Atlantis-meru Rising Earthquake August 11 2009 It Has Begun

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AUGUST 11 2009 It HAS BEGUN! Earthquake in the Indian Ocean THE GRAND CROSS ON THE HOLY CROSS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

My previous articles in pdfcoke told of coming disasters beginning August 2009 after the full solar eclipse over Asia, associated with the return of Meru, which

I equate with Atlantis. The apocalyptic return, I suggestes, would be triggered when Mars moves to complete a grand cross of planets on the Holy Cross, and already on the 11th,12th and 13th August earthquakes have occurred close to the 90° East longitude, in the Indian Ocean, which is where I see the primordial mountain of myth and sacred texts - Meru-Atlantis-Sion - rising. It has begun. The earthquake chart shown above, that occurred on August 11 reinforces what I predicted. Also where it occurred reinforces the prediction, for the M7.6 earthquake and tsunami warnng occurred at 92° East close to the Andaman Islands at 14°North. This is at the base of the Ninety East Ridge which extends northward some 17° from the equator beneath the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami of 2004 occurred at 95° East just north of the equator. This is of course no coincidence. There is a connection in both events to the position of the galactic axis now, its relation to a Great Year cycle of Yin and Yang, and to the return of an enormous mountain to which all prophecies refer. For all prophecies are parts of One Story that was scattered: one necklace with many beads. The Holy Cross is a cross between the axis of our galaxy and the earth's solstice-equinox axes. Such an alignment of the Galactic Centre with one of the solstices occurs twice in a Great Year cycle of over 25,000 years. It causes great climate shifts and massive catastrophes, yet this terrible catastrophe will be the last and worst but it will lead to good. It is the story of the Whore of Babylon (Bab = volcanic womb and gate El On is of the Underworld Sun God- the Midnight Sungod- who dwells in Zion in the Pleiades at the centre and peak of the original mountain of God - in Heaven. Alcyone is the Midnight Sun, the Central Sun – Jesus -the Son of Man - will return meaning a Second Coming of that lost mountain through this gate as the bridegroom at midnight as the midnight sun and principle of Yang, which is strongest at the Galactic Anti-Centre. The Holy Cross half a Great Year ago led to increasing evil in the world, this is supported by all ancient sacred texts that I know and is connected to the principle of Yin and Yang and the increase of Yin forces that began at that time. The last Holy Cross occurred at the start of the 1,300 year ice age called the Younger Dryas in which heaps of mammals were found flash-frozen with flowers still in their mouths. About 52 large mammal species became extinct at this boundary. This Holy Cross beginning now but lasting also maybe over 1,000 years, after which time the volcanic beast will again be chained up again in the Underworld, will in all likelihood cause equally sudden apocalyptic events, possibly notable in the very next three years. Perhaps even before the Mayan End Date in 2012 we will find ouselves in a time of crisis. It could all happen very quickly now as suggested in the film The Day After Tomorrow.Yet the main disaster will be connected to the

rising of Meru from beneath the Indian Ocean.1 Despite the confusion about what the Mayan Prophecy and its calendar End Date on 21st December 2012 actually means, we must only consider that each end of an age was accompanied for such people as the Mayans and Aztecs by massive disasters. The last age, ruled by water, came to an end with a Great Flood and for this one, the Aztecs and the Maya agree that it is an age of Earth a (Caban in Mayan Ollin in Aztec) and that great earthquakes would then be the most appropriate cause of its end, yet the word Ollin suggests more – a movement or shift. This is not just any end of any little ol age but The End of all the mini ages rolled into one in one Big Bang as the Great Year completes - a BIG OHM, a final Omega. From the small amount of writings that remain pieced together from Central America and completely supported by the Chronicles of Akakor, which may be one of their sources, from the Central South American tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, removed from the market and changed, the author Karl Brugger shot while researching, and connecting these prophecies with the Bible prophecies, the earthquake is merely the harbinger of an enormous volcanic eruption when Tezcatlipoca returns as a beast out of the ocean - a tiger- like the beast of Revelation is a leopard with a lion head - these are volcanic beasts- so are the crop circles full of pyramidal forms and Yin Yang signs and phoenixes and jaguar snouts, placed near hills remembering the volcano, are all telling us of this return, which the aspects occurring now will begin to awaken: a great number of volcanoes are awakening now. I have been researching this theme intensively since I discovered that the alignment of the Galactic Centre with the winter solstice was what was triggering the climate changes and disasters. The journey began when I noticed in 2005 that the Sun had been conjunct the Galactic Centre and the Full Moon opposite as part of a special aspect pointing toward the Galactic centre, as the Tsunami occurred and that such aspects were usual causes of the worst disasters in history. The earthquakes have not stopped. Each December since 2002, unprecedented swarms of earthquakes occur. They are the labour pains of the coming new Earth. In July I first included my understanding of where the disasters would occur that I have developed based on an understanding of astrology and the primal arrangement of the I Ching. For we are at the winter solstice of the Great Year and in the I Ching this is the time of Fu, the Return2. The RETURN COMES FROM BELOW INSIDE THE EARTH, Yang rises from below. Yang will be reborn as a new Earth, a new volcanic mountain, son of the mother Mary. 1 I am attempting to collect together all the evidence for this in a number of articles and a couple of books, but time is short. 2 Also according to Fu Xi these two periods of transition at summer and winter solstice aligned with the galactic axis were associated with POLAR REVERSAL.

