Ban Len Tieng

  • November 2019
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Note: forwarded message attached. Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:03:49 -0700 (PDT) From: KhongTanh Thich Subject: Re: Xin Thay cho biet them tin tuc. Re: Please Help Attorney Bui Kim Thanh To: Robert Cc: Toma Thien To: Thay TTM Kinh Anh Roberttran, Quy Anh co long len tieng va bao dong den nhieu Chinh phu, To chuc tren The gioi la rat tot nhung khong biet cac To chuc ho co tich cuc can thiep.giup do.... Ba LS Bui Kim Thanh bi CA Tp.hcm den bat tai nha. Sang ngay 4-3-2008 Ba BKT co den Chua Lien Tri tham toi va toi co goi cho Ba mot so tien de Ba di Cuu Te Dan Oan...khoang trua ngay 4 hay 5-3-2008 thi Ba bi bat ! CA ap tai len xe va dem nhot tai BV Tam Than Bien Hoa .Da may lan, toi co nho nguoi den Tham Nuoi nhung CA khong cho ! Toi chac ky nay tui CA VC se tim thuoc cho Ba dien luon va kho co hy vong VC se tra Tu do cho Ba ! Kinh mong To chuc cua Quy anh, tim cach can thiep,cuu giup cho. Gan day,anh em cung co bao cho toi biet la di dau phai can than va khong nen den nhung noi heo lanh,vang ve va co tin VC dang tim cach "Triet tieu".... Xin chan thanh Cam on va kinh loi tham Anh, BS Nguyen Xuan Dung cung tat ca quy Anh em trong Nhom : Van su An Khang - Cat Tuong - Nhu Y. Nay kinh: Thichkhongtanh Robert Tran wrote: Kinh tham Thay Thich Khong Tanh, Thua Thay Ls Bui Kim Thanh bi bon cs bat giu lan thu 2 dua vao nha thuong dien Bien Hoa. Thua Thay Khong Tanh thay minh co can phai len tieng ve chuyen nay khong ? Con khong co nhieu chi tiet. Xin Thay cho biet tui no bat Chi BKT o dau, ngay gio va ai chi huy bat? Bs Nguyen Xuan Dung va tat ca anh em trong nhom gui loi kinh tham Thay Khong Tanh, Thay Thich Thien Minh va Cha Phan van Loi luon manh Gan toi ngay 30/4 anh em chung con rat boi hoi chuyen 33 nam ve truoc khi tui khi rung xanh ve Saigon. Kinh chao Thay.

LH Robert Tran wrote: Human Rights Watch 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor New York, NY 10118-3299 USA [email protected]

Dear Human Rights Watch,

We just received news from Vietnam. The police of Vietnam arrested Attorney Bui Kim Thanh, at 9:00 AM on March 4th, 2008. She is someone who has helped many people who lost their homes and lands.

After she was arrested she was taken to a Mental Institution. The name of this place is "Bien Hoa Mental Health Hospital." The address is on Highway 1, Tan Phong, Providence of Dong Nai. A family member went to visit her when she was in the mental instiution. The family member was not allowed to visit Bui Kim Thanh because only a husband or child is allowed to visit any patient. This person was just a relative of Ms. Bui Kim Thanh.

After the family member pleaded to see Ms. Bui Kim Thanh, she was taken to the door of the room where Ms. Bui Kim Thanh is staying at. They were able to look through the door which was partially opened, and saw that Ms. Bui Kim Thanh was in a coma-like state. A doctor said that she was just given medicine, and that Ms. Bui Kim Thanh was sleeping.

When the doctor was questioned some more, he refused to answer any more questions. At that time there were four undercover people standing there who saw the doctor speaking to the relative of Ms. Bui Kim Thanh.

We were made aware that VEN Thich Khong Tanh, also asked International Groups to assist in the possible release

of Ms. Bui Kim Thanh. We know that all Ms. Bui Kim Thanh did was stand up for people who lost their homes and lands. The government of Vietnam did not like this. This was there way of retaliation, by putting Ms. Bui Kim Thanh in a mental institution.

We are concerned about her safety and her condition while she stays in the mental instiution. We are concerned about any medications she is being given, as well as any shots. The concern is that these medications or shots will harm her mentally.

We are asking you the Human Rights Watch to contact the government of Vietnam, so that there could be a doctor who could give Ms. Bui Kim Thanh a full and fair evaluation. We want to make sure that it is done properly, otherwise something serious could happen to her.

This shows that Vietnam does not have freedom of human rights and democracy.

If you have any questions than please contact Mr. Linh Tran, Thank you. Sincerely, Dung Xuan Nguyen,M.D., Thinh Le, Duoc Nguyen, Thuc Tran, Robert Tran, Linh Tran, Phuong Pham, Huong Que Nguyen, Thao Nguyen, Philip Duong, 1.Dung Xuan Nguyen,M.D. 3736 So. G St. Tacoma, Wa 98418

2.Thuc Tran 8730 49th St. Pinellas Park, FL 33782 3. Phuong Pham 1009 E. Capitol Expressway #126

San Jose, CA 95121 4. Duoc Nguyen 1815 S. 90th St. Tacoma, WA 98444 5. Linh Tran 7919 Pella Dr. Houston, TX 77036 6. Philip Duong 2403 Ohara Ct. San Jose, Ca 95133 7. Robert Tran 1742 So. 90th St Tacoma, Wa 98444 8. Huong Que Nguyen 13238 Gaby Virbo Dr. Houston, TX 77083 9. Le Thinh 2160 Encinal Ave. Alameda, ca 94510 10. Thao van Nguyen 1705 S. Fife St. Tacoma, Wa 98405

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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