Autumn 08 Letter 09

  • November 2019
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The N ew sletter of E dw ard Peake C of E M iddle School Autumn Term 2008: Newsletter Number 9 BIG WEEK FOR EDWARD PEAKE Chris Garraway writes: While I have not kept a secret of the fact that I have decided to retire at Easter, I am aware that many people do not know. This week on Friday, however, my successor is due to be appointed, and, as some children will be involved in the process, it seems right to make sure that parents and pupils know what is happening. I have been at Edward Peake for 24 years this Christmas, the last three as headteacher. In recent years we have seen both the reputation of the school in the community and its measurable successes increase significantly. I therefore feel, as I collect my bus pass, that it is time for me to hand the school on to a headteacher who will have the energy and vision to build on the school’s achievements.

Mid-day Supervisors The school is seeking to increase the number of mid-day supervisors we employ. If you can spare 70 minutes a day and would like to join our team, do contact the school for details and an application form.

MURDER SUSPECT ACQUITTED IN SENSATIONAL TRIAL! All those following the events of the last three days at Edward Peake, after the murder of Mr Body on Tuesday evening, were shocked when the jury brought forward a verdict of not guilty on his son, Spencer Body, who later made a dramatic courtroom confession of his crime!

 Detectives at work The scene of the crime

Students in year 7 who spent three days investigating the crime nonetheless expressed satisfaction with the time they spent working as detectives gathering and evaluating evidence. New Website Launches For those who don’t know, these were the first of our Back copiesLearning of Newsletters available theinsite special ‘Personal and Thinking Skills’on days which year 7, beginning their new KS3 learning, were off normal timetable. I would like to thank the team of staff (Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Tyler, Mrs Rider, Miss Bryant, Mrs Atkins and many others) who devised and led the three days and who put a huge amount of work into ensuring its success. We were also fortunate to be joined by barrister Jessica Hart who guided the students through the court processes at the final murder trial and by PC Wilson who gave up his free time to help the children’s investigations.

 The accused The dramatic Can I bring an issue to the attention of parents and ask for help on a delicate matter? We are experiencing problems from local dog walkers who let their dogs off the lead while using the footpaths beside our field. As a result, our sports pitches regularly have dog mess on them. Obviously, this is only discovered when children ‘find it’ while playing. Can I ask our local families to help us raise this issue with dog owners so that the community becomes more ‘pooperscooper’ conscious?


Well done, all those detectives who were correct in their identification of Spencer as the murderer.

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