Aramu Muru

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Aramu Muru Doorway in Peru Kanook Nov, 2009 Located within the Hayu Marca mountain region some 35 kMs [21.75 miles] from the city of Puno [west side of Lake Titicaca] and a bit northwest of Chucuito, Peru a mysterious giant stone sculpture is located. Cut into this stone sculpture is a doorway, cut out of a squarish flat cliff outcropping, the locals call the entire assembly the “Place of the Gods” internationally it is known as the “Doorway of Aramu Muru”. Inca legends speak of it as the place that “life” was first created on Earth. Legends run strong today in the remote regions of our Blue Marble, the local inhabitants of this area claim that people have disappeared and reappeared near the door, while even today many refuse to get close to the door claiming it is a portal for the ancient gods. Some of the older inhabitants have told stories of tall men accompanied by glowing balls of light walking through the portal. The door labeled the “Puerta de Hayu Marca” [Gate of the gods/spirits] appears to have been carved out of the natural rock face, the face is measured at 7 meters [23 feet] in height by 7 meters in width with a small alcove in the center of the base which measures just under 2 meters [6’ 6”] in height.

In the early 1990s, a local mountaineering guide Jose Luis Delgado Mamani stumbled across the structure while searching for new locations to take his paying tourists. Inca legends state that in the distant past great heroes have gone to join their gods through the doorway, and that some have returned from time-to-time to inspect the progress of the population they left behind. One legend repeated over and over again is that when the Spanish Conquistadors arrived in Peru, looting the gold and precious stones, one Inca priest of the “Temple of Seven Rays” or “Aramu Maru” fled into the mountains with a sacred disk known as the “Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays”. Hiding in the mountains of Hayu Marca he eventually came upon the doorway, which was guarded by some shaman priests. Handing them the “Key of the Gods” they performed a ritual, and when they had finished they took the “Key of the Gods” and opened the portal – in the glow of a blue light the priest passed through the portal and was never seen again. Archeologists, it is written, have discovered a small circular depression on the right hand side of the small entrance, postulating that a small disk could be placed and secured by the rock.

The Doorway of Aramu Muru is just one small part of the Inca Empire, a mystery in itself with fragments, albeit they are impressive are scattered throughout the Peruvian Andes. It is written that Lake Titicaca is the cradle of the Inca Civilization. The lake itself is over 12,500 feet above sea level and is reported as the highest navigable lake in the world, it is 122 miles long with an average width of 35 miles and extends from southeastern Peru to western Bolivia and due to its size during the seasonal storms waves of pretty good height smash against its shoreline, and the waters are pretty cold, understantable at its height above sea-level.

Most access the lake through Puno, the capital of Peru’s altiplano1 which is the “folklore” center and the established gateway to the lake. According to Inca mysthology, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo (Mama Huaca) emerged from the depths of the lake on the sacred rock gate on Isla Del Sol and founded the Inca Empire, a neighboring sister island “Isla de la Luna” is another holy place where a convent “Virgins of the Sun” is located. As a matter of record, the entire lake was/is a holy place, which again according to legend when the Spanish reached Cuzco, the Inca took a two-ton gold chain of Inca Huascar from the temple at Koricancha and threw it into the lake – it has never been found. Jacques Cousteau mounted an expedition some years back and surveyed the lakes bottom in a mini-submarine. In 2000 an international scientific expedition discovered a possible city under the waters of the lake.


The Altiplano is an area of inland drainage lying in the central Andes, occupying parts of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Its height averages about 3,750 meters (12,300 feet) [1], slightly less than that of Tibet. Unlike the Tibetan Plateau, however, the Altiplano is dominated by massive active volcanoes of the Central Volcanic Zone to the west. The Atacama Desert, one of the driest areas on the whole planet, lies to the southwest of the Altiplano. In contrast, to the east lies the humid Amazon Rainforest.

Lake Titicaca from the Bolivian Side

BBC News announcement on

made an August 23rd, 2000

of the finding of the ancient city under the lake, whereas the expedition had found a terrace for crops, a long road and a 2,600 foot long wall, they calculated its date back some 1,000 to 1,500 years and that they were pre-Inca. The ruins have been attributed to the indigenous “Tiwanaku” or “Tiahuanaco” people. They also found a temple site that measured some 660 feet by 160 feet, twice the size of a football field.

