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Contents TitlePage Quote What is Intuition All About and Why Should I Care The Main Triggers That Awaken Intuition Life Changes that Help Open Up Your Intuitive Self Three Tools for Building Intuition Practice, Practice, Practice Care and Feeding for Your Intuitive Self Avoid Getting into Trouble with Your Newfound Abilities About the Author For More Information


Easy Steps to Awaken and Develop Your Intuition Carole Conlon ************************* Easy Steps to Awaken and Develop Your Intuition Copyright 2017 by Carole Conlon All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and review. http://www.AyniWritePress.com [email protected]


A y n i (pronounced “I -nee”) is the Qechua Indian term that describes how we relate to our surroundings. This word connotes gratitude, reciprocity and balance with everything in life from the smallest microbe on the planet to the farthest galaxies in the heavens or to God. Ayni is as simple as paying money in exchange for a product or as complex as being in complete synchronicity with the world around you and having the universe respond to your every thought. The Easy Steps to book series is designed to help you restore your ayni.


Chapter One What is Intuition All About and Why Should I Care?

How Using Intuition Can Change Your Life Have you ever been to a psychic, palm reader, card reader or attended a seance? Or do you like to read those predictions about what the new year will bring or how the astrology energy of the stars and planets will influence you this month? Can you always guess who is calling you on the phone without checking caller ID?

As humans we are totally fascinated with taking a peek into the future to pick up a few clues to make life easier or to help win the lottery. We use this information to choose the best decision to make, what to eat, what supplements to take, who to date, etc. To that end we seek out information and the people that offer it. But did you know that everyone is blessed with some level of intuitive or psychic ability? Intuition is generally called a gut feeling or an impression whereas psychic information builds upon your intuition and provides more clarity and insight, usually providing more specific detail. According to The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, intuition is defined as

a non-thought which by-passes the process of thinking and brings through a whole body sensation of “this information is important” (Did you ever get a feeling of ‘deja vu’ or a shiver down your spine?); information that one did not know previously through education or past experiences, did not logically think out or reason with; an “inner” knowing that happens spontaneously, willed or unwilled (that voice in your head that is shouting about danger, or urging you to walk a certain path); comes from the superconscious mind making it “pure” information, unclouded by the subconscious belief system (you just know deep down inside - nobody taught you about it); comes with or without the help of the etheric world intelligences (much like having a headset on and hearing someone whispering in your ear; and yes, it could be dear departed aunt Mary doing the whispering!); the most common type of mental psychism and the most easily developed (intuition needs to be developed, just like exercising a muscle or learning a new dance). The same dictionary defines the word psychic as “to sense, understand, interpret and to use for practical purposes, a force that enters in and emanates out of the body and mind without the use of the five senses.” There are many forms of intuition or psychic ability and very few people have all of them developed. In fact, most people find they have two or three strong ‘talents’. The following list shows you the many varieties of psychic abilities that can occur. Are there any you recognize in yourself or others?

Which Types of Psychic Abilities Do You Recognize? 5

Animal Telepathy - The ability to communicate with (but not command or influence) various kinds of creatures. Astral Projection - The ability to leave one's body and travel as a spirit to another location. Aura Reading - The ability to see the energy fields that emanate from living beings. Automatic Writing - Writing coming through the subconscious mind without conscious thought on your part. Bilocation - Being in two places at the same time. Channeling - This is the ability to act as a channel or vessel for an outside intelligence. Clairaudience - This ability is used to hear what is "inaudible" - even a thousand miles way (includes telepathy). Clairvoyance - is the psychic ability to see visions of that which is hidden or far away. Clairsentience - the psychic has an insight or "knowing" of a hidden or forgotten fact. Feels things physically (a tingling, warm or cold energy, etc.). Divination - A broad term for methods used in an effort to predict the future. Dowsing - Also known as "water witching", dowsing involves the use of a rod, sticks, or a pendulum to locate water or lost objects. See also “Questing”. Empathy - The talent to sense the needs, drives, and emotions of another. E.S.P. - Extra Sensory Perception is the awareness of information about events external to the psychic that are not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience. Intuition - Similar to clairsentience, this is the power of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought or inference. Questing – using a pendulum for diagnosing health issues. Mediumship — communicating with the spirit of a person who has died. Levitation - The ability to cause one's body to hover off the ground. Precognition - Usually this ability refers to knowing general outcomes of specific courses of action, with occasional flashes of detailed insight. Remote Viewing – gathering of information at a distance. Of all these psychic abilities that are listed, the most common are clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), and clairsentience (feeling).



