Aug-08 Delviews

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August 2008

August 2008

School Opens on Tuesday, September 2nd Homeroom lists will be posted at the school entrances on Friday, August 29th. Students can visit the school on Friday, over the weekend, or early Tuesday morning to see which homeroom class they should report to on Tuesday morning, September 2nd. TUESDAY, September 2:

Del Views


Grade 9-12 students start at 10:15

9111 - 116th Street Delta, BC V4C 5W8 Phone: 604-594-5491 Fax: 604-597-4374 Delta School District Website

a.m. Students will report to their homerooms for instructions. In homeroom, students will receive copies of their schedules, agenda books, the school timetable and bell schedule will be explained, and lockers assigned. Grade 912 students will be dismissed for the day at approximately 11:00 a.m.

Grade 8 students start at 12:00 pm. At that time they will report to “The Delview Dome “(our Big Gym). A team of teachers and senior students will lead the Grade 8 Orientation Afternoon (dismissal at 2:30 p.m.)

School Pictures and “Go-Cards” Student photographs will be taken on Friday, September 12th, at which time all students will be photographed at no charge to provide their GO-CARD for transit and for the school yearbook. Students may wish to buy a photo package from the school photographer. Photo packages must be pre-paid on picture day. Package order forms will be distributed to students on or before September 10th. Please return forms with payment to Photographer on Picture Day. Please note that there is no fee for the “Go-Card” and you do not have to buy a photo package in order to receive a “Go-Card”. Delview Website

Mr. D. Younger—Principal Mr. J. Johnstone—Vice Principal

Course Change Schedule Counsellors have been working hard this summer ensuring that all students have a complete timetable and were able to get the courses they selected, including alternate choices. In some circumstances, some students were not able to get certain courses due to timetable conflicts. This happens to a few students in all schools. Enclosed in this package is your schedule of courses for this school year. If you require a course change, please see your counsellor at the end of August in the times listed below: Tuesday August 26th 9:00-11:30

- Grade 10, 11, and 12


- Grade 11 and 12 only

Wednesday August 27th 9:00-11:30

- Grade 11 and 12 only


- Grade 10 only

Thursday August 28th 9:00-11:30

- Grade 9 only

Please note that these times will be very busy and please expect to wait for quite awhile. Course changes will be made on a first come, first serve basis. Many courses are already full and changes may not be able to be made. Course changes will only be made due to scheduling conflicts, prerequisite changes, and postsecondary requirements. Changes will not be made based on teacher preferences. Limited course changes will be made in the first week of school. Course changes will be finalized by September 4th, 2008, any changes after that time will require administrative approval. Inside this issue: School Opening /Course Change/Go-Cards


Bell Schedule/School Calendar


Counsellors/Agenda Books


Principals Message


School Forms/Locks/Accident Insurance


School Fees/School Supplies/Attendance


Parent Connect/PAC/Homestay/Continuing Ed


School Information Wednesday to Friday Class Schedule (September 2-5) 1st Period 8:30 — 9:45 Homeroom 9:50 — 10:10 10:15 — 11:30 2nd Period Lunch 11:30 — 12:15 3rd Period 12:15 — 1:30 4th Period 1:35 — 2:45 Cafeteria service will start on Wednesday, September 5th. Regular Bell Schedule

Block Rotation

(Starts Monday, Sept. 8)

Day 1






Period 1 Period 2 Lunch Period 3 Period 4

8:30 9:55 11:15 12:00 1:25

— — — — —

9:50 11:15 12:00 1:20 2:45

Collaboration Day Bell Schedule Block Rotation (occurs 11 times in the school year) Day 1 Day 2 Period 1 9:35 — 10:40 A B Period 2 10:45 — 11:50 B A Lunch 11:50 — 12:30 Period 3 12:30 — 1:35 C D Period 4 1:40 — 2:45 D C By slightly lengthening our regular instruction days and restructuring our Professional Development days, collaboration time is provided to teachers on 11 mornings. This time will be used for the ongoing development and implementation of teaching strategies and methods as well as for curriculum development.

Student Agenda Books During the first week of school all Delview students will receive an Agenda Book. They are designed to be a practical and convenient way of organizing information and managing time. The section on Delview’s policies at the front of the book is a most valuable guide to the school. While teachers will be spending some time going over the contents of the book with students - and reinforcing their use on a regular basis - we would encourage all students and their parents to familiarize themselves with it. There is room in the book to record marks and to keep track of student progress.

