Apft Opord Nov09

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Copy _____of _____Copies HQ, ROTC UDEL UDEL- NEWARK, DE 10OCT09 OPERATIONS ORDER- 20 NOV 09 (APFT) Reference: a. Battalion Training Calendar b. FM 21-20 Time Zone Used Throughout Order: Local (Eastern Standard Time) Task Organization: Alpha Company 1st PLT 2nd PLT 1. SITUATION: a. Enemy Forces: None b. Friendly Forces: Higher Unit Mission: The Fighting Blue Hen Battalion will conduct the September APFT NLT 200600NOV09 at respective training areas IOT assess cadets physical fitness. Higher Unit Intent: It is my intent all cadets take the APFT IOT assess their physical fitness, giving their commanders a gauge for their physical fitness needs. The end state of this operation is that all cadets who are not on profile complete the three APFT events. Those who need remedial physical training are identified. Rear Unit Mission: Bravo Company of the Fighting Blue Hen Battalion conducts September Physical Fitness Test NLT 20NOV2009 IOT prepare cadets for LDAC and future Army training c. Attachments/Detachments: None d. Environment: 21OCT09 (TBD) Light/Weather Data: Average high – 55 Average low – 35 Precip: 30% chance of rain Sunrise: 0653 Effect: In case of inclement weather, the PT site will move and continue as planned. Cadets should plan to perform APFT outside barring dangerous conditions. 2. MISSION: Alpha Company of the Fightin Blue Hen Battalion conducts an APFT at Harrington Turf NLT 200530NOV09 IOT assess individual physical readiness and prepare cadets for LDAC. 3. EXECUTION: Commander’s Intent: It is my intent that all cadets of the Fighting Blue Hen BN complete the APFT to the fullest of their potential with all cadets achieving a minimum passing score (60 pts. per event) with no injuries. Cadets will arrive, on time, properly

hydrated, in the proper uniform and the training site will be properly lit. The end state of this operation will be that everyone has given a 100% effort on the APFT and that all scores are tabulated and distributed on time. A. Concept of Operation: This operation will be conducted in three phases. a. Phase I: Operations order and preparation to conduct training b. Phase II: Execution of APFT c. Phase III: AAR, calculation of scores and clean-up 1. Maneuver: Phase I: Begins with the publishing of the OPORD to the company NLT 111700NOV09. C/CPT Smith will coordinate with the BN S4 to obtain all necessary equipment. C/1SG Lynch will gain accurate accountability of all cadets unable to attend the APFT during LEADLAB. Pushup and situp calibration will be done by MSIV graders to meet Army standards. C/1LT Swatski will confirm the two mile distance around the green. C/1LT Streckenbein will ensure lights will be on. Key personnel will arrive at BN NLT 0500 on the day of the event IOT set up APFT site and height weight station. MS IV’s not grading the APFT will remain at BN and conduct height weight measurements. This phase ends when all training areas are set up and key personnel are awaiting the arrival of cadets. Phase II: Begins with DSU Cadets leaving campus and arriving at University of Delaware. Alpha Co. cadets will arrive at BN NLT 0520 for formation and accountability. When cadets arrive at Battalion, they will move into the large classroom and pick up score cards from C/CPT Schellenger and C/1LT Conger. They will fill out proper information and move into the courtyard for formation. Delaware State cadets will conduct height and weight when they arrive so they can return to their school when the APFT ends. While waiting for formation, cadets will conduct informal stretching on their own. As soon as accountability is received, C/1SG Lynch will march the company over to the Harrington turf, where MS IV graders are waiting. After brief formal stretching, cadets will be instructed to conduct stretching on their own while C/MAJ Cochran reads the standards for completing each exercise and demonstrators show how to properly execute each exercise. MS I and II’s will evenly divide themselves among the MS IV graders while MS III’s, in lanes 1 and 2, will be graded by CPT Austin and MSG Kammer. Cadets will hand their cards to their PT graders for the remainder of the PT test. After the pushups and situps are conducted, C/1SG Lynch will march cadets over to the green to conduct the 2 mile run. After cadets finish the run, they will retrieve their PT card from their grader and move back to Battalion in buddy teams. C/CPT Smith will move back with the first cadets done. As cadets return to BN, they will move to the small classroom to get height and weight with C/CPT’s Carr and Schellenger and C/1LT Streckenbein. MS I’s will be frontloaded. Cadets that need to be taped will be notified and will wait for MSG Kammer or the reserve recruiter. DSU will be released upon completion of APFT and when they have full accountability. Otherwise, cadets will move to the courtyard and conduct informal stretching until all height weight measurements are complete. If height and weight measurements are not completed by 0730, MS I’s will be released and II’s and III’s will complete H-W. This phase ends when Alpha Company has full accountability, height weight is complete and I’s, II’s and III’s are dismissed. Alternate Plan: If the Harrington Turf is unusable, the BN courtyard and/or large

