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Factors & variables Findings

author name, year of publication and articles name A Case-Based Approach to Understanding Vacation Planning(1999) SUSAN I. STEWART

To study the

trip-planning behavior of

customers and understand the factors responsible for difference in their experiences in travel plans and actuated travels.

Sampli ng and Postca rd Survey ; Pretrip Survey s and Diaries ;

Chi Squar e (Hypo thesis testin g)

Actual length of stay in destination, Planned length of stay,

Indepe ndent sampl es t test

Planned and actual overnight accommodati ons were divergent, and changes were asymmetric Repeat visitors were likely to have more congruent plans than first-time visitors Travelers did develop plans before their trip, but these plans were subject to change, especiallywith regard to onsite activities,sugg esting that good information about activities should be available at the destination. The travel

The role and impact of comparison websites on the consumer search process in the US and German airline markets (2016) Christopher P Julia A. Jacobs Stefan Klein

To test whether comparison websites act as a substitute for primary search with airline websites, stimulate primary search, or have no discernible effect.

 

Com score report s Use of set theory Hypot hesis testin g

Clickstream data from a large panel of online users consideration set of number of airline website brands visited Audience duplication reports of the airlines and the comparison websites

plans did not match actuated travels. Results showed evidence of overplanning in the categories of travel party and activities. Activities were the most changeable plan elements, and patterns of change support the notion that people had made many more plans than they acted on.  The managerial implications of the results for airlines is that it is vital for airline companies to continue to build awareness of their brands and their services through offline and online advertising so that customers include them in their consideration sets.  Airlines should exploit their historical advantages from their loyalty

Planning a vacation using social media: Influences of demographic, psychographic, and triprelated characteristics( 2013) Anja Simms and Ulrike Gretzel

To study demographics, psychographics, and trip characteristics as predictors for whether a trip would be planned using social media.

Chi Square Test; Survey; Stepwise Discriminant Analysis.

15 independent variables related to characteristics of set trip, for analysis, demographic, psychographic factors.

schemes and knowledge of frequent flyers to encourage direct search. Comparison websites should continue to build incentives for customers to search with them, e.g. better prices and different services. The use of comparison websites stimulates primary search with airline websites rather than acting as a substitute for primary search. The psychographic characteristic opinionseeking behaviour seems to be the single largest predictor for engaging with online usergenerated content for travel information search.

Customer Preferences for Online, Social Media, and Mobile Innovations in the Hospitality Industry(2012) Rohit Verma

To analyze how customers search for and choose hotels online on basis of customers’ demographics and their travel behavior and to study the relationship between travel preferences and individuals’ willingness to

Survey questionnaire, Customer reviews

 

Data trend from online travel sites; Response from 4,000

business and leisure hotel customers Technology Readiness Index (TRI scores)

Visiting a destination for the first time and involvement with trip planning are positively correlated with social media use. Solo travel seems to be inversely related to social media use for vacation planning. The most important demographic predictor is generation, that is, travellers born in or after 1983, being more likely to use social media for trip planning. We found that the top factor in hotel choice for business travelers is the recommendati on of the company or organization, cited by 40 percent of the business travelers in our study. The number

adopt new technologies.

one source of hotel information for leisure travelers is the recommendati ons of friends and family, which was cited by half male respondents and nearly 60 percent of women. The results show that women are significantly more likely to read a review on TripAdvisor compared to men. While women are equally likely to read both professional reviews and customer reviews (e.g., TripAdvisor), men are more likely to use professional reviews. When it comes time to book, respondents preferred hotel brand websites and online travel agencies, although they

eTourism: A comparison of Online and Offline Bookings and the Importance of Hotel Attributes(2010) Jadranka Gugić

To investigate the differences in booking methods compared to demographic and travel characteristics of the hotel guests and the importance of broadband Internet, also in relation to demographic and travel characteristics of the guests, as well as booking methods.

Surve y questi onnair e Custo mer revie ws on 10point scale Graphi cal analysi s

 

demographic and traveling characteristics hotel attributes and access to broadband Internet in hotel areas.

also used other sites. The hotel industry is well aware that customer ratings have a strong effect on customers’ willingness to book a hotel. The business users were found more likely to adopt new technology at a faster rate than the rest of the population. Bookings between women and men do not differ significantly. Considering the age of the respondents, who booked over the Internet, the differences between the age groups are not great. No age group had an extremely low or extremely high share of online reservations. From the data on the demographic

characteristics of respondents and the ways of booking, we did not recognize any important indicators of the specificities of guests who book their accommodati on at the hotel over the Internet. The respondents who have booked accommodati on through the Internet, the importance of broadband Internet in the hotel is somewhat less important than for those who did not book through the Internet.

