Aut Coepisse Noli Aut Confice

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 422
  • Pages: 9
" Aut Coe piss e Nol i Aut Con fice " W elco me to Hig h Sch ool Buk it Mer taja m Alu mni Mal aysi a web site. H igh Sch ool Buk it Mer taja m is one of the old est sch

ools in Mal aysi a. Firs t ope ned on 18t h Jan uar y 192 7 to som e 300 stud ents , the sch ool has thri ved to pro duc e ma ny hig h achi eve rs and not able nati ona l figu res

incl udi ng our bel ove d Pri me Min ister , YA B Dat uk Seri Ab dull ah b. Hj. Ah ma d Bad awi. T his web site is org aniz ed and mai ntai ned by the HS BM Alu mni Mal aysi

a hea dqu arte red in Kua la Lu mp ur. We hop e that you' ll find usef ul info rma tion abo ut the Alu mni , and at the sam e tim e feel a sen se of nost algi a as you bro wse

thro ugh its pag es.

They say Diamo nds are forever . Likewi se the school is also for ever. It is very much part of you and you are very much part of the school. The person s next in import ance to parent s are Teache rs and they have a great

deal to do with mouldi ng a child's most impres sionab le and format ive years. Our Alma Mater has done a tremen dous job in this regard. It has served the Countr y and the Comm unity well and contin ues to do so. The least we as Alumn i can do genera lly, is to show our affecti

on and apprec iation to the school for all that it has done for us and all that it stands for. We're particu larly honour ed to have in our midst our most disting uished alumn us, YAB Dato Seri Abdull ah bin Haji Ahma d Badaw i, Prime Minist er of Malay sia, who inspite his busy

schedu le of pressin g engage ments for the Nation has found time to be our patron. We deeply apprec iate this gestur e, which will serve as an additio nal induce ment and impetu s to us do to more for the school in future. S Kulas egara n (1954) Presid ent, HSB M Alum

ni Malay sia

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