Art Of Inc

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  • Pages: 15
Articles of Incorporation Harbour Island Community Services Association




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I crufy that the Enhed Ls a true and concct copy ci the Articles uf .—







Apr1 t9, 19SG n sliuw by hc records of


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lnccrpurotiuu or IIARJJOUIF. iSLAND COMMUNITY SE1V10ES ASOC!AIION, INC., n cvrporateit or iecJ under the Laws of the 0



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The Th un erjgn undersigned

subcrjbers ubcjber desiring deirg t0 to forn forn aa corpOration DrpOration notfor_proft ot_for._prcfstutid utider Chapter Chapter ci,, i7,, Florida Flojda Statuteo, Statute, hereby herebyadopt dpt the following J\rtilen the following Articleg of ofIncorporation. torpatj. XRttCL I ---hAri NNIC OrCCflPORJT1cn, or OflPORJTU)

The The name nr,e oof

the the corporation corpotj11 &liall 1iafl be JR ISLPjJD be 1LA9cuR SJ3CaM— ?IUN!TY' tJNIT'StRVlCs SRV!C.SASSODIAtION, AO1AtJO INC. Jhc. herejflfLer referred referred to lereiflfter to as s the

Assocjatjon. '/S3ociatjon. 'I

/\RTiCL tRTiCL II 11

DEEIETlO OF DEEflTrIon OF' 'E!ms 'TE!S The Th

them thrn

erxn ud hereir terj,is used herein nhall nhall have bav the th meati4 rne t, nubscrjbeu ubErrjbe to to th Deciaratjo In the Dec1araLjo referred referred to tobelow, blw, un1rg unIeGg I

th tLs ronbext ortet

indicates ct}ier-wje. ct}irj

ARTICLE !JTICL - 111 z I PUfFOs CLAUSt PUftpO$E Th pup The purpoces fc,r for Whirl1 tIi Associ a U cii iin formed whi11 th are formed ares

(fl ()


ecifj sped Li

nd primary and Dritar1'purposes purpoE

£r for the the

are re to to provide pr3vjde

preservation nf the preservatjo, of thearch arLu leo(nj al aeIijtj en and aeIijje9 r1 apparanc of appearance of those those po,-Hoa of nH oC o iJevIcpinenr Rich, a uejpneja Hw-"u as s

thREQUR WREOUR ISLAUL located I SLAUL boa e'J fli flU

ra 're

ubjet to to

1 fflllbcxougii

rbo aug11CounLy, Coiin Ly, Florida 1orjda, that tEat

tie elartjoji artioi and and to to own, own, lease iea an&/er and/c'r tI


operate a and operate id r aijiiaj t a in the tI: crjn Co]rto,) Proper operties ties tic L!ICLCC Leon for for the the U5e of f lt1 U5e I the tho users users thereo[ Ct) The Thegeneral generalPurposes (b) pnrpoc3 and and po:ej p S are: are

(1)I (1

t t

poniot thethi promote CORIJTJDII COflTD1L good,

c1ti, teal t.3i •

and and general general welfare all of ejfre ofofail of the theQwp'ers Qiers within ithj

I SIAlJ; Sl.AlJ;;

fe ty safety l]Afl500a IAflDQ1JR

5O (2)

to exercia exercise all the powel-s powers and and privi1ege privi1ege all of the

and aridtO toperfo perfcrnall allot and bIj9atjcus obli9ationsof of the of the theduties duUand the Assocta tionar±91ng Asolation analog from la tioi of fCovenatiL, fromtho theDDecl.r.tjori CovenatiL adition, aid Cozaditiono, and R!etrjtjcg Rnetrieticng (the ISDecjaratjorIl) ap— (the DeciaratiorI1t) piloable to !WtRBCUR.1SLMD, pli:able to IWtRBCUR. ISL?LND, amended, and ouppletnezited upp1eneiaited from frorn time time to to time, time, and iid recorded recod or or to to be be recorded recordedirt in the Fublic PublicRecwr& Recorasofof1lillaborougi lljllsborough Comty, County,Florida florida (the iefiriitiorio defirri tioris cf of which which are areincorporated incorporated herein Itereilk by by


(3) To To Ifetce applicable cnfot,c applicable povions provicionoofof the the Declara cIarLion Lion, the By—Laws, ay-Lawe the nook Book of ofRescluUotis Resolutions and and Ruita Rule and and PegulatlonE egulatlonu of the the /ccociaticn ticcociation;tto fic. fix, levy, levy, colloct collect And arid enforce enforcepayment, payment,byby any any laful lawful nea:s, of iieans, Of all charges charges or or AAogsments eoEmentpursuant pursuant to to the the terms terma of the ec1aaticn; to contract for foz arid an pay Declaration; in pay afl.l expenses epeneg irt c

.,nnecticii nnecticuwiwit}L tILthe the cwiiership. cwiierehip,posses poseSio1i si on naiii teri:,ce, a1ntenance,

repair, iniirin repair, ineiirin and flrproveme!Lts ofofthe and IalpZovemelLt9 theCoirooji CoiwncnProper— Propertiea defired iii ti.s (as (u defined iii tht, the Declar.tioxa)j to employ DeclaraLioIl) elTIploy personnel perooniiel zEaBollably zftBCnablyneceaoary necenLary adthiutration forfor thethe ads,iiiiutratjon

and cQntrcl perGosHiel cQntrolofofthe theCorunon Ccroi-i Properties Frops.tiea(whicI (which pereniie1 nay bb part-time and may andmay maybe beenpIoye.e eriployee of of condorniitiuoi condominium aeociaLjona uJ/or other associa Lions and/or other asoocjatjon asuooiatjons formed upon the forrrd upon II1ajid, el and, iii in which hich case cnrrpeueatjon shallbebeeq4i e4jtably compensation shall Lably