Astrologically seen, his return from below comes through Saturn, whose cardinal earth sign (new Earth) in Capricorn, is the lusty goat climbing the mountain. He represents that physical return of the Yang energy in the body of earth. The earth is like any creature's body it has a lower and upper part. Just as the fire rises in the earth so as the fire rises in the root chakra that one could connect of the goat's phallus. Saturn is also as root volcanic force also the god Ptah (Egypt) and Vulcan (worshipped in early Rome) Hephaestus (Greek) and Brahma (Indian). All the gods had a volcanic root and they were the creator designers builders and Masons of our „universe“. All the temples, all the hills, if you follow back and research were based on volcanic stone and imagery. Stonehenge a volcanic caldera with imported volcanic stone, the ben ben for the Great Pyramid of basalt, or in the courtyard of Heliopolis must have been volcanic. Great sheets of metallic volcanic mica stone were imported into the city of the gods by Mexico „drilled“ or „cut“ at great effort in Brazil for the temple of Quetzalcoatl, also associated with Orion's belt (see Orion Zone). If a hillside had no volcanic stone it was imported because the volcano was holy. The Stone of Destiny/of Scone- the original one on which Kings would be annointed– must have been volcanic, the stone that was the pillar of Jacob too. The volcano was the true seat of kingship for the king united the powers of heaven and earth as the volcano did. Kings and volcanoes were shepherds, all came under the rule of Orion the giant hunter found at the Galactic Anti-Centre. So that the volcano the fire centre was the centre of all religious worship later replaced by pyramids associated with kings-serpent kings-khans-kan-Kukulkan Khufu-the Great pyra-midfire in the middle. A radius of perhaps 15° to 20° marked around 0° North and and 90° East is a good marker of where we can expect the eighth volcanic island of the seven sacred (Indonesian) islands to return. See also Professor Santos was the best authority on why Atlantis-Atland-Aztlan was in the east, you can run through his evidence at the above link. Someone else in the web found evidence that Aristotle had suggested the Atlantis was beyond India to the East. Centuries of seeking in and sailing to the east have led to disillusionment. Yet the idea was correct. The base of the Ninety East Ridge is the most dangerous spot on earth and yet also the place of the greatest hope, for here a volcanic mountain that marked the centre of our earth, or its middle, once stood on the equatorial middle – on the equatorial belt. Its fall was connected to the fall of Satan and the fall of man and his loss of paradise. The Chronicles of Akakor tell that the disastrous phase began half a Great Year ago at 10,468 when continents collapsed and the earth was consumed by great fire, elsewhere told of as the Conflagration, the catastrophic period was connected to volcanic activity in the Ring of Fire- particularly Meru and this set off the Younger Dryas. The frozen mammoths were surrounded by volcanic ash. Yet the great chimney pot of Meru, or the great tree, was not finally felled until 9600 BC in the

Indian Ocean, when the dragon-serpent-Satan finally gave out. This evil part was also Typhon -Seth. One could describe the fall of this mountain in a number of ways. Isaiah tells: 4 For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, you have broken as on the day of Midian. (Midian was the land where God descended from the Mountain in fire, Mount Sinai, Nebo...maybe Meru? The constellation area associated with this part of the earth was the Taurus-bull-Gemini area associated with a yoked bull ploughing- the bull-buffalo volcanic mountain imagery survived in many sects like the Mithraic) 5 For every boot of the tramping warrior in battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire. 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; …

Prophetic knowledge is based on understanding the past. We are all lost, we lost the gift of prophecy when we lost our past, our home and centre. Each culture copied and tried to remember this tragic loss in similar ways, built its states and cities and lands in copies of this original paradise, even passed to the American continent, for instance the Navajo and the way the capital Washington DC is built according to ancient Masonic plans. The Egyptians and Sumerians created upper and lower divisions in their land which were divided by a belt that represented the earthly equatorial belt and celestial belt of Orion which was made of three stars reflected on earth as three mountains- the central one was lost completely- but as the two belts are now aligned the mountain belt rich in gems that held Orion's sword may rise.. Now that mountain is returning.That is what the dollar note is telling you. I have 700 pages of proof just struggling to get sorted into my second book on one theme Meru Rising. As it collapsed, all the peoples fled away from Meru-Atala this must have been the volcanic fall of what we call Atlantis: the inhabitants of Gebim flee for safety. 32 This very day he will halt at Nob; he will shake his fist at the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem. The daughter of Alcyon-Zion could be one of the seven Pleiades found in the constellation of the Bull (reflected in the seven sacred islands of Indonesia) the daughter Orion chased was called Merope (Meru)? Versions of Meru were common in antiquity associated particularly to volcanic islands.