Chapter Two The Main Triggers That Awaken Intuition Intuition describes the ability to acquire knowledge without evidence or the use of reason, although many people see it as a gut feeling based on experience. Some psychologists believe that intuition is actually a mental matching game: that when your brain is exposed to a situation, it does a quick file search and finds the best match of stored memories and knowledge. Then it assigns a meaning to that situation. Scientists now know that the gut itself literally feeds gut feelings - think of butterflies in the stomach when a decision is pending. The gut has millions of nerve cells and, through them, a "mind of its own." The Chinese call this your “abdominal brain”. Still others say intuition comes from the third eye (brow chakra) and its intention to create and this, in combination with the heart chakra’s compassion and resonance to truth, gives us the inner knowledge. Additionally astrologers can show combinations of planets at the time of birth that create enhanced intuitive abilities. There are many types of life experiences that can enhance or jump start intuitive abilities in a person. Among them are: trauma, abuse or terror near death/UFO experiences guided imagery yoga, meditation, imagery close proximity to a strong psychic falling in love/heartbreak cultivating compassion Of these, the first two - trauma/abuse/terror and near death/UFO experiences - are the most common. There are other ways to tap into and enhance your intuitive abilities and these will be covered in the next chapter.


Chapter Three Life Changes That Help Open Up Your Intuitive Self There are three good reasons as to why you should develop your intuition. These include enhanced soul development, expanded soul knowledge and consciousness, and a way to offer increased benefits to the universe. Pretty cool! With just a little effort on your part, you can open yourself up to an interesting, informed new way of living. Mental Preparation to Help Increase Your Intuition Set the intention that you want to develop your intuitive abilities. “Allow” rather than “strive for" or "force". Intention is “I want this …” or “I intend for …” Open your heart, feel love and take a gamble. Clear yourself to get rid of the energetic mental clutter - the day’s business, any worries or fears, judgments and opinions; even your own feelings. This removes confused energies that will interfere with intuition. This is where meditation comes in. Focus on the area or method you’d like to become good at; what attracts you, as you start exploring this subject. Relax and remain positive to keep your frequency high. Learn to listen to and trust the “small voice”, the “headset” inside; begin to act on inner urgings. Keep strength of purpose, let go of results and take full responsibility for your decisions. Do not judge the images you see. Play guessing games about things you don’t care about for practice; keep it fun. Ask for feedback where appropriate. Summon belief and heighten expectation. Personal Habits That Will Enhance Your Intuitive Abilities Relax; clear and still the mind. Meditation is good to quiet your mind and to change your energy to become more receptive to incoming messages. Practice and meditate in the same place, posture, circumstance.


Experiment with different times of the day to discover when you are at your intuitive best. Enhance reception through dreams, different types of media (music, films, etc.), other people, nature events, and art. These trigger and activate deeper thoughts. Create and work in a sacred space. Avoid sugar, drugs, and alcohol which lower your frequency, making you less receptive. Use visualization relaxation techniques. Guided visualization alters the consciousness, drops us into a receptive state for subtle signals, shifts brain waves, and amplifies the energy field. Also, through visualization, we can receive many encoded messages by way of symbols and metaphors. (There are many tapes available for guided visualization or you can make your own.) How Do You Know When You Are “Getting It”? Practice, meditation and experimentation are the key. Remember the positive experiences you have with intuition by keeping a journal of positive “hits”. As your success rates increase beyond coincidence, belief in your own ability increases. You know ‘you are getting it’ when you begin to experience one or more body sensations such as tingling in the head, shivers, coughing, sweating, warmth around the heart, pressure at the back of the head, hearing your own voice in your head, the hair stands up on your arms, you feel pulled in one direction, or have a picture flash before your eyes. Every person has a unique signal so observe closely to discover yours. As you begin to flow with intuitive hits, you will have a clear knowing without being able to explain how you know. The knowledge is gained without logical or rational thought. You can also start getting symbolic pictures, metaphors, and spontaneous messages on your “headset”. Suddenly there is a key or light bulb that unlocks deeper thoughts.

What Blocks Intuition? If you don’t feel like you are getting positive intuitive hits, you might be blocking them. Your personal ego or will can set up a barrier to the flow of information. The ego is like an inner child, obsessed with staying protected, so it often won’t let you hear intuitive warnings and suggestions - or it talks you out of believing them. Intuition can also be blocked by free will. You can chose, either consciously or 10

unconsciously, to do what you want, regardless of the warnings in your head.


Chapter Four Three Major Tools for Building Intuition This chapter introduces three major tools that many intuitives use - muscle testing, card readings and pendulum dowsing. These methods can help a person explore his or her intuitive knowing or psychic skills by offering a means to visualize what the “abdominal brain” is trying to convey.

