO Box 395 Sydney, NSW 2001 Tel: 1300 662 144 Email: [email protected]

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


WHO WE ARE Results Coaching Systems is an Australian based, international coach training organisation. We are one of the world’s largest coach training schools, and are fully accredited by the International Coach Federation. Our high-impact coaching and training programs (a suite of 11 world class programs) enable lasting behavioural change and have been delivered to more than 5,000 professionals worldwide.

Our vision is people fulfilling their potential. Our mission is to transform the human capacity to change behaviour. Our core expertise is teaching high level coaching skills, giving people the tools to enable others to achieve what they are capable of.

In the corporate arena, we specialize in embedding internal coaching capacity within organisations to develop leaders, retain talent, improve performance, and change culture. We are one of the world’s leaders in building internal coaching capacity, having run close to 100 projects covering thousands of executives in 6 countries. Our two focuses are: •

Building coaching skills in managers

Developing teams of certified internal coaches and providing all the systems to support this

To find out more about our corporate initiatives, please visit

"The Results structure is amazing!”

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


ABOUT THE RESULTS COACHING MODEL AND METHODOLOGY The Results Coaching model is a brain-based approach to coaching first developed by David Rock in 1996. The model helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. It is results focused and utilizes unique science-based, results-oriented methodologies to facilitate positive change in individuals and organisations. The Results model provides clear maps and materials for coaching processes that are tried and true, and that are proven to support other people’s brains in unlocking powerful insights and producing lasting positive change. It deals with personal, business and corporate issues in an integrated manner working with the complete individual. The model draws from many areas, including the latest thinking in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, adult learning theory, creativity tools and management development research.

Results Coaching transforms thinking on all levels – creating coaches and leaders that are confident in their ability to unlock insight, action and positive change in any context, from coaching conversations to the executive board room.

The Coaching Conversation Model ! Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


APPLICATION OF RESULTS COACHING The Results Model is useful across many types of coaching and can be tailored to many different situations. It is robust enough to work with almost any individual willing to change, yet flexible enough to allow individual coaches to add their own ideas and previous training to the process. Though the system is well structured, the Results approach requires that the coach is completely authentic and ‘in the moment’ with the client.

Results Coaching can be applied to the following areas: Personal / Life Coaching Life or personal coaches are engaged by individuals. A life coach will work with the client within the context of their whole life, and may work on a variety of areas depending on where the client wants to focus. They may focus together to create positive change for the client from a health, career, financial, relationship or creativity perspective.

Business Coaching A Business Coach works with owners of various size enterprises, focusing on the company’s development as well as the client as an individual. Business Coaches work with their clients to help them excel with their business.

Executive Coaching Executive Coaching is a one-to-one, mutually designed relationship between an Executive Coach and a key executive contributor accountable for highly complex decisions that affect the organisation as a whole. The focus of coaching is generally focused on organisational performance and/or development. It may also include a personal focus as well.

Workplace Coaching Workplace Coaching is designed to get managers and leaders coaching their internal teams; working with either their direct reports or with staff across an organisation.

"This model is brilliant! It is such a complete program."

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


YOUR PATHWAY TO A GLOBALLY RECOGNISED ICF CREDENTIAL The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest global association of coaches with over 11,000 members. The ICF has been a leader in establishing both ethical standards and coaching competencies worldwide. Results is proud to be one of the few coaching schools worldwide that offer an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) from the ICF. Completing the programs detailed below provides you not only with globally recognised training, but also helps you meet requirements for your own credential from the ICF. The Results ICF Credential Pathway meets the coach training requirements for both the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials with the ICF. You will need to document your own coaching experience separately. The training and coaching requirements for individual applications with the ICF are: Associate Certified Coach (ACC) - A total of 60 hours of coach specific training and 100 hours of coaching experience. Professional Certified Coach (PCC) - A total of 125 hours of coach specific training and 750 hours of coaching experience. Please see the ICF website for a complete list of all requirements.

Design a training pathway that suits your needs With our modular program, you can choose the programs that you want to include in your ICF Credential Pathway. Choose from the following programs:

Foundation !