and (as if to prove the correctness of my prediction made just before the solar eclipse on 21st July under a blinding migraine similar to the ones Zeus had before he gave birth volcanically to Pallas Athene!), a 7.6 earthquake has occurred to set off the grand cross of planets on the Holy Cross of the Great Year. The 7.6 earthquake came on August 10 2009, or August 11 1:55 am at 92° east longitude. The chart is shown at the beginning of the article. This is the zone of the true Babylon of the Biblical Revelation, the many waters on which the whore sits, the many islands that flee away when the great earthquake occurs are here. The Sumerians came up the Persian Gulf, fleeing the terrible disaster and the Great Flood as Biblical and Sumerian history records. The survivors rebuilt the seven isles around Sumeru (excellent Meru, the prefix

Su often given to Meru may have associated it also with the Sun god Surya) that had been near Sumatra in Sumer, and Rome also made seven hills out of a volcanic remainsi.Just see this list of cities built on this plan List_of_cities_claimed_to_be_built_on_seven_hills Modern archaeology has confirmed the fact that the first inhabitants of these areas of suppoosed first civilizations, at least the first landing in the “fertile crescent” were homogeneous in both race and culture. All tried to rebuild Meru as a temple, stupa,

ziggurat, pyramid, cathedral etc, but God did not want such a big „mountain“ or „tree“ any more, not even a large copy of one. Man was doomed, he was shut out of heaven and the terrestrial paradise was sunk to hell. The astronomical relation between Earth and Heaven had changed so that all newer stories became part liethe story of SEMIRAMIS, QUEEN OF BABYLON, also brought the wrath of the Biblical god. She was wife of Nimrod and claimed to have had a son, challenging the Biblical prophecies, and Nimrod, associated himself to all insult, with the wrong volcano: the volcano Nemrut. Nimrod was thought to have instructed the building of the Tower of Babel, but no temple could replace the original volcanic central mountain, nor Semiramis replace Kumari-Mary the galactic-volcanic Mother mountain or land of God. The new religions tried to realign and placed their god in the northern hemisphere where they now lived and forget his connection to the galactic Anti Centre area of the Bull of Taurus and Alcyone. His dwelling was moved to the north Pole. It is generally accepted that it was in Mesopotamia that the first cities were built after the flood. Semiramis or "Sammur-amat", or "gift of the sea." (retaining the important MR of Meru) was an important goddess and her name was also associated with the name of the land Sumer or Shinar. The City of Erech was named after the city built by Enoch before the flood. There were seven major cities built near the head of the Persian Gulf, leading to the name "Land of the Seven Cities".These seven cities are told of in Genesis as those which were conquered by Nimrod, establishing the world's first empire. The earliest Babylonian legends tell of a conquering people who came up out of the Persian Gulf. Yet they were copying of the lost paradise. Nimrod in turn was associated with Orion as Meru had been, as the seven cities were associated with the seven sisters the Pleiades or Atlantides and their home on earth had been Indonesia, that part of it anyway that sank, the terrestrial paradise: heaven on earth. This caused also confusion in the cosmology for now heaven was in hell! This beneath Ocean,

ancient land the Indian

once called Kumari Kandam, is the Land of Mary at a time when the Mother Goddess was still good

and the serpent too. And it is from here that Mary will give birth to Jesus as the Son of Man, Purusha, the primordial mountain, Atlas-Meru-Sion. Here it is that bride and bridegroom will unite in the sacred marriage of the elements that later temple rites copied. I am still writing away at an article for Scribd that has turned into another book. This theme is just much too massive, and the time left so short! It is called MYSTERY, The Whore of Babylon, Indonesia and 2012. In this I explain that the Biblical Revelaton is not talking about Iraq/Iran or the Middle East at its deepest level, when it talks of Babylon or the Land of the Beast, it is talking about a part of India-Indonesia that sank. Some might call it Lemuria, others Kumari Kandam.