August 2008

School Calendar September to December 2008 Tuesday, Sept. 2 Wednesday, Sept 10 Friday, Sept 12 Monday, Sept. 15 Wednesday, Sept 17 Wednesday, Sept 24 Wednesday, Sept. 24 Monday, Sept 29 Wednesday, Oct 8 Thursday, Oct 9 Monday, Oct 13 Thursday, Oct 16 Thursday, Oct 16 Thursday, Oct 16 Wednesday, Oct 22 Friday, Oct. 24 Wednesday, Nov 5 Tuesday, Nov 11 Wednesday, Nov 12 Wednesday, Nov 19 Wednesday, Nov 19

- School Opens - Collaboration Day-9:35 start - School Photos - School Fee Collection - Grade 8 Parent Night - Collaboration Day-9:35 start - PAC Meeting - Professional Day - Collaboration Day-9:35 start - Interim Reports Home -Thanksgiving Day - Photo Retakes - Parent Teacher Interviews Early Dismissal - PAC Meeting - Collaboration Day-9:35 start - Professional Day - End of Term 1 - Remembrance Day - Collaboration Day—9:35 start - Report Cards Home - PAC Meeting

Friday, Nov 28 Wednesday, Dec 3 Thursday, Dec 4 Friday, Dec 19 December 22-Jan.2

- Professional Day - Collaboration Day– 9:35 start - Grade 9 Immunizations - Last Day of classes in 2007 - Winter Vacation

Monday, Jan 5

- Schools Re-Open

Counsellors Ms. Schlatter - Students with last names beginning with the letters A - K. Ms. Pooni- Students with last names beginning with the letters L - Z. Students can make appointments to see a counsellor about either school or personal matters by filling out a counselling request form (by their office doors). If a parent needs to talk to a counsellor, please call the school at 594-5491 to make an appointment.

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Principal’s Message It’s hard to believe that another summer holiday is rapidly drawing to an end and that we will soon be returning to school. I hope that you have all had a chance to enjoy some time with friends and family to relax and recharge. Over the holiday our staff has been working hard getting the school ready for a smooth opening. Our office staff has ensured that administratively we are ready to go, our counselors have reviewed and corrected student schedules while our custodial crew has the building in great shape. We look forward to some changes occurring with the school opening. As you are aware, Delview will now be following a semester program. This change means that students will have four courses for the first half of the year (until Jan. 30th) with their remaining four classes starting on Feb. 2nd. This change is shown in the student schedules being sent home with this newsletter. While we have made attempts to check all of the student’s schedules, please review the schedule that you have received to ensure a balanced load of academic and elective classes between the two semesters. We are also changing our daily timetable to more closely match the other secondary schools in the district. While our daily start and end times remain unchanged, lunch has been moved to better balance the day. Also, blocks A and B will always be morning blocks while blocks C and D will follow lunch. For further clarification, see the bell schedule included in this newsletter. A final and exciting change for us is the inclusion of teacher collaboration time in our schedule. By slightly lengthening the teaching time each day and by reorganizing our Teacher Professional Development time we have created 11 opportunities for our teachers to work together on ongoing curriculum development and the development and sharing of teaching strategies and methods. For students and families, the structural change that you will see are the 11 late start days occurring on Wednesdays throughout the school year. On these days, first period will start at 9:35 with all periods shortened to 65 minutes for the day. The schedule of these collaboration days is included in this newsletter and they are also shown in the fridge magnet schedule sent home with this package. On these days students are expected to be in class for 9:35. For those students who must be dropped of early, a room will be provided where they can gather and quietly work on homework etc. We look forward to meeting our new Grade 8 class – the class of 2013 – and to working with our returning students as we anticipate another exciting and successful year for the Delview community. We’ll be holding grade assemblies during the second week of school to provide information to all students about the coming school year.


In addition to the changes mentioned, we are pleased to welcome several new staff members to Delview: Ms.























Soccer Academy

We are also pleased to have Ms. Pooni returning to our counseling department. In June, Delview students again wrote provincial exams. Grade 12 students wrote in 9 subjects while Grade 11’s wrote Social Studies and Grade 10’s wrote English, Science and Mathematics. I am very pleased with the hard work of our staff and students as their efforts are shown in the results achieved. At grade 12, 207 students wrote 9 exams, the average of their marks is ABOVE BOTH the district and provincial averages in 7 of the exams and ABOVE the provincial average in ALL exams At grade 11, 109 students wrote the Social studies exam, their average mark is ABOVE BOTH the district and the provincial average At grade 10, our 105 grade 10’s in the 3 subjects written are ABOVE EITHER the district average or the provincial average. I believe that it is clear from these results that Delview students are receiving solid instruction from the faculty here and we can take pride in maintaining our reputation for a high level of academic success. In this newsletter you will find information about our opening day activities on Tuesday September 2nd, about school supplies, agenda books, locks and lockers, course fees, pictures and all those other Back-ToSchool issues you are wondering about. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 604-594-5491 or come to the school office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. any weekday. Finally you can learn more about the school by logging onto our website at: Mr. D Younger, Principal

