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  • Pages: 5
~~~~~~~Awaken to your self~~~~~~~~ Everything, the whole universe has come out of your mind. You have created it, and it appears real. Therefore the sage explains to you, the job you have is to trace the I thought back to the heart. When the I thought goes back into the heart center you will become liberated. By liberation, it means you will see yourself as consciousness, and the whole world as a superimposition on your self. You then begin to understand that human happiness ensues because the mind or the I thought goes outward, creating all of the illusions of the world. Everything in the world is transient, subject to the law of change. Therefore it cannot be real. What is real must be permanent, and that resides within you. So you search for a method in order to trace the I back to its source. And the method given to you is to hold on to the I, to abide in the I, to trace it back into the spiritual heart. The way you do this is you inquire, "Who am I? To whom has the I come? What is the source of I?" When thoughts come into your mind, you simply inquire, "To whom has these thoughts come? Who’s doing the thinking? I am. Well, who am I?" Automatically, as you keep practicing this process, you will find that things in this world become blissful, for you're beginning to see through the illusion, you're beginning to see through reality, You're beginning to know that I am is really consciousness, self-contained absolute reality. Months go by, perhaps years go by. You do not look for results. You carry on with the practice. You do not react to conditions. Your humanhood begins to melt. You continue to identify with the self under all circumstances. The day will come when you are no longer a personality. You have become that which you’ve been seeking, and life becomes simple for you. You no longer struggle or fight for survival. All fear has left you. You have discovered you are not the body or the mind, and you are not the

doer. This has all been surrender to the self. You have become free, no longer in bondage, absolute bliss. You understand all is well, and everything is unfolding as it should. You were never born. There will never be a time when you die. You have risen. There is no longer anything you need to possess, there is no longer anything you need to own, yet you partake of all the good things of this world. You become satisfied, happy. You cannot explain this, you cannot share it, but those who come into your presence feel the grace which is always available. Yet you do nothing. There is no one left to do anything. The I has been completely transcended. There is no individuality. There is perfect peace, always, unalloyed happiness, always the same, eternal, without modification. Awaken to your self. What do you spend most of your time doing? You become what you do. If you spend your time inquiring, "Who am I? From whence does the I come?" you will one day awaken. If you spend your time relating to the world, reacting to conditions, having a mind filled with fears, superstitions, prejudices, nonsense, you will go on like this until you get old and drop your body, and you will be under the illusion of karma and reincarnation. You will appear to take on body, after body, after body, until you give up the belief that you are the body. Become free now. Do not resist. Om, shanti, shanti, shanti, om. Peace. Peace. There is no fear. Fear only comes when you believe the world to be real. When the world proves to be an illusion, where is the fear? What in the world can upset you, if you know the world is but a dream? Robert Adams There Is Nothing to Search for =========================

You can tell if you're getting closer to this by the peace that overwhelms you—the happiness that takes you over. It is not a happiness because there is a thing happening in your life that you feel. It is not a happiness of something that you own that you did not own before. It is not a peace because you're in the right environment and you feel peaceful. It is a peace and happiness that is always with you. You are that peace. You are that happiness. It is always there. It never leaves you. As long as you believe you're a body, it is virtually impossible to have this peace and have this happiness. You cannot, for a body is part of the world conditioning. Therefore, you have to search for peace. You have to search for happiness. You believe that if you do this, you'll be happy. If you do this you will become peaceful. And when you do this and you do that, the happiness and peace, how long will it last? For a short while. Things change. Environments change. Conditions change. Your family changes. Everything changes. Therefore, again, it is virtually impossible to have real peace and real happiness as long as you believe you are a body. Consequently, we do not go searching for peace and happiness. This is a mistake. What we do, is become our real Self by not trying to become our real Self. All this begins by quieting the mind. By not allowing the mind to react to conditions and situations. I'm not only speaking of negative conditions and situations, I'm speaking of everything that arises in the mind. When you wake up in the morning and you see the beautiful trees, sun up, the mountains, the flowers, birds, this also is a false image. It is notthe truth about you. You're not trying to exchange bad for good. For the singing bird that you listen to will only last a fortnight. How long is a fortnight? Two weeks. That's enough. All the trees you see will die in the winter time, or change in the winter time. Everything you see changes. The beautiful flowers you pick for your morning breakfast table die within twenty-four hours, or less. They're no longer beautiful flowers. What I'm trying to show you is, you cannot depend on anything in this world for your happiness or your peace. It's a false premise. Things in this world only make you happy temporarily. When you come to the realization that you're not the body—and sometime you come to the realization that there is no world—there is no universe, there is no God. There is only That, which is indescribable.

You have to be very honest with yourself. Do I really want to become free? Am I really looking to awaken, to be liberated? What am I doing about it? Be honest with yourself. (laughter from kids nearby) Listen to those kids having a birthday party. Whatever they're doing, they're so happy. Yet at the end of the party they have to go home. They have to go to school tomorrow, or they have chores to do, and then they have to do things they don't like. Soon their minds start thinking about partying again. They make more parties. And they keep this up until they grow up. It never stops. Party after party after party. They become party animals, searching for happiness, searching for peace. Searching for everlasting joy. Yet, they do not understand that nothing outside can give you this. Nothing! You have to jump within yourself. You have to learn to sit in the Silence, to quiet the mind. And it will come by itself. You do not have to pray for it or practice sadhanas, or, as I said before, do certain rituals or read certain books. Yousimply have to sit, quiet the mind by observing it, inquire, "To whom do the thoughts come?" Be still, and know that I Am God. ~ SILENCE OF THE HEART 1999 edition You didn't come here to straighten out the world. You didn't come here to make peace. You didn't come here to teach people anything or to show anybody anything. You are here in order to wake up, to awaken, to awaken from the mortal dream. That's all you're here for. You're not here for any other reason. Robert Adams Many of you are still under the impression that you come to hear lectures, talks. Let me ask you, how many lectures, how many talks have you been to all of your life? And what has it done for you? It simply adds more confusion. Always remember what you are trying to do. You're not trying to add more knowledge to your ignorance. You're trying to empty yourself of all your knowledge, all of your ignorance, everything that you have accumulated. You want to become empty. Yet most people seem to go to different teachers, read many books, and they add on. They keep adding, adding, adding, adding, adding. Yet the day must come in your life, when you stand naked before God, so-to-speak, when you have no crutches to hold onto. All the books are gone,

there are no more teachers for you, there's no one to ask for help, there's no one to ask if you're on the right path. It is then that your sadhana actually begins. Ponder this very well. Your sadhana, your spiritual practice does not begin when you've gone to many teachers, and you've read many books. It actually begins when you give up everything. That's when real sadhana begins, when you have surrendered everything, when you've emptied yourself of all knowledge, all desires for liberation. When you have become an empty shell, then your spiritual life begins. Until that time you're only playing games with yourself. You and I know so many people who can recite scriptures backwards and frontwards, quotations from everybody on this earth. They're walking encyclopedias. But do they have moksha? Do they have liberation? How can you, when you're so full up with garbage?" For most people to be happy, there has to be a person, place, or thing involved in their happiness. In true happiness, there are no things involved. It's a natural state. You will abide in that state forever. ~Robert Adams

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