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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness

PGDBA – I Semester

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Purpose statement Correct Answer All of above Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It can be used as legal record which may be used in the court of law Correct Answer Written communication Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Characteristics of negotiations are as follows Correct Answer There are not set of established rules to resolve conflict , Parties are not searching for agreement True/False Question Communication is a process of achieving understanding between people Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The different types of barriers that can come in the way of effective communication are Correct Answer Physical , Cultural , Mechanical Select The Blank Question The ________ is the ________ accurate in passing on information. Correct Answer single strand chain Correct Answer least Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question As per Newman and Summer Communication is the Exchange of Correct Answer Facts , Ideas , Opinions , Emotions True/False Question The sender of the message decodes the message Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ is the progressive realization of a ________, predetermined goal. Correct Answer Success Correct Answer worthwhile Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Barrier for written communication can be Correct Answer Language Multiple Choice Single Answer Question These are permanent records for business Correct Answer Business letters

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Usually its place is at the top center Correct Answer Head address Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A negotiation process reveals the following linguistic behaviors Correct Answer Information , Interaction , Concession Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is very useful in collecting dues from customers Correct Answer Business letters Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The most effective way of communication Correct Answer Written Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Holding your head high would be sign of Correct Answer Honor , Confidence , Self-respect True/False Question Horizontal communication is between superiors and subordinates Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question If eye contact is maintained so ________ that the boss feels uncomfortable, he may feel that his ________ is being challenged. Correct Answer intently Correct Answer authority Select The Blank Question The Receiver must ________ the message by attaching meaning to the words and symbols Correct Answer decode Select The Blank Question It is necessary to acquire the ability to sustain direct ________, if you want to be taken ________. Correct Answer eye contact Correct Answer seriously Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Many times good plans don’t see the light of the day due to non-cooperation on the part of Correct Answer Executive True/False

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Question Vision is the ability to see opportunities Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Producing enough output to accomplish your ________ becomes the ________ for achievements. Correct Answer goals Correct Answer measurement True/False Question Telesales is generating and qualifying new leads for closure by another sales channel Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ listening raises body pressure, steps up the pulse – rate and results in ________. Correct Answer Active Correct Answer fatigue Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question One of the best methods of building positive relationships with others are asking for Correct Answer Advice , Favor Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

To be truly valuable your vision must be accompanied by another quality i.e. an ability to see how to make that future come true Realizing a vision always starts with

defining your vision

Success is never achieved by men and women of caution sodream big The great thing in this world is not so much where we are

but in what direction we are going

Do not allow your present position no matter how limited

to rob you of your vision

True/False Question Tele prospecting is calling customers to maintain and nurture key account relationships Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Cultural context Correct Answer Refers to both communication and the ethnic or national background of persons communicating Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question Head Address Correct Answer The name, address, tel. No. Etc. Of the sender of letter Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Head address is the Correct Answer Name , address and tel no of the sender of the letter Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is communicator’s response to a message, whether favorable or unfavorable Correct Answer Feedback Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Objectives of the letter can be known in one glance by reading the Correct Answer Subject Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sometimes people tend to procrastinate when they think that the work is Correct Answer Unimportant Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The realization of vision requires Correct Answer innovation True/False Question Getting rid of essential tasks is one of the key to effective time management Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Successful people realize the value of Correct Answer Time management Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Policy memorandums and directives Correct Answer These messages gives work rules, procedures, instructions etc. Select The Blank Question We must ________ our success not by our activity but by our ________. Correct Answer measure Correct Answer output True/False Question People who have the ability to build relationships have the ability to listen attentively Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Communication is

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness Correct Answer

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Unavoidable , Irreversible

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The manager should provide with Correct Answer Vision , Values , Verve Select The Blank Question Lost ________ not only damages friendships, it also destroys ________ relationships. Correct Answer credibility Correct Answer business Select The Blank Question Boosting your ________ skills can increase your ________ but isn’t a cure-all Correct Answer communication Correct Answer success True/False Question A manager should think about the present and not aboutthe future Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Written communication is a Correct Answer Non-Direct Communication Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Employees through their leaders should be associated with decision making this will frustrate any negative aspect if the grapevine In personal contact

you have much more command over the receivers attention

In face to face communication once you make contact with the audience there is no time lag between the transmission of the message and its reaction Grapevine is seen as less credible than

the formal channels of communication

Telephones can be useful as group communication as well as one to one contacts True/False Question All kinds of Stress can be avoided Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Strain Correct Answer When pressure and stress is continuous