Tool #1 Muscle Testing Muscle testing (kinesiology) is a system in which you can communicate directly with the body for “yes” and “no” answers. Muscle testing bypasses the conscious mind and accesses both the intuitive and energetic systems producing a signal. The accepted belief is that an idea with a positive association or “yes” strengthens the muscles, while a negative association or “no” weakens them. Any type of stress mental, nutritional, emotional, electromagnetic, etc.- can impair the body’s energy system. There are over fifty different healing systems world-wide employing some form of muscle testing. Some alternative health practitioners use Applied Kinesiology (AK), a technique used to diagnose illness or choose a treatment method by testing muscles for strength and weakness. The BodyTalk System is another therapy using muscle testing. Kinesiology draws on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and can evaluate body function through the muscle/meridian relationship. It can also establish connections between imbalances, put them in order of priority and help determine the most effective treatment. The practice of muscle testing applies a wide range of gentle yet powerful techniques to restore balance, and create and sustain health, well-being and more effective function. It can also be used with other healing modalities. Note that making a diagnosis using muscle testing should always be combined with presenting symptoms, health knowledge base and other types of testing. Obviously it is not a replacement for conventional medical diagnostics but can be used for personal screening. On a personal level, muscle testing is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get a “yes” or “no” answer to a question about what foods to buy, type and amount of supplements to take, persons to date, which route to take, what apartment to rent, etc. Each method takes a little practice but you will find one or two that work well for you. Once you find a favorite testing method, start using it! First Steps in Muscle Testing Look through the various methods below and try to establish “yes” and “no” answers. For a good “yes” question, you can ask “Is my first name ___?” “Is my dad’s name ___?” For an easy “no” question, ask “Is my name Roger Rabbit?”, or try 12

holding some refined cane sugar (table sugar) to your chest and ask whether your body likes it or not. If your body signals a “yes” with the method you are using, it likes/is strengthened by the sugar. One word of warning, though: before you test, think/intend to connect to your high self for the answer. The high self acts like your soul nanny, filtering and delivering to you information for your highest and best good from the rest. If you receive information from your human self, guess what? Yes, the self loves sugar and your body might react that way, even though it is actually unhealthy. Muscle Testing Methods The “American Indian Way” of Testing Using Your Body 1. Stand and hold a product or a written question on a piece of paper to your chest while you mentally keep the intention that your body will tell you if the product or question is good for you. 2. If your body rocks slightly forward, your body is vibrating “yes” (you need or like the product). 3. If you fall or rock backwards, you are getting a “no” (the product weakens you). Four Methods for Muscle Testing using your Fingers FINGER LOOP: 1. Press forefinger (or middle finger) and thumb of your non-dominant hand together making an interlocking ring to create a link.


Loop your dominant hand forefinger (or middle finger) and thumb through like a chain link fence. 3. Using firm - but not excessive - pressure, try to pull the dominant hand “link” out through the weakest point (where the finger and thumb meet) of the nondominant “link”. Take it easy as this is not a strength test! 4. Establish a baseline first to gauge the amount of strength it takes to break open the dominant hand “finger link”. 5. Now imagine a person, activity or thing you want to test and repeat the finger pull. For practice, first try something you like. Then try something that has caused you harm, like poison ivy. It should take less force to pull the links apart with the harmful item since it weakens your body and muscles. 13

Note that the more sensitive you get, the less strength you will need to exert to have your fingers separate for a "no" answer. Also be aware that as your fingers get tired from the testing, this test is less accurate. THUMB NAIL METHOD: Quickly slide your index finger pad across your thumb nail. If what you are testing is true, the finger pad slides easily across the thumbnail. When an answer is false, movement stops abruptly in the middle of the nail.

SIMPLE FINGER PRESS: 1. Rest the palm of one hand on a table or desktop, and firmly press the fingers and thumb down. 2. Focus on something or someone you love and try to lift one finger or the thumb. If it stays put, it indicates strength and a “yes”. 3. Next focus on something or someone negative, and try to lift the finger or thumb again. If it lifts easily, this indicates weakness and a “no”. (Be sure you use the same amount of pressure each time you perform the lift). JUMPING FINGERS: Relax your hand with your fingertips lightly touching the tabletop and ask your "yes-no" questions. When what you are testing is true, your index finger will lift off the table. If the answer is false or a “no”, the little finger jumps. And yes, this take practice and you may find that different fingers signal for you. MUSCLE TESTING EXERCISE: Choose one of the above muscle testing methods that you like and establish a “yes” and “no” response for yourself. Then practice using questions you already know the answers to. Once your responses are accurate and clear, start asking other questions where the answers are unknown. **********************


