Atari 800 Hardware Manual, Part1

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 9



ATAR l' ^,."", -.mm6rcre c.mpa^y o


TO ALLPERSONS RTCEIVINC IHIS DOCUMENT Reproductionis forbidden without the specilic written permissionof ATARI,lNC. Sunnyvale, CA 94086.No ri8hl to reproducethis document, nor lhe subiectmatterlhereof,is grantedunlessby wrilten agreement with, or written oermission from the Corporal;on.

Every effort has been made to ensure that this manual accurately documents this product of Lhe ATAR] Home Computer Division. However, due to the ongoing irnprovement and update of the computer software and haralware, ATARI, INC. cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed naterial alter the date of publication and disclairns I i r|\i I i +rr T^r ^h.n^6c , a- r-r . - J r s , o r o n l s s l o n s .




I N T R O D U C T I o, N. . . .

D E S C R T P T T0OF NH A R D W A .R. .E ., . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . B. c. D. E,



. . . . . . . . . .' ,. . . . r rt.

.. .. . ,. .. ... .. .....rr1.1

P A L . . . . .. . . . ... ... .. ,IIt.l I N T E R R U PCTO N T R O 1 ., . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . I I I . 1 T v L 1 N EC O N T R o L . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , 1 1 I . 3 GMPIIICS CoNTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .III. 4 P L A Y E RASN DM I S S I L E S. ., . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . I I 1 . 9 A l I D f O... . . . . . .. .. ,.. .IIL 12 K E Y B O A RaDn d S P E A K X R . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 I . 1 5 S E R I A LP O R T. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . I r r . 1 7 C O N T R O L LPEORR T S , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I . t9

pRoeRAM...,...................IV. s A l t p L ED I S P L A Y

A. B.

........,.....v.1 ;.........,...,v,5


F l c u R E S . . ..,.. , . . . A. B. c.


. . . , . . , . . . . v t.



.I. I

POKEY......,. .........rr.23 S E R I AP LORT........,.............,..,...II.25 I N T E R R US PY TSTEM.....,,..............,,.1r.28 CONTRoLLERS,, . ....... .rr.30

H A R D W AR RE EC T S T E R . .S . ... . A. B. c. D. E. F. G. 11. I.


. .... . ..

. .. ... ,..vr.t

MEMoR MY Ap........,.....................vr. 1 N T S Ca n d P A LD I S P L A Y. . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . V I . 2 SCIIEMATICS.,. ,........vI.3














The ATARI (R) 800rM and ATARI 400rM Personal conputer systems 4 I/O chtps, operating systen ROI'I' expandable colrtaln a 6502 nlcroprocessor' for sddress decodlng and data bu8 bufferlrg. R-Alt, and several MsI chlps chtps tn sufficent prloarlly lntended to descrlbe the 4llo Thls nernral ls assembly tanguage Prograrns' plograd&exs to create detall to a11ow experlenced controlled by the ganes. chips are A11 four Inpul/Ortp\rt such as vldeo $hlch are decoded thell reglsters dlrectly lnto rnlcroprocessor by nrltlng does. These l/o chtps as RAM to exlst ln Elcroprocessol nenory space Just slrdlar reglsters' by leadlng can also be interrogated by the nlcroprocessor only and cannot be read after they are are wllte !,lany reglsters wrltten. In aone ceses, reading fron the same addless glves the value are Sone wrlte only reglsters contalned ln 4 separate read only reglster. presence of the gtrobes. slnce lhe No data blts are deeded ln thls case The usual the requested actlon. address on the bus ls \rhat trtggers for such (Store hstructlon Accufillator) conventlon 1s to use the STA functlon' for Sync perforrns the ltait reglsters. For exanple, STA WSYNC a P0KE In BASIC' (store as weL1. Y) vould ltork lust STX (Store x) or STY ls accoDpa reglster (the Readlng data could be anythlng). could be used (LDA' Ifl BASIC LDX etc'). 115hed by using eny of the load instrrcllons naEes are deflned 1n an When lhe hardltare register a PEEK would be used. by name ralher than to the registers the proglaxmer can refer equate llst' uslflg the addresses dtreclly.


