Art Of Inc

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iBrpurtnpnlnf Stutr I certify that the Articles of

attached is a true and correct copy of

In co rp o ra ti o n of



A S S O C IA T IONOF B R A N D ON,lNC., a cor por ation or ganized under the L a w s o f th e S ta te o f F l o ri da, filed on June 20, 1989, as shown bV

X :X X

t h e r e c ord so f th i s o ffi ce .

T h e d o c ume n t n u mb e r o f th i s cor por ationis N32907.

un! tbe mpbunD GibenunDer of of GrentSeu[ OeStutt floribu, tbigtbt tbe@s$ita[, nt QLullaba*Bee, 2 1 s t Us P o tJ u n e ,1 9 8 g .

. a1 -rM 'r



Uim ftmitl1 fie*elatg of f;tate

r.t . -r,nt*. '



OF ,i-....;. ' l-. ,..:-*-,i-:, ARTTCLESOF INCORPORATTON s" '' '" - '' .''l'




l:' " 'r


of Ctra!tter,,.'.;'6-17,; requirements In compliance with the a lL o f wh o m a re re s id e rrt g the un d e rs ig n e d , FL o r :i da S tatutes, a ' 6 E , h a v e t h is d a y ancl all of wh o m a re o f f u ll of l l l orida p u rp o s e for the r r o lu n tarily associated t h e ms e lv e s t o g e t h e r a n d d o h e re b y n o t -f o r-p ro f it of fo rmind a corporatio n cer ti fy: ARTICLE T LAKEVIEW VILLAGE name of the corporation The is called INC. (krereinafter HOMEOWI{iJIR' $ i\ii$OCiATIO,Y OF BIIANDONT, the "Assoc.i.a'lion" ) . A RT I CL E I I This A ssociation's o f f ic e re g iis t e re d Fllo r lcla A venriei Tampa, F lrrrid u 3 3 6 1 2 , a rrc l sg e t) t is A ntonio Duarte, I I I , wh o " re s id e s a t Jl oth this A ssoclation's o f f ic * re g is t e re d va,gent rnqy be char:ged frou time to time by D i r ectors as provided by la w.

is 1 1 9 5 9 No rt h it s re g is t e re d t h a t a d d re s s . a n d . re f iis ' b e re d the Board of

A RT I CL E I I I EUNPO$X AND POIJSRSOF THF ASSOCJATION T his A ssoeiation d,o e s n o t c o n t e mp la t e p e c u n ia ry g a in o r pr o fl t p u rp o $ e s f o r to the members the re o f , a n c l t h e s p e c if ic w hickr it is fornied are t o p ro v id e for the ma in t e n a n c e , pr e se !'v & 'bion and r:rrchitec t u ra l c o n t ro l o f t h e re s id e n c e L o t s (h e re in a f t e r w i th in thert ce::tain trac r- o J l p p p p s rly c a l] e d th e "Property" nnd more p a rt ic u la rly d e s c rib e c l, a s : See r * fer * nce.


A attached





an d to promote the he a L t h , safety a n d we L f a re of the p ro p e rt y r es i cl ents within the a b o v e * d e s c rib e c l and any ad .diti ons thereto as may lie re a f t e r b e b ro u g h t wit h in the j ur isC,iction,rf this A s s o c ia t io n . Wit h rru t limit a t io n , t h is Anso c:Lation is empowered ' b n : ( a) exercise p o we rs al-I o f t h e a n d p riv ile g e s ancl to p e r for n r alL of the d.uties a n c l o b lig a t io n s o f t h e A s s o c j. a t io n as se t forth in that c e rt a in De c la ra t io n of Co v e r: a n t s , '( C r r nclitrons anci. llestrict ir: n s h e re in a f t e r c a l1 e d . the "De cla ration" applicable t o t h e F ro p e rt y a n d re c o rd e d in ) th e P ublic Records of H iL ls ] : o ro u g h c o u n t y , F lo rid a and as the same mir.y be emended from time to tirne as hereir:

p r o vid e d, set fo::th

said Declaration in full;

b e in g

in c o rp o ra t e d

h e re in



paymerrt by any (b) and enforce f ix, Ievy, colleet to the a s s e s s me n t s , p u r$ u a n t menns, & L1 char6[e s o r l awfu] p a y a ll e x p e n s e s in c o n n e c t io n te r m s crf f,he Dec"!.aration; t o t'r the a n d o t h e r e x p e n s e s in c id e n " b and all office th e r e with a ll t h e A s s o e ie t ' t io n , in * lu c L in g of the business o f cr r nd u ct o r imp o s e s ta.xes or gov e rn me n t a , l- c h a rg e s le v ie d lice n se s, of -t h e A s s o c ia ' b io n ; er 6 ia in st the property r)\ rll r p u rc h a s e ( c ) aequire ( by dif t , or o t h e rwis e ) , j-mprove, buriLcl Ltp o n , o i: s ra t , e , ma in t a in , c o l). v e y , s e I -1 , ho L d , p u b lic Ltse or o t h e rwis e for transfer, derdic a t e l ea s* , ctisr$ose o.'l rea-l- 'lr personal- 1:r'upe:r'r;yin connectj"on with the irrr"t;j.on, *,fl'aj-rn c,f thrr y'"ssc.'c (d,) br:rrow money, anC w:i"th 'bhe assent of two*thj.rds ( .7 ,/3 ; r:f eLass of n * mb e rs mo rt g a g e , p f e d g e , d . e e d it r r:f trr;st, or hypothecn'bei $ny o.r' alL its rr;-& per$onarl proF*rty a: security for nioney L''orr,rwed or d,*bb';; ir:cur::ed; participate ( e) wi. t h in * * rd i" " u a n d . c o n * o lic t a t . L rrn s p u rp o ses nonprofit o rg a n iz e d f o r t h e s a me eo::poratio n s _o the r -b h a ' b p ro p * rt y , p rn v id e d addj,tir:na1 an nex resid e n t j. rrl e rn y - ",) r such merger, eonsol-idatio n o r a n : n e x c rt io n s h a ll h mv e r t h e (2/3 ) o f r: a c h c la s s o f me mb r* rs ; asse n t of two-third.r ( f ) have and to exern j. s e a n y a n c l a ll p o we rs , ri" g h t s a n r l p:l i v:.],eges which a non -p r: o f it c o rp o ra t io n o rg a n iu e C u n d e n illorj-cta Law mnJr nolv or: l:ere;'rfr;r:r have or exercise. A}ITICLI] IV

L4nMrrnfi.$itlP Every person who from time to time holds tl:e reccrcl. fee si m pi.e title t,o, or: any u n rliv id e : c 1 f e e s j-m; ile in t e rre s u ir: , an y Lo t :hat is subj*ct t o t , n e p , rr: v is in n s o f t h e lle c la ra -L ro n (:}r ai:ly fiupp].,rnn'::n"l.,n.iDr:cl,iJrilfi-ol: is fi. rnenr"r:er mJ.' bl:1s Assoeiation, coli";:"r:l{:1;sel--ers, br-tb e:i:clurilirrg ail per:son$ whr: hsltd il-ny ir:rter,es-i: ln any LC't morely af; i:r r:th*r security fr:r tfre pelform&rrc€) of i:rn obliga[ion. fur Or,*rer of fitore than one Lct i,n t:r:titleri to one membe:lship for *nch LoL ownecl. Menbersh jip is to, appurtenan'ti *nd. lir*x)' ns'b ber '*t" least one "T,nt tLrat sepa:'ateC from, ownership of i*; sub ie cl: to the provisic)ns c f De c la ra t io n o r a my lS u p p " le rrie n t a l Deelaration, anc;- rrrernl-rership mey not be transfer'.re,J" o'Lher tlrnn h:r tremsfe;r 6f 1;!i;,Ls tD *ilrcl:l Lot.