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School Information Locks, Lockers, and Protection of Valuables

Student Registration Information Form (Salmon Colored Form)

Students are assigned a locker for the school year. Unless given permission by the office, students are to occupy only their assigned locker. A combination lock must be used to secure the locker. Good quality locks can be purchased from the office for $6.00 each. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase a lock from the school. Inexpensive locks purchased from other sources are often vandalized, resulting in damaged or stolen personal property. It is also important that students not tell others their combination, but if a student suspects that others do know their combination, the office will exchange locks for them at no charge (providing the original lock was purchased from the school).

Enclosed with this newsletter is an important form to help the school maintain accurate records and to enable us to communicate with you more easily. Please take a few minutes to check the form and to add information where there are blanks or errors. Throughout the year the office often sends out e-mails to parents to inform them of important events and/or notices. To facilitate this form of communication please ensure you update your email address on the registration from. Please return the updated form to the school office by September 12th, 2008.

In order to protect valuables from loss or theft, we encourage students to secure them at all times. If you ride a bike to school, a good lock should be used (bike racks are located at the front of the school). Lockers should always be closed and locked. Never share your lock combination with anyone. If possible, leave your valuables at home. Students are encouraged to use a combination lock to secure their belongings in the P.E. change room lockers. The school has no insurance for lost or stolen property and cannot take responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged personal student property.

Video/Photo Release Form (Green Form)

Student Accident Insurance The District would like to draw your attention to Optional Student Accident Insurance that is available to all students registered with the Delta School District. This insurance is inexpensive and provides three different plan options. Parents are reminded that the School District’s basic insurance coverage does not include coverage for students who have been injured in an accident. Please take a moment to determine if the insurance offered by IAP Kids Plus Accident Insurance meets the needs of your family. You can learn more by: visiting the IAP website: or by picking up an application from the school office in September.

August 2008

In order to celebrate student achievement at Delview, we publish student photographs in our newsletters, on school websites, and occasionally in the local newspapers. Please sign the enclosed Photograph/Video/Website Release Form to give permission for us to use your child’s photo for such purposes and return it to the school by September 12th, 2008.

Student Emergency Release Form (Blue Form) As a secondary school, in the event of an emergency, we will undertake appropriate procedures to safely evacuate students from the building, with the majority of students leaving the site when permitted to do so to go home. For those parents/guardians who request that their children remain at the school site until such time that they, or a designated temporary guardian, can come and collect them, we ask that you complete the enclosed Student Emergency Release Form, which also asks for an outof-province contact (should normal telephone service is disrupted, only long distance calls to areas unaffected by the disaster are possible) and medical alert information, and return it to the school office by September 12th, 2008.

Page 4

School Information



Enclosed with this Newsletter is a Statement of School Fees for the first semester of the 2008/2009 school year. This statement reflects fees related to courses your child is currently enrolled in and is subject to change based on any course changes. In such courses as Woodwork, Metalwork, Electronics, Music Art, and Media Arts teachers will explain to students in the first week of school what “basic projects” will be completed without any additional cost and those “enhanced projects” that will be available for a fee (using superior materials, taken home by the student for personal use). Students will have the option to prepay for all of these enhanced projects at the start of the course or to “pay as they go” project-byproject if they choose to complete an enhanced project as the course progresses.

There is no standard “Supplies List” for secondary school students. In their first class together, subject teachers will inform students of the supplies required in each of their courses. Having said that, there are some basic supplies that could be acquired before school starts:

On Monday, September 15th, we will collect the fees described below as well as any project prepayments for elective courses (Woodwork, Metalwork, Electronics, Music, Art and Media Arts). Fees can be paid in full that day or split between two cheques dated September 15th and September 29th, 2008. Basic Student Activity Fee


(This fee is collected from all students at the start of the year to support extra-curricular activities, athletics, dances, intra-mural activities, and theme days. It also pays for the Student Agenda books and the Course Selection books.