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The three stages of stress are Correct Answer Alarm stage , Resistance stage , Exhaustion stage Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Resistance stage Correct Answer It is the second stage of stress , Here the body repairs damage caused from the stress True/False Question People react similarly to stress Correct Answer False True/False Question To avoid stress stay away from things that are negative Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question A good company differs from another in terms of ________ quality. Correct Answer Service Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Treat everyone as important and Correct Answer Do not underestimate them , Understand them Select The Blank Question The missing step in Software lifecycle is Analysis,________,Coding and Implementation Correct Answer Design Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Visual aids are Correct Answer Film slides , Pictures , Diagrams True/False Question In a Negotiation both the parties have pre-determined goals Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is a greeting to the receiver of the letter? Correct Answer Salutation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is normally written below the complimentary close in a letter Correct Answer Signature Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question What is salutation? Correct Answer It is a greeting to the receiver Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a statement which describes an opinion Correct Answer Report Multiple Choice Single Answer Question These are the electronic brochures of companies Correct Answer Websites Select The Blank Question Written communication can be kept as ________ record. Correct Answer Legal Select The Blank Question ________ is formulated more carefully than oral communication. Correct Answer Written Select The Blank Question ________ can be referred for further correspondence. Correct Answer Business letter Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Advertising material is Correct Answer Leaflets , Brochures , Pamphlets Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Report means Correct Answer A document in which given problem is examined , An account or statement which describes an opinion Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is extranet? Correct Answer its is an electronic platform , It sends purchase order to suppliers through this channel , This concept is called supply chain management Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are technical reports? Correct Answer It differs from others in its subject matter , It is like the memorandum report , It is a highly specialised form of report Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Major users of Staff reports are Correct Answer Indian Air force , Indian Navy , Border security force

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True/False Question House journals are a type of oral communication. Correct Answer False True/False Question While writing memos the writer needs to be concerned about the sensitivity of the wordings. Correct Answer False True/False Question Major uses of staff reports are the branches of Armed forces. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question The manager has access to information and ________ Correct Answer Material Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Verve Correct Answer Leadership , Analyse , Vision , Positive enthusiasm Select The Blank Question Vision is________ Correct Answer Acquired True/False Question Vision is inborn. Correct Answer False Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Poor eyes

Limited eyesight

Poor vision

Llimited deeds





Select The Blank Question The concept of achieving success begins with ________ mental attitude Correct Answer Positive Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If bank is time then we receive how many dollars in terms of seconds in a day? Correct Answer 86400

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Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Opposite of procrastination is

To solve a problem without complete information

Ways to prevent interruption

To put someone between you and the people

Time management technique

To know and list priorities

It can't be used once it is lost


True/False Question Thinking and planning ahead wastes time Correct Answer False True/False Question Getting organised is the solution for not wasting time on lost items Correct Answer True True/False Question Planning ahead will eliminate the wastage of time due to unexpected delays Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Communication is the task of imparting Correct Answer Information Select The Blank Question Due to effective ________ the manager comes to know the hidden ability of his subordinates Correct Answer Communication True/False Question The basic function of any business organisation is planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Head jerks indicate Correct Answer Insolence and rejections Select The Blank Question The greater the gesture the louder the ________ Correct Answer Speech Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question This number can be used in further correspondence for ready reference. Correct Answer Outward Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This consists of the name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent. Correct Answer Inside address Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The activities included in written communication are Correct Answer Business Letters , Reports , Notices Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The advantages of written communication are Correct Answer Accuracy , Can be recorded , Brevity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Business letters can be useful in different ways like Correct Answer Legal evidence , Permanent information , Recovering dues Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Few stress can be avoided as a result of Correct Answer Mental attitude Select The Blank Question The amount of stress we experience is directly related to our________ Correct Answer Belief Select The Blank Question The quality of our ________ with co-workers , seniors and subordinates is responsible for the success of any organisation. Correct Answer Relationship Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question This makes communication difficult Correct Answer One party talks and the other listens , One party gets angry , One party keeps focus on themselves Select The Blank Question ________ has come to be used in preference to public speaking Correct Answer Presentation Select The Blank Question During negotiation one needs to control________ Correct Answer Emotions True/False

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Question There are two types of presentation Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where are enclosures written? Correct Answer After complimentary close Select The Blank Question Normally ________ address is written under the outward number. Correct Answer Inside Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Direct memo-routine enquiries Correct Answer Day to day routine work discussed , Covers the vital bit of information Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is B2C? Correct Answer Business to consumer , It is an internet domain , It is useful for products and services when shopper's aim is convenience and buyer's aim need information about product features and prices True/False Question Memorandums cannot be structured in email system. Correct Answer False True/False Question Written communication is a direct communication. Correct Answer False True/False Question The complimentary close of a letter must agree in tone with salutation. Correct Answer True True/False Question Reports play a very important role in business organisation especially for checking performance. Correct Answer True True/False Question Tele coverage is taking order from catalogue or ads and outbound calling. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Review means Correct Answer Interpreting the results to form a strategy Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question The first steps to becoming a great manager are simply Correct Answer Common sense Select The Blank Question Once the vision is identified it has to be illustrated with a concrete goal called ________ Correct Answer Mission True/False Question be adopted Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It gives a sense of accomplishment Correct Answer Achievements Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The realisation of vision requires Correct Answer Innovation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Vision is the ability to see Correct Answer Opportunity True/False Question Vision should be based on talents,dreams,hopes and passion. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Goals keep our ________ straight Correct Answer Priorities Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question 98 out of 100 people are dissatisfied as Correct Answer They have no goal , No purpose to drive them Multiple Choice Single Answer Question People tend to procrastinate when they feel that the work is Correct Answer Unimportant Select The Blank Question Life is comprised of limited________ Correct Answer Time Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question One is not able to time due to Correct Answer Lack of discipline , Negative attitude