It ls rea1ly not rreceasary fot the plograffner to kno{ $hlch are perfolrned by lthtch of lhe 4 chlps' however lt I/O functlons does help ln learnlng these functlofls.


Thls nanual should be used ln conluncllon Systen (oS) Manual, a 6502 prograoning narNal, Baslc Ref erellce I'I4tuaI.


rlth the Operatlng and the 4343!]!qgl.g9g




DMA(Dlrect llenory Access) control control NUl (Non-Maskab1e lnterlupt) Vertical and Horlzontal flne scrolllng I-lght Pen Posltlon reglsters Vertlcal l1ne counter (ltatl for hortzonlal sync) WSYNC


control (display of overlapplag oblects) Prlorlty Color-Lumlnance control (colors alrd brlghtness asslgned to all oblects lttcludlng DMA objects fron ANTIC) ?LAYER-MISSIIEobJects (4 players and 4 ldsstles) cre^h{

r a


Slze control l{orlzontal posltlon control Col11slon detectlon beBteen all objects (rnlscellaneous 1/0 functions) S{ltches and lriggers




Keyboard scan and conlrol Ser1a1 com.lnicatlons port (bidtrectlonal) Pot scan (digitlzes posltion of 8 tndependelt pots) Audlo generatlon (4 chanllels) Tlners IRQ (na6kable inlerrupt) control fron pertpherals Randon {runber generator


(Joysllck) lacks read ot write Controller Peripheral control and lnterrupt lines IRQ (naskable) lnterrupt control from perirherats

Sectlon II descrtbes rhe hardware in sone deratl, lncludlng the varlous graphics nodes. Sectlon III lists the hardrrare resisters orle a! a tlne, describing whar each bit ts used for. It 1s organtzea by functional groups (lnterruprs, graphlcs, audio, etc.). Section IV contatns a sanple display plogtafi. Section V conlalns various flgures and block dtagrans of the system. Sectlons VI and VII 11s! the hard\rare regtsters ln adilress order and alphabetical order, Sectlon VII includes hex and decfidal addresses, the OS shadon registers and the page ftrnbers i,,here nore infor_ nation can be found.




ANTIC AND CTIA TV Dlsplay: The ANTIC and CTIA chips generate the lelevlsi.on dtsplay at the rate of 50 frardes per second on the NTSC (US) systein. The PAL (European) systen ls dlfferent and ts descrtbed in the sectlon on NTSC vs PAL. Each frame conslsts of 262 horizor.tal TV lines and each 11ne ls nade up of 228 color clocks, as sho\rn 1n figure rt-3, The 5502 Dlcroprocessor runs at 1.79 MHz. Thle rate was chosen so that one nachine cycle ls equlvalenr ln length to tno color clocks. One clock ls approxlnately eqral ln width to two TV 1lnes, In any graphtcs or rectangles called graphlcs Eode has a Bample dlsplay llst

node, the dlsplay is dtvided up lnto soafl sqrares ptxel8 (plcture elenenle). The highest resolutlon plxel slze of I/2 color clock by I Tv llne. A glven 1rl sectlon la IV.

counter The current TV ltne nay be deternined by readlng the vertlcal (VCoIJNT). Ttls reglster glves the llfle count dlvided by 2. 'I}:'ete are 262 l1nes pe! frarne so VCOUNTrufls fron 0 to 130 (0 to 155 on the PAL syste.0). The 0 potnt occurs near the end of vertical blank (see flgure VI.5), (TELANK) Verttcal blank 1s the tlne durlng uhlch the electron beaE returns The for lhe flext frane. back to the top of the screen 1n prepaxatlon Atarl 800 does not do lnterlaclng, so each frar@ ls ldentical unless verllca1 sync the plogran which ls belng executed changes the dlsplay. (vSYNc) occurs durlng the fourth rhrough slxth lines of vertlcdl blank (VCoUNT = hex 7D through 7I). thls tel1s lhe TV set where each frane stAits. AJter vsYNc, there are 16 oore 11nes of VBLANK fot a Lotal of 22 (to be ttnes of \'BLANK. The dleplay 1lst Juop and walt lnstructlofl descrlbed later) causes the dlsplay llst graphlcs to start at lhe end of VBLANK.

