April19 2009 Newsletter Big Jr Bacolodplusiloilosouth

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Download & View April19 2009 Newsletter Big Jr Bacolodplusiloilosouth as PDF for free.

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VISI T t he Ba col od OF FICE: #107 B . S. Aq ui no D rive 034 433-0245 H is Life Ilo ilo gat he rs ev er y SUN DAY at Del Rio H ote l 930a m


HIS LIFE STA. CLARA & HLLC Lot 19 & 20 Blk. 50 Sta. Clara Drive & San Gregorio Ave Sta. Clara Subd. (034) 7090131 — HLLC


H LM C ENT RAL. M ULT IP LY. C OM A p r i l 1 2 , 2 0 0 9 issue

What’s Inside … • •

• •


The last Weeks STATS —page 2 From Pastor JR — Serve God . Serve People PREVIEW! —page 2 DVBS coming! And The CDO report —see page 3 Apply NOW! Workers needed —page 3 Sermon Guide of Pastor Armin (South) and Eric (Iloilo City) —page 4

Today ... $

• • •

We have a Special Guest Speaker from Bacolod — Kuya Eric Negado here in Iloilo Church. Pastor Armin has a special message for the group that meets at Cybergate Robinsons, TODAY! Cebu Kicks-Off with a NEW Series “Obey His Thirst”. YX Missions Team to CAGAYAN joins!

Glorify God Make Disciples

Encounter Week-end on MAY 8, 9 and 10 at Seaside Resort, Brgy. Punta Salong Manapla, Neg. Occ. Registration Fee is at

Our Teachers of HLLC to their Summer Training in Quezon City. This is a NEED and a MUST. They are now preparing for it. Your Contribution is NEEDED — just enclose and write amount in your envelopes.


• APRIL 6 to 20 Strengthening Cagayan.

• APRIL 19 @ SWC with Brother Nat Ramos, ACM Vice President is our Speaker TODAY! Thanks for coming all the way from Iloilo and Manila. Thanks Pastor Richel Maraat for bringing our guest today.

P750 ONLY. For more info and registration, kindly look for Karleen Legaspi

at 433-0245 or 0922-8721230

Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday

• APRIL 26 with Guests from USA Church Planting Coalition TEAM in 2 Celebration Schedules!

• April 26—Kick Off new SERIES! • Apl 30-TriboConcert

Some FRIENDLY Reminders

ILOILO — CABLE 13 SkyCable

$ Sponsor ...


11:30am to 12:30pm 11:30 am to 12:30pm 11 pm to 12 midnight 11pm to 12 midnight

HLM Preachers and Guest Speakers

BACOLOD — CABLE 12 Mondays to Saturdays 630am to 730am Wednesdays to Saturdays 11pm to 12md night

 Youth YX at Cinema 5 today.  Children Church at Cinema 6 Lobby

A Dream CAMERA for our HLMtv Productions has been PROVIDED! God is good!

Have you discovered the PURPOSE God has for YOU? "You are here to KNOW Him and have LIFE in its FULLNESS" 1) 2) 3) 4)

Recognize that you are a SINNER and need a personal relationship with God. Never trust in what you can do to earn the gift of SALVATION Christ has for you. Come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and SUBMIT to all His ways. Ask for His grace for you to SERVE and follow and obey Him for the rest of your life.

Check these in the Bible if you are serious in wanting a relationship with God, thus fulfill the PURPOSE He has for you: Romans 3:23; 6:23; 10:9 and 13; Gospel of John 1:12 and 3:3 & 7; Gospel of Luke 14:26 & 27

= His Life Ministries =

(by JR, 97)






Loving God … Loving People all SUNDAYS at the DelRio Hotel 930am

[email protected] TEXT 09182817910

Serve God Serve People This NEW Series at His Life is a FIRST! The plan is for all of us to KICK-OFF this NEW Series during the 2nd Anniversary of HLM La Carlota on April 26, 2009. I’m excited for I will be the speaker there. NOT only that … DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ENDING OF this Serve God, Serve People SERIES will be in Metro Iloilo? YEZZZZZSSSSSS! It will be a grand Celebration at Cinema 6 or another bigger venue coz the Surviors of GUIMARAS Tribo Camp 2009 will join us from there! From Cagayan up to Manila … this Camp will Culminate in the HEART of the Visayas — ILOILO CITY! Whoa! I tell you … It is a delight to see our CHURCH, SITES, Small Groups grow! Nationally! In the Philippines!