classroom will be used to conduct pushups and situps. If the two mile run route on the green is unusable, we will move to Kells Park Phase III: Begins with MS III’s and MS IV’s conducting their own AAR’s of the event. AAR comments will be submitted to C/CPT Schellenger for future APFTs. PT cards will be taken into the computer lab where C/CPT Carr will input the scores into the computer. Copies of PT scores will be sent to C/CSM Arrington and to all cadre. This phase ends when all equipment is returned to the S4 and all areas are rearranged as they were before. B. Tasks to Maneuver Units: 1st PLT T: Develop highly motivational APFT soundtrack. P: To motivate Cadets to exceed standards. C/1LT Williams T: Create transpo plan for DSU P: IOT DSU arrives at BN HQ on time. C. Tasks to Support Units: C/1LT Streckenbein T: Ensure lights are turned on at Harrington Turf P: IOT have proper lighting during pushups and situps C/1SG Lynch T: Maintain attendance roster for APFT. P: IOT ensure accountability for cadets is accurate. T: Conduct stretching of cadets prior to departure for APFT site. P: IOT reduce likelihood of injury. D. Coordinating Instructions 1. Uniform: Uniform for the APFT is the Improved Physical Fitness Uniform, consisting of PT shirt, PT shorts, PT jacket, PT pants, white socks, running shoes, hat, gloves and reflective PT belt. Non contracted cadets will wear civilian equivalent. Appearance and uniform must meet Army standards. 2. Key Personnel: Key Personnel for this event are cadre, MSIV’s and the C/1SG 3. Timeline 111700NOV09 OPORD Published 20NOV09 0500 Key Personnel Arrive at BN 0515 DSU cadets arrives at BN 0520 A Co. Arrive at BN 0530 BN formation and accountability 0535 Movement to APFT site; stretching and instructions 0550 Begin APFT 0710 Height-weight 0725 AAR and dismissal of MSI, MSII, and MSIII 0735 MSIV’s record results

IV. Service and Support General: Company supplies will be located at Battalion Headquarters. No resupply available. Casualty collection point is located at BN. Material and Services Class I: 10 Gallons of water Class II: Two water jugs, cups, trash bags, pennies, 2 stop watches, 9 clipboards, 9 PT mats Class VIII: CLS items, 1 field dressing, 1 tourniquet, In case of injury or illness, CLS qualified personnel will respond accordingly. If injury or illness is not severe, injured personnel will be transported via GSA van to nearest hospital. If there is a possibility of loss of life or limb, 911 will be dialed and injured personnel will be transported by ambulance to: Newark Emergency Center 324 East Main Street Newark, DE 19711 (302) 738 4300 The contingency plan is to move injured personnel to: Christiana Care Hospital 4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road Newark, DE 19711 (302) 733 1000 V. Command and Signal A. Command 1. Higher Unit Location: BN leadership and cadre will be at the APFT site. 2. Location of Command: A Co. CO will be at APFT site. 2. Succession of Command. LTC Moxley, CPT Austin, CPT Carter, 2LT Wishko, MSG Kammer, SFC Geraldsen, C/ LTC Sieber, C/MAJ Cochran, C/MAJ Miller, C/CPT Smith. B. Signal. 1. Primary. Vocal, face-to-face 2. Alternate. Cell phones (Annex A) ACKNOWLEDGE: C/LTC Sieber BN CO OFFICIAL: C/CPT Smith A Co. CO Annex A: Cell Phone List

Annex A: Cell Phone List Cadre Chain of Command

LTC Moxley MAJ Cooke MAJ Keen CPT Austin 1LT Engleman 2LT Moss 2LT Wishko MSG Kammer SFC Geraldsen

C/LTC Sieber C/MAJ Cochran C/MAJ Miller C/CPT Smith C/CPT Mulvihill C/CPT Quinn C/1LT Streckenbein C/1LT Conger C/CSM Arrington C/1SG Lynch C/SFC Hicks C/SFC Lewandowski

Cell Number 828-455-6545 302-528-6093 443-980-8105 302-547-2866 240-217-4515 302-388-7521 203-257-3921 931-216-8594 931-217-3305

Office Number 302-831-1763 302-831-8209 410-677-0277 302-831-8213 410-677-0275 302-831-2014 302-831-2014 302-831-8217 302-857-7361

Cell Number 302-893-3274 302-584-7082 610-406-1813 443-534-5989 609-364-8865 302-632-4518 609-602-6711 201-317-0195 302-353-7769 610-513-8553 305-804-0852 205-962-2297

Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Cadet Chain of Command

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