Automation Scenario - Comelec - December 2009

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  • Words: 1,950
  • Pages: 53

Automated Election System A system using appropriate technology which has been demonstrated in the voting, counting, consolidating, canvassing, and transmission of election results, and other electoral processes Its purpose is to ensure the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot and all election, consolidation and transmission documents in order that the process shall be transparent and credible and that the results shall be fast, accurate and reflective of the genuine will of the people - RA No. 9369 -

Relevant Laws  Rep. Act No. 8436 approved December 22, 1997 (December) Republic Act 8436 authorizes use of an Automated Election System beginning with the 1998 elections

 Rep. Act No. 9369 approved January 23, 2007 RA 9369 amended RA 8436 by providing for systems requirements that are neutral – paper based or non paper-based technology - appropriate and practical for the process of voting, counting of votes and canvassing/ consolidation and transmittal of results of electoral exercises.

 Rep. Act No. 9525 approved on March 23, 2009 An Act appropriating the sum of P11,301,790,000.00 as supplemental appropriations for an Automated Election System and Other Purposes

• Estimated 47,000,000 registered voters • 44,009,069 registered voters - as of April 20, 2009 ERB Hearing


• •

58,327 registration records cancelled by reason of death 1,246,272 registration records deactivated

• Last ERB Hearing on November 16, 2009

• • • • • • •

80 Provinces 1,631 cities and municipalities 320,415 Established Precincts (estimate) 80,136 Clustered Precincts (estimate) 37,884 Polling Centers (estimate) 82,200 PCOS Machines 80,136 PCOS Machines for distribution to clustered precincts

board of election inspectors

• One (1) BEI for every clustered precinct • Three regular members – Chairman – Delivers ballot to voter

– Poll Clerk – Third Member

• Support Staff – Depends on number of precincts clustered – To assist Poll Clerk and Third Member in managing – List of Voters with Voting Records – Book of Voters

board of election inspectors

No. of Precincts Clustered

No. of Support Staff

Total no. of personnel (BEI + Support Staff)

0 2 3 4 5

none none 1 2 3

3 3 4 5 6

testing & sealing procedures

• Public shall accomplish test ballots • Ballots shall be manually counted and election returns accomplished • Same set of ballots that was manually counted shall be fed into the counting machine • Manual count shall be compared with the print-out of the election returns • If public is satisfied that the manual count is the same as the automated count, the print-out and manually prepared election returns shall be signed-off by the witnesses • Machines shall be sealed without any connection to transmission links • Public shall be allowed to secure the polling places where the counting machines are installed • The only time that the counting machines shall be opened is on election day in the presence of watchers

Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) System  Similar to the OMR technology used in the five provinces of the ARMM during the August 2008 ARMM elections.  A paper- based technology. It uses a paper ballot where the names of the candidates to be voted are pre- printed in the ballot.  After voting, ballots will be fed in an automated counting machine (ACM).  It has a 99.99999% accuracy rate.

PCOS or AUTOMATED COUNTING MACHINE (ACM)  Counting of votes will be done in the precinct, one PCOS or Automated Counting Machine (ACM) for every clustered precinct  Scans ballot, both sides of the paper ballot can be read in a single pass  Takes and stores a digital image of every ballot cast  Automatically rejects fake, photocopied, invalid and previously scanned ballots  Runs on a main power source of 220V AC, has a back-up battery that will allow machine to run for 12 hours

pcos (precinct count optical scan)

counting machine

ballot box

pcos (precinct count optical scan)

… and get dropped into the ballot box thru this chute …

Ballots go in here …

SAMPLE BALLOT BOX  Transparent, clear plastic  Will be subject to bidding by COMELEC

Ballot box has two compartments, one for valid ballots and the other for spoiled or invalid ballots

pcos (precinct count optical scan)

… and there they are. :)

Paper Ballot Used in Manual Elections

 Voters write the names

of the candidates in the ballot.  Around 30 to 35 names to be written on the ballot

Official Ballot  Ballot is scanned both sides simultaneously  Design of paper ballot supports bar coding, invisible ink, security paper, watermarks to guarantee ballot authenticity  Ballots once scanned cannot be scanned again  Ballots can be fed in any orientation  Over-voting in one position will not invalidate the whole ballot  Under-voting in one position will be considered as a valid vote.

New Procedures in Voting 1) Voting hours is from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. 2) Maximum of 1,000 voters per clustered precinct. 3) One PCOS machine per clustered precinct. 4) Names of candidates are pre-printed in the ballot. 5) Voters will shade ovals opposite names of chosen candidates. 6) Voters will personally insert/feed the ballots in the ACM.

• Before voting starts


– Show that ballot box is empty • Transparent plastic

– Turn on and initialize PCOS – Print “Zero Report” • To show that there is no entry/vote in machine’s memory

Paraan ng Pagboto


Magpakilala sa Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) sa presinto kung saan kayo nakarehistro. Matapos mapatunayan ang inyong pagkakakilanlan, bibigyan kayo ng balota na may mga pangalan na ng mga kandidato.

establishing identity of voter


establishing identity of voter

establishing identity of voter

• If identity cannot be established through photograph – Compare signatures • Use Book of Voters – Contains applications for registration » Includes specimen signature of voter

– Other methods to challenge identity

Paraan ng Pagboto


Gamit ang permanent marker, itiman o i-shade ng buo ang bilog na nasa tabi ng pangalan ng inyong mga napiling kandidato.

