Application For Hm Pathways Program 05 05 09

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  • Words: 1,393
  • Pages: 5
Application for WMHS Hospitality Management Pathways Program Program Overview:

The Hospitality Management Program is based on ProStart curriculum, a two-year industry based restaurant and foodservice program. The goal of this program is to help students gain fundamental culinary and business skills by applying management and mathematical concepts relevant to the restaurant, food service and hospitality industry. Students will investigate global cultures and traditions and their impact on global economy, while researching the travel and tourism industry and demonstrate workplace safety during which time, they practice teamwork skills necessary for real world careers. Students will be prepared for the adult working world, offering them on-the-job experiences before they graduate. Program Entrance Requirements: The student must: • Be a junior or senior by August 2009. • Have a minimum GAP of 2.5 or special permission from Ms. Gilbert • Earn and Maintain a 3.0 or higher in all Hospitality Management Classes. • Must have earned certification in ServSafe and possess a FoodService Managers license from Montgomery Co. Health Department.

Part A. Complete the following information and submit to Mrs. Gilbert for approval. STUDENT’S NAME


Are you a U.S. Citizen? Address

If not, do you have a green card? What country are you a citizen of? Phone

Student’s Cell

Student’s Email

Do you have access to a computer at home?

Do you have access to Edline?

Parent’s Name

Parent’s Phone: Home: Work: Cell: What 2 periods are you enrolled in the List all classes enrolled in for next year: Internship? Are you employed?

If so, where?

Name of Supervisor

Employers Address and Phone Number:

How many hours per week do you work?

How many hours did you work in the summer?

Do you have your own transportation?

If not, how do you plan on getting to work?

Describe your duties at work:

MCPS Hospitality Management Course Fee Outline 2008-09 Reason of Fee Lab Fee, per semester- all courses


Amount of Fee

ServSafe Exam*


ProStart 1 Exam


ProStart 2 Exam


Due Date

Sept. 4, 2009 Jan. 29, 2010 Oct. 9, 2009 of the year you are enrolled in ICC/ProStart 1. *Must have passed before you are enrolled in the internship! April 15, 2010 if you are registered for ProStart 1

Additional Supplies Necessary: • Completer Students are required to keep a class portfolio of lessons and pictures of work, both in and out of class. 2” (or larger) View Binder for Portfolio, can be purchased from WM ($3) • Mandatory. A clean baseball cap ($5.00) or chef’s hat ($10.00)**** that can be left in our classroom for use in foods labs. • Calendar for semester in portfolio, provided. • Disposable camera to be kept in classroom for individual pictures of student work.

April 15, 2010 if you are registered for ProStart 2 Optional Items: • Chef Coat with Name Embroidered, optional: $20 ($2 more for extended sizes)**** • Chef’s Pants: $35 ($2 more for extended sizes)**** • Chef’s Clogs: $18****

• •

Dexter-Russell Chef Knife: $30****

Dexter-Russell Paring Knife: $20**** **ProStart 1 and 2 Workbooks (include the answer sheet for the exams) $25 each ** ServSafe exam may be taken once with this fee, if you wish to increase your score or need a retake, an additional charge of $45 for answer sheet applies •

*** ProStart Exams may be taken twice for the $15 fee, then an additional $15 will apply. **** If you decide to compete on the Culinary Team, these supplies will be required.

Part B. Education and References: Use the attached form to ask 2 teachers to write you a recommendation for the program. Teachers may place the forms in Mrs. Gilbert’s mailbox after completed. School Counselor:________________________________________________________ Current GPA: _________ GPA in all Hospitality Management Courses:__________ How would you rate your attendance?_________ Do you have any medical concerns that will affect your attendance?______________ If so, please explain. Do you have any after school obligations that will interfere with your internship? (Sports, Clubs, etc.)