ABTICLE V VO T ] NG B I G HT S The A ssociation m em b ership:

sh a ll


t wo

c la s s e s


v o t in g

Class A members shall be all Owners, with the -Alaes-j, (u rn d e f in e d in t h e De c L a rn t io n ), of the Declar a n t e xce p tion to one vrrtc* fr:r each Lot r:wned. When and shall be entitled person h' rld s a n irrt e re s t in a n y l, o t , a ll s u ch one m o r e than pe r so ns shall be members . I ' i' re v c lt e f o r s u c lr L o t s h a ll b e ' no event shal] more than exercised as they deternri-ne, o n e vote bn cast with :re s p e c t J ; o a n y L o ' b . B. The CLa:;s 3 ntlml:r:r' s:lla"li he the lJec.Larant, ernd sha lL be enti-t-Lecl to tk:r e e { : J . } v o t e s f o r e a c h L o -! o wn e d . T he Cl.ass F,. nrem'i:e:'s;::i.p sha;l ceag*'l er:rd be coo'v-ertrici to CLass A of the f o ll. o win g m e m b 'ership on the happe riin g c rf e it h e r eve n ts , which e\rer occurs * a rL ie r: (a.) W hen the total v o t e s o u t s t a n d in g Memhership equal i;he totril votes CLass F rnembr.. rrs h ip ;o : r (b)

on the anniversary when the first Loi purchaser.

in t h e Cla s s A outstanrling in the

d a t e f iv e y t s & rs f ro m t h e d a t e is c o n v e y e c l ' b o a n irrd iv id u a L


BCffi This Assocraiion's affairs are m&naged hy a Se_etrie'n-l. Direetors Boa r d of e ig h t Dire c t o rs . initia ll-y c o mp o s e , l. o f 'Ihe numbe:: of directors f,rom timm to tinrtr rna:r b,+ changed b'y a m e n d ment this to A s s o c ia t ir), ' : ' s B y * L a ws . ' . i' h , s in i' L ia l l- li::e ctors narned.beLcrw sha L L s e rv n u n t l] t h is A s s o c ia t io n ' s fi r st annua] meeting. T h e t e rn i o f o f f ic e f o r e rlL Dire * t o rs :is one y6)a:r. llef o::i) srlcr: nrlrrua.l mee+;inti, ,:r1-.1 vacr.Lr:c.i,es occu r r ind{ crn lhe i*onrt: a f Dir: e r: t c : ' s , if & DJ r, wi. l" } b e f ii} c d hy vo-be r:Ll 1; h e rr* mr* in : ln d Dire c t o rs , ' a mnjority L lr Dire c f o r, eve n i-i:' Less 'shan a. quor u m. A r: lr Dire c t o r n a y $ u c c e e d h irn : r* I f ,r r he rself in ol'fiee. A lL Di: : e c t o rs a re e le c t e c [ b y s e c re r t w r i tten bailol; at this A s s o c ia t io n ' s annuai me e r: in g , berofinning vrith the f irsN arrnual rneetinul. Eat-rh member may cast as fire.ny votes f or e;rch vrLcancy as suchr member i:as i and th e person receivinll thrr la rg ; e s t n u rn b e r o f v o ' b e , , *c : n * t t f rr r e a ch v acancy is elee1:ed. . Cu . mr; l, rrt iv e v c ' t in g is n o t p e ru rit f e d . Dir e cto:'s need not be A ss o c ia r; io r: n e mb e rs . Tne n&mes and adrC.resses of the persons who $egtien-e. will" sL:rve ersi li::e':rtorc u n ' b il- 1 , h e ir r: iL lc c e s s o rs h e rv e b e e n d r - r L y e-1er:'fncland q';nL.i.fy , u n . lB s r* L l" re rys o n n e r d it : , : le s id , n , o r tlre removecl., ar*:

Ntlt"tfi It{ark Hook Pa ? ri ci a


APDRE.SS 1602 Dusty Rose Lane Br andon, Flor ida 33511 1616 Dawnr idge Cour t Br and"on, Flor ida 33511

Frecl Lay

1710 Cinnabar Cour l: Br andon, Flor ida 33511.

Brad Ed.wards

2L2\ Redleaf Dr ive Br andon, FIr :r ida 33511

Connie Haynes

1504 Cr ossr idg,e Dr ive

n,rnrrr'!rrn- FI nri.da iJ







Rick Mc"l"a';ghlin

Circ le f i8 3 S t iL lv ie w f f , ra n d o n , F I r: rid a 3 3 5 1 1

Ma ri e H u n n i e p u rtt

i6 2 4 P a lmle a f Driv e 3 il$ 1 1 I lrmn d o n , f lo rid a .:

Jo h n D a rl i n g

1 4 0 p lv jis t y g l* n L a n e 33S J"l" Branclc'n, lrlorida


$lJB,$ The names and addres s e s of of Incorporation a re : Ar ti cl es

t , h e * u b s c rib e rs




Mark Hook

1602 Dusty Rose Lan* $.ru.ndon, Floricla, .3illr1 1

P atricia



L6Lo Dawnr idde Cour l; Flor i- da 335IL Ilr, A F , ' I I CL A V I I I

nJ,SSAl*U-freN T he A ssoclation may b e c lis s o lv e d wit h t h e a s s e n t g iv e n (2 / 3 ) of i n w r i ting and sicfned b y n o t le s s t h a n t wo -t h ird s e a ch nlass of members. L ' lp o n d is s o lu ' b lo n o f t h e A s s o c ia t io n , othe r ther: j.ncidrenb -fo & rn ' $ rg $ r ilr c o n s o lid a t in n , the assets A ssociation of th e sh a ll b e d e d lc a t e d t r: a n a p p ro p ria t e p r ,r blic agenay to b* s in rila r to those used . f o r t h e ' p u rp o s e s In the event that fo r w hici'r this A ssociation wa s c re h . t e d . is r*f,us * c l a c c e p t a n c e , s u e h a s s e t s s h a ll i: e su * h dedication conveyecl and asslgned 'bo any nonprafi'b corporation, ffranted,

tru st o r other a s s o c ia ti o n r such *;imi I ar pu::pories .

or ganization

to be devoted



DUEATJON T h e C o rp o ra ti o n sh all


per petually.

ARTICI,.AX AY-LAI,IS wiIl be adopted by T h i s A sso ci a ti o n 's By*Laws initially T'Lt*rne:f*;r:.r', the By*Laws may be the l-]oa::d of ilir*ctors " a.pproval" of the amended, or resc:rncied.: with altered, p{?r:cen-L(75y,) r:1 r.rrichc-lnss of mr:mbers, e:lcept seventy-f:l.r'l as t': "Lhose pr,rvisions for /rrrtendmentto tlre By*'Laws which j.n 'L.he Declaration prr:vicleC are D ecla r "atioi: which in case those such Amenclments.

or any {iupplemental p ro v is io n s s h a l-I e o n t ro ]


AMSNNMAILT,S these Articl"es Amendments to may lre l.?roposed and ad.opteC. in the man.ner frc,rn t:Lrne to time provieieC b.y the lawn pr":vicled that ea*h such anienclm*rrt l.'loriC,a, ojl the State of percer:t ('75Y,) of eacl: must hnve the approvarl- of se''rer:ty-five p : : , : v is io n s cla ss of member:9, those ex c e p t as to for Arnend"ment to whj-ch are proviCed. in these Artieles the r,vhich casr:,' lJec,r,a.r:ation or arry Supplement Declaration in 1 ;ho se provisions shalL c o n t : : o l s u c h A me n c ln re n t s . A RT I CL E X I i