The underwater ruins were found near the Holy City of Copacabana As a student of history, myths and all, I find this evidence of an underwater ruin supporting the myths of Atlantic, Mu and Lemuria – supposedly great island civilizations that once existed before disappearing under the sea after some pretty cataclysmic events. Contemporary historical records and our religious beliefs shun any such myths, but as I have mentioned a time or two previous myths are more often than not a record of our pre-history. As for finding no evidence beneath the soil or carved on rock in some remote location, I watched last summer a series on the Discovery Channel that time-lapsed our civilization forward to give us a look at the world that might be if no humans were around, as if a great cataclysmic event had befallen our less than 10,000 years hardly a trace of our freeways, great steel structures or concrete monuments would be found. The Blue Marble we live on had reclaimed the surface – and if anyone was wandering around they would begin all over again. Lake Titicaca, we see, hides a submerged stone causeway and a few other relics that provides us with evidence that “port” city once existed there and in the surround area is found ancient terraced corn fields that are a bit high in elevation to support corn. In 2000, again, a discovery off the coast of Cuba was found the remains of what appears to have been a great city, with roads, bridges, buildings and even pyramids all located about 2,100 feet under the Atlantic Ocean – verified by a Canadian exploration company in 2001 the city is believed to be older than the great pyramids of Giza. In 1995, another submerged city was found in 100 feet of water off the south shore of Okinawa – where at the time five large stone structures were found, linked by paved streets and crossroads, huge altar-like formations, grand

staircases leading to broad plazas and large as 240 feet in length. Not entranceways or chambers have yet been found. Another “mythical” city has been discovered off the coast of Mamallapuram, India2 under about 7-meters [23 feet] under the Indian Ocean – the people of India share a “myth” about large areas of the country, including a great city that was inundated by the sea. Albeit the ruins are eroded, it is clear thea the walls, steps and stone blocks were placed by man. In addition, a team of archaeologists, geologists and engineers discovered a land mass3, now under the North Sea than once linked Britain to Northern Europe, complete with a river as wide as the Thames, it is surmised that it slipped beneath the waves some 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Thank you Conquistadors, in the name of gold and Christianity they effectively wiped out the Inca civilization. As the Inca Empire slowly crumbled survivors from Cuzco took what they could carry and headed south into the rainforests where they existed until 35 years later the Spanish finally found them and finished their handiwork – death and destruction. They fled to the “Lost City of the Incas” Vilcabamba la Vieja, which was found in 1892 by Manuel Ugarte, Manuel Lopez Torres and Juan Cancio Saavedra deep in a remote rainforest some 81 miles west of Cuzco in an area labeled Espiritu Pampa, after the Empire fell the city was burned and the region quickly returned to its natural state. Until recently, Vilcabamba played 2nd fiddle to Machu Picchu, which was believed to be the last refuge of the Inca…not so, it has been established over the years that Vilcabamba has the honors of being the last refuge of the once proud and progressive Inca. 2

According to descriptions by early travel writers from Britain, the area near Mahabalipuram had seven pagodas by the sea. Accounts of Mahabalipuram were first written down by British traveller John Goldingham who was told of the "Seven Pagodas" when he visited in 1798. ( An ancient port city and parts of a temple built in the 7th century may have been uncovered by the tsunami that resulted from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. As the waves gradually receded, the force of the water removed sand deposits that had covered various rocky structures and revealed carvings of animals, which included an elaborately carved head of an elephant and a horse in flight. A small square-shaped niche with a carved statue of a deity could be seen above the head of the elephant. In another structure, there was a sculpture of a reclining lion. The use of these animal sculptures as decorations is consistent with other decorated walls and temples from the Pallava period in the 7th and 8th centuries. The Archaeological Survey of India sent divers to begin underwater excavations of the area on 17 February 2005. 3