appotoned) and corilrol apportioned) andfor forarchitectural arclii Lectural coriLrolfor forall allof of UTRBOUR ISLJU1D tIhRBOUR ISLAnD thatthatisis subject, subject to to the the Declaration. clatatiti, tJ coet ofoflawyer-s including tJi costs accou istnntn, "here 1awyer- adiid accouiit; 1icre

appropLate, appropriate, provided that the Developer e'e1opr sholl shall sot ot he LaUle iable lot icr any any aeaeosrrlentB aGseccrnerltswlci1 whiche1ate relateiut any to any way way to or orother pproEessioiil roLes si oiial other feeo fees and xpe ,ses incurredin in ande ees incurred cc.iinocticri ClrcI itsoror the coirnec ci cr1 it1i WAally Ui any i ives t I U ci thereof he invetigatScn thereof agaih t Dcvcicper; against Developer;Lotopay payfor for all all oifice oUice and and other o Lhi Inc I dJ ta 1 to exene 3 hicidenLal to Ihie conduct epenseo e bitoine &s of ConductofofULhe hJn6i.1555 tin LIlr AsocIatioi, Asoociatlon lllclUd!j19 til all liccrsiees. lccl1Eca taEcs and licitidjity and pccia1 a 1 gove r ru'iei LoX aeeOnejjL asz etsmejils sIii govorrlrIe11Ll poei fli1ci cti aLe aL. or Ot would WOuld IJi

become a 1 cn on on any any Portion portion of lije Ule Com,no:i CoicirnonFnoj'crties Frcj>cttie!

: 4606 1282 48O642s2 8Qard c&rdofof Lflrectoro Liectora of f the oniiumAtsbciatioti A bciat10 and the Cc Ccdonijnju meirthet ait the the embei

of of each having a eachsuch suchCodciiinium Ccr;dominiun hiaving ajorty tj orityofof the the voteG vtte cast caet ohall be the theinitial hall be initialVoting Voting Member Member for such cli Co,,domj,ijun. Cocrniniun. ThereThereafter, the theelection electionofofthe theVoting Voting Merther after, Member forfor each suchuchi Condcm,i,— each Coudoiiniumshall ahali.bebeconducted conductedannually annually at at tue the end erd of the atttival jun annual iteetin rneetin ofr tile the Condominium Ccndoiinium A Aflociatioti tc?n (unless (uiilese the the UnIt UnIt Owners Owrieruiii in that that condominiumcall call a peciel Condominium specialmeeting meeting of the Corldomilliurn Association condominium Association for the the purpose purpose of'f conducting conducting 50011 such election), election), and andthe theVoting Votjg

Merubera untiltheir Membersosoelc.d elccdEhall gush serve serve until successcrg theit auccesacrahave have been been duly elected electedand andhave have take,, taken office. For Far purpos.o hereof, the purpoco hereof, the Voting so so elected VotingMemhera Members electedh&ll J&llbebeaubject subject to to the rules the same me rules aririg election to, and e1ectio to, ai duration ecardirig uratjonefefoffice, offjco,removaL removaL from £ron office and and the like as set satforth forth 12, ofice like as in the y-Lawe of Ofeach, the ny—Laws Condo— CaCit Condo-

mi,ijur rnlniLxrn Association1asasififtlio thoVoting Voting fleirbcr flezuberswere Association, weremembers rnebcre of the


Boa4 of Board of Directore Directors of of the theCor.dorinjurn Cor.dortinium Aesocia ksociatioii, Lion • except except if ths the Votiz articLxlar Condominium Co miiurn ceasea Voting tierther tiertherof oraa particular ceast for any any reason reason to hold such, uc14position, posItlor he may only only be be replaced he rny replaced by Flenther from from by e•nemLer suoji auch Condoitinjum COrdorririumelected e'ected at at aa special special neeting rnembera meeting cfofthethe member6 of of such sucu CordomLrlitrn condomfnitni, within within sixty sixty (60) (60)days daysofofthe the vacancy, but but in in th, thecase caseofofa aCoiidor2inium, Condonirium1until until a cpecial cpecjal or election or the the azuwal annual ejection af such CcndottinIum Ccndorinium clecte of members cf clecLoa aiCw newVoLitlg Voting Heniber, one of of teniber, One the members of the Board of Directors of the Condoinjniuz CondoininiurrlAsgocj— Iesoci-aation Lion(to (to be selected at aa special special meeting rneetliigofcfsuch suchBoard Board of Directors Di rectors rithiin rith,irifive five(5) (5)days daysofofsuch ouchveaucy) vaca;iy)ehiall shall terve serve as

Interim Voting Member the interim Member of of such such Colidorrjiijum with all of the Condorrjiijus with rights MId and responsibilities reBpongjbiljtjesof ofaa Voting Voting r1ernbr elected by by duly tiuy e)eoted the enbers the riber a aforesaid. aforesaid. ct1iig Iletrhcrn Ilembors elected Voti.g tue Unit slecLed by by the Unit owners OwetsofofallallCondo— Condomlin.nrns shall t1tbreof ofthe theUnit Unit)\dvisory JdvisoryBomrd iinms shall be be riembers whil oh Board Board Board. which siall o1dmeetfnçs meetfnçsatataatime timeand andplace p1c totobe nIa1l hold bedeteriniiied d jiied by them. Uien. Within thirty daysofofthe thee leticn eleti1ofofVo WI thin tjiir ty (30) (30) days Lingflerubcrs1 Voting Nenthe r s, the Un.t AdvIaoyboard Oord jlal1 i11 1O1 Unit AcIvIoty 1cd a eeL1i,g to elect oixo to e!ct onen.c;nber 'crnber of ljnit Advicory the Advicory Board &'ar as the Unit floard bes as the theUnit UnitAdVisL_y Advi..y board Jnee to besigne meet meet ijtji with ad andadviEc advisethe the floard of Virectors Directors ct card of ofLhte Lh scoc1ntLori a a to ma ttcrc of niattcrc of 5iitrent tre t ofofthe geiiet al nen,b;rshii .iienbrhj mid the general the ud of th

