Bathroom Passes Name: _______________________________________________ Period:__________ Directions: These passes allow you to leave class to use the restroom or get a drink of water. In order to leave class, you must: • Fill out a pass • Raise your hand (you may not leave while Ms. Li is teaching) • Give Ms. Li the ENTIRE paper Ms. Li reserves the right NOT to allow you to leave if you do not have any passes with you, you disrupt class, or the class is in the middle of something important. Each unused pass is worth 20 extra credit homework points at the end of the semester.
Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Student Signature: Student Signature: __________________________ __________________________ Ms. Li Signature: _________________________ _
Ms. Li Signature: _________________________ _
Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Student Signature: Student Signature: __________________________ __________________________ Ms. Li Signature: _________________________ _
Ms. Li Signature: _________________________ _
Do not cut out passes. The entire paper must be intact. Remember, these passes MUST be with you in order to leave class.