Bcsm Apush Syllabus

  • May 2020
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AP United States History Course Syllabus

Class Profile: The class will meet every 5 times a week for 42 minutes. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to examine and analyze historical evidence. Classroom activities include simulations, seminars, debates, role-play and analysis of primary sources (documents, speeches, pictures, political cartoons). Students will be required to complete document based essays and thematic essays for each unit of study, both in class and for homework. At the end of each unit, students will be assessed with a unit exam. The unit exam will be comprised of multiple choice questions and essays. For each chapter read, students will be required to complete questions that show an understanding of the reading. Active participation is an integral part of the course. Course Materials: Textbook: Nash, Gary B., et al., gen eds. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society. 7th ed. New York: Pearson-Longman, 2006. Additional Readings will be assigned from Primary Sources and the following texts: Davidson, James West, Mark Hamilton Lytle. After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States 1492-Present. 5th ed. NY: Harper Collins, 2003. Ellis, Joseph. Founding Brothers The Revolutionary Generation. New York: Vintage Books, 2000.

Unit 1: The First Americans 1 week Required Reading: Nash Chapters 1-2 Howard Zinn Chapter 1 Themes: 1. Cultural Exchange in New World 2. Causes of Exploration in the New World Key Topics: The Columbian Exchange, Pre-Columbian Societies, Spanish, French and English settlement in the New World, Spanish Armada

Unit 2: Colonial America 1660-1783 2 weeks Required Reading: Chapters 3-5 Zinn chapters 2-3 Themes: 1. The emergence of American cultural traits and the factors that contributed to them. 2. Emerging regional patterns and how they evolved. Primary Sources: Mayflower Compact John Winthrop “A Model of Christian Charity” 1630. Richard Frethorne “Our Plantation is Very Weak”, 1623. Key Topics: Jamestown and Plymouth, Massachusetts, English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic regions, South, Religious diversity in the American colonies, Bacon’s Rebellion, Salem Witch Hysteria, French and Indian War, the Great Awakening, Slavery in New York , Salutary Neglect Special Activities: Learning how to analyze documents; How to Write a DBQ essay; Seminar: Salem Witch Trials Essays: AP DBQ Essay French and Indian War 2004; AP Thematic Essay Comparison of Economic Development in Massachusetts and Virginia 2005

Unit 3: From Revolution to a Constitution: The Creation of America 2.5 weeks Required Reading: Nash Chapters 6-8 Zinn Chapters 4-5 Themes: 1. The social, political and economic effects of the Revolution. 2. Was the Revolution a radical or conservative movement? Primary Sources: Excerpts from The Federalist Papers Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” Thomas Jefferson “Declaration of Independence” Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation-November 7, 1775. Virginia’s Legislature Response to Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation

Thomas Jefferson “The Kentucky Resolutions” Key Topics: Mercantilism and Salutary Neglect, Patriots and Loyalists in the Revolution, Events leading up to the Revolution, Republican Motherhood, African-Americans and the Revolutionary War, Successes and Failures of the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution as a bundle of compromises, Federalists and Anti-federalists, Northwest Ordinance 1787, Shay’s Rebellion Special Activities: Debate Philosophical Chairs: Federalists v. Anti-Federalists; Patriot and Loyalist Game Essays: AP DBQ Essay American Revolution 2005; AP Thematic Essay Constitution 2006

Unit 4: The New Nation 1783-1824 2 weeks Required Reading: Nash Chapters 9-10 Founding Brothers Book Review Due Themes: 1. Legacies of America’s Founding Fathers 2. Emergence of Political Parties 3. Development of sectionalism and the conflict between national power and state’s rights Primary Sources: Alien and Sedition Acts, Newspaper clippings from the War of 1812, George Washington “Farewell Address”, Monroe Doctrine 1823 Virginia Resolutions 1799 Key Topics: Washington’s Precedents, John Adams and the XYZ affair, Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates, Nationalism and the War of 1812, Monroe Doctrine, Erie Canal, The American System, Missouri Compromise, Gibbons v. Ogden, McCulloch v. Maryland, Marbury v. Madison, Whiskey Rebellion Special Activities: Book Talk Seminar “Founding Brothers” by Joseph Ellis Essay : Students will be required to submit a book review of Founding Brothers