:46O5 1283 UWfl Owners of of condcrfljijurn units nil ccdo:niijun Units nIl tile t!i Property. The Exiotjng Prcperty. Oeaignee Designee6hafl &iialserve 1 serve pitasur,oof the at at thethe ieaeure the Ut unitAdvlEory Advisory Bor Boar Ti The Unit Unit Advieory Advisoryboard Board shall, ha1l, however, boUeyer,be besolely iolelyadvisory adviry and and


oard of toard of rtctors rctcr ofofthe thAsociatjon AEciaio may, may, in it, £tg itg discretion, iseretjon.

chiooeenot. notto tofo1lo follow the advjc advice. The TI Board Board of of Uirector Directors of the the sccjatjc may, ssociatjcn may, from from time time to o time, time1 transfer transfer certain powers atid Certail; powers and responaibjiftieg tile A6socjatjon re6ponsjb1i1tia of the A6sooiatjonttothe theUnit UnitI.dviaory Idvaory Board Board by appropriate recoluicn, appcpr-iato resolution. iexthej repre6tjflg Fach Voting Voting Member representing aa particular particular Condominium CondominIUm shaH have one shall one Vote Voteinin electing electing the Uhit thilt Advisory AdvisoryBoard Board Deejgnee Cesigisee who will will advice advise the theBoard Board of of Directors DircctorBof ofthe theAnoccjatjon• Aocjatjon. Each Parcel Farcel r.ecse Lessee shall shall appoint appoiit aa ptrson aon to to be beaaVoting Ving ernber to to represent repraerit aaParce1 ternber Parcel, and and each eacj Voting iember appothted flembersos appointed ahal serve ahalt until Ida successor )Ins been serve until hi cuccesor has been duly aPpointedand and11aM duly appointed taken office. A A Voting Votthg Menber Meber appontj nppolntezj Parcel Lagse bybya aParcel Lessee need need not be be aa Nember not znber of the Association, f t! Aaaociajo, An An •ppoiiited eppoiI)tedVotiig Votii Member felrther may be rei,,oved removed from ray be frox, offIce offIce at any 8ry time by the Tarcel by Parcel Leobee LCCbCCwho WO appoInted him, appoInted hir. Voting Merrthera Merbcra ppinted votlig appointedbyby the the Parcel Parcel Lestiets euees shall hall be n-emberF nemboreiffthe theParcel ParcelAdviaory Advisory oard. oard. The The Parcel Adviaory oer Advisory ?o4rd shall ahali hold meetings at a time and and place place to to be bedetermjjied detern,jj by by thez. thcx. Wli thirty (3C) dsy Within thirty (30) dayQafter afterthe tueVoting fleztherg are Voting flernber9 are eppointed appojitted by by Parce' Lessees, esees they they shall the Parcel theet ha1l treet ag as the Parcel Parcel Mviory Acvi8oyBoard board and elect elect one and OneofoftheIr theIr number nwnber aa au the Parcel Zdvisory Zdviory Board Board Leignee who shall attend meetings Leigz;ee who rIiall Attend meetingso.f of the the Board Board of UirectvrB of Ujretvrs of theASSOZiatIDJI ASSOjOU and tie andadvise advisethe the Board of Loard of 2jrector-s jrecors offthis theAsoci— Aoia tion as to mattero ma tterG of atioii as to of intere interest L of of the the general niemtership - ad general ruerttUership ild oC oC the lesee. The t !,e Parcel Parcel Lessees. Uc i ynee ia Ia Lie lcee .hatl serve ervc att the p2eau-e p2 easur-, of of the the ?artel ?arj Advisory Board. Advisory Board. The The Pazc Parcel :.dviory :.dvioryBoard board 6hall, shall, however, be solely dvsory ai however, be colely advisory arni the the LoaLd of Di Directcr oacd of rectors of the the Associario;i n'ay. Lu .ii its di Coretion ciDose djCcretjojl chos zot oL tto lollow tie hollow tue The advice, Board of of IJirecicre Directors of The Board of ti the Association A eociation may rron, fr,n te

to tne, transfer to tine, transferCertain certajupoweLs poeLs t,id :id reporisjbjjij5 recpoIl5.bjjitjes of the tIi feocietji to fsociatjcxi to the the Prc9i rarci #Uviory iiJvioory Doai-I by apprcprjte Doard by oppropriate resolu— resolut j


- 5-.



Eadi Ecji

Votiig repree L1i a a?acl VotingNniber Neniber represenLing ?azcj shall shall have OhC oe vote vota ii, eectng eectjztgthe the Parcel /dviory Parcel Advisory Etr Desi9iicr Deai9nrsdLo ho wilT wilT RdVL. ndvi t]e Doard the Doardof ofDirec Directore of the the Asociat1oii. Association re of .'e

io 'Jer,4'oar tnit Oi,e Qf.jjL5L.