Above you see how we lost our memory of the past, as the lands of the past to the south east were destroyed by floods and disasters. Much land also sank as the Yang power, the spirit within the Earth itself weakened, for this had created also a cushion of gas on which continents had sat, before the earth sighed, exhaled and sank a little below the place where she was wont to be, as remembered in the myth of Phaethon. Our memory of the past is stuck at the Taurus-Gemini boundary, we are beginning to sense something must lie beyond, but not wanting to get our feet wet by plunging into ridiculous fantasy. The disasters that occurred cut off the southern hemisphere cosmology from the northern at the time we moved northwestwards chased by floods and catastrophes. In a few other articles I have already told of this most dangerous area as we approach the End of the Great Year cycle, 90° east longitude, this means of course all the way up through Bangladesh E. India, Assam and Lhasa too but worst within a 15° radius of O° N latitude and 90° east is the Babylon Zone, though one could equally call it the Orion Zone, for Orion is the trigger, aligned vertically over the equator at this time in history, his belt aligned with the belt of the equator will free the bands/bonds/chains that have kept the beast in his prison and the volcanic cat like volcanic monster will rise to end this age and birth a new age.

The ancients noticed a cnnection between Orion's activity and volcanic activity, here is one modern civilized man's recognition of that connection: . Further Betelgeuse in Orion is now feared will turn supernova at any moment and cause a terrible disaster on Earth. The volcano is associated in texts with men, giants, warriors and hunters, kings, gods and sons of gods, goddesses and a great range of ferocious, spitting beasts and demons and dragons, winged serpents, lions and tigers, the volcano is all myths rolled into one, and a great number are about one volcano. Each figure represents different phases, so Indra or Zeus or Chac might represent the top of the volcano and the storms and thunderbolts sent, the volcano was a mini galaxy of zodiacal creatures. A cycle that had to go down to the volcanic pits of hell-the abyss before the good son can come the son of perdition must come and we must reach the end of the descending cycle, as the Bible says the falling away must come first and then as the Chilam Balam priest of the Maya (who probably came from Chilambaram in India) explains: then he says he will be raised up in a chalice of fire. The Indian Ocean is where land will soon be rising, or has already begun to rise: after the Indian Ocean Tsunami much of the ocean floor had risen by over 4000 feet. Is this where Atlantis will rise? I am 90% certain of identifying Atlantis with the primordial mount Meru and the Egyptian Ben Ben, as also the Biblical Eden, though I do not deny that land has sunk also in other places and near the American continent too. That is all part of the Falling away, for 12,500 years the waters have risen and the land has sunk as the Yin enegy incereased and the Yang energy weakened. Now, as the Galactic Centre prepares to cross the winter solstice a Great New Year and a new Sun will come with a new rising Yang energy of Fire.

Certainly Meru-Atalas-Agastya, the mythical huge central mountain will be returning from the sea in this area, the sea that is connected to the true Atlantic, or Atalantic and the land of the Atlantides, the Mare Oceanus was the Atlantic in the southern hemishpere it was sailed a lot in the past and the ancient cultures associaetd with the stars of the south, with Isis as Sirius and Canopus which is s south pole star and to the Galactic Centre which is now hardly seen in the Northern hemisphere. So we lost our memory as the lands of the equator and southern hemisphere either sank or the climate changed covering them in dense forests etc. Already since 1900 there have been a number of earthquakes over 6 in this area at the base of the Ninety East Ridge that was earlier thought to be aseismic. What this remarkably straight ridge is doing here stretching 5000 km along a northsouth axis is also a matter of conjecture. pic It is the longest such ridge on the earth and it is made of basalt, so volcanic stone. This would fit very well to it having been a very high and thin volcanic tower of a mountain that fell half, or nearly half a Great Year ago. This is exactly how Meru and the Holy mountains and objects of worship of different cultures have been seen. Was this the original backbone of Osiris- the original Djed column? Was this the phallus of Osiris sunk in an area of the world whose remaining islands are still obssessed with the endlessly long phallus of their god Shiva. As both Osiris and Shiva were connected to Orionii, the dancing Shiva picture having also been fitted to the constellation form. As Shiva, like 32 other gods (33 Masonic Master number, 33 vertebrae in the spine, 3 the number of Chien-Yang Heaven-Orion belt) lived on Mount Meru and Meru myths and rituals and images and temples abound around the Indian Ocean, how can it ever have been suggested that Meru was at the North Pole or in the centre of the Earth? No, Meru was at the middle of the Earth, which in Sanskrit meant the equator.iii Of course I have very little evidence that this ridge could be the phallus or backbone of Osiris, but there are a great number of myths that I could hang on it and geographically it would also fit perfectly. The Ninety East ridge extends up to 17° North so that the earthquake that occurred on 10th August 2009 at 14° North would fit within this zone and to my theory that a new Meru is about to rise here and could the worst apocalyptic disasters. I