Tool #2 Card Readings

For performing intuitive readings, there are many, many special card decks available to choose from including a multitude of Tarot decks, Hawaiian, Egyptian, Fairy and Angel cards, Medicine and Animal cards, or even a regular card deck. Take a look at what is available in the metaphysical and new age bookstores and choose a deck that you resonate with. Most decks come with a book that explains what each card or symbol means. First Steps in Card Reading To perform a typical card reading, the deck is shuffled by the reader, then possibly cut by the “client”. Then the reader lays them face down in one of a variety of patterns called "spreads". Generally, each position in a spread is assigned a number, and the cards are placed in that order and then, after all have been laid out, turned over in that same sequence for interpretation. The reader takes the symbolic meaning of each card as well as its position in the spread and tells the story they see from these relationships. The card position might include the subject's thoughts and desires (known or unknown), or past, present, and future events. Sometimes, rather than being dealt randomly, the initial card in a spread is chosen intentionally to represent the question being asked. This card is called the significator. Simple Card Exercise to Solve a Problem 1. Focus on your problem. 2. Without looking at it, draw a card and place it face down in front of you. 3. Focus on the card and see what energy you can pick up from that blank side (color, temperature, sound, etc.). Record what you sense. 4. Next, turn the card over and look at the picture and feel how it relates to your problem. 5. Put all the information together into a reading to solve your problem. Working with Card Spreads 15

Choose one or more of the card spreads that follow and see what solution or understanding the reading shows you to help handle your problem or question. 1. Choose a spread. 2. Shuffle the cards. 3. Lay out the cards face down in the order indicated by the spread. 4. When the spread positions are filled, flip each card in order and interpret its meaning in that position. 5. Finally, determine an overview of the reading by looking at all the overturned cards in the spread and see how each position interacts with the others. Note: if you are stumped at any time during a reading, you can draw more cards for additional information to help clarify an answer. Some Common Card Spreads ONE-CARD SPREAD


Meanings of the Card Positions for the Celtic Cross: 1. Central card of the cross is the significator (the question being asked). 2. Conditions surrounding the question, an obstacle to be faced, or an aspect of the question not yet considered. 3. What the person hopes for in relation to the question being asked. 4. What the subject has already experienced in relation to the whole spread. 5. What was in the past. 6. Future influences. 7. The attitude of the question being asked. 8. How family or friends will influence the question. 9. Hopes and fears in relation to the question, 10. The Culmination Card that shows the end result of all of the previous nine cards.


Meanings of Card Positions for the Horseshoe Spread: 1. The past. 2. Present prevailing issues. 3. Hopes and fears. 4. Obstacles and problems. 5. Surrounding energies that are affecting the issue. 6. Future events and fresh influences. 7. The outcome. Reversed Cards Some people and some decks of cards consider reversed (upside down) cards to have different meanings - either the opposite of its upright meaning or as an undeveloped trait of the upright version. The Medicine Cards are like this. Others point out that card reversal is dependent on the order of the cards before shuffling, so being reversed is of little bearing to the scope of a reading. You can experiment and make your own choice as to which belief to follow. Caring for Your Cards When not in use, keep your divination cards in a closed box or bag until you are ready to use them again in order to shut down any active energetic connection with the universe. This chapter introduces three major tools that many intuitives use - muscle testing, card readings and pendulum dowsing. These methods can help a person explore their intuitive knowing or psychic skills by offering a means to visualize what the “abdominal brain” is trying to say. **********************

Tool #3 Pendulum Testing 18

How pendulum dowsing works is explained by the term “radiesthesia”, literally “feeling of the rays.” Even mentioned in the bible, radiesthesia was believed to help a person become sensitive to a type of radiation given off by all living things, as well as to interpret universal knowledge. To work, a dowser first sets an intention or asks a question. The pendulum he or she holds amplifies answers by sending a visual signal called the “ideomotor response, that the conscious mind can interpret.” This response is caused by micro-movements of the muscles and happens very quickly. With an experienced practitioner, the pendulum will often show a response before the entire question is even voiced. The accuracy as well as completeness of any answers depends on the dowser’s skills. This chapter will show you how to begin gaining those skills. The Dowsing Tool A pendulum is made of string, thread or chain with a weighted object (the “bob”) attached to one end. The simplest pendulum to make is to tie a nail or paper clip to a string. The best materials for making the pendulum bob have a neutral energy like wood or acrylic, while crystals each have their own energy properties that can add to the testing “mix”. Crystals also pick up and retain energy as you work with them so they should be cleared on a regular basis. How often a pendulum needs clearing depends on what it is made of, how much you use it, and the purpose for which it is used. Care of your pendulum is discussed at the end of this chapter.