Unit 5: The Age of Jackson 1824-1860 Antebellum Period 3 weeks Required Reading: Nash Chapters 11-12 Zinn Chapters 6- 7 Themes: 1. Development of the Market Economy and its impact on social classes 2. Expansion of democracy and its impact on subsequent elections 3. Analysis of slavery and its impact on sectional differences 4. Impact of Social Reformers Primary Sources: Henry David Thoreau’s Thoreau Civil Disobedience Seneca Falls Declaration, 1848 Excerpts from Worcester v. Georgia Factory Rules from the Handbook to Lowell, 1848 Excerpts from Daniel Webster’s and Robert’s Haynes debates over nullification, 1830 Key Topics: Immigration and Nativism, States Rights, Jacksonian Democracy, and its successes and limitations, Evangelical Protestant revivalism, social reforms, Cult of Domesticity, Transcendentalism, and Utopian Communities Trail of Tears, Lowell Mill girls, Nullification Crisis, Market Revolution, the Bank War, Slavery and abolitionism Special Activities: Antebellum Roundtable; Tag Team Debate: Should Andrew Jackson remain on the Twenty Dollar Bill? Seminar: Women in the Antebellum Era; Sectionalism Game Essay: AP DBQ Essay Reform Movements 2002; AP Thematic Essay Market Revolution 2008

Unit 6: Manifest Destiny 1.5 weeks Required Reading: Nash Chapter 13 Zinn Chapter 8 Themes: 1. Territorial Expansion and its effects on the cultural map of the US Primary Sources: Polk’s War Message to Congress Jesus Velasco-Marquez “A Mexican Viewpoint on the War with the United States”. Charles Sumner “Report on the War with Mexico”

Key Topics: James. K. Polk, the Oregon Trail, Gold Rush, Mexican-American War, Annexation of Texas, Frontier Life, Compromises 1850, Expansion of Slavery in Texas, John O’ Sullivan coins a phrase Special Activities: Tag Team Debate: Polk and Manifest Destiny: Justifiable or National Disgrace? Role Playing Simulation: War with Mexico Essay: AP Free Response Mexican War 2005

Unit 7: Civil War and Reconstruction 1861-1890 3 weeks Required Reading: Chapters 14-16 Zinn Chapter 9 “View from the Bottom Rail” in Davidson, Lytle, After the Fact Themes: 1. Analysis of political compromises leading up to the Civil War 2. Impact of Industrial development and its impact on the causes of the Civil War 3. Analysis of the Compromise of 1877 and its social implications in the New South Primary Sources: Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, 1861 Constitution of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis’s Inaugural Address, 1861 Excerpts from the Mississippi Black Codes Reconstruction Amendments Key Topics: Sectionalism, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Third American party system, Abraham Lincoln, Civil War (social, economic, political consequences) slave revolts , Nat Turner, John Brown, King Cotton, draft riots, Reconstruction Amendments, Andrew Johnson, Compromise of 1877, development of the South and West after Reconstruction, KKK, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, Plessey v. Ferguson Special Activities: The Impending Crisis-student created episodes (divided by year) for a miniseries of the Civil War; Debate: Was the Civil War inevitable? Simulation: How should the US punish the South?; Reconstruction Report Card Activity Essay: AP Thematic Essays 2004 & 2008

Unit 8: Gilded Age and the Closing of West 3 weeks Required Reading: Nash Chapters 17-19 Zinn Chapters 10- 11 Themes: 1. Politics and Corruption in the Gilded Age 2. Role of government in economic growth and regulation 3. Social, political and economic impact of industrialization 4. Responses to industrialization Primary Sources: Frederick Jackson Turner “Significance of the Frontier” William Jennings Bryan “Cross of Gold Speech” Excerpts from the Dawes Act Excerpts from Tecumseh, Black Hawk, Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph and Sitting Bull Andrew Carnegie “The Gospel of Wealth” Excerpt: William Graham Sumner, What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other, 1883 Key Topics: the effect of westward expansion on Native Americans, Populism, Grange Movement, Development of Railroads, Big Business Leaders, Knights of Labor and the AFL, Homestead and Pullman Strikes of 1892 and 1894, Munn v. Illinois, Sherman Antitrust Act, Interstate Commerce Act Special Activities: Debate: Was the Dawes Act an act of assimilation or annihilation?; Railroad Game; Seminar: Captains of Industry or Robber Barons? Analysis of the Wizard of Oz as an allegory for the Populist Movement Essay: AP DBQ Essay Transformation of Agriculture 2007; DBQ Essay Captains of Industry

Unit 9: American Imperialism 1890-1919 1 week Required Reading: Zinn Chapter 12 Nash Chapter 20 Themes: 1. Development of America as a world power 2. Social Impact of Imperialism

Primary Source: Examples of Yellow Journalism from Hearst’s “The World and New York Journal”, Excerpts from William McKinley’s War Message Key Topics: Spanish-American War, Yellow Journalism, Platt Amendment, Philippines, Annexation of Hawaii, The Maine, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders Special Activities: Tag Team Debate: Should the US own colonies?; Simulation: SpanishAmerican War Essay: Thematic Essay Changes in American Foreign Policy