Just a few days ago suggested that the two major places where storms are being experienced are at the 90° west and 90° east longitude in the Golf Of Mexico and the Golf of Bengal, are these storms not somehow

connected to the heating and motion inside the Earth that is about to give birth. It suggests to me that these two areas, but particularly the 90° east, the Land of the Beast, that must have been known of old as the volcanic beast, the one who once caused the deaths of so many people when he fell, this is the true story of Revelations it tells of this land of the goddess that fell to evil and many other texts of the oldest Bible hark back to this great loss. People have rightly seen parallels between the myth of Phaethon who flew the chariot of the Sungod Helios and fell in flames from the Heavens and the Fall of Lucifer who tried to take over the throne of heaven when he volcanically erupted, Enoch's work also tells of the fires and caves and volcanic associations with paradise, as do the Egyptian myths with their ben ben and bennu bird- phoenix that is like the Garuda of Asia a bird born of the (volcanic) flames on the Isle of Fire. In Delhi the sacred rod of (volcanic) iron, the rod with which the returning long awaited son would rule, this ancient rod that does not rust was once crowned by a Garuda (phoenix) too. and even the Mesoamerican myths connect the idea of the yin serpent of the goddess with the fiery yang wings of a god in the idea of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulkan. King Nimrod (from Nemrut-large volcano) tried to build a temple in memory of Meru, that would reach again to Heaven and God disliked the plan, just as he had disliked Satan's plan to erupt in his face, and so here again we hear similar themes of a mountain that rose to heaven and fell into the ocean mixed into the small talk: "And so, the Lord Yahweh says this: Since you have allowed yourself to think like God, 7 ... They will draw sword against your fine wisdom, they will desecrate your splendour, 8 they will throw you down into the grave and you will die a violent death far out to sea. 9 Will you still think: I am a god, when your slaughterers confront you? But you will be human, not divine, in the clutches of the ones who strike you down! 10 You will die like the uncircumcised (circumcision began after the loss of the holy phallic mountain) at the hand of foreigners. ...The word of Yahweh was addressed to me as follows, 12 'Son of man, raise a lament for the king of Tyre. Say to him, "The Lord Yahweh says this: You used to be a model of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty; 13 you were in Eden, in the garden of God.(Tyre was a centre after Sidon and before Byblos, where Osiris phallus was taken, of the Phoenician nation whose origin was the land of the Phoenix, the Reds, AtlantisMeru, the Isle of Fire, Isle of Gems, that sank - Indonesia is still rich in gems). All kinds of gem formed your mantle (earth's volcanic mantle): sard, topaz, diamond, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, garnet, emerald, and your ear-pendants and spangles were made of gold; all was ready on the day you were created. 14 I made you a living creature with outstretched wings, as guardian,(the phoenix) you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked amid red-hot coals. 15 Your behaviour was exemplary from the day you were created until guilt first appeared in you, 16 because your busy trading has filled you wiith violence and sin I have thrown you down from the mountain of God and destroyed you, guardian winged creature,

amid the coals. 17 Your heart has grown proud because of your beauty, your wisdom has been corrupted by your splendour. I have thrown you to the ground; I have made you a spectacle for kings. 18 By the immense number of your crimes, by the dishonesty of your trading, you have defiled your sanctuary. So I have brought fire out of you to devour you; I have reduced you to ashes on the ground before the eyes of all who saw you. 19 Of the nations, all who know you are stunned at your fate. You are an object of terror; gone for ever." ' 20 The word of Yahweh was addressed to me as follows, 21 'Son of man, turn towards Sidon and prophesy against her. 22 Ezekiel - Chapter 28 - Bible Sidon was an earlier centre of the Phoenicians, whose name in greek is Phoenix people (Atlanteans), they were tall and often remembered as red haired, just as the Merovingian kings were, and produced the purple dye used by all cultures of the then known world. The reference to scarlet and purple and riches in the story of the whore of Babylon told by John of Patmos supposeedly given him in a volcanic cave, should give us the link, for the Phoenicians are an important link here as is Babylon, where the cosmology changed from south oriented to north oriented, the Phoenecians as merchants of the sea survived the transition, though left few monuments, except their own selves who originated in the original Babylon. FUXI and his sister wife (earlier goddess Nuwa) are here like many earlier deified or legendary rulers, associated with the volcano power. they were married in the fire and smoke on the Kunlun mountains (partly volcanic) The „skirt“ out of which they arise is obviously a volcano with lava runnning down and serpentine roots- the serpent-dragon was also a volcanic power. I suspect that the red star in the illustration above is Alcyone or at least representing the Galactic Anti Centre – Heaven. In non volcanic landscapes mountains like Olympus were still envisaged in myth like the volcanic originals with a hierachy of gods and goddesses associated with their parts.