April 19 — TODAY The Greatest are the Servants Matthew 25:11, 12 Speaker: Ptr Eric Negado April 26 — Guest Treat Others as You Want them To Treat You

Luke 6:31

May 3 — Pastor JR Celebration SUNDAY— The Big Party! Testimonies; Food; Party! Month of MAY 2009 — “Serve God . Serve People” Series! Month of JUNE 2009 — “FireProof Series” Coming! Month of JULY 2009 — “Extreme Make-OVER Series” soon! May 25 to 30 Guimaras, Alubijud Resort for only 2,500 pesos (this covers the entire package). subsidy of 1,000 per camper is a must for each sending site. Each student raises personally 1,500.


“pROBably tHe bESt CaMp of 2009”

Glorify God Make Disciples — jr here

His Life SOUTH meets at Robinsons Cybergate, Old Airport

His Life EAST meets at 2nd Floor Lopue’s East



missions to Cagayan de Oro

From the EYES of Ptr JR — It was a joy for me to arrive Cagayan safely last Saturday via Cebu Pacific. Joshua was with me … we left Bacolod on the same day very early in the morning driving all the way to San Carlos City, then Toledo to Cebu. Brothers Jeffrey Salgado and Jay-R Orola were with me for they have volunteered to stay in Cebu for more than a month (April 15 to May 18). They will be doing 3 things there: To strengthen and lead the Worship Team; To be Intercessors of Cebu; To be Small Group Leaders. These young boys does not want their SUMMER to be wasted. Thank God … they are doing Missions in Metro Cebu! Pray for them and support them. Going back to Cagayan de Oro … I am so glad to see the “remnant” of HLM there. They are committed to JESUS. They have been well discipled by Pastors Dante and Pearlie. We had a great adobo meal during our 1st night there together with the YX Bacolod Missions TEAM. My wife Trixie and daughter Trina is part of the TEAM. I salute the YX TEAM for they have sacrificed, adjusted and became faithful to the assignment given them in Cagayan. They did One2One Follow-Ups with ALL OUR CONTANCTS THERE! Believe it of not … na ubos nila ang booklet with lots of people … they were focused in Disciple Making even for a short time. They shared to many people using the Evangecube as well! They also had a HIGH LEVEL Encounter Weekend during the Holy Week. I was able to lead a Call Conference during my 2nd night. I was also able to discus the probability of having a PLACE (Venue) there in Cagayan within 2 months time. I am also praying for a Pastor for Cagayan this 2009. I will do my very best to promote CDO’s needs and welfare for them to be strengthened as a body of Christ in Mindanao. As you read this column … I pray God will start a work in you, let me know immediately — jr here :-) Days 1 to 14 Report are found at www.youthxtreme.multiply.com

DVBS this SERVICE! • •





Enroll your kids now! Be part of the HIS LAMBS CHIDLREN’S CHURCH now this summer!

Daily Vacation Bible School TITLE is “God’s Big BackYARD” • Day 1 • Day 2 • Day 3 • Day 4 • Day 5

or Session 1 : Serve Family or Session 2 : Serve Friends or Session 3 : Serve Your Neighbor or Session 4 : Serve Community or Session 5 : Serve JESUS!