Intensive Coach Training (36) * this program is mandatory

Continuing Education

Specialist Education


Build Your Practice (12)


Business Coach Training (18)


Life Skills (12)


Executive Coach Training (18)


Work Skills (12)


Team Coach Training (18)


Coach’s Toolkit (12)


Theoretical Foundations of Coaching (18)


Intuitive Coaching (12)


Coaching in the Workplace (12)

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


ICF Credential Pathway Your training pathway to a globally recognised credential Complete Intensive Coach Training (36 hours) and Stage 1 Assessment*

3 months

Stage 1: Results Certificate in Coaching Skills

You are now ready to start coaching. (or at your own pace) (or at your own pace)

6 months minimum

Complete a further 24 hours of training, choosing from the courses below and Stage 2 Assessment*

6 months minimum

Stage 2: Results Certificate in Professional Coaching

You are now ready to apply to the ICF for Associate Certified Coach via the Portfolio Route. See below for other requirements.

Stage 3: ICF Credential Pathway Graduate

Complete a further 65 hours of training, choosing from the courses below. Once you have completed Stages 1 – 3 and your Final Exam, you are ready to apply to the ICF for Associate Certified Coach or Professional Certified Coach via the ACTP Route. See below for other requirements.

Final Exam* *Mandatory for ICF Credential Pathway Completion

Courses to choose from

ICF Application Requirements ACC Portfolio Route

Building Your Practice

12 hours

Coach’s Toolkit

12 hours

Intuitive Coaching

12 hours

Work Skills

12 hours

Life Skills

12 hours

Complete 60 hours of Coach Specific Training

Client coaching log documenting at least 100 hours of coaching


2 reference letters from qualified coaches

Complete the ICF’s oral examination

As above, however completing the ICF Credential Pathway exempts you from the ICF’s own examinations. You must complete all 125 hours of training to apply via the ACTP Route.

Coaching in the Workplace

12 hours

Theoretical Foundations of Coaching

18 hours

Team Coach Training

18 hours

Business Coach Training

18 hours

PCC Portfolio Route

Complete 125 hours of Coach Specific Training

Client coaching log documenting at least 750 hours of coaching

Complete at least 10 hours of coaching with a qualified mentor coach


2 reference letters from qualified coaches

Complete the ICF’s oral and written examinations

As above, however completing the ICF Credential Pathway exempts you from the ICF’s own examinations AND fulfils the

Executive Coach Training 18 hours Become a Coach with RCS

requirements of having a mentor coach.

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


For more information please contact Results or visit the ICF’s website

THE RESULTS COACHING SYSTEMS CURRICULUM The RCS curriculum spans 11 world class training programs that ensure coaches can build strength in the areas that they need.

FOUNDATION PROGRAM – Results Certificate in Coaching Skills

Successful completion of this program as well as the live assessment at the end of the training will result in the Results Certificate in Coaching Skills being awarded to participants. If you are interested in making a career change, building an additional revenue stream as a professional coach, or learning to coach others inside your organisation, this is one of the coaching world’s most respected and intensive training experiences. The Intensive Coach Training Program is a high impact training program is designed to give participants all the cutting edge coaching skills, tools and resources to effectively coach others in any situation. The program starts with a 3 day live workshop (Friday – Sunday usually). Following this are 12 weekly 1.25 hour teleconference classes which are highly focused, deep training sessions. The course is highly experiential. Participants will be coaching each other in class and are encouraged to find coaching clients outside of class by week four of the program. The program is designed to offer participants: •

Experiential training with practical coaching skills that you can use immediately

A proven coaching structure that will unlock people’s true potential

The opportunity to undertake further training with Results Coaching Systems and earn a coaching credential from the International Coaching Federation

Masterful Feedback skills that allows you to have those tough conversations

Learn to facilitate immediate and ongoing positive change

A global coaching brand to align with

Ongoing free mentoring from experienced, successful coaches

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


The tools necessary to either build your own coaching practice, become a more effective manager or to become an internal coach for your organisation