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question "Barrier of Allness" is Correct Answer Attitude of the communicatee that he knows everything Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Unjust assumptions are: Correct Answer Misinterpretation of message Select The Blank Question Communication has come from Latin word________ Correct Answer Cummins Select The Blank Question Examples of environmental stress is ________ Correct Answer Humidity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Channel is the Correct Answer Method for delivering message , Medium for delivering message Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Physiological noise is in the form of Correct Answer Hearing disorders , Illness ,Egotism Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are physical barriers Correct Answer Ignorance of media , Environmental stress , Subjective stress True/False Question Management can function smoothly without Communication Correct Answer False Match The Following Question

Correct Answer



Environmental stress

High temperature , humidity


Self justification

Know all attitude

Barrier of allness

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness Chronological context

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Psychological noise

Egotism, hostility

Hurried interpretations

Snap reactions


Unjust assumptions

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This is very important in the business world Correct Answer Handshake Select The Blank Question Physical movement of arms, legs etc are known as ________ Correct Answer Gestures True/False Question Progress reports are formal in nature. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question Body of a letter is divided into ________ parts. Correct Answer 3 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Wisdom lies in Correct Answer Accepting your mistakes , Apologise but do not demand from others , Think over the actions performed True/False Question Beginnings of uninvited proposals should be good as to interest the receiver. Correct Answer True True/False Question Advancing at the expense of others may hurt you in the long run Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A report plays an important role as a Correct Answer Vehicle of communication Select The Blank Question Hearing disorders or illness etc fall into the category of ________ noise Correct Answer Physiological

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Select The Blank Question A slide should only carry ________ information Correct Answer Important Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


Limited vision

Keen foresight

Power of imagination


Visualize future

Positive changes

Positive growth

True/False Question Snap reaction is a type of physical barrier Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ normally consists of outward number and date of any previous correspondence. Correct Answer Reference Select The Blank Question ________ is the index of heart Correct Answer Face Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Goals need to be Correct Answer Planned , Evaluated , Identified Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which statement applies to a "Message" ? Correct Answer The reply sent by the communicate Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which statement applies to a "Message" ? Correct Answer The encoded idea takes shape of the message Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The maximum content on the slide should be limited to Correct Answer 25 words Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Positive changes in a person's life require Correct Answer Personal growth

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Select The Blank Question We should learn to prevent stress from becoming________ Correct Answer Strain True/False Question Letter's close lacks the outgoing friendliness. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Eyelids closed combined with constricted pupils tellus us that the person is Correct Answer In pain , Angry Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Goal achievement leads to Correct Answer Setting higher goals , Dream bigger goals Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What are the movements which play an important role in conveying meaning without words ? Correct Answer Gestures Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is similar to an ordinary store or shop, virtual trading Correct Answer Electronic market Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Discussion is defined as Correct Answer The interchange of ideas with a goal of finding the best solution to the problem , This is positive and healthy Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Perspective is Correct Answer The angle through which a person sees the circumstances , The ability to see the present moment and immediate events against the background of a larger reference True/False Question Delegation is the special ability to recognise your own special abilities and limitations Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question To complete work , one needs to start Correct Answer Early Select The Blank Question The ________ context refers to the nature of relationship between the communication as well as who is present

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Successful people realise the value of Correct Answer Time Management True/False Question Without defined goals success is attainable Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Ways to minimise or avoid interruption are Correct Answer Work in blocks of time , Hire a secretary Select The Blank Question The best realtionship is one in which both the parties are constantly ________ from one another. Correct Answer Receiving Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Guidelines for the use of visual aid Correct Answer Stick or pointer to be used to draw audience attention True/False Question The potential for good relationship increase when we begin to focus on ourselves. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ is the most remembered element in forming an impression of someone. Correct Answer Eye contact Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is B2B? Correct Answer Activities conducted on this are higher than B2C by 15-20 times , It is business to business , It is an internet domain Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Visual aids






Memorized presentation

Powerful memory

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Select The Blank Question A transparency should have________lines Correct Answer 25-30 True/False Question Report plays an important role as a vehicle of communication. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Our________ has the potential to limit us. Correct Answer Past True/False Question Vision is an idea about how your present should be Correct Answer True True/False Question One year of our life is lost searching things Correct Answer True True/False Question Communication is not a continuous process Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The most visible part of face to face communication is Correct Answer Body language True/False Question Policies and directives are more formal than other internal communication. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question A successful employer is one who shows ________ to his employees. Correct Answer Compassion Select The Blank Question Goals help us to ________ Correct Answer Communicate Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where is outward number written? Correct Answer Left side of the letter True/False Question The inside address of the letter and the address on the envelope are different.