Which Hand to Use for Dowsing? Most books suggest using your dominant hand to hold the pendulum but either will work. However, once you start dowsing, always use the same hand. If you try testing with your other hand, the spin directions of your “yes” and “no” answers will be reversed (which is normal). Choose one hand and be consistent. Just a note: at one lecture I heard a dowser state that left-handed dowsing is “from the devil”. NO! It is because there are left-handers using a pendulum. Establishing “Yes” and “No” Responses


The simplest use of a pendulum is to test “yes” and “no” answers. There are several ways to establish these responses including the following method: 1. Hold your pendulum in front of you and, to overcome inertia, gently start a soft swing moving out away from and back towards your body. This “neutral swing” is always a good starting point to work from. 2. Next ask your pendulum a question where you know the answer is a strong “yes” (e.g., “Is my name ______?”). The pendulum should respond by changing the direction of its swing from neutral to either the left or right. Note which direction the pendulum moves because this becomes your “yes” response. The response might also be a clockwise or counterclockwise circular swing. 3. Return the pendulum to a neutral swing in front of you. 4. Next ask a question that is a strong “no”, like “Is my name Daffy Duck?” This becomes your “no” answer. The pendulum should move in the direction opposite from the “yes” response. The negative response might also be a circular swing. Note that you might need to repeat steps #2-4 many times as you learn to relax and awaken the muscles involved that allow the pendulum to respond. Remember to stay as relaxed as possible, to hold the pendulum loosely, and to keep the elbow of your dowsing arm supported at a soft angle. If you are unable to get your pendulum to respond at all, there may be past life blockages needing cleared that may be preventing you from using this tool. Keep practicing or find someone to help clear the blockages. Alternately, work with muscle testing or another method to obtain answers. 5. Once your yes and no responses are consistent, continue to practice asking questions where the answers are not critical (like a health question might be) in order to continue gaining confidence with your new ability. It also helps greatly to avoid “doubting Thomas” relatives or friends until you have practiced longer and feel more confident. To make practice more fun, take your pendulum to the supermarket and try picking out produce by dowsing. Believe me, all potatoes are not created equal! Ask “Is this potato fresh?” and “Am I completely compatible with this potato?” Working with Charts When you are comfortable dowsing “yes-no” questions, you can begin to work with simple charts, like the 0 to 10 number chart below. If using the chart below for testing percentages, the number 4 becomes 40%; the number 10 becomes 100%, and so on. You can use this chart to ask “What percent is this potato fresh?” “What percent am I compatible with this potato?”


On the chart above, the heavy vertical line is called the neutral line. Begin working with the chart by placing your pendulum into a gentle swing along that line to overcome inertia. Next, ask your question and see what answer the pendulum indicates. Note that when you dowse using a chart, your pendulum should select answers from the chart. For example, if you work with the above chart that has the "yes" answer on the left, your pendulum should go to the left if an answer is true. This is even though, without a chart, your pendulum moves clockwise/to the right to indicate a yes answer. As you practice with this chart, keep your questions simple and clear, and avoid asking about serious conditions. You the dowser must remain in neutral energy in order to get correct answers. Continue to practice with the simple chart until answers come easily and you begin to build confidence. Eventually you can move on to more complex charts. Before You Begin Dowsing in Earnest There is one more important step to take before you begin working consistently with your pendulum, and that step is knowing where the answers are coming from. Answers should be from Source/God and coming through your ‘high self/soul committee’, which acts like a ‘soul nanny’, filtering out any information that is not for your highest and best good. On the next page is a simple chart you can dowse to find where your information is coming from. As you dowse this chart, be sure to allow for the possibility of more than one answer. Ask “Who is giving me this answer?” Once you get it, ask “Anyone else?” If you are getting good information, the first answer should be “Source and high self” and the pendulum should remain on the neutral line to the “Anyone else?” question. To see the difference in dowsing without connecting to your high self and source, pick up your pendulum and ask “Is chocolate (or some special treat) good for me?” Now align yourself with God and your high self committee and ask “Is chocolate good for me?” Most people will test that chocolate (or another favorite treat) is good to the self only but when they align and have that “highest and best good” filter in place; then the treat isn’t quite as strong a yes answer.


The ‘others’ option can indicate answers coming from angels, other person’s, thought forms, etc. And are not to be trusted. Clearing Your Pendulum It is important to clear or clean a new pendulum or one that has been used for a while as it will hold onto energy that can affect the quality of answers. Choose one of the following methods: Place it overnight on a piece of selenite (shown below). Selenite, often called “frozen White Light”, absorbs negativity. (I prefer this method.)