You will learn the principles behind each coaching technique and become confident in its effective use through regular practice with your fellow trainees and ‘live’ coaching clients. We are committed to bringing theory to life. There is no substitute in coaching for practical experience – a factor that some theoretical coaching courses fail to appreciate. By the end of the course you will know how to: •

Build trust with your clients

Communicate effectively as a coach using a wide range of powerful questioning and listening techniques

Create inspiring goals with your clients using the Results Coaching Model

Motivate your clients to sustain progress towards their goals

Create new awareness in your clients on how to overcome any obstacles they encounter.

You will also get practical experience of delivering powerful trial sessions using the Results Coaching Model that enhance your opportunities to win clients, as well as being introduced to some of the different approaches to building a coaching practice.

CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS These programs can be taken in Stages 2 or 3 of the training pathway

This program is designed for recent trainees of an Intensive Coach Training Program who are just establishing themselves as coaches. Participants of this program will establish a clear vision for their coaching business, set explicit short and medium term goals, clearly identified business resources and identify promotional and distribution methods for marketing strategies.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


Intuition is about tuning in and listening to that 'intuitive voice' that sits within us all. It's about trusting one's instincts. This program is designed to strengthen participants' intuition through understanding what intuition is and connecting and applying it to coaching sessions with clients.

As we become more experienced as coaches we look for tools to give clients more extraordinary results with greater ease. This course is designed to give participants processes and tools specifically aimed at giving clients deeper insights, new awareness or breakthroughs. The course will include and focus on role plays, group discussion, case studies around generating breakthroughs, dealing with breakdowns in coaching, challenging clients, project blueprint and other skills and tools for helping clients develop insights.

Work Skills has been designed as one of two 'Coaching Laboratories' in the Results Curriculum. The program is hands-on training - highly practical and experiential by working with real client experiences as material. The program focuses on building coaching strength in working with goal areas that are typical to workplace, business and executive coaching: Creative, career, finance and business.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


SPECIALIST EDUCATION PROGRAMS These programs can be taken in Stages 2 or 3 of the training pathway Theoretical Foundations to Coaching Coaching draws on many related domains, which include philosophy, behavioral science, solution-focused therapy, systems thinking, and the study of the brain. Examine where this new field has come from and where it is heading in this course. Understand the scientific basis behind any coaching framework. Broaden your understanding of a wide range of fields linking coaching theory and practice while coaching others. Topics include a study of how systems work; an understanding of how people change; the principles of adult learning theory, management development theory and psychology.

Team Coach Training Team Coaching takes the brain-based coaching models learned during the Intensive Coach Training Program, and applies them in the context of teams. The curriculum covers what makes successful teams thrive, the stages teams go through as they develop, and how to translate 1:1 coaching to a team using the CO-CREATE model.

This specialist education program provides coaches with the skills and tools for working with small and medium-sized business owners. In this type of coaching, you are dealing with the person who has some power, but not with the business itself. It’s important to understand the language, the pressures and the demands in the business world so you can work more effectively as a coach.

The Executive Coach Training Program introduces many models and frameworks for working with executives and buyers within organisational contexts. The program is highly outcome focused. It is designed for people who want to build a career as an executive coach either internally or externally to a corporation.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


SUPPORT IN BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS One of the most common questions we are asked by people interested in becoming a coach is ‘How do I find clients?’ RCS offer many support services to our coaches, as we know that having the support when starting a new career is paramount to your success.

Intensive Coach Training The Intensive Coach Training Program covers building your practice during the course everyone contributes and shares ideas on how to find clients. The entire course is focused not only on developing the skills, but actually getting out there and coaching people. On average, coaches leave our program with between 2 and 3 clients each.

