Assessment Plan

  • August 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 413
  • Pages: 2
Assessment Plan: Entry-Level:



Questioning/Brainstorm: From your prior knowledge already known about World War II, deliberate on why countries went to war in the first place. What was the ultimate purpose for conquest and decisions to liberate during World War II? Quiz: What were the reasons for the war? Resources? Glory? Fame? Liberation? Or, Flashcards: define the locations and major events of World War II. Project Journal: Students will write and keep journal entries at the end of each project step in response to prompts. Students use the journals to record new learnings and reflect on their thinking. Review journal entries at the end of the unit to measure understanding. Ranking: define the importance of major events of the war by the event’s resolution. What battles were more conducive to Germany and Japan losing and led to the Allies losing. Material Graphic Summary – Demonstrate the enduring consequences of World War II and its effects upon the world thereafter. Presentation – The congenital influence that the United States and the Soviet Union had upon the countries impacted by the war.

Summary Entry-Level: 

From what you already know and understand from World War II, a quick-write will commence in class in which you, the student, will write as much basic information about the war. This quick-write will be kept until the end of the semester and be compared to the knowledge you will gain by the end of the semester.

Formative: 

 

A mid-semester quiz will commence in which the student will list abstract reasons for the war. List reasons why Nazi Germany invaded Poland and why Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Answer flashcards correctly to gain knowledge on events that occurred before and during the World War II. Project Journal: The Project Journal will be utilized throughout the semester for projects to ensure that a level of understanding is being met. This will be used to measure understanding by reviewing journals at the end of the project.

By comprehending major events of the war, student will determine which events led to the Allies winning the war as the war progressed.

Summative: 

The student will prove that their understanding of World War II has significantly increased by demonstrating knowledge of how the world evolved due to the war by making a graphic organizer. The student will present a PowerPoint how the United States and the Soviet Union both demonstrated their influence upon the countries impacted by the war.

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