Because Of Winn Dixie Novel Study Updated 7-31-15 Dragged

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  • Pages: 8
Name: __________ Directions: After reading chapters 1-7 in Because of Winn-Dixie, answer these questions.

Chapters 1-7

1. Where did Opal first see Winn Dixie? a) produce department at the grocery store b) bank while cashing a check c) at the Dollar Store while buying cat food d) at the school playground

6. Open Arms Baptist Church had no _____ . a) pews b) windows c) steeple d) cross

2. How did Winn Dixie look when Opal found him? a) black as coal b) white with flour on him c) dirty and smelly d) clean and shiny

7. What animal did Winn Dixie catch at church? a) worm b) rabbit c) cat d) mouse

3. How old was Opal when she wanted her dad to tell her about 8. What was Opal's first name? her mother? a) Amanda a) 8 b) Gloria b) 10 c) India c) 12 d) Fanny d) 9 9. Opal lived in _____ . 4. Tell one way Opal was like her mother. a) the top of the pet store a) Both were slow runners. b) a white house b) Both had black hair. c) an adult trailer park c) Both were good cooks. d) an old jail house d) Both had red hair and freckles. 10. Where did Opal move to? 5. Fanny Block threw War and Peace at ______ . a) Naomi, Florida a) a bear b) Austin, Texas b) a dog c) Charlotte, North Carolina c) a wolf d) Washington, D. C. d) a cat

ANSWER KEY 10 questions total, so each question is worth 10 points out of 100%. 1.

1. Where did Opal first see Winn Dixie? a) produce department at the grocery store b) bank while cashing a check c) at the Dollar Store while buying cat food d) at the school playground

6. Open Arms Baptist Church had no _____ . a) pews b) windows c) steeple d) cross

2. How did Winn Dixie look when Opal found him? a) black as coal b) white with flour on him c) dirty and smelly d) clean and shiny

7. What animal did Winn Dixie catch at church? a) worm b) rabbit c) cat d) mouse

3. How old was Opal when she wanted her dad to tell her 8. What was Opal's first name? about her mother? a) Amanda a) 8 b) Gloria b) 10 c) India c) 12 d) Fanny d) 9 9. Opal lived in _____ . 4. Tell one way Opal was like her mother. a) the top of the pet store a) Both were slow runners. b) a white house b) Both had black hair. c) an adult trailer park c) Both were good cooks. d) an old jail house d) Both had red hair and freckles. 10. Where did Opal move to? 5. Fanny Block threw War and Peace at ______ . a) Naomi, Florida a) a bear b) Austin, Texas b) a dog c) Charlotte, North Carolina c) a wolf d) Washington, D. C. d) a cat

Name: __________ Directions: After reading chapters 8-13 in Because of Winn-Dixie, answer these questions. 1. When Winn Dixie smiled he _____ . a) coughed b) sneezed c) drooled d) giggled 2. When Opal walked into the pet store what did Gertrude do? a) squawked "dog" and landed on Winn Dixie's head b) fell asleep c) bit Winn Dixie's nose d) pecked Winn Dixie's head

3. What did Sweetie Pie invite Opal to? a) to sleep over b) to her cook out c) to her birthday party d) to swim in her backyard

Chapters 8-13

6. What was Winn Dixie afraid of? a) thunder storms b) people c) birds d) cats 7. What did Otis do to calm the pets in the store? a) fed them b) sang to them c) rubbed their backs d) played his guitar 8. Why would Opal's father NOT want her to work at the pet store? a) Otis, the store clerk, had been in jail. b) Opal was suppose to be in church at the time the store was open. c) He thought Opal was too young to work. d) He was afraid Opal would get a disease.

4. What did Glory Dump feed Winn Dixie every time she saw him? a) peanut butter b) dog food c) jelly d) ham

9. What were the names of the boys that liked to pick on Opal? a) Billy and Cody b) Louis and Josh c) Dunlap and Stevie d) Nick and Colt

5. What did Gloria Dump and Opal plant? a) flowers b) a tree c) seeds d) a vegetable patch

10. What was Gloria Dump's yard like? a) a jungle b) neat and tidy c) very small d) prize winning

ANSWER KEY 10 questions total, so each question is worth 10 points out of 100%. 1. When Winn Dixie smiled he _____ . a) coughed b) sneezed c) drooled d) giggled 2. When Opal walked into the pet store what did Gertrude do? a) squawked "dog" and landed on Winn Dixie's head b) fell asleep c) bit Winn Dixie's nose d) pecked Winn Dixie's head

3. What did Sweetie Pie invite Opal to? a) to sleep over b) to her cook out c) to her birthday party d) to swim in her backyard

6. What was Winn Dixie afraid of? a) thunder storms b) people c) birds d) cats 7. What did Otis do to calm the pets in the store? a) fed them b) sang to them c) rubbed their backs d) played his guitar 8. Why would Opal's father NOT want her to work at the pet store? a) Otis, the store clerk, had been in jail. b) Opal was suppose to be in church at the time the store was open. c) He thought Opal was too young to work. d) He was afraid Opal would get a disease.

4. What did Glory Dump feed Winn Dixie every time she saw him? a) peanut butter b) dog food c) jelly d) ham

9. What were the names of the boys that liked to pick on Opal? a) Billy and Cody b) Louis and Josh c) Dunlap and Stevie d) Nick and Colt

5. What did Gloria Dump and Opal plant? a) flowers b) a tree c) seeds d) a vegetable patch

10. What was Gloria Dump's yard like? a) a jungle b) neat and tidy c) very small d) prize winning

Name: __________ Directions: After reading chapters 14-20 in Because of Winn-Dixie, answer these questions. 1. 1. What was Gloria Dump's physical problem? a) She had trouble walking. b) She had trouble hearing. c) She was a mute. d) She had trouble seeing.