n .oi;uL eojith,— cuj,o oze I;cighborilood !ciQhjiorhood"aso— ?sociatjong cjatjons (as (as the the same bre defined ii, the ecl a?ne ae defined in the De aration) atio:).Mejthcro einbcra in ueh eigILborhcod &ssociation(g auth Weiglthorlicod 5sociation(g) COrjsed aolely J coinprjsea Unit Oier solely ofofUnit OwlierB whose uni whose UnjLtn are notioCOtidomLnjum are eondor,unjum unith no or units, nio orherearter he.reafLermade made _be to to the Declaratj,n, c1araj, shall c_bect be ba1l b entitled entilled to to elect elect (rem (10 among amoflg tiienelven, tliernselven, repectiveJy, renpectjvely one Voting ore VoLin Member Mernl for each foreach ouch such NeighNeighborhood borjood Iaociatiomi, Association The Thefirbt first electjo:z election of of such such votjn Iemnber Uotin Member for a a part1cujr for partIcuj8r NeIYII]JOrJIOOd i911bOrjieod Iocia tj.011 ofof t1Hilt Owijera Asocjafr±oni Oiier winoce Wftoce unite are notcc-ndornj IJixita are not niur unl to odrnJniun% unito. chall shall be be colic Led inrnnediately coic]cLed IL

mjnjjzr, riiju±r, uni unjts ts,



LijaL Lha L


ha1l be shall je merobera rne,nbera cfof one o:e


alter the election e1ct.10 ofofthe after te Board BoardofofDirectors Djrects of of such 9llbori,ood suchNelFehborjod Associa tiojiby by huit Unit Ojer. Owners./tt nuch such timee ti flernL'nrz flernL'era who are ljnit Vnjt ho are Ownera that Owners iii that ileigliborhood AsnocL aLlan shall iighborhood ?s iatiomi shall cat t one one vote vcte for for each Euch )nlt each Eucil unit owned, owned. The rite 11ether Hether of of each eacii guch such t4eighborjod lgthnrh,od ABsociatiori Associationrece.viii receIviIi9 aa majority majority of of the vote caat the voten cant shall shall bo the iniLial VetJ.n enber for infLial Voting Menber for such ucIi Ne Neighborhood tsstiatkon There— .borbood tsorjatjon Thereafter, tim after, the ClecLInIi of election of tue VaVLj9 ting Nen-ber Nen-ber for the for each Nel!jbcr_ each nuci uci Neighbor-. hond Asocatjon hood Association JIa1i cc,iductd ainivallv shall, bebe ccIIduct,*d aIuiua ily at theend end of of each t Ue each annual meeUn annual meeting of UelJLborhood ofthethe eber Assocj ssocintjoji ticni (unless the Uni the Uz-ift Oters inintiia t Associ. at! o call Call aa Special that Associ.tjo; special Moe Fleeting Li flgof Ofthe the Ne!igh_ Ii— borìoud hs500i3 borlioud ejtjLion for t1me for ti FUrPOe of conducting such purpose of ojmductjpg election) ucl1 election) and. the arid tue Voting Votj:r Nerrber Members so elected o eleeted £hall cve until shall serve until their their nucces— uccesor have havebeen been duly duly elected sor elected and and hve ive taken office. oflce. For Forpurposee purposes hereof hereof. the tiic Votjn9 VotingMcrnbera Flernbers SO so elected ejoctj shall .halj be nuL)ject uLjec'- t-, t- the the are ruj regarding elentjo1 same rules regarding electjo to. to and and duration durtj1 of of cfIiccz-einovaa reiovaj rrom trcrr office fLice and arid the the like ljke as as set for Lhi the set fOLh .i Lic f3y-LowaEofeach By—Lais Nc I 9hbo rhod fssociatjo As sod a ti on, as 9borhcd as IfIf the the Vcthg Vc Li g Heuiber C were HecberE wee rnenLberc of Lie of flit Uitectoi-s of tune the board of cctoz-s ci Uei ths Uejji0 I!bu hoou Acsuci alien, j1 except if Lhe Vtiii Menijer I-eLier Df jr Ihe Voting of aa partloular particujarNoigJnboJiood cJbi0j Assoeiatl,, (a6Cs ror for any any reason, ari t toj] old tacJ such pcsjrloIi, posir,011 'c nay only be be i-eplacod b a tleniherr ft1roxr replaced by a tienihe o S ucin uc]1He i gilbot hood IAs uc1tIo suc I t I OiChectd elected ii

re' 1

s-j ]ectIjg ICIng31f the at Spec1 elLc5 of ILs .'e1Lhccf such uci JojLno JcJ iO t,ooj io:;J —6—

Lq6O6 1285 1285 GO) days dzyB c of the 60) tite vacauy. vacancy, butj i the but; the cze of ?ejIthorhd AGcccabLn, case of aa fleiglthorliood Aecoci abjoit,Until until aaSpecs al Crr the 5pecaI th ?nLlual ?.mival rneetingoi eering c metbeta of mti.,e c.f ai;±or1:ood snociation elects ect a new the iientherg Melr.ber, cue one of o membersoEoftIio the Board Voting Mcr.ber, oard c c Directors Jirectcra off the Negbcrhccid cciat4on (to NeighborhoodAAssociatSon (to bee selected e1etcd by by aa Sp1a1 SpecialMeeting Meeting of such such oard oardofofDirectors DirectorBwithin withinfive five(5) (5) days day9 of of such such vacancy) vacancy) eveas the Ehall s the rliall serve interim Voting Member suchucIi Neighborhood thterii Voting Memberofof Nei&borood cjion withwith all the riçht& and rëBpi1sibi1itien Association all the rights and respnisibi1itieaof ofaaVatiri Voting ierer duly !ierther dulye.ected electedby byti'e thenmber8 membersa as afreaaid. aforesaid.