T}iJ"UREffTT/ITJON Sxpress referer:ce made to is the Der:1*r"i:rr'Lion whr::re ne ce ssrtry to intrlrpreb, c o n s rn . t rs , a n c l c la rif y t h e p ro v is io n s of the se A rti-cl-en. W i-'bh o r. r"lirn b it a t io n , a ll t e rrn s d e f ' i" n * d . in th e D eclaration have the s a me me a n in g wlre re u s e c l in L h e s e Ar ticle s. B y sub::cribir.rg a . n d . f : -L L in g t h e s e A rt ic le s , the p ro v is io n s in co r p orators infend its t c r b e c o n $ is t e n t wi' b h the pr ovisions of the De c la re t , io n a n d t o b e : L n b e rp re t e c l, ccn str u.ed, and appliecl wl' t h f l: o s e of the De c la ra t io n to a vo id inconsistencies or c o n f lic t in g re s u lt s . A RT I CI -E X I , I I

,EIIAZV,A-APP*RtrIML As long as there is * Class S membrership,the frrLlowing

appr oval of the Feder a l will re q u i re the pr ior actions Administration : Veterans or the t\dministration ing I{or-rs pr oper ties, mer ger s and a d ctitional o f e n n s x eti o n clf mortElaging of Common Area, decllcation consolldations, these of Ar tieles. and amendment A re a , d i ss'rl u ti o n C o m mo n for the pur pose of for m ing this IN WIT N E S S WH E RAOF, of Flor ida, w€, the under signed, th e laws c o r p o ra ti o n u n d e r Associatior r ,. t hav t: of this th e i n co rpor ator s c o n s t i tu ti n g e x e c u te d th e se s A rti cl e s of Incor por ation this tLr e - = /' 7- day o f J u ne , 1 9 8 9 .

} >atr icia




cfary authority, this BEF'Onli ME, the undersi6ned p e r s o n a l l y a p p e a re d Ma r k llook and Patr icia Cook, t r: me we ]l they lm'rwn to be the persons who acknowledeted to ure that exeeuted the foreg'ring for the purposes set forth h e re in . WITNE'SS m:r hflr){






June, 1989.

My c o mmis s io n

,,/ tJne #.-



e x p ire s : i "l ;l l i i ';,i ' l {r.,tr:r/


!. Il y 0l i nri i i r;11"1


!' [,AR|:rt



15' Tornshlp-29south' The sauttrmstqua.rt*rof the iforthwestquarter.of sectlon lesr rlght of my for and East the ort woty-tor-rodd or n,rnneff] [:fi$t, less-ntnfrt fr'lortda County' sborou6h l"ll i l $outh, t"t^-tlto l-:Tr,iiii"i,it"$1,;;r{

!._t 3mq!"-,1 29 $outh, Totrnshlp qr.lnrtor.0fSectlon_15, qunrtnrof the ltorthwest Theliorhhwnst lil'lor'idl. 0ounty' rodd h{'tl'lsboruu$h E{l,rtr for th& 0n of tvcr# nnn6*frq}fio,nr,'Trrsi-nlqllt

IM-LU ?$ south' of Sactlgn15' Township qrrnrtcnof tho }'lorthwest.quartor Thet{ontheas? gfuo cornerof tho North'

p.ano* the Soutt'lwest fo1lowtngtro,ct: $:rorn flg linsq,'ierr 0 degrees?? *u'si-quirint"rir tire ltorthwestqunrtor of sn'!dSectlon15, run_Norgh rninutes05 socondt l{cnt 331.35"feet, thence$outh89_degrecs.Slt ll-3saeon<1s minut,rio Sout|rfJ de$rnesi?flnrtnutes3tl sncondstnst 330,70f*s1[, lratt, (iflfj.gilfmn1i,tlhnncm fect t;o_ttofntefi[t0rl}$Pn'Nnu CI'tsecondEbtlest6$8.CI5 rlrnmcnidonrth [lt| iienrfl*s $$ nr"inutes Flor{dn. Count.Y, on the !dest,,i|{t"!lsborough Atr,lrlq]$s'"'iqhgof n,nyfov"rory,d r.'