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Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question All dreams have a ________ Correct Answer Cost Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Vision brings greater benefits and opens incredible doors of Correct Answer Opportunity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 30% of all worries are about past decisions that Correct Answer Cannot be changed Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


asset of the company




healthy and positive


brings in negative feelings

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the strategies to prevent stress from becoming distress are Correct Answer Develop proper perspective , Work in areas of strength , Avoid ratrace Multiple Choice Single Answer Question "Communication is an exchange of facts,ideas,opinions,emotions by two or more persons." It is quoted by : Correct Answer Newman and Summer Select The Blank Question A ________ is a guiding principle for the decisions and actions of the group Correct Answer Vision Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Subject contains Correct Answer Objectives of the letter at a glance Select The Blank Question The only way to avoid situations like unexpected delay is to ________ Correct Answer Plan

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Time management is Correct Answer Using time judiciously , Using time carefully and prioritising it Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Factors important to successful negotiation are Correct Answer Trust/distrust between the parties , Each part to be communicated clearly between parties , Goals and interest of the parties True/False Question Advertising materials like leaflets,giveaways,labels are included in house journals. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question Right thinking creates a foundation for ________ Correct Answer Success Select The Blank Question ________ conveys crucial message about power, status and concern for the person we meet Correct Answer Handshake True/False Question In face to face settings people are simultaneously senders and receivers of information Correct Answer True True/False Question A goal which is not measurable increases motivation Correct Answer False True/False Question Relationships have to be mutually beneficial and healthy to both the parties. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Goals organise the ideas that we have for our________ Correct Answer Future Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Memorandum differs from letter in Correct Answer Memos are written in direct order than letters , In memos effect of words is not so important as letters Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A head drawn too far backwards or stiffly held straight up indicates Correct Answer Pride , Haughtiness

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Select The Blank Question The ________ should indicate what is contained in a message in one glance itself. Correct Answer Subject Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Essential parts of business letters would be Correct Answer Head address , Date , Outward number Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Examples of salutations would be Correct Answer Dear sir , Respected Sir Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Examples for complimentary close would be Correct Answer Yours truly , Yours faithfully Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Tools of planning are Correct Answer Franklin planner , Day runner , Day times Select The Blank Question Encoded ideas take the shape of ________ Correct Answer Message Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Ways to overcome laziness are Correct Answer Using planner , Work away from home , Start early Select The Blank Question Written communication should be ________ to understand. Correct Answer Easy Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Methods of presentation can be Correct Answer Reading , Memorising presentation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the most important part of any letter? Correct Answer Body Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Motivation is : Correct Answer Encouraging True/False Question It is not necessary to admit error when we are wrong

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Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It consists of the name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent Correct Answer Inside address Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Facial muscle is an instrument of Correct Answer Communication Match The Following Question Correct Answer Fear of risk

Cause of stress


Positive and negative


Continuous stress


Strong beliefs

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Brief eye contact means the person is Correct Answer Nervous True/False Question Written communication is a two way process. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question A ________ is the core of business communication as it is an action oriented affair. Correct Answer Feedback True/False Question All kinds of stress are negative Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question No one can achieve his dreams with ________ energy and ideas. Correct Answer Average Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question People who do not have theit vision try to tell that your vision is Correct Answer Impossible , Not achievable Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question Which factor mostly affects business decisions Correct Answer Information Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Inward address

Receivers address

Head Address

Senders Address

Written Communication

Non- Direct communication

Business letter

legal evidence

Outward Number

Further reference

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question One of the most important characteristic of successful manager is that of Correct Answer Vision Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The most important difference between two competitors dealing with the same product is the way they treat their Correct Answer Employees Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is an attitude of Allness ? Correct Answer Sophisticated role , Snap reactions , Fear Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where is inside address written? Correct Answer Below the outward number Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What type of communication can be used as a legal record which may be used in the court of law ? Correct Answer Written Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is progress report? Correct Answer It is a review of progress made on an activity , They may be formal or informal True/False Question All companies use printed memorandum stationary for processing memorandum. Correct Answer False

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Policy memorandums and directives are Correct Answer Messages which give work rules,procedures,instructions etc , Covers important information Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Snap reactions, Apathetic listener and Defensiveness are types of Correct Answer Psychological barrier True/False Question Printing house journals maintain public relations within the organisation. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A person without vision sees what is Correct Answer Convenient , Immediate Select The Blank Question Lack of ________ causes stagnation and inertia Correct Answer Flexibility Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If a person taps his feet/foot it would mean Correct Answer Impatience Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Guides for the manager to analyse the problem and give response Correct Answer Experience , Common sense Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Time management is Correct Answer Self management Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What type of records are permanent for organisation? Correct Answer Business letters Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Body recognises the stressor and prepares to fight