Workbook Deposit Fees Science 8 $ 8.00 Accounting 11 & 12 $18.00 Science 9 $ 8.00 French 8-12 $10.00 Spanish $25.00 Chemistry 11& 12 $25.00 These fees are all or partially refundable based on condition of the book when returned at the end of the semester

Other PE 11 & 12 $30.00 Yearbook (optional) $45.00 $ 6.00 Locks (optional-available for purchase at the Office) *Commencement Fee (for Grade 12 students only) $45.00 *(This fee is collected from all Grade 12 students to cover the costs associated with grad gown rental, the commencement ceremony and for a memento for each student.)

Athletic Fees: will be announced by coaches of each sport at the time that try-outs are called.


General: A threeringed binder for each academic subject (one each for Eng., S.S., Science, and Math), loose-leaf paper, dividers (4-6 sets), pens, pencils, a ruler with a metric scale, an eraser. Mathematics: A scientific calculator having the trigonometric functions sin, cos and tan as well as a geometry set and graph paper. Physical Education: All students must wear running shoes and have a T-shirt, shorts and socks to change into for each PE class (please note that cutoffs and other makeshift shorts are not permitted as gym strip). It is also strongly recommended that an extra lock be acquired to use on the P.E. lockers during classes. While change rooms are locked, they are not supervised during class time and thefts have occurred – but never from a locked PE locker! French/Spanish: A French/English or Spanish/English dictionary.

Attendance Regular attendance and punctuality are closely related to success at school. At Delview we work closely with parents to promote this. If your child is absent, please notify the school either by calling 594-5491 (the answering machine can be used outside of school hours) or by sending a note when the child returns to school. If we have not heard from a parent or guardian on the day of an absence, the school will endeavor to call the parent. If at any time you wish to check on your child’s attendance or progress, please do not hesitate to call the school.

Page 5

Information for Parents Parent Connect is Coming on Line

Continuing Ed Opportunities

Would you like to be up to date on your child’s attendance and report card marks? Parent connect is being made active throughout the district. Through the website parents/guardians are able to review: Student schedules (what they are studying and when) Attendance (real-time to current day) Report card marks and comments History of grade marks/transcripts for all previous years final marks Demographics (address, guardian and emergency contact information) School Calendar

Classes for High School completion and Adult Basic Education will begin September 8. You can find courses for adults at all academic levels – come and see us! We offer a wide variety of regular academic and elective courses!

This information can be accessed through the secure web site at: Initially your user name and password have been predetermined. The user name will be your student’s personal education number (PEN # listed on their report cards or contact the school). The password is the initial of the students first and last name (lower case) and their birth date (month, day, year – 122590). Once you have signed on successfully – you can change your password to something more meaningful – just click on the password menu and follow the steps listed. To keep your information as secure as possible, regardless of whether you choose to use the system or not, we would encourage all parents/guardians to sign on to the system and change your password.

We are now offering full credit courses which you can take on-line. These courses are offered tuition free to students in Grades 10 to 12. Beginning August 26, 2008, course advisors and ongoing assessment will be available. Please phone 604-594-6100 for an appointment. Courses include: English Fundamentals and English Conversation, classes for general interest, as well as Media Arts and Woodworking for credit. Register early – look for our Fall brochure in your community newspaper August 22 or 23 or check our website at Classes begin September 8th, so don’t miss out! Register at: 1.

School Board Office (Phone 604-940-5550) for High School Completion


Delview Adult Centre (Phone 604-594-6100) for Adult Basic Ed and High School Completion

3. Ladner Adult Centre (Phone 604-946-3150) for Adult Basic Ed, 8:30 am – 12:00 noon

North Delta Newcomers North Delta Newcomers and Friends welcomes women new to the area or interested in meeting new friends. They have monthly dinner meetings and various activity groups such as cards, golf, Mom and tots, walks and potluck dinners. For more information please call Marilyn at 604-5917967 or Pam at 604-597-7974.

Homestay Families Needed Delta School District is looking for homestay families who would be interested in hosting a visiting student for summer, half year, or full year study terms. International students generally come from Asia, Europe, and South America and can be ages 10 to 18. For more information, contact: Gerda Chase (North Delta Coordinator) [email protected] 604-202-9686 Teri Gallant (Tsawwassen) [email protected] 604-319-2575 Kerstin Dashkewytch (Ladner) [email protected] 604-562-3274


Parent Advisory Council Meeting (PAC) Wednesday, September 24 Delview Library at 7:00 pm While PAC meetings are informal, they are an important avenue not only for parents to find out what is happening at Delview and in the district, but also for parents to give input to the school regarding school programs, policies and activities. Come to PAC and let's work together to ensure Delview continues to be a great school for our kids!

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