Asonam 2009 Final Program

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  • Pages: 4

The 2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining July 20–22, 2009 ✼ Athens, Greece ✼ Hellenic American University, US/Greece

Conference Program – Monday, July 20, 2009


Registration (Registration Desk – 1st floor) Welcome and Opening Remarks (Theater – 2nd floor)


Keynote Speech (Theater – 2nd floor) Christos Faloutsos: Graph Mining: Patterns, Generators and Tools


Break (refreshments provided – 1st floor)


Session: Social Aspects (seminar room 4th floor)

Session: Recommendation and Prediction (1) (seminar room 6th floor)

• Putnam, Kolko: Getting online but still living offline: the complex relationship of technology adoption and in-person social networks [F]

• Arulselvan, Mendoza, Boginski, Pardalos: Predicting the Nexus between Post-Secondary Education Affordability and Student Success: An Application of Network-based Approaches [F]

• Kim, Han: An Analytical Way to find Influencers on Social Networks and Validate their Effects in Disseminating Social Games [F]

• Esslimani, Brun, Boyer: From Social Networks to Behavioral Networks in Recommender Systems [F]

• Fatalian, Nayeri, Azadnia: Impact of Using Semantic Social Networks on Organizations [F]

• Bonneau, Anderson, Danezis: Prying Data out of a Social Network [F]

• Hui, Buchegger: Groupthink and Peer Pressure: Social Influence in Online Social Network Groups [F]

• Furtado, Assunção, de Oliveira, Belchior, DʼOrleans: A Method for Identifying Malicious Activity in Collaborative Systems with Maps [S]

13:00 Break (lunch provided – 1st floor) 14:30 Workshop on Mining Social Networks for Decision Support (seminar room 4th floor) • Hwang: Mining Proximal Social Network Intelligence for Quality Decision Support [W] • Jin, Matsuo: Ranking Learning on the Web by Integrating Network-based Features [W] • Hsueh, Wang: The Use of Social Network Analysis in Knowledge Diffusion Research from Patent Data [W] • Chueh, Lin, Jan: Mining Target-oriented Fuzzy Correlation Rules in Telecom Database [W] • Wu, Fuller, Zhang: Text Document Classification and Pattern Recognition [W] • Chang, Wu, Ting: Mining Organizational Networks for Layoff Prediction Model Construction [W] • Yu, Lee: Investigation of Network Structure in Taiwan Automobile Industry [W] 16:30 Break (refreshments provided – 1st floor) 17:00 Poster Session Presentations (2nd floor) 18:30 Break 19:30 Reception (8th floor) 21:30

Session: Recommendation and Prediction (2) (seminar room 6th floor) • Kayaalp, Özyer, Özyer: A Collaborative and Content Based Event Recommendation System Integrated With Data Collection Scrapers and Services at a Social Networking Site [F] • Žiberna, Vehovar: Using social network to predict the behavior of active members of online communities [F] • Dubrawski, Sarkar, Chen: Trade-offs Between Agility and Reliability of Predictions in Dynamic Social Networks Used to Model Risk of Microbial Contamination of Food [F] • Bartal, Sasson, Ravid: Predicting Links in Social Networks using Text Mining and SNA [F] • Danowski, Cepela: Automatic Mapping of Social Networks of Actors From Text Corpora: Time Series Analysis [F] • El-Hajj, Hayward: Predicting User Behaviour to Facilitate Efficient Provision of Health Applications [S]

[F] – full paper; [S] – short paper; [W] – workshop paper



The 2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining July 20–22, 2009 ✼ Athens, Greece ✼ Hellenic American University, US/Greece

Conference Program – Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Break (refreshments provided – 1st floor)



Session: Social Network Analysis (seminar room 4th floor) • Brandes, Lerner, Snijders: Networks Evolving Step by Step: Statistical Analysis of Dyadic Event Data [F] • Skraba, Beauvais, Stan, Maaradji, Daigremont: Developing Compelling Social-Enabled Applications with Context-based Social Interaction Analysis [F] • Cepela, Danowski: Automatic Mapping of Social Networks of Political Actors from Large Collections of News Stories [F] • Huang, Yan, Qiu, Qiao: Exploring Emergent Semantic Communities from DBLP Bibliography Database [F] • Brunelli, Fedrizzi: A fuzzy approach to social network analysis [F] • Bermingham, Conway, McInerney, OʼHare, Smeaton: Combining Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis to Explore the Potential for Online Radicalisation [F]

Session: Privacy and Meta Aspects (seminar room 6th floor) • Chiou, Chang, Mezzour, Perrig, Sun: A Trustable Reputation Scheme Based on Private Relationships [F] • Kinzel, Klettke, Uppal, Visram, Kianmehr, Alhajj, Rokne: The Economic Benefits of Web Mining [F] • Obradovič, Baumann: A Journey to the Core of the Blogosphere [F] • Xanthopoulos, Arulselvan, Boginski, Pardalos: A Retrospective Review of Social Networks [S] • Pun, Chinaei, Barker: Twins (1): Extending SQL to Support Corporation Privacy Policies in Social Networks [S] • Nagle, Singh: Can friends be trusted? Exploring privacy in online social networks [S]