Alarm stage

Work hard

Not at the cost of family or health

Stop taking on more work

To get rid of overload

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness Deeper coviction

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Stronger the person

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question End part of presentation contains Correct Answer Summary of the whole Multiple Choice Single Answer Question To deveolp a win-win situation during communication , one should have Correct Answer Discussions Select The Blank Question ________ is doing yesterday's work today Correct Answer Procrastination True/False Question The shortcomings of oral communication has paved the way for use of written communication. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is meant by "Apathetic Listener"? Correct Answer Communicatee has an attitude of closed mind Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is meant by "Apathetic Listener"? Correct Answer Receiver is psychologically dead to communicator Select The Blank Question Communication is the task of imparting ________ Correct Answer Information Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is staff report? Correct Answer It is a popular form of report , It differs from others in its organisation of its contents , It arranges content in a fixed plan True/False Question House journals are used by organisations for public circulation. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question The best way in a positive relationship is to admit when you are ________. Correct Answer Wrong Multiple Choice Single Answer Question To build a positive reputation among people, one has to take care of Correct Answer Relationships

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are the functions of Manager Correct Answer Planning , Organising , Staffing Select The Blank Question ________ is an example of psychological noise Correct Answer Egotism Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Man always tries to justify himself that means he is Correct Answer Defensive Select The Blank Question ________ is vital for manager to take decisions Correct Answer Information True/False Question Inside address consists of the name and address of the sender. Correct Answer False Match The Following Question

Correct Answer






Objective of letter



Post Script

Post Scriptum

Select The Blank Question Man who tries to justify himself is________ Correct Answer Defensive True/False Question Goals force us to plan ahead Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question When people don't know whether to believe what they are hearing or what they are seeing they go with the ________ Correct Answer Body language

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The complimentary close is to say Correct Answer Good bye Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Personal negative emotions which make it difficult to do our best are Correct Answer Jealousy , Anger , Strife Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In business communication you can put the message in writing as Correct Answer Options a and b Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Address means Correct Answer How a person speaks to others Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any signal that triggers the response of a receiver Correct Answer Message Select The Blank Question The ________ is written as a formality in the body of the letter. Correct Answer Closing paragraph Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the limited area on the web managed and paid for by an external advertiser or company Correct Answer Micro site Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Appearance includes Correct Answer Hair, cosmetics Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A person without vision sees Correct Answer What is immediate , What is convenient Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Communication is a process of which type Correct Answer Ir-reversible , Two way Select The Blank Question A ________ posture shows rigidity in thought Correct Answer Stiff Select The Blank

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Question ________is the positive enthusiasm for making the work exciting and fun Correct Answer Verve True/False Question Written communication is two-way process Correct Answer False True/False Question House journals are types of oral communication Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Stress at times works Correct Answer As motivator , As positive True/False Question One way communication informs the receiver whereas two way communication is an exchange of information Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is meant by "Snap Reactions" Correct Answer Hurried interpretations about the message being communicated True/False Question By trying to identify potential problems at the onset, it becomes possible to prevent many more in near future Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ number is essential to make entry in the register. Correct Answer Outward True/False Question Poor working condition of microphone, telephone etc are types of psychological barriers Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question How we see failure is entirely a function of our Correct Answer Attitude Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The matter in the memorandum may include Correct Answer Procedures , Rules , Instructions Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question This results in one person winning and the other losing Correct Answer Arguments Multiple Choice Single Answer Question People are drawn to others naturally who Correct Answer Help them Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Ectomorph means Correct Answer Tall , Thin , Youthful Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The three step plans which will put our priorities into practice are Correct Answer Evaluate , Eliminate , Estimate Select The Blank Question During negotiation one needs to control________ Correct Answer Emotions Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Ability to allow a person to develop a good relationship is Correct Answer Learned Match The Following Question Preoccupation

