August 12 2008

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August 12, 2008 IT Curriculum Meeting 1. Assessment and Foliotek: the need to get a workable assessment plan for the masters program immediately was addressed. Elizabeth reviewed the SLM approach for the 7 points of assessment for NCATE: a. GRE/MAT scores and admission criteria b. Orals exam questions c. Field experience reflections d. Foliotek assessment reflections halfway through the program in MEDT 6463 e. Foliotek assessment reflections at the end of the program in MEDT 6487 f. Course Grades g. GACE SLM certification exam Discussion followed about how IT could adopt this approach. The decision was made that IT needed a short term solution to meet NCATE needs, and could (and should) build a more robust assessment plan as curriculum revision progresses. Linda volunteered to work on the short term plan, and Marty volunteered to assist. They will meet with Angela and have a proposal back to us in 2 weeks. 2. Curriculum Revision: discussion started on this effort, and all agree that the Masters program is in dire need of revision. General consensus is that the revision process should start with a needs assessment, although the nature and depth of the needs assessment will have to be determined. Focus groups were suggested, with the possibility of followup questionnaires developed from the focus group feedback, although there is concern that questionnaires could take too long. This discussion will continue. In essence, the group agreed to take a short term and long term approach with curriculum revision with the long term effort guided by a needs assessment and the short term revision focusing on looking at content of existing courses, making sure we’ve got them sequenced correctly and getting rid of overlap between courses. 3. Curriculum Meeting Dates: All agree that curriculum revision and assessment is a critical priority this year. We agreed to plan meetings each Thursday afternoon, beginning August 21, from 1-3 pm. If there is no need to meet in a given week, the meeting will be cancelled. Items for discussion next week: a. Assessment/Foliotek update b. Curriculum Revision Planning (continued) c. Mission/Goals (Curriculum, Assessment, Doc Program)

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