Novel Vocab. Study

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Howard County Secondary Language Arts Lesson Plan Format Unit:II : Developing Critical Response to…Fiction Lesson Title: Novel Chapter Vocabulary Study Essential Objective(s)SWBAT: A. Find similarities in meaning form words know or word parts, including base words, prefixes, suffixes, used in the context of a novel. B. Dertermine meanings unknown words through context clues an words study and be able to use them in writing and conversation. Materials: A. My Chapter worksheets B. Vocabulary Graphic organizer C. Stopwatches/class clock with second had/ and class timer Anticipatory Set/Context Setting: V A K T ALL: Prior to reading Chapter 1 of The Outsiders: Direct teaching of selected Ch. 1 words, and their pronunciations, through the use of my chapter worksheets(located on (V,A) Timed fluency drills.

Teaching Strategies X    Scaffolded Questioning ___ Independent Reading ___ Interpretation of Primary          Sources X    Interpretation of Graphics         (maps, graphs, cartoons,         tables,…) X    Concept Attainment ___ Grouping Strategies ___ Think­Pair­Share ___ Roundtable ___ Jigsaw ___ Pairs Check/Review ___ Indep/Group Project ___ Integration of Technology ___ Audio ___ Formal Writing ___ Informal Writing  ___ Modeling/Demonstration ___Small/Large Group ___ Reading (Pre, During, Post) ___ Simulation/Act­it­Out   ___ Video Clips ___ Cross­Curricular Connections ___ Other  X     pairs__ X     independent word

Development/Procedures: All After students complete the Anticipatory Set activity the students will pair up with partner of choice and practice their word fluency.(V,A) [pairs]

Differentiation/Strategies X Tiered assignments X Flexible grouping

Less Complex: Specific students will be called up and be timed by me. Once a student completes their timed assessment, s/he will complete the written assignment that requires him/her to copy the sentence or part of the sentence that contains any of the *vocabulary words, cross out that word and then substitute a synonym or part or the definition above the crossed out word. The sentence may have to be changed slightly so that it makes sense. (V,A,T) [pairs or indiv.] More Complex: Other students will begin their extended assignment of completing the vocabulary graphic organizer for 5 words of their choice. (V, A, T) [individually]

X    Visual X    Auditory X Tactile/Kinesthetic

___ Learning centers ___ Curriculum compacting ___ Varying questions ___ Independent Projects

Learning Modalities


_ X __ Adapting the skill level

___ Adapt the number of items

X Adapt materials _ X __ Provide learning strategy ___ Provide audio/video/digital access

X Increase personal assistance

IEP Goals/Accommodations

(Based on Student IEP/504 )

________________________ ________________________

Transition: HW: Vocabulary study: Students who worked on the vocabulary graphic organizers will complete them for homework. Students who were timed for their fluency will complete the vocabulary assignment Development/Procedures:

Reading Strategies Text ___ X Literary  ___Informational


__ X _ Purpose      _ X __Prior knowledge __ X _ Preview ___ X Voc./Concepts ___ Predict

During ___ Chunking

___ Self-monitoring through clarifying questions and notations on text ___ Reread ___ Metacognitive conversation


___ Summarize or paraphrase

___ Write BCRs in answer to reading questions ___ Use rubrics

General Reading Processes __ X _Decoding

_ X __Vocabulary ___ X Fluency

__ X _Comprehension ___ Reading Apprenticeship® ___ Other

Transition: On to separate topic/lesson on predicting Summary/Closure: Follow-up next class: 2. Ask both groups if they have any difficulties with any of the items, help to clarify the problem and give them an opportunity to fix there work before handing it in.

Homework/Enrichment: HW: Vocabulary study: Students who worked on the vocabulary graphic organizers will complete them for homework. Students who were timed for their fluency will complete the vocabulary assignment


__ X _ Collect and Grade ___ Check for Completion __ X _ In-Class Check ___ Rubric ___ Checklist _ X __ Peer/Self Assessment ___ Journal/Learning Log ___ Portfolio ___ Constructed Response ___ Quiz ___ Test ___ Presentation ___ Performance Assessment ___ Informal Assessment ___ Exit Slip ___ Other

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