Break (lunch provided – 1st floor) 14:30 Session: Detecting Various Aspects in Social Networks (seminar room 4th floor) • Bourqui, Gilbert, Simonetto, Zaidi, Sharan, Jourdan: Detecting structural changes and command hierarchies in dynamic social networks [F] • Kappe, Zaka, Steurer: Automatically Detecting Points of Interest and Social Networks from Tracking Positions of Avatars in a Virtual World [F] • Liu, Zhai, Sun, Chen, Chen: Filtering Spam in Social Tagging System with Dynamic Behavior Analysis [F] • Sharara, Singh, Getoor, Mann: The Dynamics of Actor Loyalty to Groups in Affiliation Networks [F] • Crnovrsanin, Correa, Ma: Social Network Discovery based on Sensitivity Analysis [F] • Chen, Zaïane, Goebel: Local Community Identification in Social Networks [F] • Zubiaga, Garczía-Plaza, Fresno, Martínez: Contentbased Clustering for Tag Cloud Visualization [S] • Abdulla, Polovincak, Snasel: Search results clustering using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) [S] • Snášel, Horák, Kočíbová, Abraham: Reducing Social Network Dimensions Using Matrix Factorization Methods [S] 17:30 19:00 23:30

Break @ 19:00 – Buses leave conference site for tour on cruise Tour and Banquet Dinner on Cruise

Session: Data Mining and Applications of Social Networks (seminar room 6th floor) • Schlitter, Falkowski: Mining the Dynamics of Music Preferences from a Social Networking Site [F] • Yang, Yang, Huang, Yao: Structural Hole and Personal Innovativeness in a Bureau of Health [F] • del Campo, Škerlavaj, Gómez, Dimovski: Exploratory study of intra-organizational learning from social network perspective within a Spanish knowledge intensive company [F] • Chen, Zaïane, Goebel: A Visual Data Mining Approach to Find Overlapping Communities in Networks [S] • Coscia, Giannotti, Pensa: Social Network Analysis as Knowledge Discovery process: a case study on Digital Bibliography [S] • Al-Barakati, Zhang, Patoli, Gkion, Beloff, Newbury, White: An Integrated Workflow Management Solution for Heritage Information Mashups [S] • Gay, Loubier: Dynamics and Evolution Patterns of Business Networks [S] • Neri, Geraci, Sanna, Lotti: Online Police Station: a state-of-the-art Italian Semantic Technology against cybercrime [S] • Qiu, Bu, Chen, Zhang: Intelligent Advertising for User Generated Content through Sentiment Analysis [S] • Namgoong, Yang, Song, Kim: Browsing Unbounded Social, Linked Data Instances with User Perspectives [S]

[F] – full paper; [S] – short paper; [W] – workshop paper

Keynote Speech (Theater – 2nd floor) Hsinchun Chen: Homeland Security Data Mining using Social (Dark) Network Analysis


The 2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining July 20–22, 2009 ✼ Athens, Greece ✼ Hellenic American University, US/Greece

Conference Program – Wednesday, July 22, 2009



Session: Algorithms for Social Networks (seminar room 4th floor)

Session: Models for Social Networks (1) (seminar room 6th floor)

• Tsourakakis, Drineas, Michelakis, Koutis, Faloutsos: Spectral Counting of Triangles in Power-Law Networks via Element-Wise Sparsification [F]

• Jerry Scripps, Tan, Chen, Esfahanian: A Matrix Alignment Approach for Collective Classification [F]

• Yuruk, Mete, Xu, Schweiger: AHSCAN: Agglomerative Hierarchical Structural Clustering Algorithm for Networks [F] • Yang, Huang, Liu, Liu: A Multi-Agent Based Decentralized Algorithm for Social Network Community Mining [F]

• Manoussopoulos, Zevlekari: Possible Occurrence of Scale-Free Topology in Highly Statistically Associated Polymorphic Positions in Two Potyviral Proteins [F] • Raeder, Chawla: Modeling a Storeʼs Product Space as a Social Network [F]

13:00 Break (only refreshments provided – 1st floor) 14:30 Session: Representation, Visualization, and Interaction (seminar room 4th floor) • Li, Lin: Egocentric Information Abstraction for Heterogeneous Social Networks [F] • Harrer, Zeini, Ziebarth: Integrated Representation and Visualisation of the Dynamics in Computer-mediated Social Networks [F]

Session: Models for Social Networks (2) (seminar room 6th floor) • Bhattacharyya, Garg, Wu: Social Network Model based on Keyword Categorization [F] • Dahlem, Harrison: Waiting Time Sensitivities of Social and Random Graph Models [F]

• Daly: Harnessing Wisdom of the Crowds Dynamics for Time-Dependent Reputation and Ranking [F]

• Müller, Meuthrath, Jeschke: Defining a universal actor content-element model for exploring social and information networks considering the temporal dynamic [F]

• Feizy, Wakeman, Chalmers: Transformation of Online Representation through Time [F]

• Stavrianou, Velcin, Chauchat: Definition and Measures of an Opinion Model for Mining Forums [F]

• Stein, Blaschke: Collaborative Intensity in Social Networks [F]

• Mertsalov, Magdon-Ismail, Goldberg: Models of Communication Dynamics for Simulation of Information Diffusion [F]

• Yoneki, Greenfield, Crowcroft: Dynamics of InterMeeting Time in Human Contact Networks [S] 16:30 Break 17:00 Concluding Session (Theater – 2nd floor)

• Kim, Zhang, Lee: Dynamic and Static Influence Models on Starbucks Networks [S]

[F] – full paper; [S] – short paper; [W] – workshop paper

Keynote Speech (Theater – 2nd floor) Panos M. Pardalos: A Retrospective Review of Social Networks


The 2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining July 20–22, 2009 ✼ Athens, Greece ✼ Hellenic American University, US/Greece

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