Chapters 14-20

6. What did the Littmus Lozenge taste like? a) buttered popcorn b) sad and sweet c) sour fruit d) bitter grapes

2. What did the bottles hanging in Gloria Dump's tree represent? a) everything she had done wrong b) everything she had done right c) one bottle for each pet she had throughout her life d) one bottle for each family member who had died

7. What book did Franny recommend for Opal to read to Gloria? a) Johnny Tremain b) My Brother Sam is Dead c) Gone with the Wind d) War and Peace

3. What happened to Amanda's brother? a) He broke his leg. b) He drowned. c) He had a fatal car accident. d) He died in a plane crash.

8. What bad name did Opal call Stevie? a) spoiled brat b) block head c) cry baby d) bald headed baby

4. What war was Franny Block's great-grandfather in? a) World War I b) Revolutionary War c) Civil War d) Korean War

9. Why was Otis sent to jail? a) drinking and driving b) playing his guitar on the street and hitting a policeman c) robbing the convenient store d) writing bad checks

5. What did Franny Block's great-grandfather do after the 10. What does Sweetie want the theme of the party to be? war? a) cats a) built a candy factory b) elephants b) built a hotel c) butterflies c) built a restaurant d) dogs d) built a store

ANSWER KEY 10 questions total, so each question is worth 10 points out of 100%. 1. 1. What was Gloria Dump's physical problem? a) She had trouble walking. b) She had trouble hearing. c) She was a mute. d) She had trouble seeing.

6. What did the Littmus Lozenge taste like? a) buttered popcorn b) sad and sweet c) sour fruit d) bitter grapes

2. What did the bottles hanging in Gloria Dump's tree represent? a) everything she had done wrong b) everything she had done right c) one bottle for each pet she had throughout her life d) one bottle for each family member who had died

7. What book did Franny recommend for Opal to read to Gloria? a) Johnny Tremain b) My Brother Sam is Dead c) Gone with the Wind d) War and Peace

3. What happened to Amanda's brother? a) He broke his leg. b) He drowned. c) He had a fatal car accident. d) He died in a plane crash.

8. What bad name did Opal call Stevie? a) spoiled brat b) block head c) cry baby d) bald headed baby

4. What war was Franny Block's great-grandfather in? a) World War I b) Revolutionary War c) Civil War d) Korean War

9. Why was Otis sent to jail? a) drinking and driving b) playing his guitar on the street and hitting a policeman c) robbing the convenient store d) writing bad checks

5. What did Franny Block's great-grandfather do after the war? a) built a candy factory b) built a hotel c) built a restaurant d) built a store

10. What does Sweetie Pie want the theme of the party to be? a) cats b) elephants c) butterflies d) dogs

Name: __________ Directions: After reading chapters 21-26 in Because of Winn-Dixie, answer these questions. 1. 1. What food did Glory and Opal fix for the party? a) bologna sandwiches b) peanut butter sandwiches c) egg salad sandwiches d) jelly sandwiches

2. What did Otis bring to the party? a) pickles b) eggs c) candy bars d) sodas

Chapters 21-26

6. How many things did Opal list that she knew about Winn Dixie? a) 2 b) 20 c) 5 d) 10 7. Does Opal’s Dad think that Mom will ever be coming back? a) Yes b) No

3. What happened during the party? a) an earthquake b) hail c) snow d) a thunderstorm

8. What does the Preacher realize is the one thing that the mother didn’t take when she left? a) The car b) Her suitcase c) Opal d) Winn-Dixie

4. Where did Winn Dixie go during the storm? a) He ran under the house. b) He ran all the way home. c) He hid under Gloria Dump's bed. d) He ran to the pet store.

9. How did the people at the party find Winn Dixie? a) He coughed. b) He sneezed. c) He ran into the room. d) He snored.

5. What time of year did the story take place? a) summer b) winter c) autumn d) spring

10. What would be a good name of this book? a) The Deer Hunt b) A Summer of Friends c) The Death of a Friend d) Horses and Dogs

ANSWER KEY 10 questions total, so each question is worth 10 points out of 100%. 1. What food did Glory and Opal fix for the party? a) bologna sandwiches b) peanut butter sandwiches c) egg salad sandwiches d) jelly sandwiches

2. What did Otis bring to the party? a) pickles b) eggs c) candy bars d) sodas

6. How many things did Opal list that she knew about Winn Dixie? a) 2 b) 20 c) 5 d) 10 7. Does Opal’s Dad think that Mom will ever be coming back? a) Yes b) No

3. What happened during the party? a) an earthquake b) hail c) snow d) a thunderstorm

8. What does the Preacher realize is the one thing that the mother didn’t take when she left? a) The car b) Her suitcase c) Opal d) Winn-Dixie

4. Where did Winn Dixie go during the storm? a) He ran under the house. b) He ran all the way home. c) He hid under Gloria Dump's bed. d) He ran to the pet store.

9. How did the people at the party find Winn Dixie? a) He coughed. b) He sneezed. c) He ran into the room. d) He snored.

5. What time of year did the story take place? a) summer b) winter c) autumn d) spring

10. What would a good alternate title for this book? a) The Deer Hunt b) A Summer of Friends c) The Death of a Friend d) Horses and Dogs

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