Unit 10: Progressivism and WWI 1901-1919 3 weeks Required Reading: Zinn Chapters 13-14 Nash Chapter 21-22 “USDA Government Inspected” in Davidson, Lytle, After the Fact Themes: 1. Responses to Industrialism in the Urban Setting 2. Emergence of the Progressive Party and its Presidents-Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson 3. Impact of WWI on civil liberties Primary Sources: Excerpts from Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and Jane Addams Twenty Years at Hull House Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson’s Inaugural Address, 1914 Espionage Act 1917 Sedition Act 1918 Excerpts from Schenck v. US 1919 Key Topics: Booker T. Washington, W. E. B Dubois, Progressive Presidents respond to industrial abuses, the Bull Moose Party, Progressive Reforms, Muckrakers, American Neutrality and the Outbreak of war, reason’s for America’s entry into the war, America as the arsenal of democracy, Wilson’s ideology and plans for peace after the war, Schenck v. US Special Activities: Mystery Character Simulations of Progressives; Philosophical Chairs Debate: W. E. B. Dubois v. Booker T. Washington Essay: AP DBQ Essay Progressive Era 2003; Thematic Essay Causes and Effects of WWI

Unit 11 : The Roaring Twenties, Great Depression and the New Deal 3 weeks Required Reading: Zinn Chapter 15 Chapters 23-24 “Sacco and Vanzetti” in Davidson, Lytle, After the Fact Themes: 1. Post WWI compared to post Civil War nativism, laissez-faire, labor, government, farmers and attitudes towards farmers 2. Social, economic and political impacts of war on society 3. Cultural conflicts: native v. foreign; rural v. urban 4. Expansion of government and its role in society Primary Source: Excerpts from Margaret Sanger, The Women Rebel Langston Hughes, Let America Be America Again and I, Too, Sing America Herbert Hoover, Rugged Individualism The Neutrality Act 1937 Excerpts from Roosevelt’s Fire Side Chats Key Topics: Generation Gap in the 1920’s, the changing role of women, Harlem Renaissance, revival of the KKK, Republican prosperity, isolationism and the first Red Scare, Immigration quotas, a consumer culture, the Prohibition era, causes of the Great Depression, Hoover and Roosevelt’s different approaches to the Great Depression, major New Deal Programs, lasting effects of the New Deal Special Activities: Students will create and act out commercials of new products created during Twenties; Stock Market Simulation of the Great Crash; New Deal Bingo Essay: AP DBQ Essay FDR’s response to the Great Depression 2003; DBQ Essay Social Changes during the 1920’s

Unit 12: World War II and the Cold War 3 weeks Required Reading: Chapters 25 and 27 Zinn Chapter 16 Themes: 1. Emergence of America as a world power and its implications for the future 2. War Economy and its impact on society

3. Effects of WW II on civil liberties and rights 4. Containment and its impact on the foreign policy objectives for the US 5. Social Effects of the Cold War on American society Primary Sources: Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech to Congress 1941 Truman, Inaugural Address, 1949 Truman Doctrine Eisenhower Doctrine Eisenhower, Farewell Address, 1961 John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, 1961 Key Topics: America mobilizes for war, Cause and Effects of WWII, Korematsu case and civil liberties, island hopping, containment, collective security, Marshall Plan, Truman and Eisenhower doctrines, Korean War, Vietnam War and Protest, McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare, Cuban Missile Crisis, Cultural Changes during the 1950’s, GI Bill and the Suburban Sprawl, Television and its impact on politics, baby boomers, Space Race, Sputnik Special Activities: Simulation: Berlin Airlift; Simulation: of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Seminar: Should the government suspend civil liberties during times of war? Essay: AP DBQ Essay Cold War 2006B; AP DBQ Essay Changes in Foreign Policy from 1920-1941

Unit 13: Turbulent Sixties and the Trend toward Conservatism 1960-1980 2 weeks Required Reading: Chapters 26 and 28 -31 Zinn Chapter 17 Themes: 1. Expansion of government under Johnson 2. Counter-culture and its impact on Vietnam War objectives 3. The Civil Rights Movement and its implications for today Primary Sources: Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream Speech” Excerpts from Betty Friedan Excerpts from Brown v. Board of Education, 1954

Key Topics: Civil Rights Movement, Malcolm X, Responses to the Vietnam War, Counter-culture of the 1960’s, Great Society, Warren Court and its expansion of Civil Liberties, Women’s Movement, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Watergate, the oil embargo, Iran-Hostage Crisis, War Powers Act, Nixon and Détente, the collapse of the Soviet Union Special Activities: Seminar: Has Martin Luther King’s Dream been fulfilled in America? Essay: AP DBQ Essay Vietnam War 2008; Thematic Essay Comparison of Reform Movements during the 1960’s

Unit 14: Review for AP Exam 2 weeks Special Activities: Students will review past exams and review key topics for the AP exam.

Unit 15: The Challenges Ahead (After AP Exam) 5 Weeks Required Reading: Chapters 31-36 Zinn Chapters 21-24 Key Topics: Reagan Era, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Special Activities: Students will be required to complete a research paper and review for the US History NY State Regents Exam.

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