.P"ABS.[^LL'f" . f l a n d .1 .y{na0n d tre l n gw {th{ n the Nor theastquar ter - of the Nor t} r wes t A ? , r a c to qui l r 1 f i r n r i $ ect{6 h 'l S , T o w n sh l Si l-r e EAst,,HJllsbor oughfounty , g South, F.,lnr ,ri30 f lor i C , l l n n d mo repl a rt1 cu )a n ]yd e rc r lhed ns fol' lows: For a point cf beg' lnnl n$,, ng t-hn finuthwmstcorn*r of t,he sn'!d l{ortheast qunrtcr of f"hel,lort,hwsrt fionmnncm q u n r t , *r o r r $ c e t'fn nt$ , ru n frto rth0 dogr eesil? tntnutes?3 sr sconds l{ est 331.35feotl t.henc*SorrthSS degruos$3 mlnut,es05 seconds,East658.03 feet; thence $oqrt,h 0 dc.fiSres feet; .+"hence f{orth 89 degrees $S nlnutes 330.78 ?? rn{nr;tc-.1 M finst *eeond* -silfonds .to tho Po'lnt of Snglmn'lngo [.[5$ the hlent ?S.{JSfaot for 0l hJmst{il$0,05lnomll itcxndlrey. ,


"' quarter of $oct,{on'!0,Townthip?$ South, T!,xn of tho $out,hnest $ouLhrrr$st eufirtmn [:it$tia'lrp$sn{6ht of w(v for !}untrrar'$tront 0n tho Enrt frllllrborougheountyr [g,nn*.ij0 .['] nw r.rl n I

!V t

ir .,{ i;a


qucrter of Sectlon l0r'Tannship?9 South. The $outhcastquarte!"of the Southwest '!ess Rnnge f0 [alp't,, r{ght .{'1j' $t,rnct on.tha lnfest,FiftlSbOnUu0h wr\},for ils,nfi}nn 0c'Unqyr r/ f ! o n{d n . pA!lc{!" v!.!

Lot, hegfnn'fngrtr$!!rloeotlforth of the Sor.rtheast'*rnn*,of the Southwestouarf,er of, f . nn - $ r t u t "n { t ns'c q {J'n !" tnonf'S r,rct'{n n 'l0r ]"cwnsh{tfS p $or .lth,[tongo?( } Snstr fiJr ltth er neo ldort} 7t5f,r, feet, th*ncs . ost '13?Sfo*t, thenco $outh 76S f'eet, f""h6nco [as,t l$t0 'f-ee+. tn '[lte ,pc'tnuo{' beg{nn.fngn !{.!lisb,onor.lgh Cor,lnlly,Flor.lda.

TA&MLY.LL?. The $outh tlrree-fourthsof tha [ast one-fourthOf Sectlon S, Townshlp Zg Sout,h, Enst, less !"a$Troad rtght of w4y,nnd less t"yre-" the ltofiLti laCI f,eeit of 8.rngo^tt rdrst ?61 {'mmfi al'*ufct linutlnt,,rr"*:ei-founnhi $f tlrsl'Hlst oflo-founth, u$l'fTy{r!$-mrC rfc'trngi n l{I i 'ilsilronnr,lgrh ' 0r,lun,ty n l: t onIdo.

ga&Q:|.tT, qlrfrrr*rsn-otr quartor of. $octlon '10, Townshff, the $or.r+,hwest eglSoutho Jne ruo1Lnwo$t .!yx ltnn$mf;tJiln.srto d"lJ Tyfnqo,ndbrslnqi ${{'!j$tj,sr0u6h r,hun{y,F'lortdtl.