Correct Answer Day dreaming

Negative emotion


Emotional turmoil

Emotions at stake


Delaying work

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


They confuse activity to output

Practical person

He knows how to get what he wants


He knows what people ought to want


It promotes enthusiasm in the organisation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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Question Various kinds of disease caused from stress Correct Answer Heartbeat increase , Increase in perspiration , Slow digestion Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Argument means Correct Answer Forcing your view point on others , Forceful attempt to change other's point of view Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It can be kept as a legal record Correct Answer Written True/False Question you have risen in management structure Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The trump card during negotiation should be brought out at Correct Answer At the crucial moment Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In order to realise new things one should Correct Answer Be observant , Be willing to do new things , Look for ideas Select The Blank Question In a letter________ consists of name and address of the person or organisation to whom the letter is being sent to. Correct Answer Inside address Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Information is Correct Answer Gathered , Inferred , Heard Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Advantage of written communication is Correct Answer Can be kept as a legal record Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are macros? Correct Answer It is a word processing feature , It formats the document True/False Question A report is made after thorough enquiry. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question It is the most convenient channel used by companies to increase sales revenue,reducing cost of selling and promote customer satisfaction Correct Answer Telecommunication Select The Blank Question Outer confidence will bring ________confidence. Correct Answer Inner Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When we cross our legs or fold our arms across our chest while we talk, it would indicate that Correct Answer Closing off communication Select The Blank Question People who focus their attention on ________ rarely build positive lasting relationships. Correct Answer Themselves Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The areas which help you to develop a mindset are Correct Answer Crystallize thinking , Develop sincere desire , Confidence Select The Blank Question ________ is a driving force and continues even after the mission statement is achieved Correct Answer Vision Select The Blank Question ________ are used to convey the key part of the message Correct Answer Visual aids Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Body of the letter consists of Correct Answer Main message Multiple Choice Single Answer Question One should look at the present with the eye towards Correct Answer Future Select The Blank Question Memorandums are ________ letters. Correct Answer Internal Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Memo is Correct Answer It is an inter office communication , It is a routine type of communication , They are direct written messages Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question Most of what we experience emotionally is a result of the way we Correct Answer Think True/False Question Successful people employ a strategy of priorities to manage their time Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the most important part of any letter Correct Answer Body Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Mesomorph would mean Correct Answer Strong , Muscular , Bony Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Taking advantage of others Correct Answer Does no good in the long run , It is not a sign of good and positive relationship Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A presentation for consideration of something is called Correct Answer Proposal Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Resting your forearm on the table gives the impression of being Correct Answer Distressed , Uninterested , Indifferent Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In less literal terms Vision is the ability to Correct Answer Read between the lines , See opportunity Select The Blank Question ________ of the letter consists of main message. Correct Answer Body Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The heading should be followed by number of names that are to receive the message in Correct Answer Memo True/False Question Fat , round and soft body type would be endomorph Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The role of audio visual aids in presentations help in overcoming Correct Answer Physical barrier

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True/False Question WWW is an electronic brochure for an organisation. Correct Answer True True/False Question Charts,Film slides,transparencies are types of audio aids Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The body of the letter may be divided into Correct Answer Opening Para , Main communication , Closing paragraph Select The Blank Question Social scientist uses the term ________ to describe a wide range of ________ characteristics, each of which helps express an attitude. Correct Answer Paralanguage Correct Answer Vocal True/False Question When you become a manger you can change things anddo things differently Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The importance of reports can be stated as under Correct Answer Decision making , Performance evaluation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the functions of informal communication are Correct Answer Supplementing , Contradicting , Confirming Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The different types of downward communication are Correct Answer Job instructions , Indoctrination , Feedback information True/False Question Post Scripts should be used very frequently in letters Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question Attractive ________ are used to improve the ________ of the organization Correct Answer advertisements Correct Answer sales True/False Question

Face-to-face communication is the richest type of communication channel

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness Correct Answer

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Grapevine becomes hyperactive when the following factors prevail Correct Answer Feeling of certainty , Feeling of adequacy Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Various body movements supplement it Correct Answer Talking Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The first step for setting goals is Correct Answer Identify your vision , Develop statement of purpose , Evaluate plans Select The Blank Question When there comes opposition to your vision be ________ and try to have an unsinkable ________ attitude. Correct Answer prepared Correct Answer positive Select The Blank Question People normally view future ________ by past successes or ________. Correct Answer possibilities Correct Answer failures Select The Blank Question The ________ of our relationships with our boss, co-workers etc. are largely ________ for our success or failure in business. Correct Answer quality Correct Answer responsible Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Informal meeting Correct Answer Options b and c Multiple Choice Single Answer Question These are the things you desire to accomplish in five to ten years Correct Answer Intermediate goals Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Effective communication is dependent on Correct Answer Knowledge of receiver Select The Blank Question The minutes help to hold participants to their ________ and turn their promises into ________. Correct Answer responsibility

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness Correct Answer

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True/False Question Goal setting is a one time activity Correct Answer False True/False Question In the resistance stage your body prepares for the stressor and prepares to fight or flight Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The biggest most valuable asset any company has is its Correct Answer People Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This technology replaces face-to-face meetings by allowing individuals to work on documents that are shared via computer Correct Answer Document of computer conferencing Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A manager should take a Correct Answer Long term view True/False Question Human body reacts to stress in 3 stages Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question These always boost the morale of the workers Correct Answer Discussions , Training , Meeting Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The list of items that is to be covered to achieve the goals of the meetings Correct Answer Agenda Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The Head address includes Correct Answer Tel no. , Name of organization Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Body language is the most visible Aspect of communication and therefore helps the receiver of the message to decode the message Since body language is non- Verbal communication

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it cannot be wholly relied on

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness People belonging to different Culture

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send out different body signals