The ATARI 400/800 cones wtth a loK Operatlng Operatlnq Svsten (0S): so Systen (OS) ln ROM. The 0S affects sone of the hardware registers, Refer lo the OS it !d11 be Eentloned fron tltae to tlltre in lhis nanual. nanual for nore deta11s. The 0S descrlpttons in thls na[ua1 apply to the verslon lhat was belng dlslrlbuted when thls nanual I'as written. The Os supports nost of the hardnare graphlcs loodes (BASICS, GRAPHICS' 24 background l1nes after PLoT, and DRAWTOcoEnands). Tte OS always dtsplays This conventlon 1s used at Atarl to compensate the erd of vertlcal blank. for televlslon sets \lhlch overacant Most TV's are deslgned so lhat lhe Thls ts flne for ordlnary broadcasts' edges of the plcture are cut off, to be but ulth a conpuler 1t ls essential for all lnpotlan! infornatlon cor0monfor four to elght colot dlsplayed on the screen. It is fairly A TV set ctocks at lhe rtght or left edge of the plcture to overscan. that has excesslve overscan rnay have !o readjusted to oblaln a satisfactory dlaDlav.


The 0S uses 192 TV llnes for its display and devotes the remalnlng 24 ltnes to overscanr It uses the standard dlsplay irldth of 160 color clocks, The hard\rare will allo\r displays of any length, but it ts reconnended lhat the standards be followed. The exception night be a border or other lnfornatlon whlch is nerely decota!1ve and not esse[tla1 to use of the prograno.

Since nany of the hard\,rare reglsters are write-only .q,q_lleggjglqE: and cannot be read the 0S has a mnber of "shadow registers'i in RAM. Every TV frarne durlng vertical blank the OS takes lhe values ln sone of its shadow registers, and wriles thero ou! to the correspondlng hardware register. The 0S does attracr color shlfting on all of rhe color registers ii ATRACT(on 0S reglsrer) is negatlve. This is to prevent da&age Eo rhe TV screen phosphors h'trlch can occur 1f the brlghtness 1s turned up too hlgh and the sante hlgh-luninance dlsplay is lef! on for a long tlne. The OS also reads lhe Joysticks and other conrrollets during vertlcal blank and stores lhe resulls 1n shadow reglsrers, so rhat user plograns do not have to tnclude code to unpack the data. Ttere are a few interrupt-related reglsrers $hlch lhe 0S changes or reads during inlerrupt processing. Prograr0s usually access the OS shadow registers instead of accessing the hard\tare directly. Ho\rever, the OS shadoirlng can be disabled by changtng the vertical blank and lnterrup! veclors (see OS marlual).

In addirion to a Vertical Blank Interrupt, which allons rhe l{!:Ig: I'Ilctoprocessor to s)'nchronlze to the vertical TV display, this systed also provides a Walt for Horizontal Sync (WSYNC)cornnand rhat al1ows Ehe lolcroprocessor to synchronlze ilself to lhe TV horlzontal line rate. Thts sync takes effect \rhen the processor r.rrites to an I/O location ca11ed WSYNC,\rhenever it deslres horizontal synchronizat lon. Wriling to thls address sets a larch which pul1s to zero a pln on the lllctoprocessor called REAIY. Idhen READYgoes to zeto the Elcroprocessor stops and \raits. The lalch is autonatlcally reset (returning REAIY true) at the beglnnlng of the next horizontal blank interval, releasing the nicroprocessor to resunoe progran execution.