PROGRAM COMPLETER MATRIX: Please check all courses successfully completed. GRADE 9 English Mathematics: Algebra 1/ Geometry Science Matter & Energy Foreign Language

GRADE 10 English Mathematics: Algebra 2/ Geometry Science Biology Foreign Language

GRADE 11 English Mathematics: Algebra 2/ Precalculus

GRADE 12 English Mathematics: Precalculus/Calculus

Science Chemistry Biotechnology A & B

Science Physics Accounting A & B (Adv. Tech Credit)

U.S. History


World History

Culinary Essentials (CE) A & B

Physical Education


Software Application by Design A & B (Tech Credit)

Art or Other elective, art is helpful…

Food Trends and Technology (FT&T) A & B (Tech. Credit) OR International Cultures and Cuisines (ICC) A & B (PreReq. ICC A)

International Cultures and Cuisines (ICC) A & B (Pre-Req. ICC A) OR Culinary Essentials (CE) A (Pre-Req. ICC A&B) & B (Pre-Req. CE A)

2.0 credits: Hospitality Management Internship (400 hours can be obtained after school or on the weekends)

Part C. Additional Requirements for the Hospitality Management Program As a student in the Hospitality Management Intern Program, you agree to: • 400 hours of foodservice/hospitality industry experience. o This means you need a job/internship in the industry to earn these hours… 150 of the 400 can be earned working in the café.  Interns are responsible for running the café in Ms. Gilbert’s absence. As a manager, you will be required to supervise others, ensure food safety and ensure the customer is well taken care of.  Must be able to work in the café as needed. A minimum of 10 hours per semester is required. o Place a copy of your weekly/bi-weekly paycheck stub in your folder with your work hours highlighted. • Career Portfolio to share with potential colleges and employers which includes: o Resume o Class Syllabus o Student Profile o Photos of best work o Completion of Student Work Experience Checklist o Employment Agreement Signed o Scholarship applications o Other work as outlined in internship class. • Fees up to date as outlined above. No obligations for Hospitality Management. • Attend the internship class twice a week or as scheduled. When in the class for internship, you will be assigned written work as well as housekeeping duties. Failure to keep up with assignments will result in your removal from the program. • Work Habits: Interns must demonstrate professional work habits at all times. o Good attendance o Proper grooming o Accuracy o Orderliness, promptness, maturity o Proper business etiquette and professionalism, especially when in front of customers. o Maintain eligible status in all WMHS classes. • As the Internship Coordinator, I promise to: o Work with the MCPS coordinator, ProStart and Maryland Hospitality Educational Foundation to prepare an individualized student work plan. o Provide daily supervision or designate someone to do so. o Work with students and school personnel to monitor student’s academic progress. o Coordinate and monitor the internship experience. o Verify student attendance. o Evaluate intern on a timely basis. o Inform the intern, sponsor, and parent about the purposes and policies of the program.

o Make regular contact with the employer/internship site to review the quality of the intern’s development. These contacts may be in the form of email, phone, or on-site visitation. As a parent or guardian of a Hospitality Management Intern, I agree to: o Reinforce the need for good attendance and the development of good work habits. o Assure that the intern has transportation to and from the internship site. o Provide encouragement and support. o Maintain contact with the coordinator about any program-related problems. o Obtain any insurance covering the student if required by the internship site.

Part D: Attach an essay describing why you wish to be in our Hospitality Management Pathway Program. Include your plans for the future, college and career goals as well as anything you would like me to know about you. Part E: Academic Credit Policy The Hospitality Management Internship is a demanding experience requiring analytical skills and mature judgment, the ability to function independently, written and oral communication skills, understanding of complex management elements, and comprehension of new knowledge. The program is a full year and may necessitate longer hours than a student would ordinarily spend in the classroom. Part F. By signing below, you agree you understand all of the requirements of the Hospitality Management Program, including the curriculum, internship, class fees and additional supplies necessary for the program. STUDENT:_________________________________________ DATE:______________ PARENT:_________________________________________ DATE:______________

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