Use a gentle scrubbing of soap and water to help clear out old energy and then use a prayer to reprogram the pendulum to work with you for the purpose you want. Bury your pendulum either in dirt or sea salt for a few days to absorb the energy. Place it in running water like a fast-flowing stream for two days. Caring for Your Pendulum It is a good idea to keep your pendulum in a small bag or carrying case when not in use in order to protect the pendulum from scratches, or from getting caught on clothing or the insides of purses. More importantly, the protective cover also acts to energetically close the pendulum down until you are ready to use it again. 22

A Word of Advice Not everyone connects successfully with dowsing as a tool for accessing their intuition. Try it and see how you do and, if unsuccessful, try muscle testing or card reading instead. You can also work with someone to clear the interference from past life programs. Sometimes one’s guardian angels will block you from using this method to keep you safe because it led to problems in other times.


Chapter Five Practice, Practice, Practice What follows in this chapter are several exercises that will help you tap into your intuition and help you discover where your strengths lie. Are you better at feeling, seeing, or hearing? Everyone has all these abilities but usually are much better at one than another. This process of awakening is like strengthening a set of muscles - the more you practice, the more your intuition opens up. Note that in the beginning, pretending and allowing yourself to make up answers, are two important skills to work on in order to gain confidence in your intuitive abilities. Allow yourself to take chances and make wild guesses. Suspend disbelief. All the while use a journal to keep track so you can observe your “wins”- when you get the right answers - and begin to build confidence in your abilities and answers. Remember that intuition is really just information gathering. Don't try to figure everything out. Do any of the following practice exercises that interest you, writing down your results in your journal. EXERCISE ONE: Awakening Your Intuitive Mind 1. Using a deck of regular playing cards, shuffle them and place the stack of them face down in front of you. Now touch the first card and quickly decide if it is red or black. Don't try to rationalize which color it might be, just touch and decide. 2. Turn the card over each time so you can see if you were right or wrong. Go through the whole deck, then count how many you did that were correct. Once you are correct 75% of the time on the color, also try to guess the suit along with the color. The average person who does not try to use intuition will get 50% or less. As you practice more you should get a higher percentage of correct answers. You also will start to become very familiar with your intuitive voice, a small voice you hear inside your head. EXERCISE TWO: Do a Reading 1. Sit down at a table with three blank index cards. 2. Think about a decision you need to make and write down three solutions for it, one on each card. 3. Turn the cards blank-side-up, mix them and place them face-down on a table. 4. Run your hands over the cards and notice the feeling of each card (temperature, color, emotion, intensity, etc.). 5. Assign a percentage to each card based on how powerfully you are drawn to it. 6. Turn the cards over and apply the answer from the card with the having the 24

highest percentage to your problem. EXERCISE THREE: Sensing Colors 1. Take a brown paper bag filled with identical objects of different colors like marbles, Lego's, scarves, etc. 2. Without looking, reach in and feel the object and “see” what color it is. 3. Pull the object out of the bag and check to see how you did. 4. Write down your answers. EXERCISE FOUR: Colors and Clothes 1. Take a look at what you are wearing right now. What are your clothes telling you? Are you listless and tired and do your clothes and colors reflect that (e.g., wearing dark blue, black, or gray; wearing big, sloppy clothes)? Ask yourself what color you could put on to change your energy to something different (e.g., red, orange or hot pink for more energy)? What is your intuition telling you about how you look and feel with the new color choices? 2. If there is someone close by, look at what they are wearing and ask your intuitive self for some feedback on what you see. 3. Think of a question that you want to ask. For example: “Will it rain in my city before the next snowfall?” Pretend that the color of the blouse/shirt you are wearing is the answer to the question OR pick any other object you want to use. Describe the color, any memories you may have associated with it, what the color means to you in this moment and how your perception of the color has changed during this exercise. Do you feel the color would mean a “yes” or a “no” to you right now? EXERCISE FIVE: Sensing and Predicting 1. Write down three predictions for the next day. Begin with your eyes closed. Breathe deeply, be sure you're comfortable and feet are firmly planted on the floor. 2. After a few deep breaths, project yourself into the next day. See yourself following through on your plans for tomorrow. Now look around you. Notice any colors or sensations? Who is with you? What are they wearing? What are they doing? What are you doing? If nothing seems to come, then listen. Are there any words? Do any song lines start running through your head? How does your body feel? Do you smell anything? What subtle changes do you notice? Is your mood changing? Note everything you sense. 3. Write your 'prediction' based on the information you received. 4. At the end of the next day, look at your predictions and record how accurate you were. EXERCISE SIX: Feeling Energy 25

When doing intuitive work, it is helpful to be able to literally feel or sense your own and others' energy. Using your hands is one of the most reliable ways to get a good “reading”. Try this exercise on yourself and others: 1. While standing, pass your hand (palm towards the body) from the top of your head to your pelvic area. 2. Note any areas that feel different. The most common feelings will be those of excessive heat or cold, tingling, or a kind of "dense" feeling as if passing through thicker air. 3. Note the locations of these different energy patterns. A cold feeling or sense of lightness often indicates a deficiency of energy to the area. Heat or a feeling of density/thickness usually indicates excess energy due to some type of blockage. A blockage can be caused by mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual situations which are manifesting themselves in that particular body area. EXERCISE SEVEN: Scanning your Environment (like radar)

1. 2.