Obiect DMA (Direct Menorv Access): The primary functlon of the Antlc chip ls to fetch data fron roenoty (independent of the nlcroprocessor) for display on the TV screen. It does thls lrlth a lechnlqle called "Dlrect Meoory Access" or Dl4A. It reqrests lhe use of the inenory address and dala bus by sending a stgnal called HALT to lhe microprocessor, causlng the processor to becoEe "TRI-STATE" (open circuit) all durlng the next cornputer cycle. The ANTIC chlp lhen takes over rhe address blrs and reads any data it r,rishes fron nenory. Another nan€ fo! Lhis rype of DMA 1s "cyc1e stealing". Once lnitlated, this DMA is conpletely and autonatically conlrolled by lhe Antlc chip Fithout need for futher microprocessor lnlervention. (see Figure There are l\ro types of Dl4A: Playfleld and Player-Missile 1I.2). The playfield on the Antlc chip resernbles a Dl4A control clrcult snall durnb drlcroprocessor. By halting the main nicroprocessor 1t can addressed by 1ts fetch its ol'n instructions fron uernory (lhe dtsplay list) program counter(d1splay llst poln!e.). Each instructlon defines the type (alpha character or nemory nap), and the resolurlon (slze of bits on the screen), and the Iolation of the data ln menoryL'hich is to be dtsplayed group or rlnes. II.2

Ir ordel to begln thls DI,IA the natn dlsplay l1st of lnstructloos ln nenory, tdenory, tell the ANTIC where the dlspfay 1lst potnter) and enable the DMA control register).

nlcroprocessor lnrsE sEore a store data to be dlsplayed ln ltst ls (hltlallze the display flags on the ANTIC (D}.IACTL

In addttlon to the playfteld DlttA descrlbed above, the ANTIC chlp slDrltaneously colttrols another DMA channel. Thls type of DMA addressea PLAYER-MISSILE gr:aphics data stored ln neoory and passes the graphlc8 dala on to the CTIA chip graphlcs reglsters. Thls type of DMA (1f enabled) occurs antoDatlcally, lnterspersed nith the playfleld DMA descrlbed prevlously. This ?LAYER-MISSILEDMAhas no dtsplay 1lst or idstructions, and Is therefore rmlch slEpler than the PLAYFIELD Dl,lA. III addltlon to the two rypes of dlsplay DMA, the ANTIC chlp also generates DMA addresses for the refresh of rhe dynanlc nenory RrlM used 1n thls systen. Thla ia also coDpletely autollattc and need be constdered by the programer only lf he ls concerned with real-tlue progrardolng where an exact count of the conputer cycles 1s lrnportant.

Color-lunlnance I A colot-lumlnance register ls used on the CTIA chlp for each Player-Mlssile and Playfleld type. Each color-lun reglster is loaded by the nlcroprocessor \'lth a code representlng the deslred color end lunlnance of lts correspondlng Player-Misslle or Playfleld type. As the serlal data pss8es lhrough the CTIA chlp 11 1s 'rtmpressed" \rlrh the color and hrninance values contalned ilr lhese registers, before being seflt to the TV dlsplay. In areas of the screen where there are no objects lhe background color (CoLBK) 1s displayed. The CTIA also does collisron detectlon (to be descrtbed later;.

ltren novlng oblects, such as playets and Btsslles, ?rlorltv: overlap on the TV screen (with each other or wlth playfleld) a dectslon ttlst be made as to whlch oblect shons 1n fronr of the othex. Objects \rhlch appear to pa8s 1n flont of others are satd to have prloriry ower them. Prlorlty ls asslgned ro aLl objecrs by rhe CTIA chlp befoie the serlal data fron each object 1s conbtned rrtth the other oblects and sent to the TV screen. The prlority of objecls can be conlrolLed by the mtcroprocessor by I'rltlng lnto the control reglster PRIOR. The functtons of the bits in thls reglster are glven 1n rhe table 1n the ?RIoR regtsrer descrlption in sectlon III.

Plavers and }llsslles: The players and nlssiles are snall objecLs whlch car be moved qutckly in the hortzontal dlrecrlon by changing thelr poeltlotl reglsters. They are called players and Eissiles because they $ere orlglnally deslgned to be used ln games for objects such as ahplanes and bullets. Itowever, there are nany other posstble appllcations for then. The four player-rulsslle color registers, ln conjunclton l'lth the four playfield color reglsters and the background color teglster, raake It posslble !o dlsplay 9 different colors ar the sane ttr0e,


obj ec!s

= background)


con!!o11ed by Displai ltst lnstructlons


Playfleld Dl,lA Erable


I ' I E M O R Y

Ftgure 1I.2


D I S P I , A Y

S O U R C ' S

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