Building your coaching confidence The Intensive Coach Training is highly experiential program – over 75% of the content focused on activities that develop your coaching ability. You will begin with coaching each other in class to build your coaching confidence. By week 4, you will be asked to go out and find some clients that you can practice on. Practicing with people outside your class is an invaluable part of the learning process. Generally coaches begin coaching colleagues or acquaintances; people in their network. Usually the first few are free or pro bono whilst you’re practicing and refining your coaching ability, however some people charge full rates from the beginning (it depends on your level of comfort). As you begin to build confidence and you tell more and more people about what you do, you’ll find that people are quite interested in a free trial session, and your building a strong client base from there. Of course, as with any business, the energy you put in to finding clients, the more business will come your way. Some coaches advertise, have articles in magazines, set up websites, go to networking events or present to small groups. However, the majority of coaches report that most of their clients come from referrals.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


Mastering the trial session One of the most effective ways to secure clients is to offer trial sessions to people that you meet. These are obligation free sessions where you set inspiring goals with a client and then make an offer to continue coaching them. In almost all cases, the client is so excited about the goals they set that they have no hesitations in committing. The Intensive Coach Training Program focuses on developing your ability to provide the best possible client experience in Session One to ensure an ongoing relationship with a new client.

Get the advice and support from a mentor Mentoring is an invaluable resource that significantly helps coaches to grow and develop their skills and their coaching practice. One of Results' commitments to the public is that all our coaches have access to a mentor coach, so you can be the best coach possible. This is a free service offered by senior coaches in the community.

Join a regional group Becoming a coach with Results gives you access to a great community of like-minded individuals in your region. Working with a group of people who are all committed to having successful coaching practices can make a big difference to your success as a coach. Our regional coordinators around the world help provide local coach support and development for Results coaches. Regional groups get together on a regular basis to share ideas and resources and support each other in their on going development. We also have a ‘virtual’ region that meets regularly on a teleconference bridge for those who cannot make face to face meetings.

Coach Resources A variety of resources and tools exist in our coach only area online – Coach Resources. This is a virtual meeting place for the global RCS community. There’s regional news from RCS, development and training opportunities listed, downloadable resources & tools for your business and much more.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


In 2007, RCS will launch forums where coaches can chat online. We will also be adding more to our online resources. You’ll be able to download real coaching conversations as MP3 files that display the various models in use. We’re adding more books, websites and articles to the site and you’ll be able to post articles and new resources yourself to share with others.

Certification & Agency In an unregulated industry like coaching, it’s important to have a recognized credential to build your credibility as a coach. RCS offers its own in-house certification for those looking to align with a global coaching organisation (RCS). Once you pass certification (be it Results Certification or ICF Certification), you are able to join the RCS Agency and appear on our ‘Find a Coach’ website. RCS is also fully accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and offers the ICF Credential Pathway. RCS coaches can apply for ICF credentialing once they have completed the pathway, which includes a series of our training programs and relevant experience coaching.

Further Training RCS offers a range of programs for continuing professional development. There are 9 other programs to choose from once you complete your initial training – and the choice is yours as to whether you want to continue your professional development as a coach or not. These programs are inexpensive, high impact training programs that will build your strength in different areas like: setting up a coaching business and finding clients, coaching small to medium sized business owners, tools for challenging clients situations, coaching executives, team coaching, the origins of the coaching industry, working with work or life related goal areas and developing your intuition.

Development Opportunities RCS has development pathways for those coaches who wish to branch out into and work with RCS in the various areas of the business. You can become a Certified Coach, Agency Coach (and appear on our Find a Coach website), Mentor, Assessor, Regional Coordinator, Trainer or Associate.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


WHAT MAKES US UNIQUE? Unique coaching models based upon neuroscience The RCS coaching methodology is unique and has been developed over 8 years of R&D in the field of coaching. Our methodology is grounded in contemporary neuroscience, so there’s a solid scientific underpinning to how we coach others. We briefly touch upon neuroscience in our training programs.

A complete coaching organisation There is so much more to Results than just training. We are very community focused - we encourage our coaches to keep in regular contact with us, as we believe that having support structures available to you is paramount to a successful coaching practice. We offer regional groups and senior coach mentors who give up their time to support other coaches in our community. We also offer different development opportunities to our coaches including 2 certification programs, something that’s incredibly important for establishing your credibility as a coach.