The central mountain Meru was visualized in a number of ways, perhaps connected to different periods in which its appearance changed, often it looked like Orion a downward pointing triangle above and an upward one below, this is correct I believe for Orion was Meru on earth. As he fell he became the rebellious Satan, or Phaethon who caused the Fall, but in many myths there is a part of this mountain that grew up long and high, perhaps we could associate it with the raised arm of the club holding constellation of Orion. Yet many myths tell it was tall like a tree or was a „tree“? So the tree of life grew up out of the mountain of Eden, or as Yggdrasil the Norse ash tree out of a central mountain from where the four rivers flowed as they did from Meru. So unbelievable thin and tall it was, at least originally in its upper part that it was likened to the tail of a cow stretching up to heaven. I really don't know how the earth could have supported such a high tree in reality, yet myth has proved increasingly true in my research, so I must believe it, I think gravity must have been different then and that this tree in some way did mark a centre that was lost as it fell, for as Osiris backbone was seen as that which gave the world stabiltiy this was also the wooden axle of a wheel attached to the heavens which when it broke let the earth wobble at an angle of 23°06'. Sometimes sacred texts tell of it I believe as a mast of a ship, the constellation of Argos connected to Canopus? The ship wreck of a lost land whose mast fell. Augustus Donnolly wrote about Atlantis the Antidiluvian worldiv, he noticed the connection to the Phoenicians, claiming their alphabet was derived from the Atlantis alphabet and also conveyed to the Mayas, who as I see it originated in the sunken Indonesian Atlantis anyway, so Maya is a word also used in India and Si Lanka, the remains of the original Lanka, Atala. Yet Donnolly made the mistake of falling for the idea of Atlantis being in what we today call the Atlantic. What area of the world is most volcanic? Indonesia? It was this ring of Fire out of which the original mountain was created that supported the heavens as on a pillar, it was the collapse of the support god that destroyed the Earh's stability that broke the axis, how else could Atlantis have sunk in a day and a night? Volcanic imagery in myth is also associated to images of trees being cut down and creatures being beheaded shot or bled or sacrificed, but also wheels, wheels of a chariot, wheels losing their axle, the chariot of the sun was always the volcano, the sun rode up into the heavens on the volcanic chariot, names of horses who drove the volcanic mountain chariot, were given to the peaks of holy mountains, the chariot was made by Hephaestus the

volcano god in his forge. The original world image was aligned not to a north celestial pole but to a galactic axis in which the Pleiades, Alcyone-Zion, Merope, and the Gemini Taurus zone in the heavens, often represented by birds - as the Pleiades were doves in heaven, on earth was Indonesia was the peak and seen from above of cause the peak of a mountain is also its centre, the supercentre of Yang is therefore not the Sun but Alcyone, but as far as I know we do not revolve around it. The Mayan world tree- a Ceiba - was I believe originally representing this galactic axis and was topped by a bird. Gemini also is given birdy wings as his snaky caduceus staff also. A bird is placed in this area in the Egyptian zodiac. Galactic Anti Centre was Heaven to the ancients, both in celestial terms and in terrestrial terms it was Indonesia, or rather the land below the Indian Ocean, Meru was connected to Mercury. So alchemy too had its root in the cauldron-caldera of Meru Above right the mountain was lost as the Galactic centre crossed the summer solstice shown at the top of the Tibetan Wheel of Transmigration and at the base the stump of the volcano returns as the Galactic Centre aligns with the winter solstice, the bleeding scarlet beast of Revelation, arising like a tiger out of the ocean. left: a few images superimposed of the central mountain which was part of a trinity or trimurti, three mountains with the central one bitten off by a demon or shiva shown in the Tibetan Wheeel of Transmigration, behind the three pyramids of Gizeh, and then the pyramids of Teotihuacán of Angkor Wat and the pyramid of the dollar bill shadowed in with Orion at the Galactic Anti Centre at the top of Meru from whose foot comes the now fiery river Eridanus, flowing with lava. Does not the Phallus-linga of ShivaOrion in the picture right fit perfectly in the Bay of Bengal which is the womb of the Milky Way Ganges River- the Yoni?

Below left is a map of Kumari Kandam (given by wikipedia) with Mount Meru actually marked. Faintly you can see the long line of the Ninety East Ridge to its right. If you look at a map of the sea floor there is no long line of mountains in the position given for Kumari Kandam. Yet if you move this map slightly to the right, this idea would fit exactly. Myths of Meru told how the Ganges that originally flowed from the top of Meru tangled in the hair of Shiva. One cannot seperate the world mountain from this area of the world or the gods of this part of the world. Sri Lanka was created when a piece of this mountain fell when Garuda took a rest and dropped his flaming wings, the wind knocked it off. Meru has sunk merely out of consciousness, as it fell below the sea.