Sit or stand in the middle of a room and take a couple deep breaths to relax. Look at the wall in front of you. Let your eyes slowly begin to sweep around the room at eye level height, looking at every object on the walls. Next send your gaze moving over the tabletops and finally along the floor level. 3. Note any place your eyes do a double take on an object, picture, etc., as it means you are not totally compatible with that object. You might do a double take on a pile of papers waiting to be filed, a basket of laundry waiting to be folded, your TV or computer, or even an ugly picture that was a gift from your great aunt. 4. Remove whatever caused you to do a double take, and then repeat the exercise. It should now be a smooth scan all the way around without any 'blips'. Now you are in total harmony with the room and its contents. EXERCISE EIGHT: Scanning Another Person 1. Two people - preferably two who haven't met before - stand or sit about 4 - 6 feet apart facing each other. 2. Each person then closes his or her eyes, takes a moment to breathe, relax and ground, then visualizes the other person as a ball of light or pure energy. 3. Each looks into that ball of light in order to scan the person opposite from top to bottom, inside to outside, noticing any words, images, colors, thoughts, or sensations in their own body or anything at all that comes up while they're scanning. 26


After a few moments, both persons come back into reality and tell each other what they saw and felt.

Online Intuition and Psychic Practice Tests You can also research the various types of psychic or intuitive abilities you have by using free tests found on the internet that test your proficiency and offer practice. Remember that the more you practice, the better you should get. http://intuitiontest.com/intuitiontest.html http://www.intuitiontests.com/people-watching-test http://intuitiontest.com/psychictest.html


Chapter Six Care and Feeding for Your Intuitive Self As you practice your intuition and psychic skills, you will have a need to keep yourself grounded, with feet firmly planted on the ground as your mind reaches out. Your brain and body will also experience some changes that need to be addressed in order to keep yourself healthy. What follows are several different practices that can help you take care of yourself as your intuitive abilities grow as well as some other things to be aware of: Sitting Meditation This is any state where you can relax your mind which, in turn, allows the mind to open up without active thoughts controlling what comes. As you become more intuitive, you will learn to trust the images that pop into your head during meditation. An easy sitting meditation format follows: 1. Get comfortable in a sitting position on the floor or in a chair. (No need to sit like a pretzel.)


Next center yourself by watching your breath move in and out for at least ten breaths. 3. Call in your spirit guides and helpers. 4. Set up an intention for the meditation — like a question you need answered. 5. Take 15-20 minutes and just sit peacefully and listen for answers from your guides. 6. Give gratitude when the meditation is complete. Moving Meditation Moving meditation includes dance, exercise, walking, Tai Chi Chuan, martial arts, etc. All these methods especially help to keep your lower chakras balanced and you anchored into your body. Movement helps to counteract a tendency to always be "in your head" with psychic/intuitive work and thus keeps you grounded.


Hand Crafts Working with your hands doing beading, knitting or crocheting, wood working, etc. helps you gain more control over the emotional side effects of pursuing intuition and psychic development and, consequently, gaining better control over your abilities. Some Things to Watch Out For Avoid Taking on Other Peoples’ Stuff A typical side effect to increasing your intuitive abilities, is that you will begin feeling and reacting to others’ emotions or pain. It becomes important to learn to discern what is yours and what belongs to others. 1. When you feel an emotion, step back and ask if it has a direct connection to you; does it make any sense? If not, set it aside. 2. Step into an imaginary isolation booth, close that door, take a couple deep breaths and then reevaluate the strength of the emotion: is it weaker or has it completely disappeared? Is it just as strong? 3. Now step out of the protection of the booth, take a couple deep breaths, then re-evaluate how you feel. If the emotion is stronger outside than inside the booth, it belongs to someone around you. Accept that and let it pass through you rather than becoming worried about it. The same exercise can also be used to test whether physical pain (like a headache) is yours or belongs to a person near you. Increased Food Sensitivity