SERVE Jesus … Full Time! STAFF NEEDED for 2009 Direct all Applications to Sister Au Jamora. Make sure you have PRAYED and FASTED 1st. Bring your written Conversion Testimony as you apply. Must be an LTS graduate or enrollee. 1. His Lambs Children’s Pastor for ONE HIS LIFE. 2. His Life Central Departments Coordinator. 3. HLM Ortigas Coordinator of Small Groups & SWC. 4. His Life Cagayan Pastor.

SERVE Jesus … on Volunteer BASIS Direct all Applications to Sister Linnie Sitiota.

1. Missions TEAM with Pastor JR for Iloilo City and Pastor Ranty for Bago City. H O S T a N E W G r ou p ??? TE X T B AC O LO D— 09228721230 I L O I LO — 09297163342


Guide Notes for April 19, 2009 HLM SOUTH 9:30am Robinsons Cybergate with Pastor Armin

The Secret of Satisfaction Matthew 5:6 (Ph) "Happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for true goodness, for they will be fully satisfied."

1. Why are so many so unsatisfied? You don't find lasting satisfaction in PLEASURE. "No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied; no matter how much we hear we are never content." Eccl. 1:8 (LB) "... the pleasures of sin last a short time." Heb 11:25

You don't find lasting satisfaction in PERFORMANCE. "What does a man get for all his hard work? Days full of sorrow and grief, and restless nights." Eccl. 2:23 (LB) “You work for something with all your skill, and then you have to leave it all to someone who hasn't had to work for it." Eccl. 2:21 (GN) “(Man) is always working, never satisfied." Eccl. 4:8 (GN)

You don't find lasting satisfaction in POSSESSIONS. "He who loves money will never have enough. The foolishness of thinking wealth brings happiness." Eccl. 5:10 (LB) The Secret of Satisfaction: "Seek your happiness in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desire." Psalm 37:4

2. How to experience satisfaction in life ? Recognize my REAL HUNGER "God humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna ... He did this to help you realize that real life comes by obeying every command of God." Deut 8:3 (LB)

stop EATING JUNK FOOD "Why spend your money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55:2

Start LOoKING TO CHRIST FOR SATISFACTION Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty ... If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever!" John 8:35, 51 Jesus said, "Whoever drinks water will get thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again ... It will become in him a spring of living water ... " John 4:13-14 (GN) See also Matthew 6:33 - April 26 - Bacolod: Cinema 4 with USA Guests

Guide Notes for April 19, 2009 Iloilo HLM 930am, Del Rio Hotel with Pastor Eric

.. greatest .. SERVANTS THE GREATEST ARE THE SERVANTS The word servant goes against our nature because we want to be served rather than to serve. But the Lord said that if you want to be great you must be a servant. And there is no doubt that God intends for every Christian to be involved in the work of the Lord by serving others. In the Bible the word “service” and “ministry” are the same word so the word “servant” and “minister” are the same word. All of us are called to do something. You were made to make a contribution, not just to consume. There is no doubt that God intends for every Christian to be involved in the work of the Lord. The Bible shows us that the Church is made up of all kinds of different people. We are very diverse in our interests and talents. But in Christ, we stand together as one body of people. In 1st Corinthians 12:4-7 it says—4Now there are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. 5 There are different kinds of service in the church, but it is the same Lord we are serving. 6 There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. 7A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.

God made you unique and your uniqueness is not for your benefit. 1st Peter 4:10 said, “Each one should use whatever gift he’s received to serve others.”


I DON’T HAVE THE TIME. Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:” It's a fact that people are busy these days. Or at least we think we are. The truth is that we make time for what is most important to us. We spend our time on what is valuable to us.

I DON’T HAVE THE TALENT. But see what Ephesians 2:10 has to say.

HOW TO BE A GREAT SERVANT 1. Follow Christ's example. (Philippians 2:5-6)

2. Try some ministries until you find your PLACE. God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interest, talents, gifts, personality, and life experiences unless He intended to use them for His Glory. Iloilo: with Special Surprise Speaker


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