True/False Question Upward communication is communication from superior to subordinates Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Goals can be identified by Correct Answer Options b and c Select The Blank Question It is possible to ________ the business of organizations by sending business ________; it also helps in promoting sales of the organization. Correct Answer increase Correct Answer letters Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question If the eye contact is brief or we take our eyes off the person soon indicates Correct Answer Nervousness , Embarrassment Multiple Choice Single Answer Question B2B Correct Answer Business to Business Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The pattern of busines letter is called Correct Answer Layout True/False Question The formality requirement of proposals are always the same. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Printing of house journal responsibility generally lies with the Correct Answer Human resource department Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It can be created by using templates or macros Correct Answer Memorandum Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The middle part of presentation contains Correct Answer Main body is broken into points Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Question Message in a communication should be Correct Answer Brief Select The Blank Question To prevent stress one should develop a proper ________ Correct Answer Perspective Select The Blank Question Whatever we feel deep within ourselves is immediately reflected in the ________ Correct Answer Face True/False Question Memorandums do not require preliminary explanation , justification and persuasive strategy. Correct Answer True True/False Question The whole concept of achieving success begins with how you think Correct Answer True Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Effective communication is dependent on

the knowledge level of the receiver

Two way communication

establishes and builds lasting relationships

Feedback message

the core part of business communication which is an action oriented affair

Oneway communication

it infoms the receiver

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Endomorph would mean Correct Answer Fat , Round , Soft Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is " Content message"? Correct Answer Information about topic under discussion True/False Question Success is achieved by men and women of caution. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Mechanical barriers in communication includes Correct Answer Bad telephone connection , Whistling loudspeakers

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Areas where we can set goals are Correct Answer Personal development , Physical development , Professional accomplishment Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


The average executive spends 3/4 day dealing with them


It is the ability that allows a peson to develop good relations

Mutually beneficial

Relationships are positive and healthy due to this

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In India we use which method for writing the date Correct Answer British Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question House journals Correct Answer It’s a private circulation in the organisation , It contains details regarding achievements of staff , It contains details about achievement of company's future projects etc True/False Question If a person tries to keep all his options open while pursuing his vision he will not make progress. Correct Answer True True/False Question The simplest proposal resembles memorandum. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question We should learn to prevent stress from becoming ________ Correct Answer Distress Select The Blank Question Stress is called the mother of ________ Correct Answer Achievements True/False Question Manager communicates the vision of the company to his team mates Correct Answer True True/False Question Goals promote enthusiasm in an organisation Correct Answer True

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True/False Question There will be confusion and discomfort if speech and gestures are properly coordinated Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What type of letters are useful in collecting dues from customer? Correct Answer Business letters Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Stress becomes strain when it is Correct Answer Continuous Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The vision should be based on Correct Answer Talents and dreams ,Hopes and passion Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The most valuable asset of a company is Correct Answer People Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The different kinds of stress are :Correct Answer Positive , Negative , Unavoidable Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Agenda is prepared by :Correct Answer Secretary , Chairman Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

The handshake that conveys confidence is

Firm and dry

Pounding the fist on table


Kind of non verbal communication

Eye contact

Clothing , hair, jewellery, cosmetics


Select The Blank Question The first and foremost function of a presentation is to convey ________. Correct Answer Information Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Every moment you waste in pre-occupation is a moment you steal from :-

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SCDL – Business Communications & Executive Effectiveness

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Correct Answer Productivity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question As per Newman and Summer Communication is the Exchange of :Correct Answer Facts , Opinion , Emotions True/False Question In business organizations barriers arise because of setup. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Instant Messaging (IM) is :Correct Answer The real time communication that takes place among users who are logged on to the computer at the same time Select The Blank Question Written communication is not useful where the people are________. Correct Answer Illiterate Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Goals give us a sense of :Correct Answer Purpose , Tangible target Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When there is lack of perspective, one should :Correct Answer See things from a different point of view , Look at the present with an eye towards future , Study other cultures Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Time limits of the meeting should be announced at the :Correct Answer Beginning Multiple Choice Single Answer Question "Defensiveness" means :Correct Answer Receiver trying to justify himself True/False Question Mission must be tough but achievable and must be possible to tell when it has been achieved. Correct Answer True True/False Question Feedback is immediate in business organization. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the principles of Effective communication ?

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Correct Answer Clarity of objective , Selection of media , Feedback Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What percentage of managerial time is spent on communication ? Correct Answer 61 to 75% Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Body language refers to :Correct Answer Gestures , Facial expressions , Body movements True/False Question No visual aid should be kept on for too long. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ body of the presentation should be broken into short and clear units. Correct Answer Main Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Public relations is maintained by printing :Correct Answer House journals Select The Blank Question Quality of ________ determines the success of the meeting. Correct Answer Communication Select The Blank Question In a letter________ consists of name and address of the person or organization to whom the letter is being sent to. Correct Answer Inside address Select The Blank Question In the body of the message________ paragraph attracts the attention of the reader. Correct Answer Opening Select The Blank Question A ________ communication establishes and builds lasting relationships between people. Correct Answer Two way True/False Question Vision has nothing to do with prediction but everything to do with hope. Correct Answer True True/False Question Technical language should not be used while writing the minutes of the meeting. Correct Answer True