Be aware that the more you open up intuitively, the more sensitive you become to foods as well as to the people, places and things around you. Foods you used to eat may now create some digestive problems, cause rashes or initiate some other form of discomfort. Use one of the new techniques you have learned to check “yes” and “no” for compatibility before you eat. Better yet, test what percentage you are compatible by using a chart or asking “Am I more than 50% compatible?” or “Am I 90% compatible?”, etc., until you zero on how compatible you actually are (or are not) with the food. Spiritual Protection and Safety Issues As you develop your intuition and start helping yourself and others, you can easily start connecting to the spirit world. This can be a safe experience if you take a few precautions. Before you start doing an intuitive session, organize whatever type of protection (like a White Light barrier or angels) you prefer in order to feel safe and comfortable. At the same time, if you are coming from a place of fear, realize that the protection you put up can give more power and strength to whatever you are afraid of, so easy does it! Protection Methods Check out the following list of protections that you can create with your thoughts and select one or two favorites to use as you continue to develop your intuition and psychic abilities: Laughter is the strongest protection. It dis-empowers a spiritual “opponent”, thoroughly weakening them. Remember the “Riddikulus Spell” used by Harry Potter to transform the boggart into something comical (and no longer fearful)? Use your mind to put up a protective grid around you with the intention that nothing comes through without an invitation. Call for assistance from Jesus or Archangel Michael, the holder of the flaming sword of protection. Place a spinning column of White Light around you. This pulls ‘stuff’ off you and sends it down into the earth and at the same time deflects thought forms or anything else trying to get in. Bring in the Violet Flame of Transformation which transmutes negative energy into light. 30

Avoid Open-Ended Methods and Toys Avoid playing with certain toys such as a Quija board, or even using a pendulum with an alphabet chart to obtain answers. These methods are “open-ended” and tend to invite in any type of entity - usually low vibrating ones - to give answers making the quality of the information extremely doubtful.


Chapter Seven Avoid Getting Into Trouble with your Newfound Abilities Once you have harnessed your intuitive abilities you can easily access answers to many different questions. After reaching this stage, it is important to be ethical about who and what you want information about. When using a pendulum, a dowser always should begin with “May I? Can I? Should I?” to clear the way before he or she starts working. This statement obtains permission to work on a ‘client’, makes sure you are able to get correct answers, then clarifies whether or not the information should be asked about. Here are a number of important things to keep in mind so that practice ethically: 1. If you want to intuitively check out another person, be sure to ask permission from them (either verbally or mentally through his or her High Self/Soul Committee). 2. Keep all information that you receive confidential. Don’t ever use the information for the wrong reasons. 3. Know what to share with your ‘client’ as it is not always good to pass on what you get. If something “bad” comes up, can the information be presented with a positive spin to lessen the impact? 4. Don’t try to “fix” a client. Do what you do and wish them well! From that point on it is up to “free will” on his or her part to make decisions and changes. See this as keeping on your side of a 50% line and never crossing over into their turf in order to help them (thus making you a martyr or savior). 5. Don’t offer information not asked for - like walking up to a person and telling what you’ve found out. This is your ego wanting recognition. 6. Do nothing that dis-empowers, disables, or manipulates others. 7. Don’t cultivate dependency, or feed your appetite for power money, love or friendship! 8. Always know when to stop and play! Now that you have had an introduction to the world of intuition, enjoy your newly recognized intuitive abilities, keep practicing and experimenting, and see how they make a difference in your life. Once you find your favorite methods, read more advanced books to further your knowledge. And by all means, as you continue honing your intuitive and psychic skills, always keep it fun!


About the Author

Carole Conlon grew up in Ohio but couldn't stay put. A love of travel led her to many parts of the United States and the world - sometimes visiting, sometimes living until she finally decided to call New Mexico her home. Carole has been many things: student, waitress, 'kellnerin' (bar maid) in Germany, graphic artist, medical technologist, belly dancer, licensed acupuncturist, teacher, energy worker, editor and now writer. Actually always writing. Writing and art have always held a special place in her life. And Carole also likes dragons! Check out Carole’s author page on Amazon!


For More Information There are many other books and tools to help you develop more confidence in your newly found intuitive abilities. These tools include stones, cards and crystals, etc. Keep exploring the methods that interest you. For more information on advanced dowsing work, be sure to check out the LifeWeaving clearing method developed by Carole at AyniLifeWeaving.com. Also check out Carole’s other books at AyniWritePress.com or on Amazon.com. And watch for more Easy Steps To … books to help restore your Ayni!

Great ayni!, Carole


Table of Contents Contents TitlePage Quote What is Intuition All About and Why Should I Care The Main Triggers That Awaken Intuition Life Changes that Help Open Up Your Intuitive Self Three Tools for Building Intuition Practice, Practice, Practice Care and Feeding for Your Intuitive Self Avoid Getting into Trouble with Your Newfound Abilities About the Author For More Information


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