Association As.oCiatior withi, ithn GIXty sixty

a;3z! ncaticn

Voting Menthers rnc-s lected Voting elected by by the Owneta theUnit UuIt Owaoffall Neigisboc— t4c1q}.bhood AAsoc!ations cc1abin whose whc rnern.bes hood membetsre arecmpri&e comprised solely Unit 1ly ofofUnit Owners Dwna of of L'uIts Lfts othcz other than than coridondnjurn ooidondjui unitn, unite, shall ha11form Irn aa bc'rho Advicry Eoard which shall hQld borhjood Adviscry Board which shall holdnet4ngs aetiiigsat at aa tune tirne and an determinedby by thn. tim,. Witiiir p1ze dtcrnir.ed WItliIr thirty place thfrty (JO) dayc after ifte their U1r O) days rnet as ac tht th t;eigliborliood 1ecLjon, they Ne1gliblico Advisory elecLion, they ehall meet Board and Advcry Boax aid shall oiemarriber mrnber cof the t1i Heighborhood sia11 elect e1c ole Board a tim e1çIibcxhcdAdvisory tvisry 5card tj ieigIcthood Pdisory d1ry Bcrd Eesigzee Board Designeeto to attend Jeighbcr2iood iit1 meetings rneetizg of the f tie Board of DIrectors D1rtor off the t. Association Qaxd cf kcoc1atizj and d advtse dve the tUe goard of Directors nf nf tI2 Directra Asoe ticm ãas to t Association t Inatter ate of oE i:itereat the iitereat to tb of of iiiter gee1 menthertliipafl and iriters tt to tli the Oer omerg of Units that generalmetherli1p ts that are condominiumunits. units The shall serve re not rt cDndcrn111urn The Designee Dige Ehall erv att the th He1boriiocd p1easurf! ot pleasure of the Neighborhood 1dvi6oy Board. The Neighborhood Nçhbor]iaod AJvi6ory hoard, Ejhdll1however, dv1ory Board oarc1 shall Advisory however, be b&sol ci11y aly advisory d.ri6oryand and the th Board card of Directors - of cf DirecLos ofthe theAssociation Aocit1ou riy, may,iiiin Its scre tioti, choose Lts dl d1EcretiOt choose not te aUvice. iict to £ol1c the TheBoard Roa of aUvice. The AssociofDirectors D1eCtDrof the f tie Assci-

ation nay, from time toto ti1e tite: trajis ton may, frn tirn let Certain powers a:i transr cert.i pcerc and respouR— iibjUcs hi I ties of I ciatio ofthet Acsoci a tion totothe tI lieIJi gitborhicod gbcJiocd Advi6ory Board Advisory goard te rcso U ti On rcjUtiI. zpr1t hyy e,topria -

Li ng enbe EiC Vo Each VQLifl Ienbrr

ep rosen Li zig PCBiiLifl

prciuJr i oti Jar HeeiyI!bo)coc i yI'bo I )ood a par

sThace me,r.ber2 hre soiaton %hac Assoriation re ccnptied clIy comprised o1 ely I (Unit tJijt Ower of cf ii uin thu cwdcirijuin uVu t,I ts 0 U r that coidom U'it t shall ave one a11 have one vote vote i;ij:i elect— electdvi c'ry BDard j ruet_j flei:1eighborIiood inj ghborluood A dviscry Board L n19nr inrc.e ]io 11 1 i aly av .ae the thc Board ci of Directors of cfthe thet&socjatjo,t. /5Oitjon j-jr VOJHU WEIUIJTED VOTJtIG'.N tSOC1tfl ASSOCIAUOr; MAflEBZ. fflEfl. The flue Votti9 Votitiy NenLber Nenther zoJrecnLIuug Coxiciorni;unn, ur 1CIeihLiiIJ a pcrticular prticu1i CDJ.ridnjni-n orthe the VoLig VoLiiugt-1tiiibor t-leIhber



:46O6 1286 45O5is repreentin9 Association whose ncI!ers are are corn fleiglthcriiood Association whose neliLbero representing aa neighborhood cc'rpised Ownerg of of Unit Unit 0wrerg pri sedEDlely sDlely of of Diii Uiiitts in in aa Reoideita1 Pe8identia1 Neig1or— hood District cnrnnrtrer1 e.r1oF of rLher n LI ertJ'i tbtiCTl(m1iliiTrfl cnlulcm liii I'm wits, wit sI I I have t]:e the riurther voeo In in the ritir ofofvot the ,sociation ssociatio,iequal equt to the Tctal Total Unit Trea definedinInthe theDeclaration) beclaratlon) iiiInsquare Unit Trea (sasdefined quarofeet, feet,con— contanec ta ned within wi tikirlsuch suchCo:idorriiiiurn Co:jdoirittiurn or or contaiiied contained wi wi tIII thititthe riteLiiijts Lhii ts in in

particular fleigithorltood neighborhood Nc that particular trict divided byby SO, COD square Li6trLct divided S0,Cac cuare fee- ronded fee the the nearest CuOth) Determinations rfl to d to nerst50, SOCUOth). of Total etermiiatjoiis of Total Unitt /rea Utij Area for forpurpese purposes hereof hereof ohall nitall be by an alt architect be made nade by rchiitect eieoted by selected by the the Dord. oar& If a aCondominjtirn Coiidoztilrijurri or or Residential Residential eihibcrhood Dig L)igtrict trict coprised tJeigiiborliood coried of ofnon-cotsdornjiiiu,n iofl-cijdjjiiu. Units Units contain coitiri less 0 DU guare 1eSE than than50, SC,00U usre feet, feet,thethe s SDC i a LIon rrcprcseiitiiig cprcse it tiny ULije to AsDciat1on Ehll have Owner shall nve one one (11 Cli Votjn VotingMember, ieirther. Lhe Voting tii Member errber representing 'rue repreentlnga aprticu1r particularParcel Parcelshall shall have Lh nunther nWTther of of votes Voles In In the ?tav the tion ejual equalto tothe the Total Total theTts000la Asooclajcn