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Inside address contains :Correct Answer Name, address, telephone number of the receiver of the letter , The address which is put on the envelope Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Types of written communication are :Correct Answer Letters , Memos , Reports Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The first step to become a great manager is to have :Correct Answer Common sense True/False Question Delegation is the special ability to recognize your own special abilities and limitations. Correct Answer True True/False Question One party is more than enough to have negotiation. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Ways to deal with procrastination effectively are :Correct Answer Delegate task to others , Develop discipline , Determine whether given task is absolutely necessary Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The broad purpose of a meeting is to :Correct Answer Inform , Persuade , Instruct Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Communication is a :Correct Answer Continuous process Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which kind of attitude lets you see limitless opportunities around you? Correct Answer Positive mental attitude , Determination to overcome failure

TO BE ANSWERED A manager acts as a protector for his team True / False This is like the warehouse in electronic market

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PGDBA – I Semester

a) Web page b) Server c) Website d) Catalogue Visual aids are used to emphasize the most vital points of the presentation True / False Strong Self-Management Competence' means a) You are principled b) You are focussed on results c) You are selective in what you do d) You are liberator of ideas A person tends to break another person's trust when a) The person is inconsistent b) His words and action do not match c) He loses credibility d) He is insane The goal pyramid is made of six sections True / False It makes communication easier a) Being friendly b) Arrogant c) Cooperative d) Angry The largest single cost in most businesses is Tension / Stress / Strain / Distress 1. Physical noise 2. Noise 3. Relational Message 4. Motivation

Premises / Assets / Infrastructure / People can prompt people to find a better way of doing things

helps to complete the communication cycle and communication are two sides of the same coin One of the greatest sources of communication failure means to convince others The external sounds that distract the comunicator It indicates how sender and receiver feel about each other

The most important function of the manager is a) Instructing b) Motivating c) Leading d) Supervising

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When there is lack of perspective one should a) See things from a different point of view b) Look at the present with an eye towards future c) Study Geography d) Study other cultures What should go together ? a) Gesture and speech b) Gesture and expression c) Gesture and movement d) Gesture and Behaviour What are the principles of Effective communication ? a) Clarity of objective b) Selection of media c) Feedback d) Noise Vision is the ability to see future in a a) Mystical way b) Prophetic way c) Imaginative way d) Practical way Only 8 / 5 / 20 / 10

percent of worries are considered as cause of concern

What is said to be the heart of a business letter? a) Subject b) Head address c) Body of the letter d) Enclosures Risk Resistance stage Diseases of stress Alarm stage

Second stage of stress Repairs damage Threat Mental illness First stage of stress Third stage

Working away from home makes it easier to focus on our job True / False This is a letter written inside the organisation? a) Reports b) Audit report c) Memorandum

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d) Application Visual aids should be well fitted in the presentation True / False When stress becomes Less / Strain / Tension / More it is harmful prevent stress one should develop a proper Way Perspective Perception Vision Many speakers write and learn entire speeches in Writing Extempore Reading Memorize type of presentation Often the desire to meet a need can fuel a Vision Business Communication Understanding Mission of an organisation should be easily achievable True False A common fallacy about manager is that he must be Loud Flambuoyant Drinker Quiet and modest Status manifests itself subtly in a relaxed posture and way of interacting True False Feedback is immediate in busines organization True False Vision is a nebulous thing which is hard to pin down Hard to define difficult to communicate at times impractical Different types of memorandums would be Direct memo Parallel memo Indirect

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Linear memo Meeting should be carried on as long as required for discussion. True /False Projective listener is :He gives time and patience to listen to speaker He tries to probe the feelings and emotions of the speaker He tries to positively understand the views of speaker The listener does not show interest in the subject with a preconceived notion that it is difficult to understand Intimate distance is rarely appropriate in business dealings. True /False A high score in Systematic Problem-Solving Process indicates :You are analytical You are focused on results You are selective in what you do You are liberator of ideas What is projection? It is the way in which we individually interpret messages from other people or resources It is a process in which a general impression which is favourable or unfavourable is used by judges to evaluate specific traits It is tending to attribute one's own undesirable personal traits to another. It is generalising about a class or people or events that is widely held by a given culture. The official record of the proceedings and decision of the meeting is called Summary. Emphatic/ Fake/ Projective/ Sympathetic

Agenda/ Review/ Minutes/

is also called listening by third ear.

1. Minutes are written soon after the meeting so that 1. Clarify and not to puzzle the reader 2. Minutes of a meeting are a proof that it took place 2. Strives for agreement, controls men and time 3. Minutes of a meeting should be 3. It helps to hold participants to their promises 4. The aim of minutes of a meeting is to 4. Uphold correct procedure, strive for agreement and minimize conflict between group members 5. Events are fresh in the mind and acts as a future reference 6. Clear and objective Prescience means :Knowledge of the past Knowledge about the future Knowledge of external events Knowledge of events within the company

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