quarter of Sectlonl0' Totnshlp quarter of the Northwest That part of the Southwest t h e . S o u t h e r ly - r ig h t . owa f yo f A t la n tl c C o a st $ o u t h . o f ;;i ,-tV i ng ' ! a n d ? g i o u t,i r,n ange-?6-E 'l es s a s : b e d d e s c r ' f of trac t t,he l i n *- p ,nifro na, .8e9{n n ln g . c6h a { ll 7 9 a n do n e quarter ol'the Northrest southwest the of corner Northeast tne or ha'lf llnks soufir ln t e r s e c t l o no f th e a t t h e E a s t r 2 9 ! o . u t l. ,Ra n g e . 2 0 qu o r t*" n i i ei i f on l fl ,-Tow ns hlp 'l1nm rlsht of gr.$ction rillJroad boundury.ol',the wtth t,heSoutn ofl snr.{d L*rt Qurorl.t6p tlounc{ary of slld Sotrt,h a'lorrg. sa'ld hlest 15 mlnutes wify, rrrn thencoltoi*r 83_degreen one and thence_South $ cha'lns cornerr second a cflainsto ru"l'iro*antgttt-of .[,{nlrs way, ]0 colrner, 10 fiorst mJnutus chn'tns dngrees'!5 83 $outh thencet one-ha.t.f io Uhtnd -t polnt llnlcs to tho of 0ne-half t0 a f'our.+,ft cDrner,thnncei\orth-5chalns0n8 ind lre6'l nn'in6 .

.P.A&"Q.fl-*''-L quarter of Sect{ong, Townshlp 29 South,Rungo The!{est nne-haifof the Southeast quartor quarter pnnt of Soctton the Northeast of $nLrthwest t"hn.t fi'f th# 2,,rEnrt nnd . "r'ownshlp of tr.Y1rrq.$outh thn contorl'lne of $treot ?ll tins't, Curry l{,on$e 5,r)r,rt,Xr, t{} $!, nnd Sout.h l,nc liast of the Atlant'lc Co*st !.1n0Rn{lroadrlght of woyas ruld street, lTTo$SU&0IVI$Ifil{f uccordlng 0n milFo{ E,fi. h'lElif rlqlrt uf w,ny1s nhcrv*n nncinn1'ir6cr,d B00k"K'r at $rngo $00of t,hepuhllc '.. 1p t")ead t0 thfl ml?,n o!. nlr.t thorerrfns re,corCr:d r"r;rcords a"r il'f'! lshclrough Counl.y,Florida, Lt"5$itne $ouljt iji0 t'oet of tho Nor8,hS,00 quarter 0f the ltortheustquarten, Iesg f*qrl;nf"[:hoEn:lt,$3rJ'l'r,'et nf* sn'ld$out,humnt thau p,rrt cieeded by deednncorded'ln0ftr"lc{uiRoconds to Ceruntry of ,l'{'lllsbortrugh J5 5 $n n p cs o7$7.



