Asynchronous Transfer Mode

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  • Words: 925
  • Pages: 23
Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Agenda • • • • • • • • •

Introduction Design Goals Problems Solved Structure Cell Devices Virtual Connections Identification of Path Services

• Switching • Physical Connections • Layers (Reference Model) • Addressing • LAN • Advantages • Disadvantages • References

Intro… ATM is • Connection oriented switching technology • Handles digital data format • Consist upon 53-byte cells (Individually, a cell is processed asynchronously relative to other related cells and is queued before being multiplexed over the transmission path.)

• Prespecified bit rates are either 155.520 Mbps or 622.080 Mbps. • Speeds on ATM networks can reach 10 Gbps.

Intro… • Basically Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is the cell relay protocol designed by the ATM Forum and adopted by the ITU-T. • In fact, ATM can be thought of as the "highway" of the information superhighway.

Design Goals • Want to be – Higher data rate or bandwidth – Wide area connectivity without lowering the effectiveness – Implemented Inexpensively – Compatible to most of telecom hierarchies – Connection Oriented – Converting from soft to hardware.

Structure or Architecture… • ATM is a cell-switched network. • The user access devices, called the endpoints, are connected through a user-to-network interface (UNI) to the switches inside the network. • The switches are connected through network-to-network interfaces (NNIs).

ATM Cell • ATM transfers information in fixedsize units called cells. • Each cell consists of 53 octets, or bytes. The first 5 bytes contain cell-header information (contain the information about the ATM network), and other 48 contain the payload (user information).

ATM Devices • ATM Switches:

An ATM switch is responsible for cell transit through an ATM network. It can reads and updates the cell header information and quickly switches the cell to an output interface toward its destination.

• ATM Endpoints:

An ATM endpoint (or end system) contains an ATM network interface adapter.

Virtual Connection • Connection between two endpoints is accomplished through transmission paths (TPs), virtual paths (VPs), and virtual circuits (VCs). • A transmission path (TP)  Physical connection (wire, cable, satellite, and so on) between an endpoint and a switch or between two switches.

Virtual Connection • A virtual path (VP) provides a connection or a set of connections between two switches. • Cell networks are based on virtual circuits (VCs). All cells belonging to a single message follow the same virtual circuit and remain in their original order until they reach their destination.

Simple relationship of TP, VP and VC.

Practical relationship of VP and VC.

Identifications for paths • The designers of ATM created a hierarchical identifier with two levels: a virtual path identifier (VPI) “For specific VP” and a virtual-circuit identifier (VCI) “For particular VC in side the VP”. Define the identifiers in pairs as one is VPI and other is VCI.

Identification (Contd…) • For UNI and NNI we use identifiers of different length as shown in figure.

ATM services • Two types of services are 1) PVC and 2) SVC • PVC: Permanent Virtual Circuits allows direct connectivity between sites. In this way, a PVC is similar to a leased line. • SVC: Switched Virtual Circuits is created and released dynamically and remains in use only as long as data is being transferred. In this sense, it is similar to a telephone call.

ATM Switching • ATM uses switches to route the cell from a source endpoint to the destination endpoint. • A switch routes the cell using both the VPIs and the VCIs.

ATM Layers (Reference Model) ATM consist upon three basic layer format as »Physical Layer »ATM Layer »AAL (ATM Application Adapter Layer)

ATM Reference Model • Physical layer—Analogous to the physical layer of the OSI reference model, the ATM physical layer manages the mediumdependent transmission. • ATM layer—Combined with the ATM adaptation layer, the ATM layer is roughly analogous to the data link layer of the OSI reference model. The ATM layer is responsible for – the simultaneous sharing of virtual circuits over a physical link (cell multiplexing) and passing cells through the ATM network (cell relay). – To do this, it uses the VPI and VCI information in the header of each ATM cell. – Also use to interface between physical and adaption layer.

• ATM adaptation layer (AAL)—Combined with the ATM layer, the AAL is roughly analogous to the data link layer of the OSI model. The AAL is responsible for – isolating higher-layer protocols from the details of the ATM processes. – The adaptation layer prepares user data for conversion into cells and segments the data into 48-byte cell payloads.

ATM reference model

ATM Physical Connections • ATM supports two types of connections: point-to-point and point-to-multipoint. • Point-to-point connects two ATM end systems and can be unidirectional (oneway communication) or bidirectional (two-way communication). • Point-to-multipoint connects a singlesource end system (known as the root node) to multiple destination end systems (known as leaves). Such connections are unidirectional only.

Advantages • ATM supports voice, video and data allowing multimedia and mixed services over a single network. • High evolution potential, works with existing technologies • Provides the best multiple service support • Ability to connect LAN to WAN • High speed Mbps and possibly Gbps

Disadvantages • Flexible to efficiency’s expense, at present, for any one application it is usually possible to find a more optimized technology • Cost, although it will decrease with time • New customer premises hardware and software are required • Competition from other technologies -100 Mbps FDDI, 100 Mbps Ethernet and fast Ethernet.

for obsession

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