Parcalau defined thi DeclaraUon) Parcel-Area Area (aa deflned in the Declaration) Itt In aquare squa feet feetccii— con-

tine within withinthe thebuilding buI1io orotbuildings buildiugaexisting upon lpo a Parcel tined divid-d by 20, 000 sgua:e divided square feet rounded 23.23, CUOth) roun.dedtotothe thenearest sr-eat U0th) DeterninaLiors F&rl Area Deter,,ir,afrions of Total Parcel Areafor for purpoce purpoces hereof hereof shall shall be node architect selected rade by by ull architect selectedby bythe thehoard. hoard. If rni,Ln.s If aa Parcea Frcel rilLaii lea tbr than 20,00 equre ure feet, feet,it shall len 20.ODO t shallhave haveone one(1) (1)Voting Voting ilernijer. I1ernler. The The Marina Parcel hiall 1arina Parcel one (1)(1) tall iihive sve one Voti rig -eic]Uc Voting -cIrr ad and e-e c-tie ( vote regardless of of the thellunLber Ilunlber of vote regardless of square Eguare feet. feet. contained contained in in irtprovemelito upon upon the the Marina 1arina Parcel. improvements Parcel. The Developer shall smallalso alsobebea aVoting Voting!Ieober. ne,rber.hovin havi Igaratall all tU1O5 at least least twtee tw the tile vot1ii VDt1II pobQerof tinen ofall allother otherVotix:g Votix:g-1e.-,'rs i.-,trs mcd. ccn..'i ned




Vctng 1LeLsp ha1 thalj h bdjvjdd VcUrmg flcnUemsLp divided inLu' :!le c1ase Eet IxLL' lot Ui b1ow. Lhjw. 1

11t OC.L1oii sh1l •il,e tssociaUoi shall i'e haveLhre threeP t) cleoaos of ) c1sses of A




Votiny voting






VQL1O(' all VQt1n' Claso A Voting Voting Members tiembers shall 1,ee all thepro— poecoordane with the in accordane by Unit UnitOwnru O-ier ii. Members Meitbers elected elcLed by VotiIgnernber member Each class eias A VOti9 above. Each L!1 L!c1 IV above. o Artshall be entitled votes speiied specified iin art— eutitled to to the the number, numberofofvotes andininthe theL)eclaratiofl. I)eclaratinfl. above and lola ide 1V lv above Voting 'shall Members shallbbsall allVoting Class Voting Meibers Class a Voting CLASS CL$SBB Ui the the with accordance wi Lessees lit lit accordance appointed by .embcrs appointed Iembers by Frcel Frce1 Lessees



Class B Votin9Mother Each povisious Class B VotiT)9 ibcve.Each povisionsofofttrtielc rrtieleIV above. V In Artgpecifie in to the the :;mber :pmborcfofvOtes vot gpecifie4 shall be be entitled bhall entitled to icle IV above and in Lnthe thel.sclaratioii. sclaratioii. the Ce— DoVoting Member Neithershall shall be the The class class C C Voting C. The CUS5 C. CLASS ClaOo C C Voting Vctir.g TheClass euccessoroand aridassigns. assigns. The veloper, e:dIto LtBsuccessoro v1oper ed plus two two (2) votes (1) vote, vDte plus neither shall be entitled to toone one (1) (2) votes e entitled fleirber shall duIcheach each Cises Class A for tacit A Voting Votin;Member Memberi isentitled entitled vctewhich each vote (2)votes votesfor foreach eachvote vt.e which which each Class B to to cast, caet,plus plustwo two (2) Menber entitledtoto cast; cast; provided provided that (I) (i) until icmbar i isentitled VutiIi vtiiig Dle Voting B Voting VotIng Members, MembeZo, the A or or Class the role Clas B are Class Class A there are Member. the Claus Class c C Voting Voting Member. shall bibe the Nenber Ehiall Nenber


tence. existeFice. shall have perpetual perpetual exi Iie tssociation fssodiationLUau thie ARTLCI VU VII AR1LCt BOtfli)OF BOhflh) OF t)IRECTOflS t)IECDflS

Lc-IG øOS cord ofotirc,crG ;aed by bn ,na3ed ]1 b by aa &oord /sQCitic'n chall Asooclation )evel(5). The ilte Deel— jot less than five (5) but nOt provIded - Laa but pov{r1d iii inthe theDy O-La, gilt at all tires1 times, right at 311 cciitl hu iri ri cciitlnuiiiri abEo1Utethe absolute have the ope shall have cpr rsaL or elec elec aa to appoint appoint or -embsr, to Clao C c Member, longer theClaso untI longer the witiiititisino110 Lhc

Eoard ofofDireCLtr5. najri ty of of the th mebers DirecLr. n.ijority mer;bersoL oL the the board of Directors L)ireCtcrs of acd of addressesufI the first. Scard of the first. onJ aLhJrS5eE ijanues nalilea and Tli Tl office whoshall shallYocj.d theA e ocia Li ('hictI on Nh [cii shallbebefive fIve (5)). 1ro id office shall the ;ociation )uly suceessoraare ae duly thereattcr tints). tiiiLtl succcssor ad tb1eleaLtr ejection aid niir.iL 1 the tie firct first electiOn u'iri otflce are aa a follows: ]n.e taken teii otElce follows: ad licve C]CCLCd ]cLcd arid