Below Ezekiel gives a version of the high mountain Meru as a tree that reached to heaven, sometimes seen more as a man - a son of man the son of perdition who fell, Satan was often seen as a man too, Gilgamesh (empowered by Orion) cut

down a cedar, always the solar cedar with its great height was the symbol of this central volcanic mountain of the sun: 3

I know: a cedar tree in the Lebanon with noble branches, dense foliage, lofty

height. Its top pierces the clouds. 4 The waters have made it grow, the deep has made it tall, pouring its rivers round the place where it is planted, sending rivulets to all the wild trees. 5 This is why its height was greater than that of other wild trees, its branches increased in number, its boughs stretched wide, because of the plentiful waters making it grow. 6 All the birds of heaven nested in its branches; under its boughs all wild animals dropped their young; in its shade sat many, many people. 7 It was beautiful in its size, in the span of its boughs; for its roots were in plentiful waters. 8 There was no cedar like it in the garden of God, no cypress had branches such as these, no plane tree could match its boughs, no tree in the garden of God could rival its beauty. 9 I had made it so lovely with its many branches that it was the envy of every tree in Eden, in the garden of God. 10 "Very well, the Lord Yahweh says this: "Since it has raised itself to its full height, has lifted its top into the clouds, and has grown arrogant about its height, 11 I have handed it over to the prince of the nations, for him to treat as its wickedness deserves; I have rejected it. Book of Ezekiel - Chapter 31 In the cycle of astrology and Yin and Yang, all that rises must fall, in the yearly cycle this fall comes for the Sun, and the solar mountain- son of the Sun (Phaethon son of Helios) at the summer solstice of the year, one flies too high, is too proud or arrogant, too positive or whatever in the Great Year cycle when the summer solstice crosses the Galactic Centre, and then the fall occurs, this was the time when Phaethon set the world on fire, when the serpent entered the garden of Eden... O.D. Miller (Har Moad...) rightly connected the serpent to the constellation Scorpio being in the sign of Gemini, for Scorpio is often represented as a serpent or red dragon, but the serpent is also Serpentarius and both are closeto the Galactic centre which passed through Gemini and over the summer solstice at this time, when the youthful Phaethon took the chariot of his father and by the sting of the scorpion the myth tells, the horses shied and fled, he could no longer hold them. Zeus shoots him from the heavens with a (volcanic) thunderbolt and sends the Flood (reaction to the volcanic dust ) to save the burning world. Isaiah, in the eighth century before Christ, told of the remnant of the Tree that would return, the stump of the tree which had been cut down would have a new shoot. He even named his sons remnants and was supposedly sawn in half with a wooden saw himself! Sometimes the shoot would flower like a lotus or lily which connects it to Meru which was the golden stamen of a lotus flower- which flower represented the world

of which that stamen-mountain was the centre. In the Middle Ages a biblical story told us: "et egredietur virga de radice Iesse et flos de radice eius ascendet " or ".. a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up...".

[2]3 11:1 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. 2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, Isaiah 11 The spirit of the Lord described above is the fire of the volcano. The Seraphim surrounding god were also usually pictured in red with wings that represented flames.

Sometimes even this thin mountain tree that was Meru was called a reed: I suspect Meru was the Reed of Enki too, it has many hundred names and guizes. The reed and the rod are mentioned also in the So the Lord cut off from palm branch and reed in one day—Isaiah 9:14





The Egyptian Geb, father of Osiris, may have been one early version of the Earth before the fall with Meru his erect phallus reaching up in love to the Galactic Centre, womb of the Milky Way Goddess Nun.

The Maori and other tribes also tell of how the world was before heaven and earth were seperated, which the loss of a phallic mountain would achieve. Each son of a God is born after his father has been destroyed by an eruption. So Geb can be replaced by Osiris who lives again in Horus the son is the next volcanic phase of the mountain. We have forgotten the volcanic side of myth because the fire energy of Yang, of spirit has died but is about to be reborn. The destructive phase of volcanic activity and its lower aspect is seperated into a demon or beast and the benificent after-effects, the gems and fertile lands, are then given to Venus or some of god-goddess or planet. 3 Flos, pl floris is Latin for flower. Virga is a "green twig", "rod" or "broom", as well as a convenient near-pun with Virgo or Virgin, which undoubtedly influenced the development of the image. Thus Jesus is the Virga Jesse or "shoot of Jesse".

Osiris' crook may have been also Meru, like the reed, and this crook was passed down to a line of shepherd kings all related to Orion and to Meru. All is part of one story and the journey from one land. The Sumerians came up the Persian Gulf escaping that catastrophe. All high cultures, the Jews had their Mount Sinai and other holy places tlose to this coast line, their founding father Enoch became the city of Erechv (Uruk) not far from Ur where Abraham and Sara originated, whose names have been compared to the founding father creator in India-Indonesia – Brahma and his wife Saraswati. Still I do not want to bore you with too much about the central volcano except to say that it is returning and with it the gods and many lands close to the equator that sank at the beginning of the time of sorrow. The day after the M. 7.6 earthquake (that most certainly had volcanic roots, especially supported by its placing and the Moon being in the birthing sign of Aries), eight further quakes in the same area occurred of M4 and over. Since August began, more and more volcanoes are showing plumes and signs of activity. One in the Virgo Zone where Saturn is placed in the Vanuato Islands, another in Indonesia, and so on. Signs of violence are already higher than was. The news is already (as the Moon is now in Aries) also full of bombs exploding and fires.