99% of the modern world scoffs North and South America reference and use of Shamans, whereas the European when he invaded the Pacific Northwest banned their practice and made the Native Medicine man shave his face and cut his hair, an act of reducing his power, kind of like Samson cutting his hair. The Inca are reported to have had some pretty powerful shamans, back in 1949 Dr Alberto Villoldo after a powerful earthquake discovered under monastery near Cuzco an ancient temple of god, which was foretold by the prophecies of “Mosoq” a shaman of previous times. Dr Villoldo, a psychologist and medicinal anthropologist has lived among and trained with the Q’ero shamans, and has worked hard in bringing their ritual and prophecy roles to the awareness of the modern world. The Q’ero are the last of the Inca, a small tribe of 600 or more who ran to the hills and now live some 14,000 feet above sea-level, to escape the conquering conquistadors. For over 500 years the Q’ero elders have preserved their sacred prophecy of a great change coming down the road, a change (parchacuti) where the world would be turned right-side-up, harmony and order would be restored and chaos and disorder would once again reign supreme. Keep in mind that the Q’ero have lived in their villages high in the Andes in virtual solitude until their discovery in 1949 – in that year an anthropologist Oscar Nunez del Prado was at a festival in Paucartambo in southern Peru, when he chanced on meeting two Indians speaking fluent Quecha, the language of the Inca. Following in 1955 the first expedition to the Q’ero villages occurred. In 1959 at the annual “Feast of The Return of the Pleiades” in the Andes, the gathering of over 70,000 pilgrims from South America were awed when a group of Q’era (unannounced) wearing the Inca emblem of the sun walked through the parted crowd to the mountain top to make known that the time of the “prophecies” was at hand. In unison the crowd responded back, “We’ve been waiting for you for 500 years!” According to ancient prophecy, now is the time of the great gathering, the “mastay” and the reintegration of the peoples of the four directions. The Shamans are teaching their ways to the West, this in preparation for the day the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South fly once again together. Their belief is that “Munay” (love and compassion) will once again be the gathering force that brings all people together and that the new caretakers of the Earth will hail from the West, and that those who have made the greatest impact of this Blue Marble will have the “moral responsibility” to remake their relationship with our planet.

According to a master Q’ero shaman, Don Antonio Morales, the North Americans will supply the physical strength or body of the marriage, while Europe will supply the mental or head, and the heart will be supplied by the people of South America. Albeit the prophecies refer to the end-of-time as we know it and the death of a way of thinking and a way of being, they are optimistic, in that as of now are way of thinking is not doing our planet too much good. They expect the world to emerge into a golden age, in other words a golden millennium of peace, some tremendous changes happening in our psyche redefining our relationships and our overall spirituality – it seems that our civilization has just about tipped the scales towards any kind of change and they might be correct in stating a great change is coming, we can only hope it is for the better. They also speak to a long-period of chaos and upheaval, showing as an apparent massive change in our European style civilization which is on its way to a collapse and a return to the people of the Earth – they also predict a real tear in the fabric of time itself, which in their opinion will give us an opportunity to describe ourselves not as who we have been in the past but as to what we have the chance to become. For them the next “Pachacuti” is a spiritual prototype, a master, a luminous one who stepped outside of time, described as a Messiah, but not in the Christian sense, and will not be out of reach of mankind – rather being a symbol and promise of who “we” might all become! The prophecies of the “Pachacuti” are known throughout the Andes, and there are some who believe the prophecies refer to the return of the leader “Pachacuti” to engage with the ones who took their land and defeat them, but according to others “Pachacuti” is the return of thinking and beliefs on a collective level, whereas – “It’s not the return of a single individual who embodies what we’re becoming, but a process of emergence available to all people.” Today the Q’ero believe the doorways between the worlds are opening again, where there are holes in time that we can step through and explore our human capabilities – recapturing our luminous human nature, that is if you’re willing to take the chance and leap through. Most present day Andean Shamans say, “Follow your own footsteps. Learn from the rivers, the trees and the rocks. Honor the Christ, the Buddha, and your brothers and sisters. Honor the Earth Mother and the Great Spirit. Honor yourself and all of creation.” It just might be that doorway high in the mountains northwest of Puno that has no known maker might be tied to somewhere else.

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