#46O6 r12&9 Addrass AdJrss


Gerald Gerald I.. L. ibm flci

Suite 1775 TatiptCi C.Ly Ceuer 3ie Taup Ly Center

'rampa, FlorLda 3i602 Suite 17Th 1775 O2te Otrarpa TaipaCity City Center Cmi ter

William Wi11arn C. Kramer
'arnp,F1ôrida Florida 33602 23602

Chris Chris D. D.Salenii S.enij

SuIto 1775 Center City City CenLer

One. OITamLa Tampa

CIiarle6 E. E. Smith Srritli Charles -

Lawrerc Lawrence

. O'ej1 O'Heil

1mpa1 r1crida Tampa, Florida 23602 23602 Suite SulLe 1775 1775 One Tampa TampaCIty C1yCenter Centr One Tarnpa F1cria Florida 3S602 3O2 Tampa,

2910 First '2910 Fjrt Florida Floridadrwer tawer Tanp, Tampa, F1crid FloridA 33602 33602


Exceptfor tor the Except the firGt firtt Board of Directors ard oC Dirctcrs,

iiith the provided iii provided

y-La, .)Lrctr 'Jirectoro thall be elected theVcting ia11 be eleed bybythe Voting


Iier7lbersof fthe thehssociation tssociatjo at the annual Meer, aflflua.

at th

Membrch1p Membership

ni1es oUicrwjse unless Uierwis

tnLjn the VLin Voting etjn off the

as provided providedbybythetheBy—Laws y-Ls of of the the Association, and the sDciiOr, ai the

By-L9 etay ay prcvid By—Laws provide for the me

(or tlic mhod thud of vctn in the f vLn theelection e1ectiuand ed fcr for the th recva1 râmoval from btfice cf fori bfice ofdirectors, directors: OIIy Only tljrbers 1ir.ber of of the the

AøciaLj1 Asociatj0,

'r auLIori2ed uLhied representatjve1fjcerB or rcprcoezitatjveo olficero orcreitployeea p1oye cf the the Developer of evc1cperororParcel Parc1Lessees, Lescea zay iay bbe directors. dTrecLoro.Heithero bro

elected e1ectd to to the theBoard Srd cfofDirectcrg Directors thall ha11}ld 11dOffice ô(fic until until the ext sueceedii9 ,text succeedingmeeting meetingofofVQtthg Voting I1crbrB. flcbers; and nd thereafter thereafter untU until gua1.ifec uccern arare duly guaflhied guccessoro duly elected andhave have take:i 1eted ad take:i office. effice. p ir a 1rertcr e1ecte theVoting Voig Mernber If a Dirertcr elected bybythe Members sh11 shall for for any ay reasoncease cee fr, be reason be a Director, the rsnaining remaining Directors DIrctor, the Diteors 60 so eecLe ejected my elect electa aSuocessor Euecr tto fill the may thevacancy vacancyfcr for tue baiance baaH of the U1eXpjreUterm. term. unexpired



The Assocjtjo,, fsSocktjii shall have aa Prezjden President a Vice-?, all have Vie-picsjdejit esideut aa ecrei1ry 7reaurer none Secre Lary and aa Treflut-er ne of whom i#icm iied needto to bee NeniLers ofthe the rinber cf f.oeiaLion. and id cuch ueh other fcoejaLjoji, the oard tiier oCCierg oCe a asthe Qrd of Directors Jrectorg frDrn tine tirn to iy from elect. Oii totime trne e.ict.. One peru person may fbi 3mote motethan than one one may ]:ol(3 offjc office • tubj CLt to ubjt to the 1 linitt1oflG ml te U ons tget forthi i the forth IJi Qy-Law, By—Laws,

The officers ofuirers of o.f the theAssociatIon, ASociat±on, ininaccordance The Ui accordancewi with

apf the By-Laws, ehafl. of tim By—LAWS, shall bbe eLected el.ected by by the the Eoard oard of of Directors Nrectora annually for the termof ofone oneyear yearand aiduntil untilguaui— quali- annually for the term plicableprdviio±;a prdviio plicable

fied successors siccessoa are Lied areduly dt1yelected elected and and have havetakei taken office. o5fice. .1Iie names I-iane and addresses of the arid addresseg of the first officers officers of first ofthe theAtoci— Asociaatiojl, tioji, who shall hojU who shall hold ofLic office until uccessor are until successors are cjuiy chaly elected elected and aidhave jiavetaken takenoffice, office, chall bebeasasLo11ows ha.1l fo1lows —


cijatles E. Smith cIj1eg E. Smith

Suite Suite 1775 1775 Center One Tampa City Ce:iter Tampa,Florida Florida 33602 flirpa, 33602 william cl. William G. Kramer Kramer



SLjite SLitte


One Tampa ty Center One TampaCiCity Tampa, Florida 33602 3)602 Tampa, F1orid


LawrJice 3. O'Ileil O'Ileil LaJrcnce J. 2910 First Florida FlorjJa Tower Tampa, Florich Florida 33602 Tampa, 3360Z


Chris D. Salemi. chris D. Salemi. SUite Suite 1775

One clue Tartpa Tampa City City Center Center Tampa, Flodda Tampa, F1orda 33602 336D2


iisc ix 1flTL




The By—raws ofof the A The the ASQZia tion may oiatjo may be be nade, made, altered altered cr rescndcd at any regular rescinded at any regular reeting meetingofofthe the Ditectors, iZcctorg, or or any any special sped 1

neting called for forsuch JCh purpose, rietjng duly duly called the vote vote of of the the Virec-. purpoae, 'ipon upon the )irec-. tars aa provided provided itm the y—Lawe, y-Lawe, eeept tcrs iii the exceptthat that ththe initial initiAl Py—Laws Py-LaWB of the Association Assciatlo slafl Ehall be of the adopLedbybythe thefirst first Scard bemace mace and and adopted Board of Directors Directorsin iiiitm itt organiZational orga:mizaticnal action. action. a