The crop circles are increasingly giving the volcanic message too, using the volcanic symbols and the jaguar snout that is also volcanic. What will come in the next months? Perhaps a super typhoon? Perhaps the storms will be part of the birthing in the Earth; warnings of a coming earthquake and tsunami? I was forced through the migraine to pass on the message Meru is Returning, which pain, after I had written it, completely disappeared. Sometimes when the migraine comes the only word left in my mind is Meru, it seems very urgent to get this message across. So if it helps, I will call it Atlantis for those who do not know of Meru, for they seem to be the same. The writers of the Bible wrote in past tense, present tense and future tense all mixed up, but connected to one theme: the return of Mount Sion which was remembered in India as Meru. They remembered how the people fled, as the volcano or a number of them erupted in the Ring of Fire at the Isle of Fire. They could tell the story of what would come because they kept in touch with what had happened in the past. They, as also the Egyptians, remembered the lost continent from which they came to the south east, now beneath the seas, the land of the whore, who was also the virgin goddess: Kumari.

Isaiah 10:28-32 "He is come to Aiath, he is passed through Migron; at Michmas he layeth up his baggage; They are gone over the pass; they have taken up their lodging at Geba; Ramah trembleth; Gibeath-shaul is fled. Cry thou with a shrill 4 voice, O daughter of Gallim! Hearken, O Laish! O thou poor Anathoth! Madmenah is in mad flight; the inhabitants of Gebim flee to cover. This very day shall he halt at Nob, shaking his hand at the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem."(JPS) Jeremiah 23:2 "Therefore thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, against the shepherds that feed My people: Ye have scattered My flock, and driven them away, and have not taken care of them; behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord." Amos 5:2 "The virgin of Israel is fallen, she shall no more rise; she is cast down upon her land, there is none to raise her up"

I predicted correctly where disturbances would occur on the 11th August 2009,one of which areas I suggested would be the summer solstice longitude which is 90° east and an earthquake did occur at 92° east. In this recent article I also mentioned a similar 7.7 earthquake of 1928 on the Ninety East, that occurred at 88° East, and under similar aspects to those coming in 2010, except that those in 2010 will be a lot stronger. In 1928 this earthquake occurred in the same period (when Uranus entered Aries), as the eruption of Krakatau and a number of volcanoes too. Prediction August 2009 Pt 2 Lhasa and Return of Atlantis-...

The worst earthquakes and associated disturbances – will come to centre on the 90° east longitude. Most likely this will happen in the next three years, making the coastlines around the Indian Ocean the most dangerous areas of the Earth to live, unless you wish to have the best seats for Shiva-Nataraja's fiery dance of destruction.

4 Orion's activity and position is associated with volcanic activity on earth. He was a Shepherd and the volcanoes were shepherd-kings. For beneath the shelter of the volcanic mountain people lived on the fertile lands and let their flocks drink from the waters, yet when they erupt, the flocks scatter.

We now have two major earthquakes, one in 2004 and one in this August 2009

both coming from this area, and, though some claim the Ninety East Ridge is aseismic, and it is not on a tectonic plate, that this area is aseismic not true and since 1900 this small area has produced at least five very large earthquakesvi. More are on the way: Atlantis-Meru Rising. This holy mountain will not, as far as I can foresee, be habitable for quite a while. The safest bet to survive this catastrophe might be to find a cave in Peru as the Cross of Hendaye suggested and certainly I believe as we are entering a vernal Aquarius and galactic Capricorn Age, both signs ruled by Saturn (PtahBrahma..volcanic architiect and Father God of Golden Age) that South America, ruled by both these signs according to the zones and according to some positive prophecies for the future coming from here that this is our best bet. Something happened half a Great Year ago which made much of the equatorial zones and southern latitudes uninhabitable and the northern ones ever more so, now the opposite process will begin. I am certain that volcanoes will begin erupting seriously in 2010. I hope it will not

lead to a super-volcanic eruption, but if so I suspect it will be from Indonesia and especially, eventually, from beneath the Indian Ocean that the worst will come. Nevertheless Yellowstone should not be underestimated, as it is in the Sagittarius longitude zone, and the Sagittarius Age of Jupiter is ending. © Susan Seymour Hedke

August 12 2009


ii iii iv v It is the Bible which tells us Enoch or Uruk was the first city. ...

vi Seismicity and tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge area: Evidence ... The Ninetyeast Ridge, far from being 'aseismic', has historically been a region of substantial seismicity. Since 1913, 4 magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes ... -

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