Our training style We’re committed to developing our training participants into extraordinary coaches. Research suggests that coaching is best learned over time, in a class style, with a qualified training team. Almost all our Intensive Coach Training Programs combine face to face training with teleclasses and all are guided by qualified trainers who are all highly successful coaches. Teleclasses help coaches develop exceptional listening skills over the phone – an essential in an industry like coaching (where more than 70% of coaching is delivered by phone) You’ll be with the same group of people for the duration of any one of our programs so you’ll develop great networks of coaches and friends from all over the world.

“To think that I almost didn't sign up for the course... what was I thinking of?! When I think of your course, these words spring to mind - high levels of quality, integrity and authenticity. Truly inspiring.” Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


The RCS coaching structure In our programs, you’ll not only learn all the communication skills required to be a great coach, you’ll also learn about how to structure coaching sessions so that you and your coachee know exactly where you are in the process at all times. This is particularly important for new coaches still developing their skills and abilities.

Flexibility We don’t want you to over commit to a training program that seems to take years to complete. As a matter of fact, we want you out there and coaching as soon as possible! We have split our curriculum up into 11 separate programs that you can take at any time. You can choose to complete the programs whenever you feel you require further training, or you can package them together at a discounted rate. We can tailor a training package to suit your needs.

A global coaching brand We’re an Australian company that has achieved international success. We have a community of over 5,000 coaches and we operate from 6 major regions around the world. If you’re a traveller, rest assured that there’s a coaching community nearby that you can connect with.

Ethics and integrity We respect all stake holders and their right to privacy and equality, and we believe in being completely honest and transparent in our dealings with clients. In short, we treat our business partners, participants, contractors and all stakeholders - fairly, honestly and with respect.

"I acknowledge the amazing difference you’ve made to my life. I now see myself with a career and a lifestyle that I’m passionate about and enjoying every day."

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


A STORY FROM ONE OF OUR COACHES My journey to become a coach began as a Marketing Manager for a global beverage manufacturer. I was very well paid, quite overworked and for the most part, I loved what I was doing in my role that involved building brands and my team of brand managers. But there was something missing. The fire in my belly I get when I am engaged in something I truly love doing had tapered down to a gentle simmer of embers. I felt like I could be giving, learning and receiving more. After speaking with a Results Coach and understanding the real value of the training Results offer I enrolled in the ICT and I have never looked back. Once I was exposed to the tools and framework shared in the ICT, I became aware how acutely important and useful they were in both a business and wider life sense. I took up the challenge given to the class by our trainers to start coaching straight away. This was instrumental in consolidating the learning’s and building confidence and experience as a coach! I continued to coach clients every spare minute I had outside of my full time job and made the decision to leave and pursue my own business full time.

After 3 months of resigning I had a full practice. Despite the dedication, focus and confidence I used, the experience was made all the richer by the support of a number of the more experienced coaches within the Results community. Results Coaching offers outstanding trainers and an excellent coaching framework, dedicated mentors and fosters a growing and supportive community of coaches around the world. Belinda Cordina

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007



These prices are valid until 31 December 2007

Foundation – Results Certificate in Coaching Skills Intensive Coach Training (earlybird price)


Intensive Coach Training (standard price)


Continuing Education Programs Build Your Practice


Coach’s Toolkit


Intuitive Coaching


Work Skills


Life Skills


Coaching in the Workplace


Specialist Education Programs Theoretical Foundations to Coaching


Team Coach Training


Business Coach Training


Executive Coach Training


ICF Credential Pathway For information on ICF Credential Pathway pricing, please contact us. We’ll help design a training pathway tailored to your needs and give significant reductions on training programs purchased upfront.

You can apply for the Results Certificate in Coaching Skills by registering for the Intensive Coach Training Program online at or by calling 1300 662 144 If you are interested in the ICF Credential Pathway, please call our offices on 1300 662 144 so we can help design a training pathway for you.

Become a Coach with RCS

© Results Coaching Systems 2007


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