Official Ballots

• Ovals opposite names of candidate

• Shade oval opposite name of chosen candidate

Tamang Paraan ng Pag-shade sa balota.

   



Paraan ng Paraan Pagboto ng Pagboto


Pagkatapos bumoto i-feed ang nasagutang balota sa Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) Machine. Ang balota ay didiretso sa transparent ballot box.

• At close of polls


– Perform close function • To prevent additional ballots from being inserted

– After close function, PCOS automatically • Starts counting process • Prints election returns after completion of automated count – Eight (8) copies

• Insert transmission cable – After printing first eight (8) copies of ER


• To eliminate doubts that the PCOS can be manipulated remotely

• Perform electronic transmission function • Print additional twenty-two (22) copies of ER – Automatically performed by PCOS after completion of transmission

canvassing/consolid ation

• Electronically transmitted results – Used as basis for canvassing/consolidation and proclamation of winning candidates for • • • •

City/municipal officials Provincial officials Members, House of Representatives Senators and Party-list

– Congress will also receive electronically transmitted results • Constitution authorized the Congress to promulgate rules for canvassing of results for President and Vice-President


Copies of ER

In National Positions

In Local Positions city/municipal BOC

First copy

city/municipal BOC

Second copy

Congress, directed to the COMELEC President of the Senate

Third copy


Fourth copy Fifth copy

citizens arm who will citizens arm who will conduct an unofficial countconduct an unofficial count


Seventh copy

dominant majority party dominant minority party ballot box

dominant majority party dominant minority party ballot box

Eight copy


Posted on a wall in the polling place or counting center

Sixth copy


Copies of ER Ninth to Eighteenth copies Nineteenth and Twentieth copies

In National Positions ten (10) accredited major national parties two (2) accredited major local parties

Twenty-first to Twenty-fourth copies

national broadcast or print media entities

Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth copies

local broadcast or print media entities

Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth copies

major citizens’ arms

In Local Positions ten (10) accredited major national parties two (2) accredited major local parties (21st to 25th copies) national broadcast or print media entities (26th and 27th copies) local broadcast or print media entities (28th to 30th copies) major citizens’ arms

Canvassing/Consolidation Electronically transmitted results  Will be used as basis for canvassing/consolidation and proclamation of winning candidates for City/municipal officials Provincial officials Members, House of Representatives Senators

 Congress will receive electronically transmitted results Constitution authorized the Congress to promulgate rules for canvassing of results for President and Vice-President



National Board of Canvassers

Physical transport

Prov. COC

Provincial Board of Canvasser s


Physical transport

Mun./City COC

Municipal/Cit y Board of Canvassers


Physical transport

Election Returns Precinct

Manual System of Canvassing



National Board of Canvassers

Physical transport

Electronic Transmission

Prov. COC

Provincial Board of Canvasser s


Physical transport

Advance Results/ Mun./City COC

Municipal/Cit y Board of Canvassers

Comelec Central Backup Server


Physical transport

Election Returns Precinct


Secured Public Website

Server for Dominant Majority/ Minority Parties, Citizens Arm, KBP Advance Results


• Security measures under a manual election system still applicable • Strengthen security through automation – Password – PIN – Digital signatures – Encryption

security (128-bit encryption)

2128 • • • • • • •

22 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2

= 4 = 8 = 16 = 32 = 64 = 128 = 256

• • • • • • •

29 210 211 212 13 2 14 2 215

• 216 = = 512 17 = 1024 65,536 = 2048• 218 = 19 = 4096 131,072 • 20 = 8192 2 = 262,144 21 = 16,384 • 222 = = 32,768 524,288 • 2 = 1,048,576 • 2 =

security (128-bit encryption)

• 223 = 24 8,388,608 • 225 = 16,777,216 26 • 227 = 33,554,432 28 • 229 = 67,108,864 •2 = 134,217,728 •2 = 268,435,456

• 230 = 31 1,073,741,824 • 232 = 33 2,147,483,648 • 234 = 4,294,967,296 35 • 236 = 8,569,934,592 • 2 = 17,179,869,184 • 2 = 34,359,738,368

security (128-bit encryption)

237 = 137,438,953,472 238 = 274,877,906,944 39 2 = 549,755,813,888 40 2 = over One Trillion combinations • 2128 = 340 undecillion, 282 decillion, 366 nonillion, 920 octillion, 938 septillion, 463 sextillion, 463 quintillion, 374 quadrillion, 607 trillion, 431 billion, 768 million, 211 thousand and 456 340,282,366,920,938,463,4 • • • •

63,374,607,431,768,211,45 6

• 128-bit encryption – Same security system used by banks


• Random Encryption – Temperature of machine – Voltage – Unique machine identity – User identity

• No single/master decryption code


• Time needed to decrypt one precinct result will be same amount of time needed to decrypt next precinct result • Transmission takes at most 2 minutes • Copies for distribution – 30 copies of election returns at the precinct level – 30 copies of certificate of canvass at municipal level – 14 copies of certificate of canvass at provincial level

• Audit Log


– Activities – Time – Date


• • • • •

Paper Ballot Ballot digital image Data storage device Transmitted results Hard copies of election results

field test/s

• 8 areas – 2 for NCR – 2 each (1 urban/1 rural) • Luzon • Visayas • Mindanao

• To test system and transmission in the same environment/conditions as on election day

successful implementation

• • • •

Vigilance of citizenry Cooperation Coordination Support


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