AnT I CL X Afl11CLE )ç 1Mn wi: El E ss rs Tureriinent.s totothese Tinericinents theseI¼rticles Articles of i:iccrporation of i:iccrportj on may bee

rcproposed by posed byaarnepmcr rnepibcrofoftIitheBoard Boaniofor1)irectorn Directorn of 05 tb the Asmocation AsocaLjom or by by Voting Voting Nenbara tembers of of tie the AssiG9ociation oct a ti on hold jug one—I. Iii rd (33— holding cue-third (33-1/) l73)

vctin r Siqhto of 01 th tU VOting qhztin in tIie the Close Clods A A and and Class Class B B vQL1n' vu tiny nejitljer— Ihelidjerctii tip. /rtcles rr.ay p. These These rtcles may bebeamended at ally ended at regulr rnee neeLiiig ally regular Lijig cf tie Boani, 3ca1, or an' specldl peci al meeting or att any of time tiue Dord meeting of Board duly duly calied Called and and




lieU heIi for forEUCII EUCI1 purp, con the purposes, tie affirmative affirmtjv vote vctcofoftwo—tI,irdg tWD-t13jdg (G-2/) cf th (E6—2/3%) of tli1)ircctoz-R Directors prcQnt iit t .a neoti2iy neeLiirjat at which whic1 &a gUCrU!U guru

is Is preerit. pent.






nameoand aid addresses addrses o(o(the The names thesubcriberg subscribers to to Lliese these ftrtjcjes frtjc1es - 1flCOrporainare aze2 of Incorporation Address )lddres

Name H am

Williai C. William C. Kramer Kramer

Suite Siiie 1775 One Tarq,a a1itpaCity City Cetiter Center One Tampa, Florida 23602 Tampa, 23602 Snjt Suite17Th 1775 Iarpa City One laripa City CciLer Center

Charles 6. Smith Charle8 E. Srnit2i -

Florida 33602 F1oridi 23602 21O Fir 2910 Fjrt Florida FloridaTowc Towt Tampa Tampa,

Lawrence Lawrence,j.J. OHeil OHi1

Tampa, FlorIda Tampa, FlorIda 33602 33602 ARTICLE xri RT1CLE Xli

REQITEfl) OET1 REa1srEnm) orriec

Theinitial iiL1a1 rieteredoffLce Offe cof Uia reiBtered hi corporation corporaLthn shall shall be b The

at One On Tampa TampaCity CityCenter, Ceiitcr,Suits SuIte177S, 177,

ampa. florida 33602, Tampa, 36o2, with with th privilege priviaeige oof having havn its the office and branch its Offe nc1 branchoffices cffic att other ctier

p1ace ithut the places within withinoror it2out the State St.ate of afFlorida. F1orid. the Th initial flitial Re1str-edAgent Ayent at that adrsg)ialtillbebe Re1stcrcd at that addreEs WILLIAM IL.1tM C. C. NRA!-ER. tRTICLV tRTIC XII! Y5Ii Lfl Ou L1SSOLUTI SOiUrI o:

i 1utlji 'E (Ugco1ut1w oftic theAcr,=itj0, Acboiatjo.j, .11 all cof its 1t aesct shall 1ia11 nveyd to nnother conveyed øthr ii0nprof iinpr,t e corporation, ccrprat1 uni Icoxpora ted CItiQH or orpublic public agency. association



.N WITNESS WflflS$ WHEREOF, UEREOF, the IN the caici caici Subscribers SubsrjIjr have have hereunto set set ILj Iiv tiLeir hnnd, th1 this ______ day off 1985.

1:itc' C. bMI-La




C!ItRLES Sf1111 CtRES E.E.$111f1



J. 3.






The TIi



o _____________ of /7). U"

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VtI:t VJ1vMY P1

c( cqç 'OVRY PW3LIb


pl!-'-.r rLoRrn)' flotty pl!——5!arnr flOtMi rt.C)rut' q ('4.,. i JcUu I1L .t L.WtNCL ttLJ I


- C- -


foregoing wag acknowledged before me oa this cknow1edged before faregoing instrument i-trument wa





in compliance in compliance with with the th laws of Florida, F1OIda the IRWS of the following following is is subnitted: submitted: Firet That desiflng Fira -- That elr.lig to 0E9&nlze u:der to cr9&nize under the the laws laws of of the the ——

State of of Florida Florida with State with1tits principal principal Difice, office, as as indicatediñ Indicatediñ the the

foregoing frtic1es trUcles of Incorporation, 1neorpor&tjon at fore;oi,zg at City Cit.y Df of tarnpa Tampa County County Of of :hillcborough, LaLe of uhllsborough, State of Flôrid, Flôridc,the thecorporation. corporatiortIlarned ,ianed in ii. tile the E1d said Artic1c rained Articic has has namedWialiam Wi.liern 1. i.Kramer, Kcarner, located located at at One One Tasipa City Tapa City Suite 1775, J775, city cityofofTampa, Tampa, Cou:mty Center, Suite Countyofofflfllcbc,rcuqli, fljilcborouqli, State of of Florida Florida, as its statutory registered registered agent. agent. its stAtutory

nan,ed the tlio statutoty statutory agent flawing beehIlarred ent. of of said said corporation cororation at flavitg been the the place placede1g:iatcd dig:a ted in in this this certificate, certificate, I hereby hereby accept accept Ute the came and came and aree ct in in thin this oapaáity1 ee to to ect to to comply witit rapadity,and andagree agree comply with t] relativ, to thspóvisioria provisions of of Florida Florida law law relative to keeping keeping the the reglatcrcd reistercd I

cfic open. offIce open. •.


4llllam 1fll 0. Kramer G. Kramer Dated this //' bated this /7117 igas lg5

dy of ________ day of if)

I, I —c



-, II P


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