a$ t a p o 'l n t 2 1 0 fe e t l { est of the Nor theastcor ner of the Nor thwes tquar ter Crnnnnnc{n o r o - - t n lpv o n th n a st, cl u a rte r o f $ o c tlon' !6, Tcnr nsh{if|} p Sr r uth.Ran$s?0 East, r un thenc e ,[ii$rti]]0 l'ernt tn t,ho filorihean'fi Go!'norof salr:lNorthwwstquart*r ofl thn f{orthsast r4ur,rrl!*r,t[]ronce$r.:qet,h n"lnnEthe [as,t boundaqyof sa'ld Nort,hwcrtquarter of ttu Nnrthe a ' l t ,q u r r r t er 4 (1 0fe e t, u h e n coF ior tlr wesf"er "ly fn' 6 str ai_$ht11noto eho potn t of hog.N nnl ng IS?.L!-YI!'U lr { o r t j t r r e s t.q u a n tn o fn t,h e N o rth eastquanter of Sect{ on' !6,.Tm r nsh' tp 29 South, R ange 2 r 3[ i a . s t , l e ss a n d .e xe e p f.. th o fo ]'!ow1ngthr es par cels: ( 1) Beg{ nn' !ng at the- Soutf,w t s t c C I r n ero f sa {d h l o n i :h w e q stuar tnr of thr l{ or theastquar tei and i"unilorth- i i ong t.h*,h''t'r:;''i hroundnqy of gnicf Nort,\wes.tquartcr of the Northenst,quunter dgo feetl tdnce [a r t p a r a l l e 1 to th s S o u th b o u ndar yof _sn1dlr loar thwest quar ter ' of t,he Nor th eas tquar ter f e *r i ; t he n ce polnt 5 o ';th e a .ste n " l.y feet ?&i,.42 a to 4?0 feet [ast of sn,[dfr l es t ': 1 7 i l lr o u n d ; t r o y { ' th e N p rth w e stq u n rter o1' the l{ or theast quar ter and ?10 feet f' {nnffrof the South b,-rundary of sa'ld liiorthwestquarter of the ltortheast quarter; thr";nceSoutrrAtofc i r t p a r a J l e i to $ ri 'rd ? d e st, i.if' b r:ru nciar ;y _"the f{ ur thwtst quar ter .o' !' gheltnr the as t,quar ter ti),[i riolqli crn-thetaut]l lun'.lncary quarter of the !'ior'[ironit-qu,tnger o'l''r,n'lrlh'lnrthrses'[ t t \ e n c c ' n t e sta 'l o n sth s) S o u th 'l o u ndar yof s,r td ltor thwestquor ter of tlr e lto,r ttr ei s t, Q u . l ! ' "f efro n 4 i f0 .fe th e p n 'fnt. ofl^.} ;ng' nn'f lnfil nnd also ' less ( ?) geg{ nnlnS- ?'!O teet Hest of rhn f{orr,,\qnrtrorner of rhe ltarth;'6sglquarter of, ffre ndrtheait quiitl, ot Se c t l o n l 6 ' T o w rt*h '{p ? $ S o u th , Ranfe?0 [ast, ind r un the;;; *sst to the tt or theas t c o r n e no f s n {rdl vn rt;i ,l w uq$ut"d rte r o?' thn i' { ont} r onst quar tcr , thencp souCr l- ai ons r the E*st I {no of chmsp.fd I{ortjhw$t quarter of,-tho ltorir,eaii ,iuirie*-Ooo-tee[.-[ficoo,

riorthwnster'!y_{n n srr*ishr iJng'tg rhrrpotnror heg.f *n.fnd,-tdii (ii ;;;# ,il'rrv for Lukewsoqr' S{ryu,n1tuCIr'tt"p]JfJil'lo Av*nrrtf'|l,

\r lr 'f i


P'-rrsuant to Chapt e r 48. 091, F lo rid a Statutes, the follo wind is submitted: ilhnt tAKlii'/i[[{ VILLAGE HOMA0I.ilNER'S ASS0CIATION 0F BR.Ah '[DON, I\lC. clesirin6 t o o rg a n is e u n d e r the la ws o f t h e l i ti:r te r:f I'l.oriiLa with it s in it ia l re g is t e re d o f f ic e , as :-rrr:iica'bed" j.n the Art,icles of Incorporation, at City of T'ri.rnrr.:ilr, ilr:run|y of liillsborough, state of Florida, has named lr tr i ;tn:to Ll;ftr'[e, III E squire , Iocated at 1 ] -9 5 9 No rt h F lc lrid a /'\.vr-jv.'.r..ii:f, C,i.'ry of 'Iamp*r, Cr:un'',y of HiLlsborough, State of jj'"'.'t,:,j_'-i.;-i., Etr:i:i:; d{J{:ftt to ac*e$t service of proeess within 'lh i"s:;* ;a-te ACKNOWI,fiDOEMEI{T : Havini ffr:rpnrnl;icln cerbificai:e,

been named to a c c e p t s e rv ic e o f p ro e e s s f o r the prace nammd &'trove, at the clsn if;lnatecl in this I agree to act in theit capacity and. to comply

w i t h t }:e r p ro vi b i o n s




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