Literature Review: 1) It has been established that travellers consult social media when planning their vacations. Increasingly, travellers are turning to online user-generated content available through social media to obtain information prior to their vacations, particularly online travel reviews, believing them to be trustworthy and useful. When trying to explain differences in travellers’ engagement with social media for vacation planning, studies have traditionally focused on traveller characteristics, such as demographics and increasingly psychographics. The trip-related characteristics, such as first-time visit to a destination, visit to an international destination, and whether or not respondents travelled solo mattered for travellers’ level of engagement with social media. (Dinhopl, 2013) (Planning a vacation using social media: Influences of demographic, psychographic, and triprelated characteristics).

2) Vacation planning is done through cognitive-planning and decision making models. These models rest on theories of how memory is created and used and also may seek to Vacation Planning to examine or explain how perception, judgment, experience, learning, and expertise affect behavior. Planning models represent the process by which many actions are carried out to achieve multiple, interrelated, sequential goals and is begun in advance or anticipation of action. Decision-making studies are concerned with how people weigh alternatives and evaluate options, but usually in relation to one distinct event, purchase, or issue. (Stewart, A Case-Based Approach to Understanding Vacation Planning, 1999) ( A Case-Based Approach to Understanding Vacation Planning SUSAN I. STEWART)

3) The comparison websites play an important role in the consumer search process for offers and reasonable pricing for tour options. The theoretical construct of a consideration set is those brands that the consumer considers seriously when making a purchase and/or consumption decision. It is the group of brands that a consumer actively considers when making a purchasing decision. The pre-requisites of being included in the consideration set are that a consumer must be aware of the brand and also judge it to be acceptable, at least for consideration and evaluation. The shape of the journey measured by the number of brands has been conceptualized as a funnel that starts with the widest possible set of options and ends in an individual making a purchase. The choice of a particular brand from the consideration set involves consumer search and evaluation, including the acquisition and evaluation of information from multiple sources. (Jacobs, 2016) (The role and impact of comparison websites on the consumer search process in the US and German airline markets Christopher P. Holland1,2 • Julia A. Jacobs2 • Stefan Klein)

4) The role of private tour operators is undoubtedly crucial in vacation planning and finalizing the tour. The services offered by private tour operators are providing combination of flights and hotels, flight booking, corporate travel, travel insurance, cruise package, deals on travel plans, hotels and train reservations. Lower distributions costs and high return ensure high market share for private tour operators. Factors identified for success of private tour

websites are information and service quality, system use, playfulness and system design quality. It was found that the foreign tourists prefer private tour operators in comparison to public sector. They rely on private tour operators because of convenience and brand name and good quality. Private hotels were also preferred more in comparison to public sector hotel because of international standards adopted by them. Innovation and continuous adaptation to changing environment is the key of success of private tour operators. (Dahiya, 2016) (Travel industry selecting between online and offline mode Kirti Singh Dahiya , Dr. D.K Batra)

5) E-tourism determines the competitiveness of the organization by taking advantage of intranets for reorganizing internal processes, extranets for developing transactions with trusted partners and the Internet for interacting with all its stakeholders and customers. The e-tourism concept includes all business functions (i.e., e-commerce, emarketing, e-finance and e-accounting, e- human resource management, e-procurement, e- research and development, e-production) as well as e-strategy, e-planning and e-management for all sectors of the tourism industry, including tourism, travel, transport, leisure, hospitality, principals, intermediaries and public sector organizations. Hence, e-tourism bundles together three distinctive disciplines: business management, information systems and management, and tourism. Despite the massive use of the internet for travel related services there are still instances when hiring travel agents are necessary. Most people who go on vacation like to book trips through a travel agent in order to take some of the stress out of the planning process. Travel agents can also help travelers to save money on flight, hotel rooms, cruises, and more. Travel agent is pivotal in making traveler’s vacation the most hassle-free and pleasurable one. Travel agents have quicker access to the deals many travel sites offer and can save time researching if traveler provides a few basics like travel preferences and departure cities. (Bandara, 2016) (E-TOURISM AND ROLES OF TRAVEL AGENCIES: A CASE STUDY OF PROMOTING JAPANESE INBOUND TOURISM IN SRI LANKA)


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